Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 473: Saving Triss

Chapter 473: Saving Triss

Klein looked at the blessed Chick and already guessed the plot. Sure enough, the next scene was Chick drinking the "Assassin" potion.

What can Klein say? Not everyone has the ambition of Brother "Hidden Blade", so he saw Chick's darkening and the gradual distortion of Chick's belief in dreams.

"Destiny is unpredictable, fortune has its way." Klein sighed softly and was ready to take action.

After receiving the corresponding information, he already knew how to prevent Triss from becoming the "original witch" Chick.

Triss is now in a special state. Her body, memory and destiny are all being "covered". After a while, she will become a perfect "divine vessel" that can bear the arrival of the "original witch".

But not yet...

"How could it be such a coincidence?" Klein directly suspected that Truman had a hand in this.

"Invoke the power of dreams, summon the projection of 'Fantasy Township' to come, and interrupt the ritual of the 'Original Witch' descending on Triss."

"Even if possible, throw Triss directly to 'Fantasy Township' and cut off all contact."

This is not difficult for Klein because he is already a fantasy angel.

"Sea of ??Dreams!" Klein's eyes reflected the starry sea of ??dreams.

He stretched out his hand and pulled, and a crack opened in the space that was several hundred meters long. The turbulent sea water surged out crazily, directly covering the entire city.


Triss opened her eyes suddenly, with absolute darkness and doom in her eyes.

At this moment, her hair stood up one by one, and became as thick as a small snake. Their outer layer was smooth and strange, and the top was either inlaid with black and white eyes, or had a head like a poisonous snake, with its mouth slightly open and spitting. Hold the letter.

The "Original Witch" came, but the angels of the Witch Sect did not follow. That's because there was no need!

Triss's deep black eyes suddenly looked at Klein. The ground began to shake violently, a muffled sound came from the depths, and a third color appeared in this world shrouded in thunder, lightning and darkness.

Those were red meteors trailing flame tails!

Klein's expression moved, and a space crack appeared in the sky. On the other end of the space crack was "Gensokyo".

Obviously, a divine vessel cannot destroy the Kingdom of Dreams.

But in the next moment, "Triss" appeared directly next to Klein, and all eyes were staring at Klein.

Klein's body inevitably transformed into stone.

Heh... Klein's body appeared in the Sea of ??Dreams. The pure seawater washed away the petrified features on his body, and the paper man who remained in place also fell to the ground and shattered into gravel.

This kind of "Triss" exceeds Klein's estimation and is a bit too strong!

"Perhaps this is the power of the true god?" Klein no longer dared to face Triss directly. Instead, he controlled the sea of ??dreams to raise a wave and suddenly crashed it down.

The sea water of the Dream Sea collides with the power of the "Original Witch", and Klein seems to be acting as a "porter" or a "faucet".

Rumble... The whole city was shaking and then collapsing. The ceremony of the arrival of the "Original Witch" had been destroyed.


But Klein didn't even have time to be happy. A certain heartbeat forcibly affected his thoughts.

This is "charm", he was actually charmed by the sound of heartbeat!

"It's the heart of the 'Original Witch'!" Klein's body stiffened and he collapsed.

"Hell, you asked me to stop the gods from descending?!" Klein was already cursing Truman.

Klein's historical projection came out of the fog. The body just now was really dead and there was no chance of using a paper man substitute.

This historical projection comes down from the "Origin Castle".

"Go to hell!" Triss's voice rang in Klein's ears. The voice was filled with endless charm, and it almost made Klein commit suicide.

"It's up to you to handle this kind of thing!" Klein flashed and came to the only thing in the city that had not yet been destroyed.

That is the statue of the dream angel!

Klein once used the Dream Angel Idol in Backlund to fight against the true God's will, and he wanted to recreate the scene at that time.

"Come out!" Klein pulled the scene he experienced at that time out of the fog of history, and merged the dream statue he used at that time with the statue in front of him.


It's the heartbeat of the "Original Witch" again, but this time Klein is already under the protection of the dream idol and is no longer affected.

"So this is the real solution." Klein's mouth twitched. If other dream angels, such as Bernadette, come, this is probably the only way to recreate the scene where a certain dream will comes.

The shaking of the earth became more and more severe. Klein looked at "Triss" who was gradually walking towards him, and hid behind the statue of the god.

Now "Triss" is looking up at the dreamlike statue that seems to have come to life, with a certain disgust that even an outsider like Klein can feel.

"Stop!" A majestic and sacred voice suddenly came from the dream statue.

And this voice is more incredible than any ability Klein has ever seen before.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to have stopped, time stopped passing, and matter stopped moving.

And "Triss" wanted to say something, but everything came to a standstill, and she was no exception. The ritual performed on her body was sealed, and the "original witch" could never come again.

The blackness in Triss's eyes quickly faded, and she became energetic again, as if she was alive.

Time resumed its flow, the power on the Dream Statue gradually faded, and Klein also lost his asylum.

Klein's mouth was slightly open, and he seemed a little confused, as if he was asking why don't you take me away?

The next moment, Klein took a deep breath and performed a space jump at the fastest speed.

Bang... The space in front of Klein suddenly shattered, and the transmission failed.

"You saved me again." Triss's voice with endless complex emotions came into Klein's mind.

Klein once again confirmed that his feeling was correct. All of this was Truman's arrangement, because the will of the "original witch" in Triss had been expelled, but some of her power remained.

This is Truman using Triss to divide the "Original Witch", and he has probably become Triss's "anchor" against the "Original Witch"!

The moment when the space shattered, Klein performed a self-destruction of historical projection. The historical projection must not be left here.

Click! Click!

Klein's historical projection failed to explode because the fog of history seemed to be petrifying, hindering the explosion of power.

"Fuck!" Klein on the "Origin Castle" felt a chill and directly used the cloak behind him to forcibly remove the historical projection by relying on the suppression of his personality.

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