Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 150 Human Keep Changing

'The race of Giants seems very mysterious, there is no information on where they came from and what they wanted anywhere.' Zick of course didn't think that the prophecy was hundred percent true.

'According to fuiren's memory, everyone in this race had a grandmaster level of strength, which is truly terrifying. Unless someone at a god rank appears, it would be impossible to defeat them.' Zick looked at the desert that was passing by with a flash. A golden light protected his body, stopping the air pressure from harming the body.

'The novel had mentioned that the demon lord was held back by the giants, so they must be connected somehow too.'

Zick had his conjectures: ' It might be that the demon lord is trying to stop the giants from breaking the seal fuiren made.'

The seal created by Fuiren was not something omnipotent, there was a time limit. 50,000 years is what fuiren had calculated, but it might change according to the situation.

The giants were not to be underestimated, they could try to break it from the other side too. Fuiren knew it too, but his mindset like this-

[ 'The seal should be able to hold on until my sister and other familiar people live their lives to the fullest. Our descendants will be able to get past it, I am sure.']

Fuiren had already changed a lot, becoming half crazy from love and responsibility. Facing extreme choices makes people a lot more experienced, that is as long as they get past this ordeal.

'No matter how stupid a person is, they will gain some wisdom facing the harshness of the world. Fuiren was put under a lot of pressure which broke his personality, if not, he probably wouldn't have been able to stop the giant and kill Aishel.' Zick considered Fuiren's life neutrally.

If Fuiren was not ruthless enough, he would never have been able to reach the result he did in the past.

'As long as the giants don't get in my way, I don't care what they do. If they are trying to break the seal, I can just create it again. Though Aeiron would have to be sacrificed...'

They soon got out of the desert region and entered a grass plain. There were a few villages and cities that appeared below them but they passed by them in a blink of an eye. Levienel's flying speed was terrifying, they left the feahert desert that encompassed a large part of the middle continent, in a few minutes.

The cravion kingdom was the nearest to the Feahert desert, so they directly entered it after leaving the desert.

After a minute, Zick and Levienel successfully entered the Garcia family's domain.

"We should hide our presence for now." Zick proposed to Levienel.

With a simple nod of her head, Levienel waved her hand magic similar to the invisible spell that Zick created enveloped them. They both vanished into thin air above the sky.

"There is a mythical beast in this domain so we should be careful. It probably has already sensed us but is not moving as we didn't attack." Zick gave a piece of information to Levienel as they headed toward the Garcia family's mansion.

"A mythical beast?" Levienel felt surprised.

"Yes, it is a former member of the four disasters..."

"You mean the black cat that likes drinking wine a lot?" Levienel's eyes squinted a little.

"Yeah that one, do you know it?" Seeing Levienel's reaction, Zick was curious.

"Hmm." Levienel nodded her head: "Thousands of years ago, it had helped me once by giving a certain type of information." Levienel didn't say anything else about the information.

Zick didn't find Levienel's story weird, the mythical beasts have no lifespan so they live forever and their personality doesn't change either. Though they might gain knowledge and experience, their temperament never changes.

Landing on the roof of the mansion, Zick spoke softly: "Why aren't you coming out even after sensing me?" He didn't doubt his prior guess at all.

With a swift wind noise, The mythical beast appeared beside Zick.

"What are you doing here? If you are trying to harm someone from the Garcia family then I will have to fight with you." The black cat spoke seriously.

"Hahaha, Wasn't the contract you made stating that you will protect the mansion and the Garcia family bloodline within it? Don't tell me you became a loyal subordinate to the..." Zick teased the black cat whose hair stood up from goosebumps.

"Don't say such an ominous thing and what have you become right now?! A half-human and half-monster or whatever it is!" A growling sound came out of the black cat's mouth, showing its immense hatred for the Garcia family.

Then it looked at Levienel who was invisible too: "I didn't expect to see you here again, I see, so you were not able to find that particular sword and die..."

"No, I just found it. This man is the wielder of the sword you mentioned." Levienel pointed at Zick.

The black cat looked at Zick closely, it was shocked to its core: 'He became the wielder of that cursed sword? And his soul has also changed from before. Rationality is still on the top but now it has fused with his soul, allowing him to rejoin his broken soul. But it is still giving off such a chaotic aura for some reason and his mana nerves are affected by it...'

"I just happened to find it by coincidence." Zick was able to catch up to their conversation in no time.

"There is no coincidence in this world and especially for a cursed sword. Either it had chosen you or fate had brought you two together." The black cat spoke profoundly.

Zick was not moved at all: 'It's not fate, it's just my knowledge from the novel.'

Zick showed a serious expression breaking the easygoing mood in the air: "I won't lie, I came to free you from the contract and this mansion."

Silence descended upon the three of them.

"You...So you planned to do this from the beginning..."

The black car seems to misunderstand something, but Zick didn't bother fixing it.

"Yeah, I also wanted to form a contract with you," Zick spoke with a sincere smile.

The black cat became apprehensive, looking at Zick with caution.

"What contract?" It had experienced a bitter experience from forming a contract five hundred years ago, it won't make such a mistake again.

Zick revealed a desperate expression: "I want your help in defeating the demon lord, Ah and I am prepared to provide high-quality wine too." Zick threw out a bait along with his need.

"Wine...? High quality?" It seems like those words were all that entered the black cat's head. It closed its vertical blue eyes.

Actually, the mythical beast had quite a nice impression of Zick. After all, he was the first person to give it some good wine in hundreds of years.

Thus, the black cat decided: "As long as my freedom is not restricted and I can get wine, I am not against forming a contract with you."

An unnoticeable flash of joy passed through Zick's eyes: "Alright I just want you to help me kill the demon lord and protect me until he is dead, that is all. In return, I will provide you with wine until the demon lord is dead."

Hearing this, the black cat patted Zick's toe: "Alright we shall form a contract now."

It seems like the mythical beast could not wait for some good wine.

"In the name of the mythical beast, Darkness lord, the king of all darkness beasts, I hereby form a contract with you. I will help you kill the demon lord and protect you until the given task is over." This time, it was not a temporary contract, but instead, a contract that could go on forever until the demon lord is dead.

"I swear by my name, Zick Melvix, that I will provide you with wine as long as the contract is present."

A dark stream of light exited the mythical beast's body and entered Zick's body. The contract was now successfully formed.

"Hahaha..." Zick laughed lightly. He looked like a villain whose plan had succeeded right now.

"What's with that laughter...it is giving me a bad feeling...." The black cat looked at Zick with wariness.

Levienel looked at Zick with interest too.

Zick realized his slip-up, making him frown: 'I just let myself relax and my emotions flared up again, this has been happening regularly since I met Levienel....'

"I have been thinking but it seems like emotions are abundant in your head unlike before. What happened to you?" The cat looked at Zick's chaotic soul before speaking.

"I want to know the reason too. My emotions were not so hard to control before, but now I feel many unnecessary emotions for no reason." Zick didn't hide anything.

He picked up the black cat and held it in between his hands, before looking at Levienel.

"Can you use your technique to search for the Garcia bloodline?" Zick asked with expectation.

"Yes." Levienel had already sensed the head of the Garcia family perfectly and was ready to use her technique.

"Ah, then please use it."

Nodding her head, Levienel closed her eyes and started concentrating. A red glow covered her body shortly before vanishing, the aura was still hidden perfectly, showing the invisible magic's versatility.

If someone looked at them, they could only see a black cat floating in the air and nothing else.

Soon, Levienel opened her crimson-red eyes: "There are two of his bloodline in this mansion and others are spread over this continent."

"Is there no one from this bloodline in the continent we came from?" Zick asked while feeling a sense of softness in his hand.

"No, there isn't any." Leveniel's answer was curt with no emotions.

"Ohh, then please kill them all, leaving the two in this mansion," Zick spoke with a simple smile.

'Stella already died, well that is a good thing for me anyway. I won't have to return to the eastern continent again.' Zick thought while looking at Levienel flying away.

From interacting with Levienel thus far, Zick found out that she had no sense of remorse or much emotion.

'Hmm, living for thousands of years probably made her like this.'

People change no matter the situation or time, their emotions grow numb, and their concept of life changes. They never stay the same, that is just how humans are.

By facing hardship, a human's resolve hardens. By facing worldly desires, human become astute and gains cautiousness. Love and hatred make humans braver, letting them surpass their limits. Setback makes humans unmoved and steadfast.

People's hearts keep changing throughout the ages.

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