Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Chapter 103: Finding a Successor

Chapter 103: Finding a Successor

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3rd September 2005, New York City

(Jasmine POV)

I watched as the avatar of the Phoenix force walked away and got out of my classroom. The talk was somewhat draining and I knew that even if she didn't show it, she was overwhelmed by the information I gave her. Anyone would freak out if they found out that they were destined to serve some sort of all powerful entity. At least, I didn't tell her about her probable immortality; the last Phoenix Force avatar was human and she lived for thousands of years. I have no idea if it's because of the Phoenix Force or because of her relationship with Odin who could have given her a Golden Apple which would enhance her body magic, giving her a body similar to that of an Asgardian. The information was sparce and was recorded by a sorcerer supreme before I arrived to Atlantis and even then, it was mostly speculated.

And the information was troubling, especially the tales of the previous Phoenix Avatar almost crippling the Shi'ar empire which turned her into a kind of demonic entity to their people who swore vengeance of the Phoenix Force itself, a foolish notion but tragedy tends to erode any type of reason. One word of Jean's existence as the next host of the Phoenix and the Shi'ar empire would hunt her to the end of the universe. They would probably just blow up the entire planet just to kill her.

I chose to give her the bare minimum of information; the girl was confused enough already; there's no need to add more on her plate. At least with what she already knows, the redhead could make decisions for herself. For now, I will leave her be to train her mutant powers and will go to her when I feel she is ready to fully become the avatar of the Phoenix Force.

If I was being honest, I knew that the girl wouldn't take me on my offer of training. My reputation made sure that she was wary of me. Not that I mind; the possibility of a Dark Phoenix scenario is slim now, so I won't force the issue. Although, I wished to have trained her myself. Maybe even as a successor of sorts, with the coming conflict, I have no idea if I will survive.

I left the classroom and walked to the corridor. I had a class to teach after all. Lost in my thoughts, I walked into the school principal, Raven Darkholme, also known as Mystique, knocking her down. I kneel down to help her up, "Sorry about that Raven, I wasn't paying attention."

"Don't call me that?" Raven exclaimed.

"Call you what? This is your name."

"My name is Mystique now, Sayre."

I tilt my head, pretending to be confused, "Raven is a beautiful name. Why would you discard it?"

"I stopped being Raven when I left Xavier on that beach. It's in the past now, no need to dwell on it."

"If it's in the past, then why did you choose it as your identity?" I ask, smirking. I knew I had her. She always pretended to be aloof and emotionless but Irene confided to me that she deeply regretted betraying Xavier and joining Magneto but she accepted her choices. Even Irene calls her Raven in private.

The shapeshifter growled at me and I sigh heavily, "Fine, I won't tease you anymore."

The school principal's scowl lessened and she looked at me seriously, "We need to talk."

"I'm sorry, but I have a class to teach and I'm already late."

"Dammit Sayre, I don't have time for this. Just get in the classroom. I'm your boss; I'll say you were in a surprise meeting or something."

I sigh in resignation, "Fine. But make it quick."

We both walk into the nearest empty classroom and as soon as she confirmed that we were alone she exclaimed, "What the hell, Sayre!"

I look at her confused, "What?"

"What do you mean what? I'm talking about Egypt you dunce."

I raise an eyebrow at the insult, "What? I helped you guys a little."

"A little? We were getting pummeled out there and you just killed him, just like that. And Apocalypse recognized you. Are you really that old?"

I shrug in response. This conversation is getting nowhere, "Is this coming somewhere? Because I have a class to teach."

The shapeshifter sighed in exasperation, "Just, thank you. If it weren't for you"

I interrupt her, "Your children would've been dead?"

"How the hell do you know that?"

"You might have learnt to block Xavier's telepathy but I'm leagues ahead of him. Comparing him to me, is like comparing a child's finger painting to the Mona Lisa. And that's me being generous."

Mystique looked outraged, "You broke into my mind?"

"No, Irene told me. I try not to use my telepathy too much. It was fun to use it all the time when I was a kid but it started to get stale."

Mystique deflated and asked, "can you not tell them that I'm their mother?"

"They deserve to know, Raven."

The shapeshifter twitched at the name. Guess I'm not done teasing her.

She looked at me pleadingly, "Please. I don't want them to be hurt by my past. Besides, who would want me as a mother. Plus, we both know that Magneto wouldn't allow me to have any distractions. Even if they're my children."

I sigh in exasperation; the woman really has some self esteem issues. "Fine, but know that the truth will come out one day and you will have to deal with it. It would be better if you told them than it would be if they found out on their own."

The shapeshifter nodded and changed the subject, uncomfortable to where this conversation was heading, "I have to ask. What the hell happened to Grey?"

"Xavier messed up, that's what happened."

"What does Xavier have to do with this."

I respond, "The girl is powerful, like seriously powerful, even as a child. Xavier was scared of her so decided to add mental block on her when she was young. Unfortunately for him, a telepath's abilities are more than just reading minds. They embody the very self of the telepath. It's why they could use astral projection. The idiot didn't just block her powers but the girl's identity, turning her into a walking puppet that mimics everything around her. I don't know if the bindings were destroyed on their own or Xavier removed them out of desperation and that really doesn't matter. What does matter is that they weren't there anymore and the kid got overwhelmed by her powers and she wasn't developed enough mentally to handle the powers. You know, being sealed away and everything. So, she went berserk with a crap ton of power to back it up."

"So, what did you do?"

"I sealed her powers so that they would grow as long as she could handle it. She just needs to learn how to properly use her powers now. I offered to train her and she hasn't accepted or refused"

Mystique looked at me questioningly, "Do you think that she's going to take you up on your offer?"

I shook my head, "She's very distrustful of me. Strange told her some of my exploits and she was terrified out of her mind. She'll probably take up his offer. I can't see her trusting Xavier to teach her anything."

"You don't look like you mind that. Aren't you disappointed?"

"Not really. I don't want to have a distrustful student. And while I would have liked to have her as my successor, there's someone else I have my eyes on that could be even better than her."

Mystique looked shocked at my plans for the redhead, "Why would you need a successor."

"I had thoughts about it and I have discovered that I had somehow integrated myself to the delicate balance in the world. My presence deters a lot of people from committing atrocities using their magic or their sorcery. I have saved the world from countless terrible futures and if there is something I have learnt is that there will always be more threats to humanity. Something is coming, something I don't know if I would survive. Should the worst happen, I need someone to take my place to protect the natural order."

I have already chosen my sister, Rose, as my successor in the magical world. I have already started her on some form of apprenticeship with my portrait, and I will formally declare her as the heiress of Avalon when I think she's ready.

However, she isn't strong enough to deal with the entire world by herself. Hence, I need someone to deal with what's outside the wizarding world. I needed someone powerful, someone I would turn immortal using a ritual similar to that of an Asgardian Golden apple. I would have preferred having Jean Grey as my heir, being a fellow avatar of a cosmic entity and sharing my potential in term of raw power and probably is an immortal as well. I, however, will not curse Rose with the treasonous boon that is immortality.

I will not let her watch as everyone she loves dies around her, again and again. She's too pure a soul for me to curse her with a fate similar to mine, regardless of her magical potential. She will, in turn, choose an heir to pass on my legacy and her duty to safeguard the magical world.

Mystique, on the other hand, looked pale at the thought of something I would possibly die to, "What How What could possibly kill you. You're one of the strongest beings to have ever existed."

"I don't know. It's why I have needed Irene's help. Whatever it is, had such an impact in time and space that I couldn't use my usual methods to divine the future. Even Irene's powers can't see what happens. What we do know that it is some sort of crisis and that there are two main outcomes. One of them is survival and the other is the destruction on an unparalleled scale."

I even couldn't see anything using the time stone, which was extremely worrying. The ancient one shared my apprehension when I told her of this after I borrowed the eye of Agamotto.

"If you can already see the future, why do you need Irene?"

"The method Irene uses to see the future can be replicated but I will have to train for centuries for me to become as proficient. She doesn't follow the courses of probabilities to find the most likely outcome like I do, she uses a very powerful Chronomantic blast sending her visions of countless futures. The only reason she wasn't brain dead when she manifester her powers is the fact that her mind was modified to interpret those visions. It's why she's blind in the first place. It's not the Time magic that's a problem for me, but it's the countless visions that are a problem."

It was why the eye of Agamotto was necessary to use the time stone. It acted like a buffer between the mind and the visions to allow them to interpret millions of possible scenarios without any harmful mental strain. The fact that a mortal woman could replicate that is equal part fascinating and terrifying. Damn human race's potential is staggering.

Mystique looked thoughtful of my explanation, "So if you can't see anything, what are you trying to do?"

"I'm trying to even the odds, to give humanity the highest chance of surviving the upcoming crisis. But there's someone else doing the same thing but on the other side. It's like playing a game of chess where reality itself is at stake. It's very stressful, I can tell you that. Some of the tiniest events can have drastic outcomes."

The shapeshifter paled at my words. She was trembling in fear. I, on the other hand, was thinking about my interaction with Jean. With how it went, the chances of her choosing me to train her now, are extremely slim. It seems like I'll just make do with my other candidate, who is currently less powerful than the redhead but had the potential to match her with my training. Well, might as well just go get her.

"Raven, cancel my classes. Tell them that I have a family emergency of something."

Mystique looked baffled, "Why?"

I smirk at her, "It's time for me to get my apprentice."

Now how to break into a mental institution?

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