Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Chapter 110: The Juggernaut

Chapter 110: The Juggernaut

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23rd February 2006, New York City

(Jean Grey POV)

"What would be fun?" Jean asked, confused; she had spaced out of the conversation a bit.

"Scott just challenged Lance into a race to the top of the mountain. No powers allowed."

Huh. Ah yes, the alpha male stuff. Scott wants to prove himself superior in a desperate way to impress me and Lance was doing the same for Kitty, who seems to understand what was happening and was practically swooning.

Huh, a race. Interesting. What could possibly go wrong?

Turns out, a lot. It first started with Scott electing himself as a leader. Something she doesn't really understand at all. Jean wasn't even an X-man anymore so it shouldn't really be her problem. Except that it is now a problem. The guy wants to separate the team so that it would just be the two of them. Which is something that makes no sense in a race of all things, especially a dangerous one considering that they're climbing a fucking mountain.

Worst thing was that the rest of the X-men almost agreed with him. Jean had read their thoughts and for some reason, they liked the idea of them being together. Except for Kitty that is; she's the only one the redhead had confided to about her dislike of Scott on a fundamental level.

Thank God she ended up making a small compulsion to convince her former teammates that they could stay together. They already had the idea in their head; she just put it into the front of their minds a little. She doesn't like using her powers like this but she really doesn't think that she could restrain herself if she's alone with Scott Summers. Plus using her newfound control over her powers always gave her a thrill. She's really grateful for Dr. Strange's training.

Of course, halfway through the race, the earth started the shake, almost killing them in the process. It was probably Lance's fault. Kitty might look at him with a rose-tinted glasses and Jean thinks that he could end up being a responsible guy, but damn, the guy has a very short fuse.

Spyke ended up getting knocked off and Jean saved him from probably dying, at least from getting hurt, by using her telekinesis on them to get to the top.

"You okay, Evan?" the redhead asked.

"Yeah, thanks Jean. You saved my hide." He answered.

Scott interjected, "Yeah, Jean. That extra training is doing wonders for you. You think you could fly us all up to the top. I want to see Lance's stupid face when he realizes that we beat him."

Of course, Scott wanted her to do the same to win that stupid race. "No, Scott. We agreed that we won't use any powers."

He spluttered, "But Lance obviously used his. And you just used your powers on Evan."

Jean just gave him a look she learnt from her mentor. She calls it the, 'what you just said is stupid and I'll just ignore it for sake of my sanity'

Seriously, the guy wants to win so much that he would abandon his integrity for an easy win. She somewhat understands with his huge pride. But to compare saving a friend to just cheating is absolutely ridiculous. That is wrong with him? Is that seriously the team leader? What's the Professor thinking? Ororo and Logan should have noticed something too by now.

Jean just said, "You're an idiot, Scott." And turned around.

She heard Kitty mutter, "Nice going, Scott."

The rest of the climb was in silence, although near the top, they found the rest of the brotherhood on an edge that looked like it was going to fall down. Of course, they decided to help them, to Scott's disapproval. That guy really needs to have his priorities set straight. Of course, as soon as they're safe, the brotherhood ended up betraying them. Well, Pietro does and tries to use his super speed to get to the top. Jean said it before and she'll say it again, that guy's a dick.

Kurt teleported to respond and everyone ran up to the top. It's just a race, without even a bet, why are they willing to kill themselves for bragging rights of all things. Not that it means much now, the no powers rule has been ignored by pretty much everyone.

Tired of this, Jean levitated herself using her telekinesis, to find her former teammates and the brotherhood preparing to fight each other. "Enough!" she bellowed. She used her telekinesis to freeze everyone.

"Are you all a bunch of idiots? We almost died you morons," she continued, "And you want to keep fighting on the top of a mountain of all things. One wrong step and one of you is dead! And for what, some silly race that doesn't have any meaning anymore since we all broke the rules. Stop fighting or so help me God, I will get into your mind, find your most embarrassing memory and tell everyone about it."

They all blanched at her threat and nodded furiously, completely ignoring the almost dying part. Typical teenagers, Jean snorted inwardly.

Suddenly, Scott gets a transmission from Storm, "Scott, the Professor is in danger. We're being attacked and we need your help. Hank is already knocked out and I don't know how long Logan, Mystique and I, will be able to hold him off. I'm sending the Jet to your location."

The transmission is ended there and Jean looked at her former teammates looks of worry. Jean was also worried about Logan and Ororo. Not so much about the Professor but her friends wouldn't have a home if it wasn't for him and should he die, they could end up on the streets.

"There's no need to wait for the Jet. I can get us there quicker." The redhead stated.

At their confused look, she put on her sling ring and raised her hands, opening a portal to the mansion. She smirked inwardly at their gaping faces. Even the Brotherhood weren't spared. "Stop looking like idiots, we have a professor to save."

That broke them from their stupor and they each slowly entered the portal into the mansion. Surprisingly, the members of the Brotherhood entered as well. When Scott told them to go back, Lance replied, "If Mystique is in trouble, then we're going to help her."

Huh, say what you want about the Brotherhood, they're a loyal bunch. At least to their own, that is.

When they entered the grounds in front of the mansion, the teenagers were surprised to find Logan being thrown away like he was nothing. In front of them was the single largest man they ever seen in their life. The guy looked like a giant with a weird metal red helmet and a red suit that seems to be made from the same material. The suit didn't hide the guy's muscles. The man looked terrifying.

The guy picked up Mystique and threw her into the air, and tried to punch her. Mystique transformed into a raven and dodged the punch but it was so strong that it created a gust of wind that disoriented Mystique and sent her flying away.

The giant man looked at the tree, somewhere Jean knew that a security camera was hidden. How did the man know? The giant smirked evilly under his massive helmet. "Hah, I know you're watching, Charles; get ready to meet your maker because I'm coming for you and you know nothing stops the Juggernaut! "

Toad looked like he was shaking, "We're supposed to fight something like that?" he asked.

He wasn't the only one that looked nervous. Truth be told, Jean was scared too. But she read about the opponents her master usually fights. They made this guy look like a joke. Plus, he can't be worse than Apocalypse.

Jean attempted to use her telepathy but was blocked by the helmet. What's with evil mutants and their telepathy blocking helmets?

"Can't use my telepathy on him. We need to get his helmet off first. Then I'll be able to put him to sleep."

They all nodded. Then they were all blinded by Storm who threw a bolt of lightning at the so called Juggernaut. He didn't seem to be affected at all.

Scott stupidly chose this moment to send a concussive blast at their opponent. Of course, all that did was reveal their location. For the millionth time, Jean wondered why the guy was the team leader in the first place. He had no tactical instinct in the first place.

"Lance, destabilize his footing. Kurt, Pietro, get us our of here now!" the redhead bellowed as the giant man ran surprisingly quickly towards them.

As the Juggernaut got towards them, Lance created an earthquake that caused the giant to lose his footing. Kurt and Pietro had already gotten everyone away except for her that is. Juggernaut regained his footing quickly enough and raced towards her. Jean tried using her telekinesis to push him away but the best she could do is sending him back a few feet. Juggernaut kept pushing forward while she kept pushing him, "Not bad girly. But like I said, nothing stops the Juggernaut!"

His raised his hand, preparing to punch her, Jean used her telepathy to call for help, 'Kurt! Get me away for him, NOW!'

A moment before she was hit, Jean was at the other side of the field with the rest of the teenagers. She sighed in relief; that could have gone a lot worse.

Jean had never felt so useless, regretting focusing on her telepathy and somewhat ignoring her telekinesis. "We need to get that helmet off. Scott, aim for his head. Try to blind him if his helmet doesn't get damaged. Kurt, you're the one that has to make sure everyone is okay. If someone is in trouble, you get them out. Lance, keep trying to lose his footing. Evan, make some bone restraints. It's not much but with me and Fred Blob trying to stop him, we should immobilize him. Pietro and Todd Toad try to remove the helmet. Kitty, try to use your powers to see if you can break the helmet from the inside. You're the only one who can safely get closer. Pietro, if you have a chance, get Rogue to touch him; it could weaken him. I'm gonna keep everyone connected using my telepathy."

Jean was surprised how natural it felt, giving them orders like that. But this was not the time to ponder; they had a Juggernaut to defeat.

Scott immediately started to send his concussive beams onto the helmet, which didn't work; the helmet looked as if nothing happened. So, he chose to go for the eyes, at least hoping to blind him.

Jean used her powers to slow down their enemy, Fred ran to intercept Juggernaut and it worked for a few seconds. Spyke, created some bone armor to restrain him. Logan jumped trying to break the helmet with his claws who were deflected but the helmet had some scratches on it.

Toad jumped on top of his head, trying to remove the helmet somehow and Rogue almost touched his face. But it all came to a stop when with a pulse the Juggernaut broke the restrained and with a shock, threw everyone into the air around him.

Kurt started to get everyone away, but it was too much. So, Jean used her powers, trying to slow down that monster of a man further. She put her entire energy into the attack but nothing was working. The man was grinning as he was coming towards her one step at a time. Jean thought about flying but she wouldn't be able to control her powers enough to stop the Juggernaut otherwise. She watched in trepidation as the man was almost a few feet away from her. She could see his bloodthirsty smile. She could feel his anger, his bloodlust. Jean prepared herself to be hit, reinforcing herself with her telekinesis. But it didn't matter. The man was enveloped by some sort of red energy, picking him up and sending him flying away.

She looked around to take a look at her savior to find a black haired teenager in a red cloak. Her hands were glowing with the same red energy as the one that saved her. She had no idea who that was, no one did. Except for one person. Pietro looked like he's seen a ghost, "WWanda?"

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