Lord Zhang Fei

Chapter 354 - 357 Chs

354 Hong Guo [I]

Besides, after returning to the Shenmu Tribe, Fei people did not stop, and immediately bid farewell to Elder Zaglu, and returned to Nanfeng City with the power of the teleportation stone.

Regarding the matter of the elves, everyone in Fei decided to keep it a secret first. But the construction of Shenmu College is not a small matter, there were too many things to deal with. Fei walked around the city for a long time, visited several places, and dealt with the matters at hand before returning to the residence arranged by Elder Murong Hui in the Crystal Palace.

At this time, it was already dark, and Fei called Lu Wenfeng, Fatty, Ji Menghan, Buyueyue, Meier, Yin Yu, and Fang Kui together, and said to everyone. “There are many things that happened today, but there is one thing that happened. But everyone must pay attention, that is, our cultivation base is not enough, and improving our cultivation base as soon as possible is the most important thing for us now.”

Lu Wenfeng said. “Fei, we all understand what you said, but cultivation is not something that happens overnight, and everyone is in a hurry. Recently, because of the construction of Shenmu College, everyone may not be able to concentrate on cultivation for a long time. In this regard, you don’t have to worry, the so-called success will come naturally, not to mention that our current cultivation base is much stronger than our peers.”

Fei shook his head and said, “No, I have a way to quickly improve everyone’s cultivation in a short period of time, and that’s what I want to talk about now.”

“Oh? What’s the solution?” Lu Wenfeng couldn’t help being taken aback.

It was not unheard of to improve one’s cultivation in a short period of time, but it was usually at the expense of oneself. For example, self-exploding spirit crystals to rapidly improve one’s cultivation base in a short period of time, or using some kind of medicine to quickly stimulate the potential in the body to make the attack stronger and so on. But the ending was not optimistic, often with devastating consequences.

Seeing the suspicion on everyone’s faces, Fei straightened his face immediately, but he couldn’t help laughing secretly again when he saw Ziyu’s funny face. Heart said. This gluttonous guy really asked for it. Who told you to eat other people’s things casually.

At this time, although Ziyu’s mouth had swelled a little, it was still sticking to his face like two sausages that had been roasted, and he stared at Fei with a suspicious expression like everyone else.


Fei cleared his throat, suppressed the urge to laugh, and told everyone what Liu Ying told Fei about the magical effect of Shenguo Brewing.

Finally, Fei said. “Now, I will share the divine fruit brew with everyone. Let’s use it tonight to practice hard and see if the divine fruit brew is as amazing as Sister Liuying said.”

After finishing speaking, he took out a small jade bottle from the space, popped the cork off, and Fei sucked a wisp of bright green liquid out of the bottle, divided it into eight drops in the air, and then flew slowly towards everyone’s mouths.

one year later.

It was the day when major colleges recruit new students every year. At this time, the Elven God’s Domain, which was rarely visited before, became extremely lively.

Today’s Shenmu tribe was no longer what it was a year ago. I saw that in the valley, a majestic tall hall was built against the mountain, arranged in a patchwork order on the mountainside. The largest hall was built on the top of the highest mountain in the valley. Standing on the square of the hall, you can not only overlook the whole valley, but also the beautiful scenery of the mountains on the left and right.

There were no courtyard walls or the like built in the valley, but several rows of houses were built at both ends of the valley, and at the entrance of the valley there was a huge archway with four squares written on it. “Shenmu College” in golden characters. At the bottom, there was a line of small characters that read “Xuanbing Academy Shenmu Branch”.

The whole college seems to be built very casually, and there was no large-scale construction to destroy the scenery in the valley. The huge sacred tree was located in the middle of the entire valley, surrounded by the scattered buildings of Shenmu College, and it was very tightly protected.

Because today was the day when Shenmu College opens its doors to recruit students for the first time, the entrance of Shenmu College at this time was already full of people.

Shen Lingyun, the dean of Xuanbing Academy, and Bu Wenchi, Fei’s teacher, both stayed here early. Accompanied by the main leaders of Xuanbing Academy and the teachers sent by the General Academy. Bu Wenchi also brought over six students from his new teaching. Lao Caitou was still accompanying to protect the safety of everyone.

Of course everyone in Fei was also among them. Standing behind Fei was not only the elder Murong Hui, the army god Ming Dong and others, but also some surviving members of the Shenmu tribe.

After more than a year, Elder Murong Hui recruited nearly a hundred members of the Shenmu tribe to return to Shenmu College. Because most of them were spiritual masters, this group of people became the resident spiritual masters of Shenmu College, and were directly assigned by the elder hall of the college to be responsible for the safety and daily affairs of the entire college.

As the dean of Shenmu College, Fei only had a name, because he still had to continue to practice, so Fei handed over all the affairs of the college to the Elder Hall.

There were currently only four elders in the hall of elders of Shenmu College. In addition to the two elders Murong Hui and Ming Dong, Yang Chao, who has been following Fei during the battle of Nanfeng City, was also invited to join the hall of elders.

In addition, the main academy of Xuanbing Academy also sent a late eighth-level spiritual master to sit in Shenmu Academy as a member of the Elder Hall. This person’s name was Qu Bing, and she was a water attribute female spiritualist.

Although she was over a hundred years old, she still maintains a beautiful face. On the surface, she looks like a middle-aged beautiful woman in her thirties or forties.

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