Love Code at the End of the World

Book 8: Chapter 89: Family Relocation

Book 8: Chapter 89: Family Relocation

Lil Bing! What are you doing?!

Dad! Dont stop her. She said that brain death isnt the same as death where she came from!


I removed my moms breathing tube. Then, I placed a miniature ventilator where it used to be. The ventilator adhered to the skin and began twinkling with white light as it activated its breathing assistance mode. A thin fiber moved toward her heart to replace Earths life support systems and keep her heart beating.

As she was brain dead, all the equipment in the room was only to maintain her heartbeat and other vital signs. After removing it, those signs would disappear slowly. Her heartbeat would stop, her blood would stop flowing, and her brain cells would die. So, I needed to stimulate my moms brain.

I took out a brain stimulator and placed it on my moms temple. The coin-sized stimulator nodes attached to her skin, twinkling blue. They immediately began to activate her brainwaves and trigger her reflexes, causing the machines to beep with data readings.

How is this possible? How is this possible?! My cousin-in-law looked at the equipment in shock, shaking his head in disbelief.

I looked at my dumbfounded dad, saying sternly, Although brain death is considered death according to Earth standards, the brain cells arent dead yet. They merely stop putting out brainwaves. How do I put this Its like a TV that wont work when theres no electricity. You cant say that the TV is broken yet. On Kansa Star, theyve already invented equipment to restart a brain - this brain stimulator that works like a defibrillator.

Oh My dad was still stunned. He didnt look as if he understood, but he seemed to be aware that my mom wasnt going to die.

Thats great! Thats great! Loki said, looking at me excitedly, while my cousin and her husband stood stiffly to the side, watching the godlike equipment Id put on my mom.

But Mom isnt fully treated yet. I cant treat her condition with the things I have on me. Shell still be in a coma. so I have to bring her back to Kansa Star with me. I walked up to my dad, saying solemnly, Dad! Can you go to Kansa Star with me?! We might not be able to return to Earth afterward.

My dad slowly came back to reality. His expression grew serious as he asked, Can that place really heal your mom?

Yes! Definitely, and they can restore her youth! Every fatal disease on Earth only needed a metahuman from Kansa Star to treat it.

There was only one standard to announce death on Kansa Star, which was when a brain exploded beyond recognition. In other words, we merely hadnt wanted to save Hagrid Jones when he died.

Conventionally speaking, we should have burned his body to ashes in order to ensure he was fully dead. Fortunately, I hadnt. Otherwise, Jun couldnt have been reborn. There was only one body like Hagrids in the world. Zong Ben had given the one and only chance for rebirth to Jun, even though he was actually the one who really wanted to enjoy life.

Dad, we can save Mom! Loki said, holding Dads arm and looking at him anxiously.

Dad creased his eyebrows and placed his hand on my shoulder, saying, Alright. Well relocate! All of us, together! Dad held Lokis hand firmly too. Loki was thrilled, but Dads expression suddenly turned guilty as he said, Loki, Im sorry that I never asked you what you really wanted. Were going to leave Earth. If you want to stay behind

Dad! Loki cut Dad off and said, Mom wished for us to reunite as a family. Ill be okay. He patted my dads shoulder, comforting him in return.

I was proud of my younger brother, Loki. He was just like dad when he was young, decisive and courageous.

I looked at Loki, saying, Take all the tubes off Mom.

Alright! Loki paused and called out, Sis! My heart raced because hed called me his sister. I was thrilled.

While Loki and my dad were busy removing the tubes, I suddenly recalled my cousin and her husband.

I walked before my dumbfounded cousin and her husband. I held her hand, saying, Cousie, I dont have enough time to explain exactly what happened. Keep this. I placed my last recovery injection in her hand, explaining, There are cell-sized nanobots in this injection. They can repair simple wounds and internal injuries. They can also slow the progress of an injury if one is severely wounded. If you use this on a child, it can serve as an all-purpose vaccine. It can destroy all kinds of invasive germs, bacteria, viruses, and so on. I cant leave you anything else but a lifetime of good health

Lil Bing Youre really Lil Bing! My cousin stroked my cheek and pulled me into an embrace. She asked, Why are you leaving right after you came back? Wheres Kansa Star? Is it far away? Can you come back?

Cousie, Ive been through interplanetary travel before. Ill definitely come back and visit you if I can Oh, yeah. Let me give you another thing! I took a scouting robot off my arm and it hovered in the air. I explained, You only need to press this button and it will start. It can be used for scouting and monitoring. It can attack too. Youre a police officer now, and this will come in handy. I took the disc from the back of the scouting robot and attached it to my cousins left temple. When the disc was attached, it formed a small screen in front of her left eye. She was astonished, blinking silently.

May I ask Her husband looked at me anxiously, asking, Do you have another brain stimulator?

Oh! I do have one, I answered, taking it out for him. He held it in his hand excitedly, saying, Thank you! This is definitely going to speed up the development of our medical technology.

I exhorted him seriously, It doesnt work on dead brain cells, and you cant use it when vital signs are irrecoverable." He nodded.

This can only be used as emergency medical equipment to stimulate a patient's brainwaves. It requires further treatment after. Otherwise, the patient will be in the same situation as my mom. The patient has to go through recovery and reconnection of nerves. The longer the patient has been dead, the longer it takes to recover.

He continued to nod. I understand.

Lil Bing, your mom is ready. Where do we go now? my dad asked as he and my younger brother pushed the sickbed next to me.

To the rooftop, I answered. I looked to my cousin and her husband. I said, By the way, I Mm Tsk, taught that mother and daughter pair a lesson. They passed out in the stairwell. Please take care of them.

Let them die. Dont bother with them! My cousins hot temper had remained the same all this time.

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