Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1213 Hacking a Legacy

Chapter 1213  Hacking a Legacy

The moment Hazel left, another familiar presence entered without knocking – Arthur Netherborne. Arthur never did bother with formalities.

"Lucian," Arthur stepped into the room, a genuine smile replacing his usual smirk. "Word travels fast in this old palace. Seems like everyone knows about the princess's visit."

Lucian sighed inwardly. Arthur always had a knack for dramatic entrances and impeccable timing. "Indeed. What brings you here, Arthur?" he asked, a hint of tiredness in his voice.

Arthur crossed the room, studying it with a hint of nostalgia. "Let's just say… curiosity about your mysterious guest. Princess Hazel of Tanera… bold, ambitious, definitely here with a plan." He settled into a chair with a sigh. "Hazel has a certain drive, you know? We met during the First Trial... a weird alliance born out of necessity."

Lucian felt a flicker of unease. Had Hazel been too bold? Still, no point hiding what Arthur probably already knew. "We discussed… possibilities," he said carefully, avoiding any mention of his failing Seer Legacy.

"Naturally," Arthur nodded, amusement replaced with thoughtful consideration. "It was only a matter of time, given your new… situation. But honestly, Lucian, Hazel isn't the only opportunity worth considering." His expression turned serious.

Lucian hesitated, intrigued. His own plans were in shambles with his father's interference and Hazel's sudden arrival. Maybe a different perspective… "What other opportunity?"

Arthur leaned forward, his eyes earnest. "The Second Trial of the Holy Crown, Lucian. It's already started. I kept it hidden, buying myself time, but…" He hesitated, then met Lucian's gaze. "I think you should've known from the start."

Lucian blinked, shock washing over him. "The Second Trial? How…?" His mind raced, trying to figure out how he missed such a crucial detail.

A look of genuine concern crossed Arthur's face. "I assumed… Surely your visions, the whispers of the future, must've told you? Survivors of the First Trial carry an insignia, a key to the next stage. Didn't you realize?"

Embarrassment and anger battled within Lucian. He, the seer, had been so focused on his schemes he'd missed the most basic facts about the Trial. "Apparently, my foresight has failed," he admitted. Then, a flicker of defiance. "But why tell me now, Arthur? After all your secrecy?"

Arthur's smile held a touch of wry humor. "Because, Lucian, even though things are messy between us, the Trial is not a game I want to play alone. It's dangerous, the rewards unclear. There's strength in numbers, even if those numbers belong to reluctant allies." His eyes held an unexpected sincerity. "In there, if nothing else, I'd trust you to watch my back."

The room felt heavy. Arthur's offer was tempting, a way out of the mess Lucian was in. But still… could he trust the man?

"Why would you help me?" Lucian asked, his voice even. "What's in it for you?"

Arthur's smile held a hint of sadness. "Honestly, Lucian? We're in this thing together, whether we like it or not. We both want the power, we both have these annoying legacies messing with us." He paused. "But the difference is, you're fighting this alone. And in this game, going solo is basically asking to lose."

Arthur had a point. Lucian looked away, not wanting him to see the doubt in his eyes.

Arthur's voice softened. "Spill it, Lucian. Is that Seer Guardian of yours still a pain? Or is it… radio silence?"

The question hit Lucian like a punch. He could feel the tension in his body, a clear giveaway. Arthur saw it, his eyes sharp.

"Lucian… what's going on?" Arthur's voice was gentle now, but insistent. "Did something change… since we teamed up?"

Lucian knew he couldn't hide it forever. Arthur was too smart. With a sigh, he admitted, "My legacy… it's gone. Since our deal, I haven't heard a peep."

Arthur went quiet for a moment. Then, "The Seer Guardian always hated me," he mused. "Maybe they're punishing you for siding with their enemy."

Lucian gave a bitter laugh. "Maybe. But I don't regret what I did, even if I'm paying for it now."

Arthur's smile was a strange mix of respect and something like pity. "Regret's a funny thing, Lucian. But maybe your silent legacy is a good thing. Think of it – an opportunity." His eyes shone with that familiar fire. "A chance to take control, to stop being some spirit's puppet."

Lucian's heart raced. The idea was wild… but Arthur always seemed to think the impossible was possible. "How?" he breathed.

Arthur held out a hand. "Let's just say… I have a way with code. Your legacy, mine… it's all just programming made by some cosmic nerd, right? And programs can be hacked."

"Hacked?" Lucian repeated, confused.

Arthur grinned. "Runes. That's my thing. Together, we might be able to hijack your legacy, turn that Seer Guardian's power into your power."

Hesitation gnawed at Lucian. Arthur's proposal was bold, audacious...and incredibly dangerous. "Drawbacks?" he asked, voice tight, "Surely, tampering with a legacy – there must be consequences." n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Arthur shrugged, a deceptively casual gesture. "Look, it's not like I hijack legacies every day, right? We're venturing into uncharted territory." He paused, then flashed a genuine smile, one that crinkled the corners of his golden eyes. "But here's the thing, Lucian – even with your legacy on strike, I'd still want you by my side in the Trial. I trust you, or… as much as I trust anyone." Confusion swirled in Lucian's mind. He let out a frustrated sigh. "Arthur, we've known each other for years, and I still can't figure you out." A reckless determination began to kindle within him. He held out his hand. "Fine. Help me seize control of this blasted legacy, and in return, I'll help you seize… well, whatever it is you truly want within Yalen."

Arthur's answering laugh was surprisingly warm. "Seize the kingdom? That's never been my style." His eyes held a strange intensity. "If you can unlock that legacy of yours, I need you to find someone for me. Emma Agard. That's all I ask."

"I understand."

"Just… take me in," Arthur said, his voice low. "Into that sea of consciousness of yours. Let's see what we're dealing with."

With a mixture of trepidation and newfound resolve, Lucian closed his eyes. Focusing inward, he extended an invitation into the silent abyss where his Seer Legacy once flickered and danced.

Arthur's hand met his in a firm grip, and then... a shift, a disorienting plunge. Suddenly, he was surrounded by a sea of pulsating violet light. At its center, a single, luminescent heart thrummed, a beacon of otherworldly power.

"This…" Arthur breathed, his voice tinged with awe, "This is your legacy. It lives within you."

Lucian studied the pulsating heart of his legacy within this strange, ethereal sea. "Emma Agard," he mused, "You speak of her as if… you knew her intimately. Was there something between you?"

Arthur's gaze flickered towards the violet heart, and for a moment, a flicker of something akin to vulnerability crossed his usually guarded features. "The Arthur of this world, the one who existed before I arrived… it was his heart that felt deeply for Emma." He paused, choosing his words carefully. "For me, it was… someone else."

A pang of sympathy resonated within Lucian. To be torn between two lives, two loves, was surely an unbearable burden.

"I want to save her," Arthur continued, his voice low and determined, "for the both of us. Emma is my friend, and… I owe it to the other Arthur. He still exists, however faintly, within me. His feelings, they linger, refuse to be overwritten."

Remorse washed over Lucian. "Arthur, I… I regret making your path so fraught with difficulty, back then in Runera…"

Arthur's eyes met his, and there was a surprising gentleness in them. "Lucian, those actions… they were not entirely your own. This battle with your legacy is what we must focus on now." His hand tightened around Lucian's. "The will of the Seer Guardian, that's the true foe. I'm merely giving you the opportunity to wrest back control."

Before they could proceed further, a wave of doubt crashed over Lucian. He hesitated, then turned to Arthur, his eyes clouded with guilt. "Arthur, there's something else… I killed Casca. A good man, in Runera. It was my hand, even if my heart…."

Arthur paused, and for a moment, silence hung heavy in the violet-hued space. "The Seer Guardian killed Casca, Lucian," he said finally, his voice firm yet devoid of accusation. "They used you as their weapon. I hold no blame against you."

Arthur took a step back, his form shimmering as a torrent of golden mana surged from him. Ancient runes, incandescent and intricate, crackled into being, forming a shimmering, geometric cage around the pulsating heart.

"This is as far as I can take you, Lucian," Arthur's voice echoed in the ethereal space, the violet ocean churning violently around them. "The runes… they've dissected the legacy, laid it bare. Now, the rest is up to you."

The world seemed to tilt. The heart throbbed louder, each beat a deafening boom that threatened to shatter Lucian's resolve. "Inside," Arthur urged, his voice barely a whisper above the din, "Within that heart lies the Seer Guardian's true form. Conquer it, break its hold, and the legacy... it will be yours."

Fear and determination warred within Lucian. He'd battled enemies before, swords clashing and blood staining the ground. But this… this was a battle within himself, a confrontation with an entity that had twisted his fate for far too long.

With a final, resolute glance at Arthur, Lucian surged forward. The world dissolved into swirling violet light, and he plunged towards the pulsing heart. Blinding pain seared through him, the sheer power of the legacy threatening to overwhelm his senses.

Then, abruptly, he stood within a vast and empty space. The heart, now towering and monstrous, pulsed rhythmically, its violet light casting grotesque, shifting shadows across the otherworldly landscape.

From deep within the heart, a voice resonated, cold and mocking. A voice he knew all too well.

"So, the seer comes to claim my power? How… predictable."

The final battle against his legacy had begun.

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