Love Code at the End of the World

Book 8: Chapter 52: Who Is the Mole?

Book 8: Chapter 52: Who Is the Mole?

Go ahead, I replied, looking at He Lei solemnly.

He Lei thought for a while, reorganizing his speech. He said, The Aurora Legion was once taken advantage of by Silver Moon City. If we were to say that we are going to collaborate with Silver Moon City again, it might stir a commotion among my brothers. Plus, as they were taken advantage of by Silver Moon City before, I feel that we would be doing the same to them if we didnt inform my brothers about the truth and hid our plans from them. I He Lei spoke in hesitation and paused. He let out a heavy sigh, as though he couldnt continue with what he wanted to say or didnt know how to express his contradicting feelings.

He knew that there were times when secret missions couldnt be shared, and he also knew that there was a mole among the Aurora Legion. But he felt that he was taking advantage of his brothers because of the upcoming plan.

The Aurora Legion had once been taken advantage of by Silver Moon City. He felt uneasy for us to be taking advantage of them again.

What he said reminded me that I hadnt hesitated as he had, but now, I thought what he said was right. It was inappropriate for us to do that. We hated people who took advantage of others the most. How could we do the same? How could I earn He Leis brothers trust in the future?

I was worried then, too. I muttered, But Silver Moon Citys mole is still among the Aurora Legion

How do you know theres a mole?! Captain Chaksu exclaimed in surprise.

He Lei and I exchanged a glance. He Leis expression grew somber, explaining, Silver Moon City has always been watching the entire world. Thats why they must be watching the Aurora Legion too. Even at the formation of the Aurora Legion, they already sent their mole

Impossible! Captain Chaksu waved. His face grew pale, roaring, Those are my good brothers. How could one of them be Silver Moon Citys mole?! He reacted just like He Lei. They didnt want to suspect their brothers.

Captain Chaksu, I took over the conversation because it would be better if I was the one who said what I was about to say. Chaksu and the other pioneers were He Leis idols, and the agony in the bottom of his heart was imaginable. Why did I say that Silver Moon City was the biggest lie? Because their leader has a terrifying plan

His Highness Xing Chuan? Chaksu looked at me with confusion.

I shook my head, answering, No, Cang Yu. When I said Cang Yus name, Chaksus gaze turned dull. He seemed to have been taken by surprise.

Cang Yu was someone named Professor Hagrid Jones sixty years ago. He was the worlds first metahuman. His superpower is to consume other peoples lifespan to make himself immortal."

Chaksu stayed stunned as I spoke. His flickering gaze seemed to express his disbelief in what I said. I knew that what I said was hard to believe, especially for people like Chaksu who didnt even know about Hagrid Jones.

Professor Hagrid Jones has been conducting a secret experiment since that time to study human evolution. He discovered that blue crystal energy could stimulate evolution in human genetics, so he bombed Kansa Star using blue crystal energy, which is what we called the end of the world

My voice grew deep as I looked at Captain Chaksu, who found it unacceptable. I continued, As humans went through evolution, Hagrid Jones didnt stop his study. He wants to look for the pinnacle of human genetics. So, he has been monitoring the gradual evolution of the humans on Kansa Star from Silver Moon City. In order to find the strongest metahuman, he needs war, because constant fighting will reveal the strongest one. People on the ground became Ghost Eclipsers due to the end of the world, and that was what he needed. The Ghost Eclipsers were barbaric, offensive, and obsessive. Everywhere they went, they plundered. In order to acquire resources, the Ghost Eclipsers constantly fought My speech seemed to explain Hagrid Jones observations and the progress of humans over the past sixty years.

All of Kansa Star became what Hagrid Jones hoped for. The law of the jungle applied, and the weak were destined to be eliminated while the strong would definitely survive. But suddenly, a day came when a Ghost King united the Ghost Eclipsers and they lived in harmony. It ruined Hagrid Jones plan. There couldnt be civilization in the strongest force on Kansa Star. Once there was civilization, the world would slowly unite and become peaceful. How could it stimulate stronger genes then?! So, there had to be someone who would fight against the Ghost Eclipsers, becoming their opponents!

The Aurora Legion! He Lei looked at me in shock, asking, Did the Aurora Legion form because of that?

I shook my head, answering, Not necessarily. There will always be counterattacks where there is oppression. The people in the past were too weak, and there was no force that dared fight back, just like Noah City that has been hiding underground I let out a heavy sigh. It was a pity what had happened to Noah City back then. They had abandoned Xue Gies parents along with the others in order to protect more people. They hadnt sent help, but had instead run away on their own. I couldnt blame Xue Gies parents for wanting to fight against Noah City after such a betrayal.

Captain Chaksu, how did you get the idea to form the Aurora Legion back then? I asked, looking at Captain Chaksu. He was lost in his thoughts, sitting there, looking forward blankly. Captain Chaksu? I called again, but he didnt respond.

I looked at his expression, and an idea flashed through my head. I quickly replayed what Id said earlier in my head: Cang Yu needed someone to fight against the Ghost Eclipsers, stirring up another war Everyone holed up back then, and no one dared to fight against them

Who formed the Aurora Legion?! How did the Aurora Legion start?!

The person who had formed the Aurora Legion definitely had the determination and courage to fight against the Ghost Eclipsers. He also had to have a certain level of military capability. For instance, the ability to find this base

However, the base was so remote, at the edge of the north. How could someone from the end of the world know about it? Most of them were illiterate!

There was a saying from my world: Poverty stifles ambition. It referred to the lack of ideas that came from a deficiency in knowledge. They were like frogs at the bottom of a well, who didnt dare to jump out of their world, but instead restricted themselves to their own areas.

Most of the information in this world had been damaged. How had Chaksu obtained any information and found this base, at the end of the world where information was limited? Had he stumbled across this base?

I looked at He Lei, while He Lei looked at Captain Chaksu in low spirits. He Leis face grew pale and his forehead was covered in cold sweat. His clear, dark eyes were filled with disbelief and agony, and he was reluctant to suspect the worst. His breathing became heavy. Was he suspecting Captain Chaksu too? He Lei found it hard to accept that his idol could suddenly become the mole.

I was surprised at my speculation too. I was even like He Lei, unwilling to believe it.

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