Love Code at the End of the World

Book 8: Chapter 60: Double Agent

Book 8: Chapter 60: Double Agent

Look. This isnt a self-recovery superpower, Lucifer explained in a scientists even tone. This is physiological fluid, the most basic nutrient solution for making an artificial human. It can quickly repair physical wounds. He isnt even an artificial human, who would have blood. Hes just a hybrid made of nutrient solution.

Uncle Mucheng looked at Chaksu, saying, Brother, wake up. We dont care if youre a human or a day monster, or even an artificial human. Because youre our brother Chaksu in our hearts!

Chaksu was stunned, looking at the three uncles blankly. Uncle Yorkshire looked away and sighed. Uncle Hesher nodded, adding, Chaksu, no matter who you are, you did this because someone gave you a command. We dont blame you. Dont you want to go to a new world and live a new life? When this is over, the Queen can definitely find a way for you to remain human. You wont deteriorate into a day monster. By then, we can live together

Chaksus eyes welled up in tears behind the bars of the electric cage, but he burst out in laughter, saying, Hahaha! Hahaha! Are you idiots? Who treated you like brothers?! The three uncles were shocked.

Chaksu pointed at them scornfully, saying, Youre all my masters chess pieces. Your purpose was only to look for the strongest human genes. Youll all die soon but my master will live forever! My master is God! He is God!

Chaksu, youre such a b*stard! Uncle Yorkshire couldnt stop himself from rolling up his sleeves.

Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Master Chaksu lifted his chin and tears rolled down his cheeks. He said, Please bring me back to Silver Moon City... Please bring me back to you

Hurry up and move away! Raffles suddenly shouted at the three uncles, who had yet to realize what was happening.

Bang! With a loud noise, Chaksu exploded into pieces inside the electric cage. Some pieces of his body flew into the wall and slid down, while others were burned to ashes.

The three uncles stood dumbfounded in front of the electric cage. I looked at the shattered pieces in shock. I was still thinking about the tears in Chaksus eyes. Had they been from guilt towards the three uncles, or from the fear of knowing death was around the corner?

In his deteriorating consciousness, there might have been a different Chaksu from the way hed spoken. How complicated of a situation had he been in? There was no way to find out now, because hed become a pile of mangled flesh on the ground. No, hed become the debris of an artificial body. There was no blood to be seen anywhere.

How did he explode?! Lucifer was shocked. He looked at Raffles in surprise. Raffles pointed at the monitor, explaining, There was vigorous brainwave activity here earlier. It must have been the brainwave that controlled Chaksu.

Brainwave? I suddenly recalled Nora, who had the brainwave manipulation superpower. Brainwave? Externally?! I gasped in surprise.

Raffles creased his eyebrows, nodding. He said, It means that there was a metahuman controlling him nearby.

A metahuman killed Chaksu?

The window suddenly became transparent. Su Yang looked at the pile of murky flesh in the electric cage, saying, Theres another mole.

What?! Another one?! The three uncles exclaimed in surprise. They immediately clarified, Not us!

Lucifer looked at Raffles and Raffles nodded, saying, Not them. The brainwave came from outside. Not within this room.

Can you find the source? I asked closely.

Raffles shook his head, saying, It happened too suddenly. We cant trace the source in time. But because of that, we can assume that the metahuman should be nearby. Thats why the Great Ghost King is right. Theres another mole.

The uncles heard Raffles mention the Great Ghost King and immediately looked at Su Yang.

Actually, Raffles hadnt needed to explain. Any logical reasoning wouldnt point at the three uncles. Which mole would be stupid enough to show their superpower in front of us? Wouldnt they simply be exposing themselves?

There was another mole. Was it because theyd been worried that Chaksu would betray them? There were various kinds of interrogation techniques. Some even required zero technique. A brain manipulation metahuman could read your mind without you saying a word. The human brain was like a hard drive to those metahumans, giving them all kinds of important information.

That was right. It had to be the moles intention to destroy the hard drive so I would have nothing to trace. Theyd exposed themselves, but we couldnt identify who it was.

If there was another mole, didnt they find out all our plans? Uncle Mucheng said anxiously, We have to immediately find out who they are. Otherwise, what if Silver Moon City finds out?

Why did Silver Moon City send so many moles into the Aurora Legion?! Sigh! Uncle Yorkshire sighed, slapping his thigh in anger. Then, he turned to take a few looks at the remains of Chaksu.

Uncle Hesher clenched his fist, saying, What Aurora Legion? Silver Moon City formed the Aurora Legion. Whats so strange about them putting two moles among us?

Regardless, we have to find out who the other mole is first!

Su Yang, Raffles, Lucifer, and the three uncles looked at me simultaneously. I began thinking, If theres another mole, theyve definitely had enough time to report to Silver Moon City. So, its too late.

What should we do then? Uncle Hesher sighed, shaking his head. Its so hard to guard against Silver Moon City. I guess we have no choice but to fight a hard battle against them!

There might not be a war, Su Yang said calmly. Everyone looked at him as he continued, I know how Silver Moon City works. Theyve always focused on maintaining their power, because some children on Silver Moon City are chosen carefully, while the other children are super metahumans made through countless experiments. It isnt easy to make a perfect metahuman. I believe Raffles, who once stayed in Silver Moon Citys science lab, should understand.

Su Yang looked at Raffles, and he nodded. I recalled that Raffles had gone through countless experiments and destroyed many broken fertilized eggs. I was suddenly reminded of a saying that was suitable for making fun of the experiments: You already lost at the starting line.

Fertilized eggs went through strict filters. If they noticed that the genetic information didnt meet their requirements, the eggs would be destroyed.

So, to them, the people on Silver Moon City arent important citizens, but rather precious assets. Thats why they havent started any wars, Su Yang explained. The thought sent chills down my spine. Gale and the other men werent treated as humans, but rather as property. The moment I recalled that I had once been on Silver Moon City and my eggs might have been sampled when I let my guard down, I felt nauseated.

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