Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Chapter 76: Jealousy (842 BC)

Chapter 76: Jealousy (842 BC)

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, AvidReader2425, for his help in this chapter.

Sorry about the lack of uploads but I had another surgery Tuesday and I was pretty much screaming in agony for the last couple of days, I couldn't even get out of bed, let alone think about writing anything. Seriously, I have never been in pain as much as I was. I have been through a lot of pain in my life, I broke a few bones, I even removed all four of my wisdom teeth at the same time, two of which were horizontal and I can tell you without any doubt that this was the most painful thing I ever experienced; I was actually screaming from the pain. It's a bit better now, but it still hurts sometimes. Thank you guys for staying by me in such a difficult time.

Now, onto the chapter...


842 BC, Beach in Greece

(Medusa POV)

The meeting went as I expected. Zeus didn't care that I wanted to be left alone and wanted to use whatever he could to gain any kind of control over me. It was a bit sad how insecure he felt as the mere potential of a rival, not that I care about it. I had to say multiple times that I'm not interested in his precious throne or give a damn what his subject do as long as they don't go overboard.

Although, the so called King of Gods was a lot more cunning that I thought. I honestly envisioned him coming by himself, stomping on the ground like a petulant child and threaten to smite me from the face of the earth if I didn't submit to him.

Instead, he came with his brother, Poseidon, and his daughter, Athena. He then proceeded to generously offer me a place in Olympus. Of course, it would be under supervision, and I would have to start as a nobody and earn my way up to the council, that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be allowed to join, considering how many of the members are children of Zeus, and the very few that aren't are slowly being cast out.

Poseidon and Athena served as backup and nothing more, as some sort of deterrent in case I want to attack their king. They brought nothing into the conversation, they didn't even voice their opinions. All they did was stand there and in Poseidon's case, keep staring at her like she was food. Athena did not seem to like me receiving Poseidon's affection, not that I would entertain them. I did consider the man's general disregard to his marriage to be quite distasteful, not to mention I was more likely to sleep with his wife than with him. Fortunately for Poseidon, I am quite happy with Hestia, so his wife' virtue is quite safe.

After I refused Zeus' generous, in his opinion, offer, the man stomped out like a child, just as I imagined. It seems that his mature and cunning persona isn't very patient and after just refusing the offer, he reverted to the man child Hestia described to me. He was probably sulking in his golden temple, trying to create a brilliant plan to assassinate me.

The man was scared of me, I could certainly tell that. He subtly flinched every time I made a sudden move; He must have heard tales of the might of Atlantis, and he was right to be afraid. If I wanted to, I could kill the man relatively easily, not that isn't tempting with someone of his personality.

Unfortunately, I need him. As far as I know, Olympus is the only home to every survivor of my home. If there are other rogue Atlantean, then they are very well hidden and do not wish to be found. I needed someone to take charge of the Olympian, and should Zeus perish, there would be a civil war. The residents of Olympus take politics far too seriously and all it takes for one idiot to kill another one for a chance at becoming king, that a massacre follow causing whatever remnants of my home to die.

That was the problem, the king wanted me dead and to take over my city, but I couldn't retaliate without severe consequences. I had a rough plan on how to deal with this but not every detail was planned out yet. But I had time for that, now on the other hand, I had a different issue. With Zeus leaving like a child, I was left with the presence of his extremely horny brother hitting on me and the woman who was probably infatuated with him, glaring at both of us.

I cursed inwardly when I heard him say that he wanted to stay with me after the meeting, and even more so when I noticed that Athena was staying, probably under Zeus' order so that God of the sea doesn't cause an irreversible incident. I didn't have time for this nonsense.

Maybe I should have chosen a less attractive appearance. If I was looking like an old crone, I wouldn't have to deal with this shit. My inner monologue was interrupted by Poseidon's annoying voice, "So, my lady, what do you like doing for fun?"

The man had practically grabbed me aside, away from Athena and proceeded to try everything he could to get me into bed. It was quite awkward and goddess of wisdom glaring at my back wasn't helping matters in any way.

I sigh inwardly, this was getting very tedious, "I like to practice and hone my magic. But other than that, I guess I quite like building things. I built my city myself; you know. I didn't expect it to be this populated, I just built the farms, roads, and a few houses and people just kept coming, I guess. It was quite nice to see how grateful people were for my creations."

"It's very gratifying, isn't it? I feel the same whenever I see my subjects live their daily lives. I don't think you know this but as God of the sea, I created an entire race of sea creatures. I called them mermen, they're half man from the waist up and half fish from the waist down. I had to create their homes and infrastructure when I was creating a city underwater. I called it Atlantis, actually, as a way to honor my origins."

I could sense where this was going, "It was very noble of you to do so. I don't understand why your brother refuses to acknowledge his lineage and forbidden anyone to speak of it. Being an Atlantean is a very noble origin, shying away from it is a disrespect to his ancestors. He should feel proud and honored. Not that he's an Atlantean anyway or any of you. I look at you and I see an echo, that's all. An Atlantean is so much more. A sum of knowledge, a code, a shared history, a shared suffering. Only it's gone now, all of it. Gone forever."

I was right when I said this. As much as it pains me to say it, Atlantis is gone. All that remains is a poor remnant called Olympus with none of the culture and a semblance of its predecessor's power.

Poseidon didn't know how to answer to that, and I almost smirked in triumph, perhaps I could escape without offending him?

Before I could do anything, he gently grabbed my hand, "I would love nothing more than for you to tell me more about it. The history, the suffering, all of it. Perhaps I could help you move on? You're welcome to come to my palace in Atlantis. My Atlantis, I mean. It's only right you get to visit, it's the namesake of your home, after all."

Now that was a dickhead move and a blatant show of emotional manipulation. He was this close to pissing me off, "I'm afraid that's not a good idea, Poseidon."

"Why not? I would show you a good time, keep your mind off the tragedy and all."

"Did I not make myself clear? No means no. Besides, you're not my type."

I tried to remove my hand from his grasp, but he held onto it. He smirked at me, "Trust me, a night with me and I would definitely become your type."

"Let go of my hand, Poseidon." He did not answer and kept grinning lecherously at me.

"This is your last warning," I continue.

"I want you and you should know, my dear Medusa, that I always get what I want."

So that's how he wants to do this, fine. I'm done being nice. I conjure a knife made of shadows with my other hand and hold it between his legs. I whisper to him darkly, "If you'd like to keep your balls, get your hands off me and leave."

A flash of fear went through his eyes, and he finally recognized that he wasn't just flirting with any pretty girl but with the daughter of the last king of Atlantis who is a very powerful and dangerous witch that killed other beings like him and would not blink before castrating him. He quickly hid his grimace and jumped back, away from me, winked at me to keep up appearances and teleported out.

Finally, it was time for me to go home. Perhaps, I'll take a bath with Hestia. I need to relax after this meeting that just wouldn't end. It was always going to be a formality, with Zeus ignoring any sign of neutrality and considering me a threat to his precious throne.

I prepare myself to teleport out, but I heard the remaining Olympian, Athena, call out to me.

"How dare you comport yourself like this in front of me. I have killed mortals for less. Leave my presence at once or you shall suffer my wrath."

Will this day never end? Wait a minute, did she seriously, try to threaten me?

I couldn't hold my snickers, "You're cute, kiddo. And this is not the time for the god act, I already know you're just as mortal as any of them. No need to pretend just for me."

She glared at me, "Just stay away from Poseidon."

I look at her bemused, "Is that what this is about? I don't want anything to do with the man. But doesn't he have a wife, go be jealous at her or something."

"You were not acting as if you wanted nothing to do with him. I saw how you tried to seduce him, you whore."

Is this seriously happening? Isn't she supposed to be the logical cold goddess? What's going on here.

"Again, I don't want anything to do with Poseidon. Now, I would say it was nice to meet you and all, but with the way you're acting, I can't bother with lying to you. I'll be leaving now."

I turn around to leave but I feel a malicious surge of magic behind me, I sidestep the curse she sent at me and replace myself with an illusion made of shadows. It looked like Athena captured me from an outsider's perspective. I was curious to find out what she wanted.

The girl started her customary monologue, "Not so smug now, are you? I don't understand why they're so afraid of you. You're definitely a fake that fooled my aunt Hestia into believing that you're one of us. Let's see if Poseidon would still like you without your pretty face. I curse you, Medusa, to forever be as hideous on the outside as you are within. No one shall meet your eyes, no one shall think you beautiful. They say you have snakes for hair, let's make that a reality."

It was a simple transmutation curse, I don't know what she's so smug about, we used to use them as pranks in Atlantis. They weren't as malicious, of course, but it was still simple magic. So much for the goddess of wisdom.

I turn the illusion into a hideous woman, whose hairs turned into a serpent. I make it scream in agony, while holding my laughter to myself. The smug look on Athena's face as she teleports was priceless. If she was the smartest goddess around, the rest must be a bunch of baboons. But perhaps no one is logical in the matters of the heart, even the goddess of strategy herself.

I teleport home and find Hestia in front of me, "Hestia, you would not believe the day I just had."


(Zeus POV)

Zeus was pacing in his temple, trying to find a way out of the biggest problem he had to face ever since killing his father. This Medusa could end up destroying everything he built.

Inside her city, she was untouchable as no Olympian could enter Korinthos. Outside, she would inevitably be prepared for an attack and stay vigilant. He had to find a way to kill her in her home somehow. He knew that she slept in her temple in Korinthos, in the middle of the city. Hestia had said so, in the council meeting. He only had to find a way to get inside. Suddenly, he got an idea and teleported outside Olympus. He was met by what would be a beautiful mansion for a mortal, he was used to such things as king of gods. In a loud voice, he bellowed, "Perseus, my son. I have need of you."



I'll be honest, I'm not really happy with this chapter, especially with the Athena part. I don't feel like this scene fits Medusa or Athena's character, really. But I wanted to have a little hint of the mythology so I went with it. The next chapter is actually one of my favorites, so that kinda makes up for that one.

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