Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 525: Dragon

Chapter 525: Dragon

"I remember Mr. World is now an angel, right?" Audrey suddenly thought of something.

"Yes." Klein nodded, but at this moment his spirituality suddenly had a sense.

It's fate!

"... Then can I hire you, Mr. World?" Sure enough, Audrey said this the next second.

"The Psychological Alchemy Society recently obtained relevant information about the dragon near Backlund, which requires me to confirm."

"It's just that the dragon is suspected to be an angel, and it's too dangerous for me to go alone."

Audrey didn't realize it, just expressed her troubles.

"..." Klein looked at Miss Audrey, who was a little embarrassed, and his eyes became a little deeper.

He felt the arrangement of fate. At this moment, cold sweat oozed from his back. He didn't even dare to move his eyes, for fear of seeing a priest with a light golden beard in a corner!

"No?" Audrey on the other side blinked and nodded with some regret, "Yes, this is my adventure, and Mr. 'World' cannot be involved..."

"Okay." Klein nodded gently and agreed to Miss Audrey's hiring.

"What reward do you need?" Audrey was a little excited, but then she thought that she couldn't afford to hire an angel!

"The reward is the dragon." Klein said casually, and now he has relaxed.

This time, Miss "Justice" is involved, and he has already entered the game and can't escape.

And this time should be like the last time in the Giant King's Court. Adam just wants to confirm some things, and it shouldn't put his life in danger.

-This is Backlund.

Klein agreed with Audrey on the departure time with a normal expression, and said goodbye naturally. When he walked out of the Dream Church, he returned to "Source Castle" in an instant.

"It's great to see Adam... These two brothers seem to be born with me!" Klein has a deep understanding of Backlund's difficult living environment now.

It was the second day after he returned to Backlund that he fell into the fate arranged by Adam.

He helplessly looked at Miss Justice following the cause and effect connection. This noble lady was unaware of it. Her mind should not have been affected, but every step she took was in line with the drumbeat of fate.

"Giant dragon? There is something that even Adam is concerned about?"

The dragon clan suffered heavy casualties in the war at the end of the Second Epoch. Only a small part of them escaped. After that, they were hunted and killed, and there were only a few left.

"Psychological Alchemy Society, Adam, and heretics, what is the relationship here..." Klein scratched his head and really couldn't think of it.

After that, he could only accept his fate and wait for the time agreed with Miss Justice to come.

It's not that he can't escape the arranged fate, but Miss Justice is already in the fate, and he needs to take care of her.

Of course, there is another reason. Judging from the last "cooperation", since Adam arranged this fate, there will naturally be corresponding rewards.

"Giant dragon..." Klein's pupils suddenly shrank, and he stretched out his hand to summon a book from the pile of debris.

"Groselle's Travels"!

This book is the thing that Klein has the deepest connection with the dragon.

"Adam and the 'Imaginary Dragon'?" Klein's face was a little strange, and he finally saw the key to some problems.


Late at night, Klein came to the Dream Church and saw Audrey Hall who teleported through the dream.

This noble lady wore a blue cloak, and the hood covered her bright face.

"Miss Justice, let's go." Klein looked at Miss Justice and nodded slightly, and took her on a "trip" of not a short distance to their destination.

"Then Mr. World, this time I will take you into the dream." Miss Justice waved her hand lightly, and the power of the "Dream Walker" made the place where the two were illusory.

Klein and Audrey both walked into the dream of this village.

This is the information Audrey got from the Psychological Alchemy Society. There are traces of the Psychic Dragon in the dream of this village that worships dragons!

What the two of them did was to explore the collective dream of this village and find the trace of the spiritual dragon.

"Sure enough, there is a deeply hidden dragon worship here." Audrey came to the village square and keenly noticed the existence of the dragon from the vague and messy traces on the square.

She waved her hand lightly, and the messy traces on the square were reorganized. A second later, these traces became a dragon symbol.

Klein nodded slightly. Miss Justice is now a "manipulator" and has long been an experienced Beyonder.

Klein's eyes stayed on the dragon symbol for two seconds, and then he looked at the houses surrounding the square.

Each house is slightly different from the houses outside. The houses here are more elegant and solemn, with classical doors with reliefs. Under the starlight at night, they look particularly mysterious, making people want to know what is hidden behind them.

As his thoughts turned, Klein suddenly understood what they represent in the dream.

"This is the door to the soul. Behind each door is the spiritual world of its owner." Audrey introduced to Klein.

"Generally speaking, you only need to push open this door to peek into the owner's deepest memories." Audrey's tone was a little complicated.

"However, peeping can sometimes be a kind of pollution." Klein nodded thoughtfully.

His understanding of the power of the mind field has always remained at the surface, and he has not studied real psychology in depth, but he can judge the hidden rules in it with the knowledge of mysticism alone.

Once you peeke deeply into the inner world of others, the "audience" is not just an "audience", even the "manipulator" will be polluted by the darkest thoughts in the hearts of others.

Klein controls the "abyss" of the fantasy world and understands the power of such dark thoughts.

"Let's go." Audrey followed her spiritual intuition and walked to a building in the deepest part of the village.

This is a small church, with no special features, but it made Klein frown slightly.

"Justice" and "World" exchanged glances, and "Justice" adjusted his breathing and steadily reached out to grasp the handle of the door.

As the wooden door opened, the scene inside gradually exposed.

This was no longer a room. On the ground were round stones and clumps of dark green weeds. Deep inside, it was dark and impossible to see clearly.

The World walked in slowly, and Justice lagged behind.

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