Let's be an Adventurer! ~Defeating Dungeons with a Skill Board~

Chapter 46.1

Chapter 46.1

Lets Prepare to Go to the Center Layer!

[The Road to becoming a Noticeable Being]

In the Garage Dungeon!?

Hello, Air here(^o^)

Its been a while, but we explored the garage dungeon today(^ ^)

As we had already gone up to the 8th floor in Chikaho, we were able to travel from the 5th to the 8th floor at an incredible speed!

And on the way, we found eggplants!

I havent had eggplant in a really long time(>_<)

I grilled it and ate it.

It was so sweet and juicy and delicious(^ ^)

And then we reached the 8th floor!

The monster on the 8th floorwas a melon!!

We considered going home, but ended up hunting so many of them(>_<)

There were orange and green types of melons.

I crushed the orange one and put it in the freezer.

Im going to turn it into sherbert.

And I made jam out of the green one!

Im going to eat it with bread. (>_<) Im really looking forward to that.

Tomorrow, well be heading to the 9th floor of the dungeon.

And then well finally reach the center layer!!

In order to accomplish that, I have to get stronger and stronger!(>_<)

But I did a lot of leveling up today!

Now, surely Ive taken another step closer to my future of being noticeable? Right?

[Crab Butter] A Thread to Talk About Chikaho 78(Im hungry)

234 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

I just saw Aerial coming out of Chikaho.

They looked beaten up.

235 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

The Aerial?

Didnt they go off to deal with a monster parade?

236 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho


They must have tried.

Or maybe there was nothing they could do.

237 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

Its probably both.

Monster parades are not a good fit for popular weapons.

Even Aerial would have trouble.

238 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

I guess Masatsugu is the only one who could get through while using a popular weapon?

Also, maybe Shigure?

239 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho


Among those with popular weapons.

240 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

What do you mean by that?

Who else could get through itmaybe Bacon?

241 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

Yeah, I think Bacon might be able to do it.

But there are others too.

You know, like that massive pervert who got through a monster parade and a stampede.

242 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho


The masked guy.

I think he used daggers.

Those are good for monster parades

But its hard to imagine being able to kill monsters with daggers.

243 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

>>masked guy


Im talking about the masked, monster carrying, tentacle guy.

244 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

What a power-up!

Is he a monster? I cant stop laughing. Lol.

245 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

Hes not a monster.

He can talk!

246 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

Some monsters can talk

247 Name: Kagemitsu


248 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

>>247 Hi

Did you fail in the monster parade today?

249 Name: Kagemitsu



Were lucky that no one died.

251 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

Are you serious

I thought with monster parades

They scatter if you just leave them?

Why did you go hunting?

252 Name: Kagemitsu

There was a boss.

It was gathering the weaker monsters.

I doubt they would scatter.

253 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho


Was it a precursor to a stampede then?

254 Name: Kagemitsu

If left alone, it might turn into a stampede.

255 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

Thats dangerous.

Havent there been enough stampedes and monster parades recently?

256 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

I think theyre like volcanoes. There are seasons where they are more active.

Ive checked other local boards, and theyre saying the same thing too.

257 Name: Anonymous Searching for Crabs in Chikaho

>>256 Damn.

I didnt know that at all.

So, what should we do?

Arent all the strong people in Shinjuku?

258 Name: Kagemitsu

Well just have to chip away at them.

By the way, this monster-carrying tentacle mask guy.

Tell me more.

The next day, Haruki saw the same trio making their way to the dungeon in the early morning.

It didnt seem like they were going to do anything in particular.

They seemed normal, if not just a little nervous as they looked at the dungeon.

Nothing about the way they looked suggested that they were about to cause trouble.

They had helped protect this town as well.

He didnt want to look at them suspiciously.

And so Haruki observed them from far away, without any suspicion.

They checked their weapons calmly.

And when that was finished, they went down into the dungeon.

Apparently, they were struggling against the house centipedes on the first floor. How were they fighting them?

Haruki was very curious about that.

He had encountered quite a few Adventurers while in the dungeons.

However, he generally tried to avoid them.

Even if you felt no hostility towards them, they would always be wary of people trying to steal their prey or materials

And so unless they were in danger, it was considered good manners to just keep your distance.

Of course, that was mostly outside of Chikahos 1st and 2nd floor.

And so Haruki did not have many opportunities to watch other Adventurers fighting.

And thats why he was curious.

How did they fight the monsters

And so he followed after them.

Of course, he wasnt wearing the mask.

He had to erase his presence as he didnt want them to notice that he was there.

Though, he kept Conceal at a minimum so that the skill level didnt go up.

After advancing for some time, the men encountered some house centipedes.

They immediately prepared for battle.

Their reaction was pretty quick.

As Haruki watched them, he was impressed with their reaction speed.

It was wonderful.

He couldnt help but rate them highly.

However, once the battle actually started, he started to see their weaknesses.

Their greatsword and bows only scratched the carapaces.

The greatsword swung too wide.

The arrows shot too slowly.

It wasnt that their skill level was really low.

They were putting up a decent fight with the house centipedes.

However, as someone who had reached the 8th floor, Haruki couldnt help but notice their mistakes.

So, this was the difference between Adventurers who were on the 1st and 8th floors.

Upon witnessing this unexpected difference for the first time, Haruki couldnt help but be surprised.

Would he also look this sloppy to Adventurers that worked on the center layers?

This difference between the 1st and 8th floors.

The difference between Haruki and the rankers would be even bigger.

I still have a long way to go

He wouldnt look down on them or be proud of himself.

In fact, he mostly just felt sadness about the gap between himself and the rankers.

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