Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1203: Breaks and surprises

"Your Highness, the extremely strong and strange energy fluctuations emitting from this giant tree trunk are indeed the "source"! "

Diana, who was protecting Lei Xiao, lowered her head to check for a moment, then nodded to the former.

"That's right, and there are a lot of familiar energy fluctuations that seem to have been seen before."

Wu frowned and reported to Lei Xiao: "Lord, these are other [God's Stones], and my subordinates can even hear their screams."

After saying nothing, Xiaojie, Xiaohuan and Xiaozhao also nodded, their expressions extremely solemn.

"The mournful cry of the [God Stone] came from the "root" of the Forbidden Tree? "

Lei Xiao frowned slightly and soon became enlightened.

No wonder the strong men of the Black Abyss Brotherhood have been searching for the [God's Stone] at all costs. It turns out that the [God's Stone] is also an integral part of this forbidden tree.

To be more precise, only by possessing the [God's Stone] can the other party's so-called "sacred plan" be successfully implemented.

"Before this, I have repeatedly frustrated the opponent's search for the "Old Contract Relic", which undoubtedly slowed down the opponent's search for the "God's Stone" to a considerable extent. "

"I have to say that it is really a very correct choice, otherwise the opponent's plan of destruction will only progress further."

Lei Xiao didn't have time to think about anything else, and immediately nodded to everyone and said: "Let the "root" appear from the giant tree trunk first. "

"Let me try it first!"

Louise's fangs, which had been prepared for a long time, flashed a cold light and pounced towards the giant tree trunk.

However, with the vast energy fluctuations,

His mind was agitated, and although the offensive momentum of this true ancestor of the blood clan was like a rainbow, which was enough to easily **** an elite army, the giant tree trunk was unscathed.

After that, Diana, Lorenz, Wu and others also took action one after another, and they were also unable to do anything to the other party.

"Let me try."

After saying that, Lei Xiao turned his palm up, and a sixth-level attack magic scroll appeared.

Lei Xiao didn't hesitate. While signaling everyone to retreat to a safe distance, he injected the power of God's favor and immediately activated it.

As a violent wave of energy surged out, a gleaming 100-meter earth gun instantly condensed into shape, and then under Lei Xiao's command, it shot straight towards the giant tree trunk in front of it.

However, with an earth-shattering loud noise, when countless dust fell to the ground, the giant dark red tree trunk was still unscathed, not even a scratch appeared.

"Is that true?"

Looking at the intact dark red tree trunk, Lei Xiao's brows twisted into a knot.

If you think about it carefully, even with the blessing of the power of the gods, it would be difficult for Bing Lao and other sixth-level experts to remove the peripheral branches and roots, let alone the larger trunk.

"Perhaps a higher-level magic scroll can damage it, but I have asked just now that even the two old presidents of neutral organizations do not have a reserve of sixth-level magic scrolls. After all, the materials for making such scrolls are too rare. , even no less than level six equipment.”

Thinking of this in his mind, Lei Xiao clenched his fist, and then he had no choice but to loosen it. A feeling of powerlessness suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart.

Even though his strength has skyrocketed,

, and also has many bonus effects, but facing such a high-intensity battlefield environment, it is still a little too stretched.

If I were stronger, I might be able to break this situation.

"The despicable alien is just a small fourth-level peak ant. But I just looked up to you. So what if I was lucky enough to hold you back? I still can't do anything."

The cloudy eyes of the mysterious being were full of jest, and he looked at Lei Xiao with disdain and sneered.

As for Bing Lao and Hui Lao who were surrounding him, their attacks became increasingly weak, and they were suppressed by the opponent so much that they could hardly breathe.

However, just as the mysterious existence's arrogant words fell, something surprising happened.

Lei Xiao concentrated his mind and slashed directly at the dark red tree trunk with a strange light with Rolandal.

With a sharp sword light flashing by, a huge gap was cut out of the originally indestructible giant dark red tree trunk, and a stream of black mist emerged.

Seeing this sudden scene, not only did the mysterious existence's ridicule stop abruptly, but everyone including Lei Xiao himself was also full of surprise. Then, the surprise on everyone's faces turned into uncontrollable excitement. .

Although I don’t know how all of this happened, Lei Xiao undoubtedly gave us another glimmer of hope to break through the haze!

"Even level six attacks can't cause damage. How did I do that?"

Lei Xiao was startled for a moment, then looked at Rolandel in his hand, and reacted instantly.

If nothing else, obviously

It was this long sword passed down from generation to generation that once served as the royal symbol of the Silver Fire Kingdom that played the role.

"No matter what, you must not let this great opportunity pass you by!"

Lei Xiao gathered his mind, his whole body became full of momentum, he raised his sword again and stabbed straight into the gap: "Liaoying Zhuguang Break!"

For a moment, Lei Xiao and Rolandel almost turned into a dazzling light, rushing towards the target like a cannonball fired out.


There was only a loud sound of energy explosion, and the dark red giant tree trunk immediately emitted an increasingly dense black mist, which continued to roll and rise in the air.

When the dark fog gradually subsided, everyone was delighted to discover.

Lei Xiao had already broken a large hole in the giant tree trunk, which was more than ten square meters.

Amidst the black mist, the stench filled the hole that shimmered with darkness and blood, and at the end of the hole, wisps of crystal clear dim light suddenly appeared.

Although it was extremely dim, Lei Xiao could still easily tell that it was the light of the [Stone of God]!

I saw that these [Stones of God] were all wrapped in dark red and embedded in the interior of the giant tree trunk. The energy flow lines around them were crisscrossed like blood vessels, obviously providing support for the entire forbidden tree.

Upon seeing this, Lei Xiao clenched Rolandal in his hand.

Having several [God's Stones] in his possession, he clearly understands that the [God's Stone] cannot be destroyed.

Therefore, the only way to get rid of the "root" is to forcibly peel off the [Stone of God] from it.

Sure enough, just as Lei Xiao thought of this, Wu's reminder sounded: "Lord, there are twelve [God's Stones] in total. Just remove them from the inside of the trunk."

By peeling off all the parts, you can destroy the "root cause"! "

"You bastard, don't even think of succeeding!"

The mysterious existence was surprised, and left Hui Lao and Bing Lao behind, and flew towards Lei Xiao with overwhelming murderous intent.

But just as he reached the general level, Yoniel gritted his teeth and blocked it again. Although he could not cause any harm to the mysterious existence, under the protection of the energy barrier, he could still stop the opponent for a moment with all his strength.


There was a loud noise, and although Yoniel was blocked by the mysterious being as expected, Hui Lao and Bing Lao, who had just been left behind, rushed over and intercepted the mysterious being again.

Under the desperate obstruction of three of our sixth-level experts, even though the mysterious existence was boiling with murderous intent, it still did not come close to Lei Xiao.

However, in the fierce battle filled with murderous intent, no one noticed.

Although the mysterious being who was repeatedly intercepted looked extremely corrupt, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised inadvertently, as if he was not worried that Lei Xiao could really remove the [Stone of God].

Sure enough, while the Bing Lao trio were holding each other back, Lei Xiao and the other strong men on our side had just taken a few steps into the hole when something happened.

I saw a sudden absolute defensive barrier appear out of thin air, once again isolating everyone, unable to move forward even one centimeter.

This sudden barrier is shimmering with dark and strange light. Judging from the strange energy fluctuations it emits, it is obviously extremely strong. Unless all the strong men on our side come into battle, it will be difficult to break it.

"Where did the barrier come from?!"

Louise, who was running at the front, was stunned for a moment, her fair face full of doubts.


"Lord, that mysterious existence must have other accomplices!"

Wu's expression was solemn, and he blurted out: "I'm afraid the other party saw you smashing the tree trunk, and simply used the [God's Stone] as bait, which attracted me in!"

"Let's retreat first and then talk."

Hearing the sound, Lei Xiao, who also noticed something fishy, ​​issued the order without hesitation.

After hearing Lei Xiao's order, everyone flew out of the tree hole.

As soon as everyone left, another confinement barrier appeared in the damaged part of the tree hole, almost imprisoning everyone in it.

"Sir, these barriers are so familiar."

Just when the group of people were panicking, Xiaojie's voice suddenly rang in Lei Xiao's ears: "Although it is much more powerful, it is exactly the same as what the little girl used."

"Exactly the same?"

Hearing the sound, Lei Xiao just turned his head and suddenly found out in surprise.

Behind Xiaojie, another "Xiaojie" suddenly appeared.

Although the newly appeared "Xiaojie" looks exactly the same as the former, her fair face has no expression, just like a puppet on strings.

In the blink of an eye, more expressionless "Xiao Jie" appeared one after another, standing behind every strong person on our side.

Such a stiff scene is undoubtedly very similar to the first time I saw Xiaojie, but these "Xiaojie" are not bound by black chains, lack facial expressions, and are completely different from Xiaojie.

"It's not an illusion. Where did so many Xiaojies come from?"

Xiao Huan on the side obviously noticed this unexpected sight and blurted out.

However, her words were not finished yet

Everything fell down, and the mutation happened again.

I saw energy fluctuations surging around all "Xiaojie", obviously some kind of magic was activated.

For a moment, Lei Xiao felt that his feet were as heavy as lead, and it was difficult to straighten his waist, as if a mountain was pressing down on him.

Lei Xiao was no stranger to this feeling. It was exactly the same as when Xiaojie cast the confinement barrier before, but it was obviously much more powerful.

With panic in his heart, Lei Xiao tried his best to look back.

He found that there was indeed a "Xiaojie" standing behind him, and it was she who cast the confinement barrier and bound herself within it.

This was not over yet, Lei Xiao soon noticed further.

Not only himself, but three other stone elves, including Xiaojie, Louise, Diana, Lorenz, and Wu, were also strongly suppressed, and were imprisoned by "Xiaojie" behind them. He was in the same place, unable to move at all.

"Sir, please forgive me for my incompetence. I don't know why these guys look exactly like me."

Xiaojie, who saw that her own energy had bottomed out, was almost pressed to the ground. Her face was full of anxious tears and she said: "I'm sorry, sir, the little girl can't break free from the other party's shackles!"

"It's not your fault. In fact, there were already warnings."

Lei Xiao looked at the thin stone elf who was pressed heavily on the ground, tried his best to smile, and responded: "I underestimated the methods of that mysterious existence."

Needless to say, what Lei Xiao was referring to was naturally what happened in the Silver Fire Kingdom dungeon.

I remember that Xiaojie had doubts at that time. Some of the barriers were clearly not arranged by her.

But he used exactly the same method as her.

Now it seems that it is obviously the masterpiece of these "Xiao Jie".

But what makes Lei Xiao puzzled is that Xiaojie, as the [God Stone], should be unique. Why are there so many "Xiaojies"? It's simply unbelievable.

"Your Excellency (His Royal Highness)!"

Noticing the sudden change that occurred to Lei Xiao and others, Bing Lao, Hui Lao, and Yoniel who were fighting the mysterious existence couldn't help but be shocked. Find the bookstore

But the mysterious existence had an expected appearance. The corners of his mouth raised again, and he grinned in a strange arc that ordinary people could not make. He said solemnly: "I have just said it before, you are just trying to do something with your hands, and you are underestimating your capabilities." That’s all.”

As he spoke, the mysterious being's playful face suddenly turned ferocious, and he roared sternly: "It's time for the game to come to an end. Let me completely cut off your last hope."

After saying that, the mysterious existence's majestic momentum surged again, and the war sickle in his hand suddenly made a very sharp slash. Countless dark red knife shadows were like the sky and the earth falling apart, and they swept towards Bing Lao and the other three people crazily.

Faced with such a powerful and fierce offensive, the three of them had no choice but to grit their teeth and choose to avoid it.

But taking advantage of this moment, the mysterious existence's movement speed suddenly reached an unprecedented height. It actually broke through the obstruction of the three people and rushed straight towards Lei Xiao with overwhelming murderous intent.

At this point, the other party's purpose has been very clear.

Obviously they are planning to kill Lei Xiao, who is the absolute core of the team, first, and then kill the rest of our team in turn.

Notice the other person’s intentions

, although Bing Lao and the other three reacted extremely quickly, they flew towards Lei Xiao at the same time, trying to stop him as much as possible.

But because the speed of the mysterious existence is too fast, it can't catch up with the other party's footsteps.

Almost in an instant, the mysterious existence with a ferocious smile appeared in front of Lei Xiao, raising the war sickle in his hand that was shining with a deadly and strange light.

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