Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 172 Shock To The World - He's Really Back

Lisa sat down on a chair, she took out a pink mask from her rings and kept looking at it. It was the last thing she had that reminded him of her, the last thing of his that she still had. 

"If only I listened to you, none of it would've happened. We would've still been friends and you would still be alive." She thought out loud. 

She was still sitting there when her friend, Elena came towards her. "So you were here. I was looking everywhere. Come on, let's go back."

"You can go ahead, I'll come after some time." Lisa said. 

Hearing her reply, Elena sighed, as she sat near her too. She heard what that idiot said through her intercom too, so she could guess why she was sitting here with the plump look instead of going back. "Come on Beth, you know how those boys are. Just ignore them."

"Why? What he said was the truth. We left him there. We left him to die, when he was the one fighting to protect us." Lisa said.

Elena shook her head, hearing her best friend say that. "We had no choice Beth." 

Even she was feeling guilty for what happened back then, but it's not like crying about it now would change anything or bring him back. "I've told you this a million times before Beth, but everyone would've done the same in that situation."

"He wouldn't. He could've but he didn't." Lisa replied as she looked at her friend. 

Elena would've retorted or said something else, but her thoughts were stopped, as the phone in her hands started vibrating. Looking at the name of the guy calling him, she wanted to curse out loud. As it was the same idiot who ruined the whole mood because of his blabbermouth "what?" She said irritably 

"Both of you back at office now. There's a situation at the entrance." He said hurriedly. 

"What happened?" She asked, her tone changing to pure seriousness. Thinking if something like what happened 2 years ago was happening right now. 

"It's Rio. He's back at the academy. Bring Lisa back to, the crowd's getting out of hand, we're going ahead."

-he's really alive-

-but did he have to come back today? Damn it, this will ruin the whole event.-

Elena, who was confused at first, heard what others were saying in the background, she stood up in a hurry, and looked outside the window. 

"Fucking hell" She muttered, looking at the floating screens that were showing his face. 

"What happened?" Lisa asked, as she stood up after seeing her reactions. 

"So they weren't just rumors."

Elena said, as she turned to look at Lisa, who was looking at the screens without batting an eye. Her face bore a shocked expression as she muttered - "It's him. He's _ he's really back."

Elena snapped into action, recognizing the urgency of the situation.

"We need to go back to the office, Beth. Gather everyone and handle it fast." Elena said and turned around, but soon she felt a gust of air pass by her, she looked at her friend who disappeared from her place. 

"Damn it. Now's not the time Beth." Elena shouted, looking at Lisa's leaving back, but getting no answer in return, she could only follow behind her. 


Leon, who was enjoying his time at the high podium, looking at the ground below where everyone cheered for him, the gazes of others that looked up to him with admiration, envy and jealousy filled his heart with pride. It was proof that all his hard work wasn't in vain. That the blood, sweat, tears he shed in the past 2 years weren't for nothing. That all his pain meant something, that it all led to this moment - and for God, did it feel good now. 

'I did it. I proved myself in front of the whole world.' He thought, as he casted a gaze at hundreds of people standing below. His thoughts had just finished when a voice rang out in his ears -

[Do not feel proud of this little achievement, mortal. They know you today, and they'll forget you tomorrow. This is just the beginning of your journey. Remember your goal, your dream and never give up on chasing it.] 

'I know. And I won't. I will become the greatest under the sky. The greatest that ever lived. And make sure that they never forget me. Never again.'

Hearing the voice of his God, the one who showed him light, who helped him when no one else did. Leon declared again. His fists clenched as his determination to grow strong beyond limits became evident in his eyes. They had a fire in them, that fueled his determination to reach the zenith of power.

6 years, that's how long he lived his life being labeled as a waste, a worthless weak nobody, a disgrace to the noble bloodline -all that suffering, all that humiliation and hatred is what fueled his anger and determination to be the strongest.

All for the sake that he never has to feel that helpless again, that he never has to hear those disdainful whispers, or feel the gazes of others looking down at him with pity and disgust, never again did he wanted to be like that. 

That's why, when he finally got a chance to prove himself, when someone finally showed him the ray of hope, gave him a hand he could hold and stand up again, he took it without hesitation.

The God of Sun, the one true God of Arcadia - Apollo, had chosen him to be his follower. To be his successor, and he would prove it to the world, that those whom it had ignored and looked down upon -can be the ones to shape their own destiny again, given the chance. 

'Everyone who looked down upon me, will pay their price' 

He thought as he looked at Nexus and Lincoln, the 2 guys responsible for all his misfortune. If it had not been for them fighting with him and their goons stopping his awakening, he would've awakened successfully and never would he have had to suffer 6 years of hell. 

No one helped him, believed his words, not even his parents asked for justice after he told them the truth - "we don't have the power" That's what his father told him that day. 

Power - that's what he lacked, and that's why he had to live his life with his head bowed down. But not again, now he had power and he would do whatever it takes to grow even more powerful. 

Powerlessness was the root of his misery, and power would be the foundation of his redemption.

[These fools aren't your enemies mortal. Do not give into your anger and hatred. Let them fuel your determination to grow, grow into something that they can't even look up to. Grow to the point where they have to look down willingly cause they can't stand your light_]

'Just like a sun.' Leon finished his gods word. 

In Leon's eyes both he and his God were similar, both were loved and revered, and yet when they failed once, the whole world forgot about them. Him failing in his awakening and his God failing in killing the demon king - one mistake, and they all cast them aside. And soon enough they will all regret it. 

Leon's determination was right in his place, his thoughts praiseworthy, but sadly his happiness was not what a certain someone wanted, as now HE made his entrance. 

The atmosphere around Leon shifted suddenly, like a gust of wind that extinguished a blazing fire. The drones that were focusing on him, the gazes that were looking up at him, the cheers that were praising him -were all lost in a matter of moments, as they all now focused on someone new.

Someone who just entered and took everything to himself. It was as if the world's attention had shifted, and Leon's moment of glory was eclipsed in an instant. His moment in the spotlight had transformed into a mere backdrop, overshadowed by this newcomer's arrival. 

Surprised Leon looked at the expressions of those at the platform and even they were looking at the screens in a surprised manner too. He tried to remember who that boy was, but he couldn't find any recollection. 

Straining his memory, he tried to place the face, to connect it to a name, but it eluded him. An unsettling feeling washed over him, a mixture of curiosity and unease.

So he wanted to ask his God, Apollo, who that boy was, when to his surprise, a sight he never thought possible unfolded right in front of him. 

In the floating screens, he saw his sister running towards that boy and hugging him tightly. Tears were scrolling down her eyes nonstop. He never thought he'd ever see his sister crying or breaking down like that, surprise wouldn't even describe what he was feeling right now.

"Who is he?" He wondered aloud. 

[Someone who came back from the dead.]


A/N - how u like that? Ehh. Was it good, mid or perfect? 

Also Protagonist's sister's name is Elisabeth Heartwell - that's why some call her Lisa and some Beth. 

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