Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 182 Basics of the academy 2

Chapter 182 Basics of the academy 2

Ignoring the issue of the points, Rio walked towards the store which was issuing them the essentials of first years - the uniform, weapons and the books needed for basic studies of the first year schedule.

Talking about the uniform of the academy that he received. There aren't many differences between the uniforms of various students of all the years. The academy only gives out simple t-shirts, shirts and jackets to everyone. Boys and girls have similar designs too. (Obviously except the obvious differences in making). Whenever you're in class these clothes are mandatory to wear.

(As for pants, there's no rule. One can just wear whatever color or style they have or want. Shorts and half skirts aren't allowed, because it isn't a beach and horny holiday. Academy also gives pants, so if you got none - we got you.)

The uniform of the Zenith Academy is blue in color, with light stripes of white in between. The logo of Zenith is made on the chest and back as their identification.

(I'll share the image of it later, once I'm done making it. And write about the design here. For now, just imagine anything you want) .

For training exercises and other physical activities, some tracksuits would be issued to students. All these uniforms are made of special clothes and through special methods and by people who had special blessings - these are more durable, adapt to other energies and have slight protection functions. The quality and protection of the clothes increases as your years in the academy goes by.

(You can't wear normal pants to a magic fight. A burst of mana/aura might burst your pants in public. SO BEWARE or your walk of glory in arena, might turn into a walk of shame)

After getting everything Rio just pushed everything inside his storage ring and started going towards his dorm rooms. Every student studying at the floating islands would have to live in their dorms too. So basically all students of the first year would be staying together for the whole year.

The dorm buildings are made separately for each year students. There are 5 such buildings for students of each year to live in. Their sizes and designs all vary from each other. But one thing they all share is, it is divided in 2 parts - one side is for girls and the other side for boys.

Even the world of fantasy has to maintain some rules, otherwise who knows what kind of creatures are living together with what kind of wool.

The building that first year students were going to stay in was called - "Mirage Mansion".

As understood by the name, the building was made in the form of a mirage, a trick, a manor that looked dilapidated from the outside, but once you cross the gates and enter, it turns into the magnificent mansion of the fantasy world.

The building was made in the open space. The manor was divided in 3 parts - Right side for the girls, left side for the boys and the center building remained the common area for both where dining halls and other entertainment halls and services were made available.

[Image in comments and my discord server]

After getting the keys from the staff, Rio walked out of the office and saw Amelia was already done with her things and was waiting for him, along with everyone else. When he walked out, they started moving towards the dorm buildings. Rio was walking ahead with Bernhardt, who led the way, while all 3 girls were following behind them.

Rio looked at Bernhardt talking about everything that happened in the academy for the past 2 years, and about things that changed in his absence.

Bernhardt had joined the academy together with him back then, along with Alfred. They were all classmates. But unlike him they didn't miss 2 years of their time, so they are now going to be 4th year students, while he'll still repeat his first year.

With Rio changing up the storyline of the Royal family, Bernhardt still hasn't begun his villain journey yet. Like in the novel, he doesn't hate Rio, but is friends with him. They've met each other many times after Rebecca's birthday celebration, and even shared the dorm room for a while.

Rio, who knew about his talents and chances that he received in the novel, had helped him many times, and even supported him to get the Royal blessing of schott family ancestors.

That's why the king hasn't made any announcement of making Alfred the heir to the throne yet like in the novel. He might have wanted to, but with both brothers competing with each other it's hard for him to choose Alfred without a reason. Even if he made Alfred the crown prince now, it wasn't going to matter much, as Bernhardt wasn't the same petty stepping stone he was in the novel.

In the novel, Bernhardt's jealousy had sprouted since he was a kid, and that stopped his growth. Since after that he started focusing more on shaming Alfred and getting the attention of everyone else, he never trained or tried to learn much again, as it looked pointless to him. But with Rio slowly guiding him from the shadows, as he altered some events, now he could stand shoulder to shoulder with Alfred.

Though the shame of being the bastard son of a commoner, is still his biggest hurdle. But even that isn't his worries now, as the stepping stone is already happy with what he achieved till now. His talents had undoubtedly made others respect him and with the blessing of the ancestors, even the other royal members dare not look down on him and his mother.

Besides the rumors of the heir of Blake family being best friends with the bastard son, instead of their cousin Alfred, is also a deterrent in many people's eyes. So overall, these 2 fellows were quite happy with what they had now. Rio had gotten Bernhardt under his wings, as he became his eyes in the Royal Palace. And Bernhardt had gotten a friend and partner who didn't discriminate against him and supported him.

"Do you know who my room partners are?" Rio asked Bernhardt.

Until the first semester was finished and rankings of everyone became fixed, the first year students were to live together. In one dorm room 3-4 students were to share that space. The distribution of rooms and partners would be done randomly and if there's a logic behind it, he didn't know. It is only when the new rankings come after the first exams that everyone gets their own separate rooms and facilities. After that, rankers get to live on the higher floors of the manor, and get access to more facilities, while other students get swapped out with different partners.

So for the first 6 months Rio had to share his room with other students. ''I hate this arrangement." Rio thought, as he could just pray that his partners for the next 6 months won't be some troublesome guy, whom he can't bear to see.

"I don't know." Bernhardt shook his head and replied "I think you have one partner written in the registers, but I didn't take a clear look. Maybe you'll meet him soon."

"What about you girls?" Rio asked and turned around. Since Ayla and Rebecca had come here in the morning, they must've gotten their rooms already. "Who's your partner?"

His words made Rebecca smile as she happily pulled Amelia to her side. "Me and Amy are going to live together. Along with one other girl, who hasn't come yet."

Her words didn't surprise Rio, as it was the same as in the novel. The other girl whom they haven't met yet, was also someone he knew from the plot, but that's not necessary to tell them now.

"What about you Ayla? Did you get yours?" Rio asked her.

Ayla nodded her head too, and said "Not until now, the warden said, one more girl will come but she hasn't reported yet, so I don't know."

"Really" That surprised Rio, as according to the plot, Ayla was supposed to live alone. But he could guess what changed this. Unlike in the novel, Ayla wasn't just a random commoner, who got chosen to attend the academy, but was someone whom Blake family had nurtured. Plus her results are still better than what she had in the novel, so it makes sense that some things would be changed too.

'Wonder who will get to live with her. I hope it's not some other heroine, that could change some more plotlines too.' Rio thought and kept walking.

Rio ignored it, since it wasn't something he could change anyway.

Soon they all reached the dorms, the girls said their goodbyes and left. Since the dining hall was common in both dormitories, they were going to meet there once they were done with their unpacking.

Rio showed his ID to the staff, and went inside. Bernhardt also left him and went back. Senior students weren't allowed entry in the freshman dorms, especially since it's day one of their stay.

"Been a while since I came here. Now let's head inside."


A/N - guys I need you to give me a review. Seriously you know that rating thing you see below my books page, I need that. 5 * review is asked, but you can do what you like. But please do posst it. (Even if you're reading it on other sites, post there, I don't care. I'm checking up those too when I'm free. So i better see some positive feedback ??)

Also rich guys if u already gave a review, then give me something else

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