Love Code at the End of the World

Book 8: Chapter 79: Jun’s Revival

Book 8: Chapter 79: Jun’s Revival

Whats going on? Xing Chuan and I let go of each other confusedly, looking at Zong Ben and Jun.

Zong Bens chest armor opened and he leaped out, dragging Jun out of his armor too. He then pulled Jun harshly towards Cang Yus body! Jun was surprised. He began to struggle and flee. In the end, Zong Ben grabbed him by his braids and continued to drag him toward Cang Yus body.

Zong Ben was too rough. He was always bullying Jun.

Zong Ben, what are you doing? I shouted, wanting to interfere, but Xing Chuan stopped me.

He looked deep in thought as he said, Dont stop him! I looked at Xing Chuan confusedly. He seemed to know what Zong Ben was trying to do. He continued, The old monsters body was transformed by that thing. So, the old monsters body is a living blue crystal energy container! He pointed at the blob on the floor.

I gasped in surprise. I immediately understood that Hagrids body was similar to mine, just like a blue crystal energy container! We could store blue crystal energy so it wouldnt leak.

I turned to look at the blob creature, which seemed exhausted from constantly slipping around. If the thing was similar to a spirit, the body it had transformed could totally be entered by a spirit! A spirit was like a battery, while the old monsters body was like a shell. A shell with a battery would be alive!

Spirits like Jun and Zong Ben couldnt survive in the outside world, because they didnt have bodies that could store their blue crystal energy. If they were to be exposed for too long, their energy would be drained and they would gradually vanish, just like the tentacle Id chopped off earlier.

No wonder Zong Ben had been eyeing Cang Yus dead body like a predator earlier. The idea had popped into his head and hed wanted to give it a try!

I immediately looked at Zong Ben. He had already dragged Jun next to Cang Yu and shoved him harshly. Jun, who didnt know Zong Bengs intentions, continued to struggle.

Zong Ben pressed him toward Cang Yus body. Suddenly, Juns body seemed to be sucked in by a strong force. His back, which had been close to Cang Yus body, was torn apart and he was slowly absorbed by Cang Yus body. In an instant, Cang Yus clothes burned away, revealing his muscular body.

Jun immediately grabbed Zong Bens hand, but his body was already completely integrated into Cang Yus body. Zong Ben extended his right hand and cut Juns hand off without hesitation. Jun then fell into Cang Bens body.

Juns chopped-off arm blended into Zong Bens body very quickly. They were just like the blob thing, a kind of energy body. They had no true bodies, merely forms that they shaped themselves into using their consciousnesses.

In other words they were basically balls of energy, just like the blob. It seemed the answers to our remaining doubts could be found in that creature.

Jun! I went forward, guarding Cang Yus body alongside Zong Ben. Zong Ben returned to his armor so Xing Chuan could come closer too.

Jun hadnt responded since he had been absorbed into Cang Yus body. I panicked, thinking: Did it fail? No, I believe Jun should be in Cang Yus body and not dead. Could he be trapped inside? Zong Ben really went mad! He shoved Jun in without any experiments! What if it fails?!

Zong Ben, youre too impulsive! I said hastily.

Xing Chuan grabbed my arm, saying, Zong Ben was anxious too. If the body died, it would be useless.

Zong Ben extended his hand, running electricity through his claw. Is he thinking of giving Jun an electric shock?! Before I could stop him, hed already placed his claw on Cang Yus chest.

Bang! There was a flash of electricity, and Cang Yus body bent upward, twitching!

Jun! Jun! Are you in there?! Jun! I shouted.

Shh! Suddenly, Xing Chuan held my hand and hushed me. Look! He pointed at Cang Yus face. Hagrids facial features began to change.

The old monsters facial features changed every time he consumed someone. The genes he carried were peculiar. His superpower could take in another persons good genes and synthesize them It was similar to a shape-shifting superpower, but it would last forever unless he wanted to change it himself, he explained, looking at the changing features.

Although the old monster had been mad, his superpower wasnt too shabby. In other words The strongest metahuman in the world hadnt been me, but rather him. No wonder he hadnt been satisfied even after hed found me.

Familiar features gradually took shape and I looked at the face, delighted. It was Jun! It was Juns face!

It turns out that Jun looked like this As his facial features have turned into Juns, he should be fine, Xing Chuan said, looking on carefully.

Why isnt he awake yet? I asked anxiously. Juns eyes were tightly shut. He was still unconscious, but I could see his chest heaving up and down, resuming breathing.

Dont be in a hurry. This is rebirth and it requires a lot of energy. He wouldnt wake up so soon. Xing Chuans explanation finally calmed me down.

After I calmed down, I immediately turned to look at the blobby thing. It felt my soaring anger and stiffened on the spot.

I stood up coldly, asking, What should we do with this thing?

Xing Chuan stood up next to me, looking at it grimly. He said, We cant let him stay in our universe. Lets leave and send this library into the abyss. He can wander around in it!

Its a good idea for him to leave!

The things glowing blue eyes shot open. Suddenly, he flung his tentacle at us!

Be careful! I immediately pushed Xing Chuan away. The thing had radiation the same way I did, so Xing Chuan would definitely be injured if he were hit!

As I pushed Xing Chuan away, I pulled out my dagger to slash at the thing! His tentacle was chopped off once again. It fell onto the ground and vanished!

Just then, he opened his mouth, revealing an angry expression. Then, he retracted all his tentacles into his ball-shaped body. The next moment, he began glowing, and the surrounding air was filled with motes of blue light!

I looked at the scene in shock. He was releasing blue crystal energy. As expected, his superpower was similar to mine!

I immediately turned around, saying, Xing! You go! Ill take care of him!

But you-! Xing Chuan looked at me anxiously, but his skin had already been burned by the blue light, sizzling with blisters!

I said through gritted teeth, looking at Zong Ben, Bring Xing Chuan and Jun with you! Theres a hangar under this library! Go downstairs!

Zong Ben didnt hesitate the way Xing Chuan did. He picked up Jun with both hands and seized Xing Chuans shoulders with his feet. His bigger body allowed him to have greater performance.

No way! Bing! You alone Before Xing Chuan could finish his sentence, Zong Ben electrocuted him. The blue glow on his tail grew intense and he slashed the ground, cracking open a hole. He took another glance at me before leaving with Jun and Xing Chuan.

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