Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 501: God of Fantasy Dreams

Chapter 501: God of Fantasy Dreams

"You're willing to come back!?" A resentful voice came, and Bernadette opened the door and walked in.

"Sister?" Bonova was even more surprised. These two relatives who were often missing actually returned home together. It was really rare.

"What do you want to do!?" Bernadette stared at Roselle. The atmosphere between father and daughter was not so harmonious.

Roselle did ignore his family in reality after resigning from the position of the first speaker and entering the fantasy world.

In addition, some absurd things he did when he was young were known by his rebellious daughter in adolescence...

The result is now like this.

"Beibei, come here, and Bonova, come too." Roselle patted the sofa.

The two siblings looked at each other and felt a little uneasy.

Even Bernadette didn't say anything else and sat next to Roselle.

Roselle reached out and touched his daughter and son's heads, and nodded with satisfaction.

"I'm leaving. You probably won't see me very often in the future..." Roselle raised his eyebrows.

"... the real body."

Roselle's unique way of making fun of others, his children are already very accustomed to it.

"What do you want to do?" Bernadette asked again, her tone much heavier.

"The opportunity I've been waiting for hundreds of years is coming." Roselle waved his hand, and a light screen like a TV appeared opposite the sofa.

Bernadette and Bonois both subconsciously looked at the light screen.

"God War?" Bernadette's pupils shrank slightly.

On the light screen was the scene of dusk invading the "Deep Dark Kingdom".

"Watch carefully, today is the most exciting game since the Fifth Epoch." Roselle said mysteriously.

Bernadette and Bonois didn't ask any more questions, but stared at the light screen as if to see some secrets in it.

Until the death of the God of War, both of them changed color.

When the name "Lilith" came out, the two angels stood up suddenly.

"How is it possible?!" Bernadette looked at the light screen in astonishment, and then looked at Roselle, who seemed to be smiling.

"You knew it a long time ago?"

"Alas!" In fact, Roselle also had a toothache. After learning from Truman what would happen today, He also had the same expression as Bernadette.

"This is your uncle Truman's doing. Lilith is probably his old lover." Russell snorted.

Then, the outer gods attacked, the Kingdom of the God of War collapsed, and the fragments of the Kingdom of God were scattered.

"..." Bernadette and Bonois both looked at the hole left by the Kingdom of the God of War, with unconcealed worries.

They are all angels, so they naturally know the horror of the outer gods.

"..." Bernadette suddenly looked at Russell, and his spirituality also pointed to a certain possibility.

"Yes! Your father, I am going to become a god!" Russell couldn't help but proudly solve the mystery.

At this time, a strange wave came from a certain place, and Russell subconsciously reached out and grabbed a light ball that suddenly jumped out in his hand. The next moment, his body suddenly burst out with brilliant dreamy phosphorescence.

"How did you become a god? Where is your place!?" Bernadette's pupils shrank slightly, and she asked very quickly.

"Yes, there is no position." Russell's face also had a trace of reluctance. He came too late. Almost all the positions above were occupied, and those positions without owners could not fall into his hands for various reasons.

How could a traverser who once claimed to be the protagonist be willing to accept this?

"So, I accepted your uncle Truman's invitation to do an experiment." Russell stood up, and the dreamy phosphorescence on his body became more and more brilliant.

The fantasy world appeared behind him, and he was like a god carrying the world forward.

"I only understand how Truman did it now."

"..." Bernadette and Bonois did not dare to approach because of the sacred brilliance bursting out of Russell.

But Bernadette was a dream angel after all and could detect the subtle changes in Russell.

"Son of the Creator, Adam?" Bernadette thought of a similar existence.

"Yes and no." Russell nodded gently, taking advantage of this last time to answer his daughter's questions.

"Now Truman can already come up with a false uniqueness."

It's like the creator of the Third Age "imagined" a uniqueness and stuffed it into Adam.

"It's just different from Adam's. The one in my hand is fake."

Rossell tossed the uniqueness in his hand.

Inside the light ball was a dreamy sea of ??clouds, and each cloud was a fantasy and dream of a life.

This is a false "dream" uniqueness.

"Of course," Russell showed a strange smile, "Reality and falsehood in front of dreams are actually just a little girl who can dress up as she pleases..."

Rossell directly merged the light ball in his hand into his body.

At this moment, his own changes could no longer be contained.

"I'm leaving. You can come to the fantasy world to see me in the future, but you can't come to my kingdom of God." Russell left a last word. His body had already left the real world under the drive of the dream phosphorescence and came to the star world.


The entire fantasy world was shaking, and the power accumulated in the fantasy world for hundreds of years bloomed at this moment.

Everyone, from angels, true gods to extraordinary people and ordinary people, had a buzzing brain.

At this moment, all the lives in the North and South continents fell into a dream.

At least at this moment, everyone was safe and happy.

Some of them quickly broke free, while others were willing to sink into it.

Linking the dreams of all living beings, this is a ritual to integrate the uniqueness of "Fantasy Dreams".

This ritual is common to Truman and the current Roselle.

"Is this a ritual of becoming a god?!" All the true gods looked at Roselle who suddenly appeared in the star world in amazement.

"I am... the God of Fantasy Dreams!"

Roselle's body began to melt and turned into a dream cloud sea form that was the same as the uniqueness of "Fantasy Dreams".

This is also considered to be his current mythological form. Even if the true gods look directly at him for a long time, they will be deeply trapped in a dream that is difficult to escape.

Endless light rose from the fantasy world and was all linked to the body of Fantasy Dreams. Roselle walked step by step in the conceptualized star world, and the power of the fantasy world lifted him to the status of a true god.

The uniqueness of "Fantasy Dreams" in his body also burst out with a more powerful and real light.

"Hiss! Enough!" Truman, who was in the Kingdom of Sasriel, also unconsciously had a dreamy phosphorescent splash on his body.

The Book of Dreams opened autonomously, humming and trembling gently, and transmitted an unimaginable extraordinary characteristic cohesion force.

Gradually, Truman suddenly showed a confused look on his face, and a group of dreamy clouds suddenly tore through the space of the kingdom of the "True Creator" and wanted to return to the "Book of Dreams".

"Stop!" Sasriel made a timely move, and a shadow fixed the uniqueness of the real "Dream".

The current "Dream" is in an extremely strange state of reality and illusion, supporting Russell's ascension while also affecting the "Book of Dreams".

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