Longevity Begins with Marrying a Wife

Chapter 578: One sword shocks the world

Chapter 578: Shocking the world with one sword

 Stop where you are.

Looking at the disappearing sword marks.

There was joy in the corners of Shen Ping's small face. He was not good at swords, let alone knives. He was good at marksmanship and used long spears. Although at his level, he could master any weapon skillfully, as long as he understood the world The great road is enough, he used to think so, but now that he has used such sword skills, his thinking has changed.

"It turns out that the swordsmanship has reached its extreme level and is actually stronger than the ordinary Dao of Heaven and Earth!"

he muttered.

The power of the sword just now was definitely more than 30% of the ordinary Heaven and Earth Dao. This was something he had just realized. If he fully understood the true meaning of the sword technique, it would definitely far exceed the complete Heaven and Earth Dao.

Open the virtual panel.

See Kendo shown above.

He suddenly came over.

It turns out that the techniques used by weapons such as swordsmanship and swordsmanship are actually top-notch heaven and earth avenues.

"Is this how one sword can defeat all magic?"

to this moment.

Shen Ping has a higher understanding of swordsmanship. Just like what his mother said in this life, the sword is not limited to power or shape. It can include everything in the world, and it can naturally include the great ways of heaven and earth.

"Then can fate be revealed with a sword?"

He wanted to try to incorporate the path of destiny into his sword skills, but he still had no idea.

When the true soul power noticed the mother and others.

He returned to the lounge chair.


Mrs. Yu walked into the backyard with Vice General Chen, Yue Zhu, and two strange men and women.

"This must be the youngest Zhenbei Hou in our Ascension Dynasty!"

One of the men was elegant and calm.

On the other hand, the woman was full of sword intent, which was purer than Madam Yu's sword intent.

"Junior sister, whether your son can learn swordsmanship and join Wenjian Pavilion, in addition to having a sword heart, he must also have blood and bones. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to achieve greatness even if he only knows swordsmanship."

The woman said calmly.

Vice General Chen couldn't help but say, "The young Marquis is the legitimate son of the Marquis, and his bloodline must be strong. There is no doubt about this. His bones are not bad even if he thinks about it."

The elegant man nodded, then took a few steps forward, and then a ray of pure energy penetrated his body. Suddenly his expression changed, and then he became serious and continued to check.

And seeing the elegant man's expression.

Mrs. Yu and Vice General Chen both became nervous.


Seeing the elegant man shaking his head.

Mrs. Yu hurriedly asked, "Mr. Ji, how are you doing?"

"The bloodline is like a mountain. It is not active at all. Even the most common bloodline is not obvious. It is difficult to inherit the powerful bloodline of the Marquis."

"But maybe I made a mistake in the test. I'll come back in a few days when I'm ready."

Vice General Chen shook his head, "Impossible, absolutely impossible. The Marquis's bloodline is extremely powerful, and his legitimate son will definitely inherit it."

The woman said, "Huh, the more powerful the bloodline is in the world, the harder it is to pass it on. There are more than a dozen people in your Zhenbei Marquis Mansion, and there are only a few who have inherited the bloodline, and even now there is no one who has fully inherited it."

Mrs. Yu looked ugly and continued to ask, "Mr. Ji, where are my son's bones?"

"It's just average."

"You can practice cultivation, but it will be very slow."

Hear this.

Mrs. Yu shook her body for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "Vice General Chen, take Mr. Ji and Senior Sister to the front lobby to rest first."


After they leave.

Yuezhu said, "Madam, this, this is impossible. Even if the young Marquis has not inherited his blood, how can his bones be so bad? All the young masters in our Zhenbei Marquis have top-grade bones!"

Mrs. Yu looked at Yuezhu, "When I went to ask Jianlou, was there anything abnormal?"

"No, Vice General Chen and I are waiting by the young Marquis' side day and night."

"And with the strength of the two of us, even if a strong man from the seventh level sneaks in, it is impossible for him to sneak in without a trace, unless it is the eighth level, but if those top powerhouses are really detrimental to the little marquis, no one will Can't be stopped."

Yuezhu said.

Mrs. Yu sighed, "That's all, it doesn't matter if it's an ordinary person, at least he has good clothes and good food, but for the position of the Marquis, I will give it to you after a while..."

She fell silent as she spoke.

The position of Marquis is the wish of her husband, Marquis of Zhenbei. She hopes that his legitimate son can guard the Northern Territory like him in the future. If the emperor takes it back, the glory of the entire Zhenbei Marquis Mansion will be dimmed. This is obviously not what she wants. need.

A few days passed.

Mr. Ji, an elegant man, was ready and tested again. There was still no reaction to the bloodline. This made him shake his head and sigh, "Madam, the young marquis did not inherit the bloodline, and his bones are very ordinary."

The woman said, "Junior sister, it seems that your son has no fate with Wenjian Tower. Even if you forcefully use your qualifications to send him to Wenjian Tower, it doesn't make much sense. Without blood and bones, he is in Wenjian Tower. I can’t stay any longer.”

Mrs. Yu knew what her senior sister meant, "No matter what it takes, I will definitely make my son a strong man."

The elegant man and Wenjianlou Jianzi left.

Vice General Chen said in a deep voice, "Madam, what do you need me to do, but please tell me, even if I go to the mountain of knives or go to the sea of ​​fire, I will never let Mr. Hou's legitimate son become an ordinary person. Everything that Mr. Hou does in the Northern Territory should also be done by His legitimate son will inherit!"

Mrs. Yu was silent for a moment, "I am going to take a trip to Haiyue Cliff in the Southern Region. It is said that there is a precious medicine there that can reshape a person. During this time, I will trouble you and Yuezhu to take care of my son."

"Ma'am, please don't worry."

Yuezhu and Vice General Chen said in unison.

As the news spread that the young Marquis of the Zhenbei Marquis Mansion did not inherit the bloodline and had no bones, the entire Yuhua Dynasty was talking about it. More and more court officials petitioned the Emperor to revoke the title of the Marquis. However, they were unable to do so. Did not pass.

But the person behind the seventh realm strongman who was sent to erode the blood and bones in Shen Ping's body had a smile on his face, "Very good. It is indeed the medicine powder of the Demon Kingdom. It is indeed powerful. Hmm, this Zhenbei Hou Mansion will decline sooner or later." , Well, there is no need to pay attention to the Zhenbei Hou Mansion in the future. As for that woman, she wants to go to Haiyue Cliff to find the magic medicine. She is lucky to be alive. "


A few months later.

The much-anticipated Zhenbei Hou's bloodline and bone test has gradually calmed down. Except for the maids and servants of the Hou Mansion who are still talking about it, many people no longer pay attention to the Zhenbei Hou Mansion.

There is no blood inheritance.

The Zhenbei Hou Mansion will no longer be able to give birth to the top powerhouses of the eighth realm.

Inside the mansion.


Shen Ping is not interested in anything in the outside world. He is only interested in the way of swordsmanship. As a strong Immortal Master, it is very rare to be able to comprehend a top-notch Dao of Heaven and Earth. Many Emperors, including those in the late Dao Beginning Realm, are I am trying my best to understand a hint of the top avenue of heaven and earth, because only the top avenue of heaven and earth can reach the late stage of Daoyuan realm, and even have the opportunity to reach perfection.

But each of the top avenues of heaven and earth is extremely difficult.

The threshold of entry alone makes many Dao Beginning Realm experts look up.


Only Miss Meng San would never forget the world of red bracelets. Even after learning that Shen Ping had a bracelet, she couldn't wait to bring him here.


Shen Ping didn't care at all about the affairs of this world or even his cultivation. The reason why he used his true soul power to shield the test was because he didn't want to be noticed by those powerful people. He wanted to become an ordinary person so that no one would assassinate him again. It will save you a lot of trouble.

Just like now.

He is free to play nearby.

Vice General Chen and Yue Zhu would not stare as before.

After all, without blood and bones, even cultivation is very difficult. Who would harm such a child, as long as he can be sure that there is no strong person around him. In the bamboo forest.

He used bamboo as a sword and kept practicing the Piaoxue sword technique. In addition, he also had various sword techniques secret books in the Hou Mansion. Since Mrs. Yu left, he often went to the library to read many books.

"It's a pity that none of the swordsmen and sword types in Wenjian Tower can understand the way of swordsmanship. They are all only at the level of sword intention. Even if they grow up and have **** with the women among them in the future, they are unlikely to improve in the way of swordsmanship!"

"But that's not necessarily the case. Let's wait until I grow up!"

Although he can't use golden fingers to attack his liver, he can slowly increase his sword skills by constantly practicing his sword skills.

Time passed like this day by day.

Fast forward twelve years later.

bamboo forest.

Looking at the progress in kendo, he shook his head helplessly. The kendo he learned here was fast, but it grew very slowly.

However, the body of this reincarnated disciple cultivated at an astonishing speed. With the addition of blood, roots, and his true soul power, he entered the sixth realm at only fifteen years old.


The sixth realm.

You must know that the youngest Sixth Realm expert in the entire Yuhua Dynasty is more than two hundred years old. Vice General Chen is over seven hundred years old, and the Sixth Realm's lifespan is only a thousand years.

If it spreads.

He entered the sixth realm at the age of fifteen, which would probably cause shock to the entire Yuhua Dynasty.

Those big demons from the demon country will definitely assassinate him at all costs, and they might even send the top experts from the eighth realm.

after all.

Fifteen years old is too ridiculous. He is more evil than the Marquis of Zhenbei. It is very likely that he will enter the eighth realm in the future. Even the ninth realm will have a chance.

"Uncle Chen, I'm going out to play, there's no need to leave food for me."

I told Vice General Chen.

Shen Ping left the Hou Mansion. Mrs. Yu never came back in these years, but there were letters delivered.

"Young Master, please pay attention to your safety."

"Don't worry, I'm an ordinary person, who cares!"

Hear this.

Vice General Chen sighed. In the past ten years, the Marquis Mansion has indeed been peaceful and calm. No one cares about the young Marquis, not even the other people in the manor.

Leave the Hou Mansion.

Like a wild horse, Shen Ping came to a remote place, and then turned into a sword light and shot straight into the sky, galloping in the direction of Wenjian Tower.

Those who are strong in the sixth realm can fly in the air.

When he reaches the seventh realm, his flying speed increases significantly and he can enter the Gangfeng layer. Although he is only in the sixth realm, he can also enter the Gangfeng layer with the blessing of true soul power.

Less than two hours.

They arrived at Wenjian Tower, thousands of miles away.

The entire Yuhua Divine Dynasty has five major transcendental forces, Tianyin Temple, Haiyue Cliff, Wenjian Tower, Lijiang Academy and Emperor Mountain.

Among them, Wenjian Tower is mainly for practicing swordsmanship and is a holy place for swordsmen in the world.

His mother, Mrs. Yu, came from the Wenjian Tower and was one of the sword masters. Her status and strength were extremely high, second only to the sword breed.

Shen Ping's main purpose of coming here is to see if he can obtain the way of swordsmanship through golden fingers. If he can, then he will have a top-notch way of heaven and earth that is comparable to the way of Hundong.

"If there are two top avenues of heaven and earth, then 60% comprehension is not necessarily required to control a puppet in the late Daoyuan realm!"

There is a way of destiny as a balance.

As long as the power of the sword can reach 30% and the power of Hundong Heaven and Earth Avenue can reach 40%, he believes that he can control the puppet.

Especially the way of sword, which is a way of killing in itself, is much stronger than the way of Hundong, Heaven and Earth. Once he understands and masters 30% of it, his combat power will skyrocket.

If Shen Ping had understood the art of swordsmanship while fighting Miss Meng San, he would have been able to suppress her firmly.

Didn't ask Jianlou directly.

He first came to the nearby Wenjian City, where all swordsmen learned. He wanted to enter the Wenjian Tower, but unfortunately the conditions were harsh. First, he had to master a top-grade swordsmanship, and secondly, he had to step into the realm of Sword Intent. Any one of them could be difficult. There are many people who learn swordsmanship here.

I randomly found a woman who was good at swordsmanship.

Shen Ping gave it a try.

The improvement in swordsmanship appeared in the virtual box, but it was not as much as the improvement in his usual swordsmanship practice, but this made him excited, and he could really gain swordsmanship.

"Haha, yes, yes, it seems that I have to marry a swordsman from Wenjian Tower as my wife!"

Look at this woman.

He directly instilled the swordsmanship and sword intention he had comprehended into the other party. Whether she could absorb and digest it all depended on her own destiny, and it was considered a matter of fate.

If you have the talent of strange beasts, you don't need to bother at all.

But not now.

Even if Shen Ping relied on his true soul power, he would not be able to sneak into Wenjian Tower. After all, Wenjian Tower had eighth-level experts. In fact, after knowing the news, he couldn't understand why Wenjian Tower could do this in the first place. If something goes wrong, let Mrs. Yu go over.

Obviously there are people in Wenjian Tower who are harmful to him.

Escape into the Gangfeng again.

After returning to Zhenbei Hou Mansion.

He was not in a hurry to tell the matter, but continued to practice. With his immortal strength and will, he was very patient.

At least you have to have the power to protect yourself, and it's not too late to show off your strength.

The years are long.

Another two years passed.

Mrs. Yu came back from Haiyue Cliff. She didn't find the magic medicine, but she got a pill from Haiyue Cliff, which could improve some bones, but it had to be combined with other medicinal materials, so she went looking for it non-stop.

And this year.

Shen Ping officially entered the seventh realm.

That is, the land of immortals in the Yuhua Dynasty.


He left as usual, and on the way he met the eldest son of the third family who had come to the yard to ask Mrs. Yu for advice on swordsmanship.

"You know you can't cultivate, but you often go to the library. No matter how hard you try, what can you get out of just reading?"

Listen to this.

Shen Ping stopped and turned sideways, looking at the eldest son of the third family, who was more than ten years older than him, and grinned, "You can also read the gods of the land by reading!"

After speaking, he moved his fingers together.

The sword comes.

Spit out with the sound.

A shocking sword intent shot straight into the sky.


The situation changed in an instant.

It was as if an ancient **** was resurrected in the world, and a terrifying pressure aura vibrated, and then an invisible sword condensed in the sky above the entire Hou Mansion, converging on Shen Ping's fingertips at an extremely fast speed.

Then he stabbed out with his sword.

Suddenly there was a world of ice and snow, with goose feathers and snowflakes flying.

(End of chapter)

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