Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 437: Searching

Chapter 437: Searching

"Good afternoon, 'Secret Lady'." Klein bowed slightly and said hello to this angel.

"You are very good." "Hidden Angel" looked away from the "Snake of Destiny" bracelet.

He seemed to have confirmed Klein's status through some means and learned about his current personality.

"Thank you for the formula and materials you gave me." Klein was not surprised. After becoming a "real apostle", he seemed to be able to sense something about the angel in front of him.

He and Bernadette are actually somewhat similar, that is the aura of a dreamy angel.

"Then come with me, you shouldn't stay here." "Hidden Angel" said softly.

"..." Klein glanced at the clergy around him. These people all had some kind of anxiety on their faces, but they also had some sense of honor.

This is "holy war"!

The holy war between the Church of the God of War and the Church of the Night that started but was suspended due to the ascension of the "Bound God" will begin at the same time as the war between Loen and Fenebaud!

Fusac is actually preparing for war and will declare war on Loen at any time.

"What is the nature of this holy war?" Klein couldn't help but ask as he followed the "Secret Angel" to the depths of St. Samuel's Church.

This problem has troubled him for a long time.

"The Night and the Church of God of War have always been enemies." "Hidden Angel" did not refuse to answer, probably because Klein is now barely qualified to understand this matter.

"Two major churches?" Klein first ruled out the personal grudges between the God of War and the Goddess of Night.

"Is that the adjacent path?" Klein suddenly found the answer.

"Sleepless One", "Corpse Collector", and "Warrior", these three paths are adjacent paths and can be interchanged in high sequences.

And Russell said in his diary that once you choose a path, you will determine your enemies and friends.

Just like Klein sees Amon and Zarath now.

"The goddess has mastered the 'Death' path." The "Secret Angel" said the biggest secret of the Church of the Night in a calm tone.

"It was snatched from the hands of the God of War Church."

Perhaps the description "Controller of the Underworld" will appear in the name of the goddess of night in the future... Klein has already understood.

A flash of lightning seemed to flash in Klein's mind, and he even vaguely sensed that there seemed to be some more terrifying secret, but he had no way of exploring it.

The "Secret Angel" had no intention of giving Klein this aspect of knowledge. He and Klein went to a meditation room deep in the church and handed a document to Klein.

"Larion, the Patriarch of the Church of the God of War, the 'Glory One' in the second sequence of the 'Twilight' pathway..." Klein's heart skipped a beat. This is relevant information about the highest level of the Church of the God of War!

Is this holy war going to last forever? Are you about to start hunting angels? !

Klein's Sequence Three is still a little scary.

"There is one more." "Hidden Angel" gave Klein another piece of information.

"Roland, Mistress of the Church of the Earth, 'Mother' Pathway Sequence 2 'Mother of Desolation'..."

Klein read a line of words and his eyelids suddenly twitched unconsciously.

Is this what he can see? !

"The Church of the Earth and the Church of the God of War are very close." "Hidden Angel" added as if he couldn't see the change in Klein's face.

Feysac's most orthodox faith is naturally the Church of the God of War, followed by the Church of the Mother Earth.

"So this will be the Church of God of War and the Church of Mother Earth targeting us at the same time?" Klein almost gasped. Now he understood why the "Secret Angel" wanted to force Roen or Adam to support the Church of the Night.

Otherwise the situation would be too bad.

"You can understand it that way." The "Hidden Angel" tone was indifferent, and no emotion could be heard.

Klein was a little frightened when he thought that something might happen. The key to this holy war was not them, but the three true gods above!

"The goddess may try to control the power of the God of Death." "Hidden Angel" comforted Klein a little.

Klein feels relieved, at least he won't think about running away immediately.

"I have a mission for you."

When Tu Qiong Dagger met, it was... Klein deliberately refused. After all, it might involve angels, and it might even require him to jump between two churches repeatedly.

"The reward is the formula of the 'Miracle Master'." The words of "Secret Angel" echoed in Klein's ears, and Klein suddenly couldn't say the words he was about to refuse.

He knew that the "Miracle Master" was the second angel of the "Soothsayer" path, and it was also the sequence where Zaratul was currently located.

But at the level of angel, both formulas and materials are no longer measurable in terms of money.


Klein thought for a while and finally agreed.


In the Loen Palace, Zaratul met the newly promoted "Balancer" George III.

"I want to know everything about 'Qonas Kilgor'." Zaratul's eyes were as dark as ink, and no trace of light could shine into his heart.

"He..." George III also hesitated when facing this already famous "Miracle Master".

"I can give it to you." George III finally nodded. He already knew that Qonas had been replaced at some point.

Otherwise, there is no need for him to pay attention to Feysac's activities in addition to dealing with the Castilla family.

"Thank you." Zaratul bowed slightly and gave the king basic respect. Then a figure made of starlight appeared next to him and disappeared directly into the Loen Palace with him.

"Hmph! Qonas, the Church of the Night!" George III wanted to kill Klein who was pretending to be Qonas.

After all, it was He who allowed the disguised Qonas to truly enter the inner circle, but he did not expect that the person who entered would be an undercover agent!

This directly resulted in the appearance of an extra "Secret Angel" in that battle.

On the other side, Zaratul has arrived at the office of the deputy director of MI9. This is where Klein spent the longest time as an undercover agent.

Zaratul stretched out his hand and wiped his face, and his appearance immediately changed, becoming Qonas Kilgor.

He is like a doll, relying on his powerful divination ability to imitate all of Klein's habits as Qonas, working and resting like a real Qonas.

Zaratul knew that this 'divineer' who had the same path must be very cautious and would not leave any clues, but he never expected to find him like this.

He spent a full day continuing the various unfinished tasks of "Chunas".

His divination almost restored all the scenes of the "Qunas" work at that time.

"This is..." Zaratul suddenly found a magic mirror from the office safe.

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