Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 539: Dream Walker

Chapter 539: Dream Walker

At the moment he saw the Fool's mask, even Klein on Sefirah Castle felt a little dizzy and lost his ability to think.

The gray mist moved slightly, and the cloak flew up, covering Klein's eyes like the night, and he woke up.

"No! Too passive!" Klein couldn't even make the utopia disappear now.

He didn't dare to walk out of Sefirah Castle in his real body. He would be controlled to death just by the historical projection.

Klein's face was solemn, and his eyes involuntarily looked at the "Wishing Magic Lamp" beside him.

Under the gaze of Amon and Antigonus, it was almost impossible for Klein to perform the ritual of Sequence 1 again. Even if he escaped by luck this time, he probably wouldn't have the chance next time.

So the best choice is to complete the ritual and get promoted today!

"It's just that my role as the 'Miracle Master' is only one step away..."

Klein looked at the "Wishing Magic Lamp" and made a decision in three seconds.

His body began to split, and part of the "Phosphorus Bug" drilled out of his body, condensing into an illusory figure. In this process, countless dreamy phosphorescence separated from Klein and came to the phantom.

At the same time, Klein's cloak was also transferred to this illusory figure.

"It's still a little short..." Klein thought about it and integrated the dream card and dream crystal ball into it.

This time, this figure finally gradually solidified and became the same as Klein.

Klein used "Illusion" to force out most of the dreamy phosphorescence, and combined with the dream card and dream crystal ball to create a "self".

This body is almost equivalent to his body, carrying most of the dreamy phosphorescence.

The two Kleins looked at each other, their minds were connected, and the same soul naturally didn't need to say much. Dreamy Klein directly left "Source Castle" through the cause and effect connection.

Then, Klein looked at the "Wishing Magic Lamp", stuffed it into his pocket, took a deep breath, and came to Utopia from "Source Castle" as if he was going to die!

"You?" Antigonus and Amon both looked at the direction where Klein appeared at the same time, both of them were in doubt.

"Your true body?" Antigonus paused his attack, and his eyes behind the transparent mask fell on Klein.

For an angel who is a "fortune teller", the appearance of his true body is a very abnormal thing, especially under the premise that Klein owns the "Source Castle".

Under the premise that the other competitors dare not release the will of the "Lord of Mysteries" in their bodies to revive, even the true gods will find it difficult to forcefully enter the "Source Castle". As long as he hides in the "Source Castle", Klein is almost in an immortal situation until the final competition comes.

It's just that Klein's true body has appeared now, which is the biggest abnormality.

"As you can see." Klein nodded slightly.

"..." Antigonus hesitated for only a moment, and then raised his hand again, fooling the rules and fooling the mind!

Klein's body was inevitably suppressed by the unique power of "The Fool", but with the help of the power of "Source Castle", he could barely maintain his "respect" in Antigonus.

- At least he couldn't act like a fool, and "The Fool" was not really stupid.

After confirming that his IQ was still high, Klein reached out again and gently grabbed, the void split open, and a real ocean appeared above Klein's head.

"Dream Sea"!

Klein was finally able to hold out with Antigonus.

But Antigonus was an angel of the Dream Sect after all, and the "Dream Sea" had far less effect on him than other angels.

At this time, the dream version of Klein had already arrived in "Fantasy Town".

This time, Klein didn't dare to delay any more and went directly to the core of "Fantasy Town", in front of the first dream statue.

After becoming a dream angel, Klein's authority in the Dream Sect has been raised to a level only below the Pope, so there is a lot of knowledge that He can get from the fantasy world with just a thought.

For example, Sequence 1 of the "Dream" path.

"'Dream Walker', the agent of the will of the 'Supreme Dream'."

This is the definition of Sequence 1 of the "Dream" path in the Dream Sect.

Just looking at the name of the sequence "Dream Walker" can also tell what this sequence does.

In fact, there is only one "Dream Walker" in the Dream Sect, and that is Pope Hermes.

This Pope has spent thousands of years to prove his piety. On the premise of stabilizing himself, he obtained the permission of the "Supreme Dream" and finally promoted to "Dream Walker", meticulously practicing the will of the "Supreme Dream".

Yes, the ritual of the "Dream Walker" is very simple, that is to face the true body of the "Supreme Dream"!

This requires the permission of the "Supreme Dream".

From this ceremony, it is not difficult to be promoted. Even Hermes took thousands of years to adapt, and the "Mysterious Angel" who is loved by everyone stayed at Sequence 2 for a hundred years.

Facing the mythical creature form of the "Supreme Dream" is to face the pollution of the "Old Days". Even with the permission of the "Supreme Dream", it is not easy. It is easy to lose yourself in the endless dream.

"Do you want to become a 'Dream Walker'?" Truman suddenly appeared in front of Klein and looked at Klein with interest.

The battle in Utopia naturally could not be hidden from him, but he did not interfere. If Amon could take the "Source Castle", then the "Source Castle" should belong to him.

"Yes." Klein nodded solemnly.

"You can't bear it." Truman told Klein the result directly. Becoming a "Dream Walker" is the most difficult step in the "Dream" path, and Klein has no chance now.

"I plan to use the 'Lord of Mystery' to check and balance you." Klein generously revealed his thoughts.

"Hmm?" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly, but in just a moment, Truman understood what Klein meant.

"It's an interesting idea, and the success rate is not low."

"But are you ready to be my agent?" Truman nodded slightly and looked into Klein's eyes.

"Dream Walker" is the agent of the will of "Supreme Dream". This is not just talk. After becoming a "Dream Walker", it is a real agent and will undergo a qualitative change in spirit.

"Am I not now?" Klein asked back. During Klein's growth, there has always been a shadow of dream above his head.

"...Okay." Truman looked at Klein, nodded slightly, and allowed Klein to be promoted.

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