Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Chapter 160: Black

Chapter 160: Black

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


20th October 1995, Hogwarts (Earth 2)

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

The more I spoke the more I let my aura go a little bit. It was barely a fraction of my presence, but it was more than what a wizard could hope to have. Sirius was gaping at me, wide eyed at my display of power.

I continue, "But, I'm not here to talk about my past, Sirius Black, but about your future. What the hell have you become? Look at you, a shell of the wizard you used to be, spitting at your traditions and at your family's legacy. You're barely a wild animal leashed by Dumbledore with the promise of your freedom. How the house of Black has fallen! Regulus would be so disappointed if he saw you now. Marlene would be weeping at your fall. What has become of you, Sirius Black?"

I knew I was a bit out of line to use his brother and Marlene McKinnon the woman he probably would have married, if her whole family hadn't been slaughtered by Death Eaters. But the man needed a wakeup call. With my telepathy, I was able to tell that he's very close to being suicidal, from the guilt of refusing the responsibility of being the Potter's secret keeper. He tried to make a joke about it, saying that it would be a prank to choose Wormtail as the secret keeper, but what he feared the most was betraying his friends. He was afraid that he would snap and join the rest of his family, that he would be taken by the Black madness and become a Death Eater.

Sirius Black was fundamentally broken. Walburga Black had made sure of that. She did nothing but cause pain, and Sirius associated the Black family to her and Bellatrix. This was what he saw his family being like, and he did his best to avoid this fate. He refused to cast any type of Dark Magic, or at least what the Ministry calls Dark Magic. He blamed the entire field of magic for his Family's madness, for his miserable childhood. He hated anything that remindinded him of his family with a burning passion. This was why he chose to target Snape with his pranks, after all.

He still hasn't acted after all and avoids dark magic like a plague. Being here, in this house doesn't help either. He keeps having flashbacks of his childhood in this place. The man was agitated, angry and scared, he was even afraid of taking care of his godson and causing him as much pain as his mother did to him.

As far as Sirius Black was concerned, the Black family was evil, other than Andromeda that is, but since she was disowned, she didn't count.

The man looked scared when I tore through his insecurities like that, "Why are you saying this?"

I give him a blank stare, "Seriously, Sirius, take a look at yourself. You're barely functioning. I understand that you want to go on adventures and fight the good fight, but that's not it, is it? You want everything to end, you want to be hit by a spell and join your friends. The only reason you haven't is because you still haven't hunted down Pettigrew yet. Being cooped up here isn't healthy, especially in this place. Why are you even listening to Dumbledore? This is your life and you're his life insurance. We both know that you won't get a trial anytime soon, probably never, with or without Dumbledore's help. All you're doing is making sure that he has control over Harry."

He looked confused, "I don't understand."

I sigh, "You are to Harry, what the Potters were to you. I'm talking about my grandparents here. You represent an escape from the loveless life he has at the Dursleys. Limiting your contact with Harry, will let Dumbledore use you as a treat if Harry dances to his tune. Why do you think Dumbledore is particularly insistent that you don't contact Harry, that you stay here? Sure, he's probably worried that you would do something reckless, but it's a way to collar you. He uses Harry's safety to control you and he uses your contact with Harry to control him. Masterfully done."

Sirius started getting angry, "I don't have a choice here. But you do. You could kill Voldemort and free me. It would only take an afternoon, if what you said about your magical abilities were true. So why don't you?"

I shrug, "Other than the fact that it's not my problem? The problem is that Voldemort is more than just a man, he's a movement, one unknowingly started by Dumbledore when he defeated Grindelwald. You have to understand that he saved countries with that duel, and he was elevated to a legend, he could have done anything he wanted, and what he wanted while it was nice on the surface had a lot of bad consequences. I won't go into too much detail, but Dumbledore was messed up from something that happened when he was young. All he wanted was to curb violence and death, so he kept banning magic that he saw as harmful. And the old families, who kept losing power were very unhappy, but they could do nothing to fight someone of his caliber."

Sirius murmured, "Until Voldemort"

I nod, "Until Voldemort. It didn't matter if he was a mad half blood, the older ones had recognized him but didn't reveal it to the younger generation. They supported him, and taught their children to support him, and they have done so with fanaticism that Grindelwald never had. Grindelwald wanted to change the world, to make the wizarding world superior, he had a goal, an ideology. Voldemort though, isn't a normal dark lord, he doesn't have a goal, or an idea. He just wants to watch the world burn with him at the top of it. Your generation grew with these ideas in their heads which resulted in people like Bellatrix joining Voldemort's cause."

"All this"

"Because one man thought he knew too much and wanted to make the world a safer place. Every action has a reaction, everything has a price attached to it, and he didn't expect to pay his this far back. And now, he's desperate, trying to atone for his mistakes and doing his best to limit the damage and the deaths. He's not a bad man, not really, just a desperate one. And the prophecy is giving him an easy answer to his problems. He needs to control Harry, and you're making it very easy for him to do so."

The man looked devastated, "What am I supposed to do?"

"You're a grown man, Sirius. I'm not going to tell you what you're supposed to do. I'm going to give you a piece of advice though, think things through before you do something reckless. Your life is important to a lot of people, especially to Harry. You, dying taking a stupid risk, could break the boy."

Sirius started to think about what I just said, and I change the topic, "You know, your family is quite special."

The dog Animagus snorted at my comment, "A bunch of nutjobs, more like."

I shrug at his words, "That's what happens when someone uses too much dark magic when they're too young and have no skill in the mind arts. I'm not talking about your parents' generation; I'm talking about the ones before. The Blacks have a much deeper history than you realize and a much more fulfilling purpose. Although, I was amused that Walburga was calling you a disgrace to your family when your Animagus form is your family's totem."

"Wait, what?"

"Oh, yeah. You family was legendary in its neutrality. Dark, and Light don't matter much, really. They're just affinities that doesn't matter anyway. Nowadays, it's just a political statement, nothing more. Your family's totem, the Grim, was a testament to this neutrality. Peaceful mysterious creatures that hunt the wicked. Your family were ghosts, assassins, killing people who were too dangerous. Your family stopped countless dark lords and light lords alike from the shadows. People who would have killed thousands if not millions each. You know, there were rumors about Black curses, a long time ago. They said that you never knew how you would get cursed, but a victim would rarely even feel the curse before they died. They would die days, or even months later, unknowing of their fate. And even if they knew about the curse, there hasn't been a single healer who was able to heal someone of a Black curse. This is your family magic.

"They were a proud family, and they were right to be so. You should be proud of being a Black, as well. What you witnessed is only a pale shadow of what your family should have been. And you, Sirius Black, have your family's totem as an Animagus form. You were a true Black, other than your brother that is."

Sirius looked surprised and didn't answer for a few minutes before speaking of, "You keep talking about Regulus. He died a Death Eater, he was a coward, who obeyed my parents orders without questions."

I snort, "Oh, honey, Regulus never died a coward's death. On the contrary, Regulus Black recognized the magic that Voldemort used, something vile, tainted, something far more sinister than mere Dark magic. And he chose to fight it, he gave his life in a desperate attempt of stopping Voldemort."

He still looked disbelieving, and I bellowed out, "Kreature!"

The house elf popped in front of me. I don't even give him a chance to say anything, "Give me Regulus' locket."

Kreature shook his head, "Kreature won't. Kreature will not give the witch the locket. He must fulfill, Master Regulus' wish."

"Even if I could destroy it now, in front of you."

The house elf stiffened, "Yous can't. Kreature tried everything but the vile locket remains."

"I have destroyed other objects like it before. Give me the locket elf, and I will fulfill your master's last wish."

The house elf popped in an out in barely a second. I smirk at Sirius' incredulous expression. Kreature popped back with the locket in hand. I was immediately filled with the corruption of the Horcrux. I point my hand at it, and a black beam of magic attacks the locket and destroys it immediately, releasing the usual high-pitched scream that comes when destroying a Horcrux.

"Kreature looked disbelieving at the place where the locket previously existed, "Yous destroys it, like that?"

I smile warmly at the elf, "I know Kreature. Regulus knew that you couldn't destroy it, but he was desperate. You can now rest easy, knowing that you haven't failed your master. And clean up this place, I can't believe that you have allowed the home of the House of Black be neglected like this. It is your duty as a Black elf to maintain the household. So, why don't you go ahead and make this place worthy of the Black family."

Kreature just nodded with tears in his eyes, "Kreature will, noble witch, Kreature will."

He popped out, probably to actually start cleaning the house.

Sirius, on the other hand, was gaping at me, "what just happened, what was that?"

"Your brother discovered that Voldemort had created Horcruxes. An abomination of magic, where one tears their soul apart and seals it in an object as an anchor. Understanding the consequences of following such a mad man, he chose to find it and destroy it. He died from one of the protections Voldemort put up, a lake full of inferi. But before that, he got the Horcrux and gave it to Kreature to destroy. The poor elf spent the last decade and a half punishing himself for not destroying the locket, something he couldn't have done considering that it's soul magic and is supposed to be almost indestructible."

Sirius' face was pale, and he muttered, "Reg was a hero. He sacrificed himself. So, that's how he survived. Merlin, he cut up his soul, no wonder he's mad. At least, he's mortal now."

I snort, "No he's not. Did you seriously think that a man like Voldemort would be satisfied with only one? I know where they are because I tracked them down in my universe. He made seven."

"Seven?" he yelled out.

I nod, "Yeah, but don't worry, I destroyed a few of them when I was bored. I, alone, destroyed four, Harry had destroyed one in his second year, there's only a ring left and the snake, Nagini. The ring is under constant surveillance since it's close to Voldemort's hide out, and the snake rarely ever leaves his side. Trust me, compared to where the others were, I did the hard work. One was even in Gringotts"


I snort, "Hell yeah, it has to be one of my all-time favorite accomplishments. I broke into the so-called unbreakable bank, into one of the highest security vaults no less, and stole an artifact and half the gold in the Vault, without anyone noticing a thing."

Sirius burst out into laughter, "I knew I liked you for a reason. So, which vault did you rob?"

I chuckled, "the Lestrange Vault."

This time he rolled down on his floor, when he calmed himself, "You robbed Bella? Oh, Merlin, this is precious. You are officially my favorite person, ever."

Amused, I look at my watch, "Oh, look at the time. It's almost midnight and I have class tomorrow. I have to go back to Hogwarts."

Sirius looked sad for a moment, "Can you keep visiting me?"

I smile at him, "count on it, Sirius. You're a lot more fun when you're not a depressed mess."

I teleport out without hearing his reply. I had left him with a few things to think about. I smile to myself; I had ruffled enough feathers in a day. It might be a record for me.

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