Lord Zhang Fei

Chapter 428 - 428 Temptation Of The Phantom [II]

428 Temptation Of The Phantom [II]

Ruofeng immediately covered his face and froze in place. Having grown so big, no one has ever dared to slap him in the mouth so boldly. I didn’t expect that the woman I just met would dare to be so bold when she knew her identity. Ruofeng didn’t even know why he was beaten?

He saw the almond-eyed beauty in front of him was angry. She said viciously to him. “I warn you, no matter who you are, you must not slander my mentor.”

Ruofeng couldn’t help asking suspiciously. “You mean, that woman is your master?”

“Hmph. It’s good to know.” Phantom said, turned her face away and continued to walk forward slowly, her eyes were gradually attracted by the beautiful scenery around her.

The main hall of the Crystal Palace was indeed worthy of being the first capital of the Purple Spirit Continent, and the scenery in the garden was really impressive. All kinds of exotic flowers and plants, flowers and fruits of four seasons are dotted in the rockery garden, and there were refreshing scenery everywhere. He was afraid even the imperial garden in the palace was nothing more than this.

Looking at the innocent and romantic appearance of Phantom, Ruofeng’s mind can’t help but be filled with question marks. What kind of woman is this? Beautiful as a flower but moody, demure and refined but seems to be hidden.

Thinking of this, Ruofeng couldn’t help walking forward and asked. “Little girl, according to what you said, if that woman is your master, then are you all spiritual masters?”

Phantom smiled and said. “Of course, otherwise, how old do you think your mother is? A sister? Although she looks young, it’s just because your mother has a high level of cultivation that she maintains such a good appearance.”

Ruofeng couldn’t help but secretly startled when he heard this, if it is said that a healer can keep his face so young, there are only two possibilities. One is that the real age of this spiritual master is so old, and the other is that this spiritual master is very talented. Only when you have reached the eighth level or above cultivation level when you are young, can you maintain this youthful appearance.


Thinking up to this point, Ruofeng couldn’t help muttering. “It seems that this woman’s cultivation should be pretty good.”

After hearing this, Phantom frowned slightly, and scolded. “What about this woman and that woman, she is your biological mother. Even if you refuse to accept it, the facts cannot be changed.”

“Mother?” Ruofeng couldn’t help sneering. “Is a person who has never cared about his children worthy of being a mother?”

After hearing this, Phantom immediately scolded. “Master, why hasn’t he cared about you? It’s just that he can’t be by your side for some reason. No, seeing you being angry in front of the princess, the master specially asked me to send you a treasure.” Here it is for you to facilitate your marriage with the princess.”

After finishing speaking, Phantom took out a small jade bottle from her waist and handed it to Ruofeng, saying. “This bottle is filled with a special fragrance powder made by the master. Take a small amount with your fingernails, and you can charm a cow. The medicine can last for a long time. About an hour. Be careful when using it, if you accidentally smell it, you will be fascinated before you can use the antidote.”

Ruofeng couldn’t help scolding. “What kind of treasure do I still think, it’s just a dirty tool used by hooligans in the city, what use do I need it for?”

Phantom suddenly smiled and said. “You are really stupid and naive. Do you think that you can win the princess’s heart just by your infatuation? Sometimes, even the cooked duck will fly away without any means. Didn’t you listen Is there a saying called ‘cook raw rice and cooked rice’?”

After Ruo Feng heard this, he couldn’t help saying angrily. “I also warn you, Mei’er’s purity is not something anyone can slander. You take the things back and tell that woman that her love is in the wrong place.”

After finishing speaking, Ruofeng threw the small jade bottle back into Phantom’s hand, turned around and was about to leave.

“Wait.” The phantom said immediately. “I passed the words on for you, and I will put the things here. Whether you use it or not is your business, and whether it can facilitate your marriage with the princess has nothing to do with me? You can do it yourself. ”

After finishing speaking, Phantom put the small jade bottle on the stone platform next to her, turned around, and said coldly. “By the way, I forgot to tell you, my name is Phantom. Don’t keep calling me little girl in the future.”

After a few ups and downs movement, the Phantom disappeared into the garden.

Ruofeng turned his head, glanced coldly at the jade bottle on the stone platform, snorted heavily, turned around and disappeared into the shadow of the flower.

A medium-sized city more than a thousand kilometers away from the Forbidden City. The business of Monsters Paradise is still booming here. Diners are bustling in the alley in front of the store, and most of the talk is about the food here.

At this time, in a private room in the Monsters Paradise, Fei, Lu Wenfeng, Ji Menghan, Fatty, and Bu Yueyue were wolfing down large amount of food. Seeing that most of the cups and plates listed on the table have bottomed out, it could be seen that everyone had eaten enough.

As everyone’s eating speed continued to decrease, fatty started a conversation. “I said Fei, we have traveled all the way, why didn’t we find out anything about the demon organization? Even these Monsters Paradise are doing legitimate business, there is nothing unusual. Could it be that the demon organization is here? Has it disbanded by itself within a year?”

Lu Wenfeng couldn’t help interjecting. “How is that possible? How could such a large organization disband immediately? It must have become more secretive, so that it will not be discovered by the world.”

Fei nodded and said. “Brother Lu is right. However, with Haoyan’s character, it is impossible not to be so cautious. I believe that the demon named Mei Niang in the demon organization must have come up with some tricks .”

While speaking, Fei couldn’t help frowning slightly, and said softly to everyone. “Wait, I seem to have discovered something.”

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