Lord of Enigma

Chapter 40: Going Beyond the Limit to Kill

Chapter 40: Going Beyond the Limit to Kill

[Supernatural Creature: Serand the Dual Knife-Wielding Man]

[Status: Growing]

[Information Fragment 1: There's a scary native urban legend in the Condor Federation a young man named Serand, owing to his astonishingly long arms, became an outstanding sewer repairman. However, the filthy and smelly nature of his work caused his wife to despise him and his children to distance themselves from him. In the end, because of his wife's infidelity, he used a pair of kitchen knives to slash her and the children to death. He was hung to death by the furious masses, who even cut his mouth apart to vent their anger.]

[Information Fragment 2: The legend is, of course, fake, but as one of the scary tales exported by the Federation to the outside, fear from people around the world led to the birth of a supernatural monster. Other than killing humans, it has no other obsession.]

[Information Fragment 3: It possesses terrifying speed, great strength, and a phantom-like skill with the knife. Its only weakness is]

As the information fragments streamed past his vision, Tang Qi quickly raised his head. Following which, a warm wave of energy then spread throughout his whole body. As it relieved the agony within him, the remaining energy also swiftly converged, and Tang Qi lifted his arms again.

Without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger.



The tall Dual Knife-Wielding Man just walked past a bunch of carcasses; just as his mouth that split all the way up to his ears formed a savage smile, what it welcomed next was that exaggerated pistol once again.

Slightly different from before, the light that shot out of the muzzle was no longer a golden color. Instead, it was a cerulean blue that looked like water ripples undulating.

At the same time, a sound like the roar of a dragon thundered in the Dual Knife-Wielding Man's ears.

Supernatural Power: Dragon Might!


Even if it was merely an "artificial" Dragon Might, the strength that it should have was still there.

Barely discernibly, its body froze for a split second.

Although it was just an incredibly brief moment, this split second was already enough.

By the time it regained its senses thanks to the bullet that pierced in between its brows, its phantom-like speed had also suffered tremendously despite its six arms flailing simultaneously and easily crushing the rest of the sea monster bullets.

The attributes within the one and only bullet embedded between its brows had also erupted.



A large expanse of cerulean blue water ripples flooded out with a crash. Holy and pure energy surged and began to break the curse and exorcise evil.


Hiss~ Hiss, hiss.

The Dual Knife-Wielding Man screamed. His head was corroding at a speed visible to the naked eye. There wasn't any blood; only its flesh and skin turned fragile and started to decompose. Its head that was already ugly from the start looked just like an avocado that was rotten to the core.

The effect of a single bullet passed very quickly, and it broke free from its agony. Inside those eyes was no longer the thrill of toying with a "cockroach". Instead, it was completely taken over by murderous intent. Its six arms seemed as though they were about to start moving together the next moment.

With its bizarre speed and its fearsome strength, those "monsters" watching furtively in the shadows didn't doubt at all that it would cut up that pitiful human into minced meat.

Until the next moment when a crisp and clear sound suddenly rang out.


What had been crushed?

Without waiting for anyone to think deeply into it, an incredibly beautiful figure manifested behind Tang Qi. It was the image of a female creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish. It had blue hair and eyes as though jewels.

This image looked extremely like the sirens, legendary sea demons whose song was incredibly enchanting and beautiful.

However, what she brought in this instance wasn't an enchanting song.


Sound waves, rings of sound waves visible to the naked eye reverberated throughout the alley instantly when the sea demon opened her mouth and howled.

As the initiator, Tang Qi was immune to the sea monster's howl.

However, this wasn't the case for the other creatures in the alley.

The Dual Knife-Wielding Man's furious appearance only sustained for half a second. After that, it had no choice but to squat in agony and attempt to cover its ears. But after realizing that it was futile, it could only rampage about blindly. Its terrifying strength and speed caused horrendous damage to the alley in this instant.

The fortunate thing was that because Tang Qi was the source of the sound, the monster subconsciously avoided him.

However, the other areas weren't as lucky, such as that Slave of Desire artist whose throat was slashed by Tang Qi. His corpse was chopped directly into minced meat.

The Dual Knife-Wielding Man's supernatural grade clearly wasn't low. The effects brought about by the sea monster's howl was either confusion or death.

Though the Dual Knife-Wielding Man had sunk into confusion, it was impossible for it to die from the howling.

When the sound waves started to fade, it gradually began to regain its senses.

Therefore, Tang Qi provided assistance to it in this instant.

He didn't use Blood Python No.1. Perhaps because of its special attributes, the Dual Knife-Wielding Man's resistance to supernatural firearms was too high.

An unusual look of excitement suddenly came over Tang Qi's face, and a red hue started to spread. He leaped ferociously into the air, just like a furious lion, and dived towards the Dual Knife-Wielding Man. However, when he got near, Tang Qi's form suddenly changed into that of a cunning hyena. In an unsightly but extremely functional pose, he avoided those six arms that were waving kitchen knives about.


The two of them were right next to each other in no time at all.

"Chaga!" Tang Qi shouted ferociously. The Dual Knife-Wielding Man who was still in the last moments of confusion subconsciously looked back. And then, a pair of scary hands entered its sight. The hands took up a strange stance and plunged viciously into its rotten avocado-like head.


Fluid spurted everywhere. Watery blood carrying flesh and skin even spattered onto Tang Qi's face but in this instant, he didn't even blink. He merely glared and shouted furiously again, "Look into my eyes!"



The mind of the Dual Knife-Wielding Man who had just been overwhelmed by pain was extremely dull. He looked over once more.

And then, a world filled with boundless golden flames entered its sight.

Furnace's Eyes!

Intimidation effect, activated!

The Dual Knife-Wielding Man sank into a stupor, not putting up any resistance towards Tang Qi's subsequent actions at all. He pretty much hung on its body. A hand went through the rotten flesh and grabbed the skull inside which had already turned brittle. His other hand swung backwards and formed a fist. Pale golden light surged out.

And then, with a loud boom, it blew apart.

Yet another head was blown apart in front of Tang Qi.

A mix of brains and watery blood spattered everywhere, and the tall and skinny body collapsed. The six monstrous arms also came dropping down, the kitchen knives in their grasp falling onto the ground with a few clangs.

The most-recent strongest monster of the world of darkness in the Newton district died just like that?

It was indeed dead.

At the point its head was blown apart, the status bar in the interface in Tang Qi's vision had changed to [Dead].

Under the eyes of the restless monstrosities hiding in the shadows and ready to make trouble, a blurry vengeful spirit slowly rose from the corpse of Serand the Dual Knife-Wielding Man. It was the image of a tall and skinny young man. It was rather different from the scariness of its physical body. The only similarity between the two was the madness in its eyes.

This was its vengeful spirit and also the source of its supernatural power, something that could gather the power of fear.

The monsters in the shadows were incredibly horrified by this scene taking place before their eyes.

Even though the "hunting order" that had just been founded was extremely imperfect, Serand the Dual Knife-Wielding Man managed to temporarily occupy the top spot with its fearsome strength nevertheless. Usually, all the other monsters would choose to back off from the prey it took an interest in.

All the monsters lured here by the magic power of misfortune didn't expect that it would die here.

After the shock came boundless excitement.

The strongest "moth" was now dead. Without it here to intimidate and restrain the rest, all the other moths would no longer have any reservations. They would choose to swarm forward as one and split the prey among themselves.

Tang Qi sensed the source of malice and those monsters' thoughts.

Thus, he snorted coldly at this moment.

With a splotch, a pair of hands covered in brains and blood suddenly withdrew from the head of the Dual Knife-Wielding Man. Under the horrified gazes of all the monsters, the hands then grabbed the vengeful spirit that was about to dissipate.


Golden flames started burning at this point. The moths in the shadows lost the urge to dive towards the flames. Instead, they scattered and fled in terror.

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