Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 53 13: The Sea of Bitterness Has No Bound

Translator: Foxs' Wuxia

After Shi Zhixuan left, the three people you looked at me I gazed at you, they all never expected that this matter would be resolved just like this.

Hou Xibai was the first to sigh and said, “Ziling’s premonition is as accurate as a deity’s.”

“What premonition?” Wanwan asked in surprise.

Hou Xibai cheerfully said, “Just now we were chased by the enemy that we were unable to breathe, yet Ziling sensed that this abandoned village was our only way to survive, and now it indeed came about as predicted. I am ashamed that at that time I was against coming here.”

Wanwan cast a surreptitious glance toward Xu Ziling; she hung her small cicada head, looking as if thoughts were surging in her mind.

Hou Xibai could not help asking Wanwan, “Just now Wan Xiaojie wanted to ask Shi Shi a question, what actually was it? Shi Shi also seemed to know what Wan Xiaojie wanted to ask, so he immediately left to avoid answering the question.”

Wanwan heaved a sigh. She spoke softly, “I wanted to ask: since he now shows such a guilty conscience and affection toward Zhu Shi, why did he, after spending a night of passion with Zhu Shi in the past, heartlessly abandoned her and left without showing any consideration to her?”

Hou Xibai and Xu Ziling wanted to speak but shut their mouth. This question, except for Shi Zhixuan, no one could provide the answer.

Wanwan went on, “The two of you should know Shi Zhixuan better than I do; actually, what kind of a person is he?”

Smiling wryly, Hou Xibai said, “What I know is the affectionate side of Shi Zhixuan. To me, naturally, he is a man with affection as deep as the ocean; otherwise, he would not have had split personality.”

Fixing his gaze on the place where Shi Zhixuan disappeared, Xu Ziling nodded and said, “He is a man with contradictions in his heart; when his heart is ruthless, he can do anything. Unifying the holy school, even unifying the world, is the most important matter in his heart, even more, his paramount, supreme sacred mission. But on the other hand, he himself is incomparably passionate. These two kinds of contradictory state of mind are continuously clashing in his heart, resulting in a miserable, remorseful life! After absorbing the essence of the Sheng Sheli [holy relics], his split personality merged into one again, but the contradictions in his heart are more intense than before. This is something that even he could not anticipate.”

Knitting her brows, Wanwan asked, “But why did he let me go?”

At first Xu Ziling shook his head, indicating that he did not have any idea. But then he nodded and said, “Perhaps because he is no longer optimistic about the Li’s Tang. Li Shimin could not put Kou Zhong to death in the Battle of Luoyang, Li’s Tang’s road in unifying the world will be difficult and heavy; once Kou Zhong links up with Song Que, the land under heaven will split up into two parts, the Holy School’s grand plan of unifying the world will suffer serious setback. Furthermore, without any better option, the business of dealing with Li Shimin will have to be postponed indefinitely. In these circumstances, a feeling of cherishing talent toward you, Wanwan, started to grow Shi Zhixuan’s heart.”

Wanwan did not understand, “Cherishing talent?”

Hou Xibai agreed, he said, “Ziling spoke out at least half of the content of Shi Shi’s heart. Although Xiaodi is his successor, but I am not a material to be a Holy School people, not a material to unify the Holy School even more. Looking at the various Holy School’s younger generation disciples, only Wan Xiaojie and Yang Xuyan have the highest achievements, but Yang Xuyan’s identity is special, he has the interest to unify the world, but toward the Holy School, he does not have any sense of belonging. Therefore, Wan Xiaojie already become Shi Shi’s last most-promising candidate to unify the Holy School. He lets you keep the ‘Tian Mo Jue’, he also tried to resolve your hatred to him, it was precisely from this kind of way of thinking.”

Wanwan asked, “And what is the other half of the content of your Shi Shi’s heart?”

Smiling wryly, Hou Xibai replied, “When Ziling was speaking just now, I suddenly realized this point: Shi Shi is somewhat downhearted!”

Astonished, Xu Ziling asked, “Why did Xibai have that thought?”

Hou Xibai said, “Yang Xuyan is the most important chess piece in Shi Shi’s plan to unify the world. When the Li’s Tang split up in internal strife, Yang Xuyan, with his status as Yang Yong’s son, could display his wonderful efficacy in rolling over the Tang, but Yang Xuyan’s betrayal has disrupted Shi Shi’s overall plan. He killed the ‘Benevolent Mother’ Sha Fang, it was his last effort to subdue Yang Xuyan; too bad he still worked to no avail. The more frustrating thing was that Shi Shi discovered that the always-loyal-and-devoted ‘Fat Merchant’ An Long is also having a different heart [disloyalty], which made him feel isolated and without help.”

Stunned, Xu Ziling asked, “Isn’t An Long the one who worships him the most?”

Hou Xibai said, “That was then, and this is now. Shi Shi was able to see through An Long’s betrayal from Yang Xuyan’s proficiency in Bu Si Yin Fa. In the past, when Shi Shi was writing the Bu Si Yin Fa scroll, An Long was with him all the time, waiting upon him. He even discussed the important secret and profound mystery of the Bu Si Yin Fa with An Long. As for why Shi Shi did so, it was hard to understand. Possibly because after murdering Bi Xiuxin he was being besieged by the orthodox people, hence he was using An Long as the channel to pass on his teachings. And about him letting An Long learned about Bu Si Yin Fa is absolutely true, because it was Shi Shi who personally told me.”

Muttering to herself irresolutely, Wanwan said, “In that case, Yang Xuyan should have learned about Bu Si Yin Fa’s secret from An Long’s mouth. On top of that, he has already seen half of the Bu Si Yin scroll, plus he has followed your honored master for many years, hence he was able to master the Bu Si Yin Fa.”

Hou Xibai sighed and said, “That sounds like the most reasonable and fair reasoning.”

Wanwan said, “Based on your honorable master’s personal character, how could it be that easy to give up the sacred mission of reviving the Holy School?”

Hou Xibai shook his head without saying anything.

Xu Ziling spoke heavily, “From my experience of dealing with him, his mood fluctuates greatly, from time to time it revealed the contradictions in his heart. At least he believes that he is incapable of hardening his heart toward his daughter. This is also the main reason why the various factions of the Holy School are unwilling to submit to him; this has indeed made his intention cold, his heart discouraged. But when the situation changes one day, for example, when Kou Zhong and Song Que are defeated by the Li’s Tang, perhaps he would change. Because all along he is a man who would do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.”

Wanwan smiled and said, “To defeat Kou Zhong and Song Que, that is easier said than done.”

Hou Xibai said, “It’s not suitable for us to stay here for a long time, what’s Wan Xiaojie’s plan?”

Wanwan’s pair of eyes emitted a pained and bewildered emotion, she spoke to Xu Ziling, “Ziling’s internal injury is very heavy, the injury has reached the vital energy, without a year or a half, you can forget about complete recovery; for the time being, your power will surely be greatly reduced, you might never be able to return to your previous level.”

Xu Ziling calmly said, “If this is the Will of Heaven, then I have no choice but to submit to the Will of Heaven.”

Hou Xibai comforted him, “Qingxuan must have a way to reverse the rotation of the sky.”

Staring blankly, Wanwan said, “Are you guys going to see Shi Qingxuan? I was thinking of waiting upon Ziling properly, trying to think of a way to treat his injury.”

Remembering Shi Qingxuan, immediately Xu Ziling’s heart grew hot, any internal injury was thrown beyond the topmost clouds [idiom]. “I appreciate your kindness!” he said apologetically, “How could I dare to trouble you?”

Wanwan revealed a sad expression, but she quickly recovered her tranquility; smiling, she said, “Wan’er understands. Just let me see you two off for a moment, so that even if Yang Xuyan followed your track in secret and come to give you trouble, you don’t have to be afraid of him.”

The two had no choice but to agree; they started on their journey immediately.

At the first ray of morning sun breaking through the clouds illuminating the mother earth, Kou Zhong’s rear army managed to throw off the pursuing troops for nearly thirty li.

He and Bing Yuanzhen, Ba Yegang climbed onto a mountaintop nearby, to look into the distance toward the east side of Xiangcheng. A team of five-thousand-man Tang Army was setting their disposition of troops on the mountain about ten li ahead, cutting off their road forward.

They had already anticipated this, hence they were not surprised at all.

Kou Zhong spoke cheerfully, “Our strategy this time is very successful, taking advantage of the dark we routed three units of Tang Army’s vanguard regiment, so that Li Shimin does not dare to advance prematurely. The best part is that we lured them to pursue behind us, thinking that we are aiming for Xiangcheng.”

Bing Yuanzhen nodded and said, “Our other men and horses should be safely on their way to the hidden pond mountain. By bringing Li Shimin here, we should be able to buy one- or two-days’ time so that Chen Gong can successfully build a solid mountain stronghold.”

His eyes on the enemy ranks, Kou Zhong said, “If we could defeat the Xiangcheng army blocking our path, I wonder if we could take Xiangcheng easily?”

Hearing that, Ba Yegang’s eyebrows were deeply furrowed; he said, “We have had bloody battle all night, injuries and deaths are close to two hundred men, both men and horses are all unbearably weary, I am afraid we don’t have any strength to score a victory, not to mention the enemy’s military strength is five times above ours, plus they have been waiting at their ease for the exhausted enemy. Shaoshuai, please note clearly.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “I was just joking. Just like Ba Jiangjun said, we wind around the enemy troops, pretending to be forcing our way to Chenliu, at the appropriate time we change direction to the hidden pond mountain. That’s our decision.”

Ba Yegang and Bing Yuanzhen were infected by the relaxed tone of Kou Zhong’s voice, they had a feeling that the most difficult moment had become a thing of the past; although the fact really was not so, at least that was what they felt.

Kou Zhong shouted his order, after nearly one sichen of rest, the entire rear army stepped on the horse to continue their journey.

Wanwan pulled Xu Ziling’s sleeve, they stepped aside to speak. The time to go their separate ways has finally come.

Hou Xibai tactfully went up a small hill nearby, to look down far and near, to search the enemy’s shadow and trace; he took it upon himself to be on the lookout.

Slightly leaning her fragrant shoulder onto Xu Ziling, Wanwan spoke quietly, “Naturally I am hoping to see Ziling again, but this desire is extremely distant and indistinct. I have no more enmity against Shi Zhixuan that I simply had to avenge, on the contrary, I feel sympathy toward him. Just like he said, the sea of bitterness has no bound, it was precisely because she was living in an unbearable pain that Zhu Shi had the intention to die together with Shi Zhixuan. Isn’t what Shi Zhixuan said actually a portrayal of himself? Zhu Shi might have used all her strength to hate Shi Zhixuan, yet Shi Zhixuan might have hated himself. One mistake after another, two women who loved him dearly had both died because of him.”

Listening to her, Xu Ziling sighed endlessly. Changing the topic, he asked, “After parting with us, where is Wanwan going?”

Rolling her eyes at him, Wanwan asked, “Does Ziling really want to know?”

Since he already asked, naturally Xu Ziling could not pull it back; without any better option, he nodded to say that he did.

Wanwan’s pair of beautiful eyes shone, she spoke softly, “I am going to travel all over the world to seek a certain thing, and the dream of my holy school will rely on the completion of this matter.”

Until this moment, Xu Ziling still did not know the grand plan in Wanwan’s heart, yet he knew that she was not going to put everything out including the tray [idiom: to reveal everything]. Without any better option, he said, “I really wanted to say that I wish you the best, however, I am afraid that the completion of your dream would mean the suffering of many people; therefore, I really do not know what to say.”

‘Pfft!’ Wanwan giggled tenderly; she said, “If you have a chance to see Shi Feixuan, please tell her that the struggle between she and Wan’er has no finish, no end, we all will have to wait and see! Nujia is leaving! I wish Shi Qingxuan will be able to help Ziling recover completely, and that she will give birth to a fair-skinned, chubby little Ziling for you.”

Finished speaking, she floated away with a gust of wind; she even looked back and waved her hand at him several times.

Hou Xibai came back to Xu Ziling’s side, his gaze followed her beautiful clear shadow disappearing into the depth of the forest, he said, “Is it a lot of hatred, a few honey, or is it the opposite?”

Xu Ziling shook his head, he found it difficult to speak, he knew in his heart that Wanwan’s white clothes, barefooted image would follow him closely, forever.

After hastening on with their journey at full speed for three days and three nights, Kou Zhong and the others, none was not the people weary, the horse tired, they could not go on anymore, while Li Shimin’s main forces were following closely behind them, unwilling to let them off. Fortunately, they finally reached the hidden pond mountain.

Ma Chang’s main forces set up their position on the mountain road to welcome their arrival.

With Kou Zhong’s arrival, the soldiers filling the mountaintop all cheered excitedly for their leader.

Kou Zhong jumped off his horse, Ma Chang came up to meet him and said, “Chen Gong already left for the Tian Cheng Gorge to build the army camp, leaving me to be in charge here. Shaoshuai, please go to the camp by the clear pond in the mountain to rest.”

Kou Zhong turned to Ba Yegang, Bing Yuanzhen, and a group of his men, he laughed and said, “You heard Ma Jiangjun! Take a good bath in the big pond, get some his Niang’s sleep, tomorrow you will be as good as new.”

Ba Yegang asked in astonishment, “Isn’t Shaoshuai going with us?”

Casting his gaze far away, the murderous aura in Kou Zhong’s pair of eyes flared greatly, he spoke with hatred, “If I can sit in meditation for one sichen, it will be akin to recovering my strength. The hidden pond mountain is the first pass, I want Li Shimin to understand that I, Kou Zhong, am absolutely must not be trifled with. The debt of blood he owes me, I, Kou Zhong will demand payment one by one.”

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