Love The Psycho

Chapter 97: A relationship built on trust and honesty

Chapter 97: A relationship built on trust and honesty

Leo Martins sat on his computer and inserted the pen-drive into it. He had gone to Josh Saint's villa that morning and searched all over the house and found the drive that Josh Saint stored all of the videos. Leo Martins smashed and destroyed every single computer and IT gadgets in the house. He deleted and corrupted every single piece of machine in the villa and only brought the drive back.

Leo Martins contemplated within himself while his hand touched the mouse. He was tempted to open the videos and watch them. Actually, he never watched those videos before and he never knew Josh Saint had a problem with his sex life. He only hypothetically spat those words to spite Josh Saint. Little did he know that his simple empty words carried weight and would hurt Josh Saint that much.

Leo Martins was curious to find out the kind of positions Josh Saint spoke about. He was curious to find out what positions Liyah enjoyed but he was confused. What would he do after watching those videos? Was he actually going to try them on Liyah or was he going to compare it to how he did his own and see who was good at it? Such thoughts went through his head.

Truth was that, men usually and subconsciously always thought about such things a lot. How to make their woman satisfied and how to be sure the woman wasn't faking it all. Men would always listen to their friends and later subconscious try to compare or even perhaps try those positions out on their significant other. A man's ego depended mostly on how capable he was. Whether it was in personal or business situations. A man's ego would be bruised if he found out he couldn't satisfy his woman in the right way. A man's ego will forever be bruised and hurt if he finds out his woman has been faking her orgasm and that he couldn't make her happy.

This type of insecure feeling sometimes leads to a lot of relationships breaking up. Leo Martins was a man and couldn't help how he felt at that moment. Indeed, it was difficult being a man. Leo Martins almost clicked open the video when he remembered a conversation he had with Aaron Saint one time.

Aaron Saint told him that even though Liyah wasn't a perfect woman, she was a good woman who would do anything for the man she loved and would never betray those she cared about. Aaron Saint told Leo Martins this when he found out Leo Martins was serious about developing a relationship with Liyah.

Aaron Saint told Leo Martins that a relationship depended on two imperfect people who were willing to embrace each other's weaknesses and strengths and helped each other to grow. He also said the relationship would be successful if Leo Martins was willing to accept everything about Liyah which included her past with Josh and himself.

They are both his good friends and he loved them very much and wished them happiness but Aaron Saint wanted to remind Leo Martins that there will come a time when Liyah's past will come knocking just like what happened today. When that time came, he would be tempted to judge the sincerity of Liyah but no marriage or relationship could strive without trust and believe in the other.

Leo Martins smiled and pressed the delete button on the screen. He deleted the video permanently. He wouldn't stoop so low to listen and be convinced by whatever Josh Saint said. He chose at that moment to believe and trust in the love that Liyah had for him and how she made him feel.

Perhaps, this one decision that he made that night was the beginning to his happiness in both love and business.



Prison Room 103.

A lady guard walked to the door of the room 103 and called out ''inmate number 1045, you have a visitor''. The lady guard opened the prison gate and Rowena walked out wearing the penitentiary uniform.

In the two months that she had being here, no one had come to visit her. Rowena almost thought she didn't have any family any more. She followed the lady-guard into the visitors' room.

The visitors' room was a small room with a transparent white window and a telephone. It was made in such a way that prisoners could see the faces of their visitors even though they were separated by the window and wall. Rowena sat down and stared at the so called visitor.

Rowena looked rugged and malnourished while the woman on the other side looked polished and refined. She looked as if she hadn't aged even a bit and had been living a good life. Her clothes were branded and her bag looked quite expensive. Rowena scoffed in her heart. Looks like she was having a blast while she was locked up in this hell with no one or nothing to turn to.

Rowena looked at the old woman nonchalantly without batting an eye. Her eyes displayed an air of arrogance in them which made the old woman displeased. It seemed this granddaughter of hers didn't change at all after spending two months in isolation from society. She was still a spoilt, useless brat who thought she ruled the world.

Mandy Myers picked the phone and looked at Rowena with a furrowed brow. Rowena reluctantly picked the phone from her side and spoke ''Grandma, is being a while. I almost thought you were dead, since you didn't bother to come and see me? Looks like I was wrong. You look quite stylist for someone who is on the run''

''Don't use that tone on me young lady. I wasn't the one who put you in there. It was your own foolishness that did. I told you to lay low, why did you have to go and provoke Aaron Saint?'' Mandy Myers asked impatiently.

This granddaughter of hers was simply what people called beauty without brains. She acted rashly and didn't spare any thoughts for the consequences of her actions. She was simply the type to act before thinking.

''So? What do you want to say? Why are you here? Where is Josh Saint?'' Rowena asked.

''Don't even remind me of that useless idiot too. Say, you two were fucking each other and not only did he not get you out of here but he suddenly went off the grid? I couldn't find him and I don't know where the hell he is. Tsk. You two make the perfect couple actually''.

Rowena sat up straight alarmed. ''What do you mean by he went off the grid? Where did he go? Does it mean I am going to be here for a long time?''

''That seems to be the case now''. Mandy Myers said and smiled mockingly at Rowena. Rowena wasn't the smartest but the years she had spent in acting made her to be able to read people so she saw through her grandmother's action clearly and got frightened a bit.

''What? You are also leaving me here? I see that you are still living well even after using and pushing me into the furnace. You are really an unscrupulous old witch who only keeps people as long as they are useful to you''. Rowena said and glared angrily at Mandy Myers.

''Took you so long to find out. Anyways, because of your foolishness, Aaron Saint has been searching for me. I can't even leave the country because no airport is willing to grant me a ticket. All train stations too have denied me tickets. Now, I can only escape by other means before he catches me''.

''Aaron Saint is really one great man. He was able to stop all mighty Mandy Myers from leaving the city. Say, what do you think he will do to you when he finally finds you?'' Rowena asked and cocked her eyes arrogantly at her.

''What makes you think Aaron Saint is that great? He is still some long years behind me. What can he possibly do to me? I am just letting him be for now because I have a new target'' Mandy Myers said.

''A new target? Who? Definitely, it isn't Liyah Myers, right? So who is this new target?' Rowena asked and folded her arms together. After a few seconds of not hearing anything from the old woman, her eyes lit up and she sat up straight and looked at the old lady interestingly.

''Don't tell me is August Maijune?''

''You aren't so stupid after all'' Mandy Myers said.

''You must have gone crazy. That girlno, that woman is crazy. Haven't you heard enough stories about her already? Aren't you scared of her? You actually dare to set your sights on that psycho? I must say you are quite brave Mandy Myers''.

''Why? Do you think I can't get what I want using that girl?'' Mandy Myers asked.

''No, not only won't you get what you want, but, you will be lucky if you don't die by her hands. If I were you, I would give up''.

''That is why I am not you. anyways, I came to see you for the last. I won't be coming back here again. be careful and watch your own back, Rowena Myers''

''Wait. You just said you are leaving by other meansit isn't what I'm thinking right?'' Rowena asked sceptically.

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