Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1227: Use both grace and power

After subduing Phil, Lei Xiao followed the usual practice and first gave him a set of fifth-level equipment, magic potions and other trump cards, and then took this new subordinate back to the Chinese army's tent.

Seeing Lei Xiao and Phil reappearing, the generals of the Canlan Federation who were still waiting here did not dare to neglect at all. They immediately knelt down and saluted: "See your Royal Highness! Join the new Speaker!"

While kneeling on the ground, everyone couldn't help but recall Lei Xiao's fierce methods when he wiped out the black mist borers just now. The cold and biting eyes were engraved in their minds like a nightmare.

Among them, especially Sewell, in addition to awe, there was also a hint of worry and despair on the old face.

Now that the new Speaker has been established, Lei Xiao should naturally deal with him, the culprit who launched the army to destroy the country. He still vividly remembers the desperate scene when Andre was taken away not long ago.

Although he has been trapped here from the beginning and has not caused any substantial harm to the Lengyan Kingdom, he is probably bound to suffer revenge from Lei Xiao. Not to mention becoming a prisoner, it is reasonable to even lose his life. .

After all, he and Andre once led a small number of elites to attack the mountain fortress. Although they were finally repulsed by Lei Xiao, the fact that he and Andre became pawns of the source of evil was undeniable.

"You don't have to be polite, I'm just the Holy Lion Prince of the Cold Flame Kingdom."

Just when Sevier was in a state of confusion, Lei Xiao waved his hand casually, and Feng Qingyun said calmly: "Next, let's take the next step."

Hear the sound, Sevier

A hint of expected despair suddenly appeared on his old face. Sure enough, it was his turn to punish him.

However, just when old Sevier closed his eyes and prepared to accept the judgment of fate, Lei Xiao's voice rang in his ears: "Then, Sevier will serve as the deputy speaker and assist Phil in management. Canlan Federation."


After hearing Lei Xiao's words, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Sewell's wrinkled old face, and he froze on the spot, unable to believe his ears.

After a long while, he came back to his senses, crawled to the ground and came to Lei Xiao. He was shocked and said: "Your Highness, you, you mean to let me serve as the deputy speaker?"

"That's right, Mr. Sewell doesn't need to be polite, please get up quickly."

Lei Xiao smiled and nodded slightly: "You have worked hard in the Canlan Federation for decades, conquering the humanoid race, driving away the monsters, and establishing villages. Only then have you completely stabilized the land that was once a piece of loose sand. , you are the person who knows the land best, and you are naturally qualified for this position. "

"But after all, I once stood on the opposite side of His Highness the Prince and caused a lot of trouble to His Highness the Prince."

Sewell's old face was still full of disbelief, his old eyes widened and he said: "Why does Your Highness still treat me so favorably?"

"Because this is not for me, nor for the Cold Flame Kingdom, but for the entire human world."

Lei Xiao still maintained a faint smile and responded: "Only with the great assistance of the old gentleman, can the Canlan Federation be able to recover in the shortest time and become an extremely important force in the human world, so

Of course you are the best candidate. "

At this point, Lei Xiao's tone became a little softer, and he continued: "In any case, I hope the old gentleman will not refuse."

After hearing Lei Xiao's words, Sevier's body began to tremble uncontrollably.

The young man from another world in front of him not only did not let this old guy be punished, but gave him enough dignity, and even left a step for him in the end.

How could he not be grateful for such kindness?

At this moment, Sewell truly realized.

As a lord from another world, Lei Xiao was able to gain overwhelming power in a short period of time, go all the way to the point where the power of the human race was overturned, and even the three major neutral organizations with aloof status were impressed.

What he relies on is not only the mysterious lord's talent and the unpredictable commanding ability, but also the monarch's weapon that is enough to accommodate the world!

While sighing in his heart, Sewell's old face had already shed tears, and he completely prostrated himself at Lei Xiao's feet from the inside out.

I saw him lowering his old head while he couldn't help but said sincerely: "His Royal Highness treats me so kindly, how can I refuse? I am willing to assist Speaker Phil, and I am willing to burn my heart out for the human world under the protection of His Royal Highness. life!"

"Old sir, please get up quickly. From now on, we will advance and retreat together until the end of time."

Lei Xiao lowered his body to lift the trembling Sewell up, and nodded with satisfaction.

There are two main reasons why I made this decision.

First, of course, it is to completely consolidate Phil's position.

Just like what he said just now, Sevier's status in the Canlan Federation is very high.

, indeed made many merits and achievements.

After he helped Phil ascend to power, although he received strong support from the humanoid generals, the human generals were not as convinced as the former, and most of them were just afraid of him.

Although I have ways to solve all this, my vision is no longer limited to one country. Doing everything by myself will only waste more time and energy, so that the gains outweigh the losses.

Therefore, in order to completely control the Canlan Federation in the most convenient way, he also needs an auxiliary key of power to completely unlock the hearts of these generals, and Sewell is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Second, in the face of the catastrophe that may come at any time and the implementation of the plan to lead the human race into the outside world, the more elite soldiers and generals under his command, the better. Even if they are just one point stronger, they are likely to be able to lever the scales of victory. important weight.

What's more, I speculate that block wars with other foreign lords may not be far away.

Under this premise, just like what I have always done, if I can use these powers that have not been eroded by the darkness for my own use, it will undoubtedly be the best thing, both controllable and practical.

"Currently, I don't have a way to obtain the fifth-level recruitment order. It is obviously impossible to directly regain Sevier, so this method of combining kindness and power is the best choice."

Thinking of this in his mind, Lei Xiao moved his eyes to look at the other generals of the Canlan Federation.

As expected, everyone looked at him with expressions of gratitude and reverence.

"Phil, Mr. Sewell

Sir, the Canlan Federation will be left to you. I and the three major neutral organizations will provide you with all assistance. "

Lei Xiao nodded to the two people in front of him and said with a smile: "At the same time, I will order the Holy Night Kingdom to cancel all control measures and allow goods from other countries to be smoothly transported to the Canlan Federation."

"Thank you very much, Your Highness the Prince!"

Hearing this, not only Phil and Sewell, but also the other generals of the Canlan Federation had expressions of gratitude on their faces, and they all knelt on the ground again.

You must know that the reason why the Canlan Federation has been at war with the Holy Night Kingdom for decades is because the Holy Night Kingdom takes advantage of its geographical advantages to control all trade routes between the Canlan Federation and other countries in order to collect high taxes from them.

After all, the Canlan Federation is located in the easternmost part of the human world, bordering only the Kingdom of Holy Night. It is often constrained by the Kingdom of Holy Night, resulting in an extreme shortage of various materials, and it is not possible to earn gold dragons from local specialty products.

It is precisely because of this that the Canglan Federation borrowed the Holy Night Kingdom and formed an alliance with it.

Now, if trade can be restored, its importance to the Canlan Federation is self-evident!

"Everyone, get up. This is just a temporary measure in a short period of time. When my new trade method is fully implemented, you will be able to experience the products and food from all over the human world anytime and anywhere."

Lei Xiao raised his hand and said with a smile.

As for the new trade method Lei Xiao mentioned, it is naturally the lord network.

At present, with the day and night efforts of Qin Qian and other lords, it goes without saying that the lord network in all regions of the Lengyan Kingdom is fully operational.

And the lords of the Green Kingdom, Grim Kingdom, Iron Hand Islands, and Holy Night Kingdom

Network construction work has also begun.

This undoubtedly means that with the expansion of Lei Xiao's sphere of influence, it is now close to connecting the entire human world. This will be an important step for Lei Xiao to lead the comprehensive reform of the human world.

Afterwards, Lei Xiao explained to everyone some other details including the establishment of the lord network, and as usual gave some priceless equipment, magic potions and other items.

In this process, especially for Phil, who was a direct subordinate, just like Eckhart at the beginning, Lei Xiao specially gave the opponent two fifth-level alchemy puppets, the Dark Guardian, and a large number of trump cards, which were enough to stabilize his position.

Amid everyone's surprised thanks, Lei Xiao took Phil and Sewell back to the mountain fortress again.

In the dungeon of the fortress, another fifth-level strong man from the Canlan Federation was imprisoned, it was Fan Lunding, the captain of the parliamentary guard. Before that, Lei Xiao had asked Xiaojie to check, and he was also not surrounded by black mist.

The most important thing is that Lei Xiao also knew this person in detail.

Although he has a hot temper, he is an upright person. Like Sewell, he does not do any bad things. On the contrary, he has made outstanding achievements in the Canlan Federation and made many military exploits.

If such a talent can be used by himself, Lei Xiao will naturally not let him go.

"Sir Speaker?!"

Deep in the deep fortress dungeon, seeing Sewell actually appearing here with Lei Xiao, Fan Lunding's face was full of surprise, and he could hardly believe his eyes. He pointed at Lei Xiao and said: "Why are you here with him?" Together?"

"You must not be impudent in front of His Highness! I am no longer

Speaker, do you know how big of a mistake we have made? "

Sevier, who was no different from a subordinate, snorted coldly and described the whole story.

"Did we actually become the pawns of the source of evil? How sad is this, and how ridiculous are our actions?"

After hearing the truth of the matter, the middle-aged strong man retreated and collapsed on the ground, with an uncontrollable look of regret on his face.

"Fan Lunding, you were once my most loyal subordinate and guard, and you have always worked diligently for the Canlan Federation."

Sewell's wrinkled old face was full of seriousness, and he said solemnly: "Now I have decided to swear allegiance to His Highness the Prince and assist the new Speaker Phil in rebuilding the Canlan Federation. Now His Highness the Prince has ignored the past grudges and not only allowed me to regain my life, but also I have not forgotten you, but if you are still stubborn, I will personally send you on your way. "

"His Royal Highness the Prince saved the human world, saved everyone including us, and also used his astonishing kindness to forgive the general's recklessness and disrespect. How can the general dare to be stubborn again?"

While crying with gratitude, Fan Lunding did not hesitate at all. He knelt down on one knee and lowered his head towards Lei Xiao, and said sincerely: "I am willing to swear allegiance to His Highness the Prince to the death, and I am also willing to use this sinner's body to fight for His Highness the Prince and do his meager contribution. Power!"

"Very good, please get up."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly and signaled Mr. Bai who was on standby to open the cell door.

At Sewell's suggestion, Lei Xiao also resigned from the position of Captain of the Guards of the Valentine Council and assigned him to garrison at the fortress between the Canlan Federation and the Outer Territory, serving as a scout to serve his crimes.

And the latter is naturally grateful

, dare not slack off at all.

After everything was arranged properly, Lei Xiao led everyone back to the canyon and ordered everyone to gather the army and prepare to leave here.

With the transportation of Bingshi City, it was only a blink of an eye to return to the capital of Canlan Federation. Of course, before that, Lei Xiao had prepared enough food to feed the army.

As for the army of the Holy Night Kingdom, they have completed all this and returned home in advance.

"In this way, the Holy Night Kingdom and Canlan Federation are completely in my hands."

Looking at the Canglan soldiers heading towards Ice Stone City, Lei Xiao nodded slightly.

At this time, the fog in the Yongmian Canyon has long since dispersed, and the bright sunshine has once again enveloped the earth, making everything shine.

"Lord Lord!"

I saw Erza and Mia, who had not seen Lei Xiao for a long time, already appearing not far away, as well as Dinah, the president of the "Mirror Witch Association" and other palace illusionists, as well as the phantom maids of the vampire clan, all with faces filled with expressions. He rushed over with reverence.

Although all of them have been supporting the "Lost Path", Lei Xiao's story still spread to everyone's ears from Bai Lao.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Lei Xiao first touched the heads of Erza and Mia, then nodded specifically to Dinah, and then said: "Everyone has done a great job this time. You have trapped this powerful country-destroying army for me. Find the book Each of you will receive the rewards and praise you deserve. This is an illusion action worthy of being recorded in the history of the human race. Without your efforts, the consequences would be unimaginable. "

"We are willing to go through fire and water for His Highness the Prince!"

Hearing the sound, including the phantom maids, Dinah and others

He immediately knelt down on the ground, caressed his chest and saluted Lei Xiao.

Among them, especially Dinah, the president of the "Mirror Witch Association", her fair face is full of excitement and excitement. Being able to join Lei Xiao's command is undoubtedly the most correct choice she has ever made in her life!

You know, at that time Lei Xiao was just a new prince who was beleaguered on all sides, but now, Lei Xiao has become the ruler and savior of the human world. How could she not be extremely excited as she has been immersed in fighting?

As for why even the vampire phantom maid is so respectful, it's naturally because Louise has been following Lei Xiao like a follower.

Seeing that the Supreme True Ancestor has lowered his posture and turned into a mere follower, what reason do they have not to lower their heads?

After all the illusionists were settled in Ice Stone City to rest, Lei Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

At this point, everything in Yongmian Canyon is completely over.

"The Holy Night Kingdom and the Canlan Federation should send some capable generals to assist Willy and Phil, including the capable Lords of the Gods, to coordinate matters with the lords from other worlds."

After arranging all the follow-up matters properly, Lei Xiao's eyes were bright and clear.

Next, it was time to deal with the Pars Empire.

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