Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 42 10: Enemies on a Narrow Road

Kou Zhong slipped into the Vermillion Bird Boulevard. Braving the rain, he proceeded toward the foreign guesthouse. On the street, the number of pedestrians was greatly reduced, all kinds of raingear were on display, the places under the eaves and canopies were crowded to bursting point by people taking shelter from the rain, wine shops and restaurants were full; it was a different scenery.

Kou Zhong still felt dull ache from the wound on the pit of his stomach, fortunately, after the damaged meridians in his body recovered, it rapidly recovered his essence as well. Suddenly he remembered a problem and could not help wiping cold sweat inwardly.

Du Xing was half Qidan, he ought to have close relationship with Huyan Jin, who was a fellow Qidan, and Huyan Jin knew their relationship with Yuekepeng. If he simply dropped by to see Yuekepeng like this, there was a good chance that he could not hide from Du Xing’s eyes and ears.

He knew that just now he did not mention even half a sentence about Yuekepeng, yet Du Xing was already suspicious. Now that he, Kou Zhong hurriedly looked for Yuekepeng, Du Xing would definitely think that he had another conspiracy, and then tonight’s plan would not work.

Thinking to this point, he turned into a side street.

Du Xing had ten million reasons to kill him and Xu Ziling. First of all, if the eighty thousand sheets of sheepskin were robbed by him and Xu Kaishan, he would be afraid that the two boys might investigate, hence he would strike first and gain the upper hand. Secondly, perhaps even more important reason was that Du Xing and Xu Kaishan were afraid that the two boys would support Jing Kang and thus chased them out of Shanhai Pass. If Xu Ziling’s guess was correct, Du Xing was unaware of Xu Kaishan’s Da Ming Zun Jiao identity, so then Du Xing and Xu Kaishan, each man was harboring sinister design in their hearts. And so the Anle Bang tragedy was Xu Kaishan’s doing to conceal it from Du Xing, so that the Anle Bang’s Gang Leader could not reveal Xu Kaishan’s Da Ming Zun Jiao identity.

Roaming around, although their train of thoughts have gone astray, in the end they still went back to the first conclusion.

Only under protection of Du Xing and Xu Kaishan would the wolf-bandits be able to go on the rampage without any scruples, their whereabouts remained a mystery. Also, only a man with such wealth and influence like Xu Kaishan would be able to bribe the Deputy Gang Leader Shu Dingtai. The latter was finally murdered by Sao Niangzi at Yin Ma Yi to close his mouth, precisely because Shu Dingtai knew that Xu Kaishan was the real mastermind behind the Anle Tragedy.

One truth revealed, a hundred truth became clear. He did not expect that one discussion with Du Xing would be this useful.

But it was still a big bet.

They did not have any real basis to conclude that tonight Du Xing might collude with Huyan Jin to harm them. Supposing they erred and Du Xing turned out to be innocent, then tonight, not only they would fail to kill Shen Mohuan, they would offend Du Xing and Ke Dazhi as well.

After making sure no one was watching, Kou Zhong fetched the ‘Divine Doctor Mo Yixin’ mask from his pocket and put it on. And then he turned into a garment shop and when he came out, he became another person.

Inside the meditation room at the Sheng Guang Si, the atmosphere was serene and peaceful, isolated from the rest of the world.

Under the endless heavy rain, the sloping roof tiles created countless small waterfalls, gushing along the concave surface of the tiles and cascading down in torrents.

Although he had an umbrella to protect him from the rain, half of Xu Ziling’s body was still soaked. After the serious injury, there was a feeling that he had fallen into dire straits. However, looking at Shi Feixuan’s immortal face, everything became unimportant and irrelevant.

This was the third time he saw the fairy after he got out of bed this morning.

Shi Feixuan sat by his side. Examining his face, she spoke in astonishment, “Is Ziling injured?”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “And I nearly lost my life.” And then he briefly narrated this morning’s attempt on his life.

Shi Feixuan told him to hold up his hand, tenderly she put her slender finger on his wrist. While an infinite warmth was welling up in Xu Ziling’s heart, she spoke in shock, “You are really injured very badly. In this short period of time, you must not fight with anybody.”

And then she frowned and said, “Where is Kou Zhong? I must go with you immediately to find him; otherwise, if you are intercepted by any enemy who has deep knowledge of your injury, the outcome might be disastrous.”

Xu Ziling really wanted to say that if Kou Zhong was slaughtered, wouldn’t that mean Li Shimin would have one less most formidable opponent? But naturally he must not say such a blot-on-the-landscape words [idiom: to dampen spirits/to spoil the fun], while he was also grateful for Shi Feixuan’s concern toward them, brothers. He smiled and said, “We are playing the Solid is Empty, Empty is Solid game, using guts to gamble against guts; at least until this moment we are still winning, hence the reason I can sit peacefully in here.”

Glowering at him, Shi Feixuan transmitted her refined and pure without equal true qi from her fingertips to help him heal, but the tone of her voice was extremely serene, as she spoke indifferently, “If Kou Zhong’s injury is close to yours, the two of you practically do not have the qualifications to play any game. If Kou Zhong wanted to show off, you should advise against it, rather than go along with him.”

Xu Ziling said, “This is called putting everything to death and then live. Tonight, we have two targets, no matter how difficult, we must try to accomplish it, which is to kill Shen Mohuan and Shi Zhixuan.”

Shi Feixuan spoke in displeasure, “The most important thing you two should do is to hide and have a good rest. Shi Zhixuan’s affair, leave it to Feixuan and Zhu Hou [empress] to handle.”

Xu Ziling firmly shook his head and said, “Feixuan, don’t worry. Injuries also have injuries’ move; toward Shi Zhixuan we must make one move and he won’t be able to escape, otherwise we would only waste our effort and forever lose the opportunity to encircle and annihilate Shi Zhixuan.”

Shi Feixuan spoke in surprise, “I don’t understand; in your current condition, how are you going to deal with Shi Zhixuan, this kind of martial art master with unrivalled demonic power?”

Xu Ziling said, “Time does not allow me to explain in details, but in simple terms, Kou Zhong and I have a set of self-created amazing method to join hands, even with serious injury like this we could still threaten Shi Zhixuan. I would like to ask Feixuan to contact Zhu Yuyan, tell her about the situation tonight, so that we all can cooperate with each other. This is greatly important. Feixuan must trust us.”

Shi Feixuan sighed and said, “You guys always love to do things that exceed all expectations. All right! What’s going on tonight?”

Xu Ziling explained everything, about Du Xing, Ke Dazhi, Shen Mohuan, Huyan Jin, Han Chao’an, Funantuo, and the others, including the cause and effects [idiom: entire process of development], his and Kou Zhong’s conjectures and judgments, nothing was omitted. And finally he said, “Even if tonight we cannot successfully get rid of Shen Mohuan, we could at least prove what kind of person Du Xing is.”

Shi Feixuan spoke indifferently, “If the enemy proceed with the assassination before you go to the banquet, not only your brilliant scheme will fail, you might also lose your life.”

Stunned, Xu Ziling said, “We are indeed muddleheaded; we did not think about this possibility.”

Smiling, Shi Feixuan said, “The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear [idiom]. Ay! You, this man, really make me worry.”

Xu Ziling felt that her true qi gushing endlessly via his wrist into his meridians making his entire body feel comfortable and peaceful, substantially reducing the pain that frequently arose from his injuries, while also stirring up the potential of the acupoints within his body. The immortal voice ringing inside his eardrums as she scolded and expressed her concerns was undoubtedly not coming from this mortal world. Momentarily his spirit was intoxicated, he said, “It seems like this moment my head is not too clear, Feixuan, tell me what should we do?”

Shi Feixuan replied, “It depends on whether Du Xing really has secret ties and is colluding with Huyan Jin and the others. If that is really the case, they would strike only when they have a hundred-percent confidence that they will be able to ambush and kill you before you step into the Palace’s gate, otherwise, beating someone at their own game is still the best policy.”

Xu Ziling nodded to express his understanding. Du Xing’s beating someone at their own game would be using someone to impersonate Shen Mohuan with his Flying Cloud Bow to lead Ke Dazhi astray, and then Du Xing, this middleman, would lure the two into the danger zone, where they laid out another wonderful trap to kill them. Due to their injuries had not healed, plus they would be caught off guard, certainly they would not be narrowly and luckily escape.

Shi Feixuan went on, “As long as when you are going to the banquet you show a state of full alertness, such as walking separately, the enemy can’t possibly abandon everything and easily fetch danger by taking unnecessary risk. So, I’m not too worried about this. What I am worried about is that your calculations are all based on assumptions. And if one of these assumptions is a mistake of believing yourself infallible, you might potentially suffer serious setback.”

Showing tenderness, Xu Ziling looked closely at her attentive, deep-in-thought touching expression. Smiling bitterly, he said, “Hence the reason I am asking Feixuan to make an exception to undertake the task of taking care of this struggle and vendetta of the mundane world.”

Shi Feixuan sighed softly and said, “Feixuan has no choice but to make one more assumption: if Ke Dazhi received Xieli’s secret order to find an excuse to get close to you, and in fact he is working together with Du Xing to put you to dead at all cost, and then afterwards put the blame on Shen Mohuan so that Tuli would not investigate Xieli, then even if I am willing to undertake the task, it would still be a loss for nothing, because within the enemies, there are Zhao Deyan, Tonyukuk, and other martial art masters. The difference in power between the enemy and us is simply too great. Of course, the problem is that you are still heavily injured, as soon as you fall into the siege, you won’t have any power to break out and escape.”

Xu Ziling spoke with confidence, “Ke Dazhi shouldn’t be such a despicable fellow. Besides, last night we eavesdropped Zhao Deyan and Zhou Laotan, husband and wife’s discussion, Xieli temporarily does not intend to deal with us, hence he forced Ma Ji to find a way to recover the eighty-thousand sheets of sheepskin from Bai Ziting and give it back to Da Xiaojie.”

Rolling her eyes at him, Shi Feixuan said, “You, Ling Shao have not told Feixuan about this matter!”

Shi Feixuan’s demeanor in feigning anger coquettishly was amusing to the extreme point, Xu Ziling was overwhelmed with the urge to pull her into his embrace, it’s just that he did not dare to treat this fine woman irreverently, hence he could only suppress this thought. Smiling, he said, “My apologies, Xiaodi neglected to do that. Ha! Feixuan unexpectedly called me Ling Shao, which sounded both fresh and exciting.”

Smiling sweetly, Shi Feixuan cast him another sidelong glance, and then lowering her cicada head, she spoke softly, “Do you know? Xu Ziling, do you know? My wariness toward you is getting weaker and weaker!”

Xu Ziling’s heart was swept away, he spoke in astonishment, “Until this moment you still have wariness toward Xiaodi?”

Shi Feixuan recovered her indifferent-like-still-water expression. Slightly shrugging her fragrant shoulders, she said, “How do I know whether you speak one thing, but do another? Returning to the topic, you want Feixuan to help in what regard? Ay! This matter must be carefully discussed with Zhu Hou, to see how we can work together, so that we won’t mistakenly miss the chance to get rid of Shi Zhixuan.”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “I want to be clear first, why do you criticize me of speaking one thing, but doing another? In Feixuan’s heart, am I a man who say one thing and do another?”

‘Pft!’ Shi Feixuan laughed tenderly and said, “Ling Shao, calm down, I was just looking for a way to step down the platform [i.e. extricate oneself]. But a heart that guards against other is indispensable. This is the third time today that you came to see Feixuan, shouldn’t I be wary? Feixuan really loves to see you, to talk idle talk with you, but I’m afraid it’s hard to maintain proper feeling, so that many years of painstaking cultivation would flow down the drain. Feixuan already reached the ‘Xin You Ling Xi’ [a heart with mutual sensitivity/a meeting of minds, or there is a rhinoceros in the heart] realm recorded in the ‘Ci Hang Jian Dian’ [Sword Canon of Ci Hang], my senses toward average person is keen and accurate; however, toward a person that I like, it is extremely dangerous. Feixuan already talked very frankly, because I cannot bear to conceal it from you, but furthermore, because I trust you. I hope you can understand Feixuan’s state of mind.”

And then she sighed faintly and continued, “Feixuan must not repeat Xiuxin Shishu’s [martial uncle] disastrous policy, to be forced to separate myself from my school. That will be the most serious blow to my humble Zhai. Moreover, I will fail Shizun’s [revered master] expectation on Feixuan. Xu Ziling, do you understand?”

Emotionally touched, Xu Ziling said, “I appreciate very much Feixuan’s favor in telling me this. It will leave me a rich aftertaste throughout my life. Feixuan, please don’t worry, I definitely am not a man who says one thing but does another. But what exactly can be considered ‘Jian Xin Tong Ming’ [the heart of the sword brightly lit] realm? Why can’t it be compatible with love between man and woman?”

Shi Feixuan’s expression was as calm as still water, she spoke softly, “It’s precisely ‘kan po’ [see through], two-word real secret. In the sword technique, not only it can see through the enemy, it can even see through oneself, nothing is overlooked, flexible and unrestrained. In the cultivation, it can see through the façade of life and all things, straight to the bottom of Tathata [the ultimate inexpressible nature of all things (Buddhism concept)]. What kind of realm is this? Reaching to the bottom of what layer? Only one’s self will know. Feixuan still cannot see through your, Ziling’s joy and yearning, hence I know I am still one notch short. But it also makes me understand that I am trapped on the edge of the emotional cliff, any slight mistake will waste all my previous efforts.”

Xu Ziling could not help recalling the situation at Hualin, under the life or death threat of multiple arrows and blades happening at the same time from Ku Ge with a group of enemies, he had reached the marvelous realm of the Moon in the Well, where he was both disengaged and having an incomparably clear awareness of the enemies. But he definitely could not firmly grasp and maintain this kind of fantastic realm, especially after he arrived in Longquan and was having repeated encounters with Shi Feixuan, and intermingled with her in not-sure-if-it-could-be-called ‘falling head over heels in love’ way, his mental state was even more moving up and down and difficult to pacify, difficult for him to maintain his cool-headedness, so much so that it was somewhat worse than before. Looking at it from his own experience, Shi Feixuan’s remark did contain the truth; hence she put the feeling between men and women back into various must-see-through links, yet not to be used to beat around the bush in refusal, but rather to speak about truth and facts.

Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “I implore you, Xianzi to remove all wariness toward Xiaodi, to raise the sentiment between us completely to a higher level, thereby advancing into the ‘Jian Xin Tong Ming’ realm. I don’t know if it can be done, but I feel that it is possible.”

A hint of pained smile appeared on the corner of Shi Feixuan’s mouth, she spoke softly, “Ziling ought to know that your pair of magic eyes don’t easily reveal the deep feeling in your heart, so much so that the mood and the longing in your heart could generate reaction in Feixuan and make a rush of emotion. I am blaming you for saying one thing but doing another is really not without any basis at all.”

Laughing involuntarily, Xu Ziling said, “Xiaodi knows his guilt. But how do I know that your ‘Xin You Ling Xi’ is this formidable?”

Shi Feixuan’s eyes suddenly emitted strange light, as she looked at him up and down carefully and attentively. Slightly astonished, she said, “You are such a strange person. After listening to Feixuan saying everything in my mind without falseness and concealing anything, unexpectedly your state of mind can rise to empty spirit realm without a hint of earthly thought. It seems like I can really trust you.”

Xu Ziling contemplated with all his mind, it was quite half a day later that he changed the subject, saying, “We don’t have much time. I wonder if Feixuan can dress up as mysterious martial art master, on the side secretly helping us watching the enemy, because the variables are too many, hence we must set up the plan in advance how to meet any contingency. Based on Feixuan’s ability and wisdom, we could change according to the situation on the spot; it should be a sensible act.”

From his bosom he took out the mask that they obtained from the Duke Yang’s Treasure and presented it to Shi Feixuan.

Shi Feixuan removed her immaculate, delicate hand from his wrist. Receiving the mask, she wondered, “Ziling does not want Feixuan to follow the real Shen Mohuan for you?”

The image of solitary, lonesome Yin Xianhe appeared in Xu Ziling’s mind, he said, “In this regard, I already have other candidate. We need Feixuan’s … hey! Feixuan’s protection more!”

He explained Yin Xianhe and Yuekepeng, these two possible helpers’ situation in details to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.

Shi Feixuan said, “I might meet you before you enter the Palace to exchange the latest information.”

Thereupon Xu Ziling said goodbye and left, to look for Yin Xianhe.

Kou Zhong applied his power to alter his body shape, to change into the non-attention-getting ‘Mo Yixin’. Walking under the umbrella, he headed toward the foreign guesthouse where Yuekepeng was staying.

He and Xu Ziling have become experts in camouflage techniques. Not only they were able to alter the expression showing in their eyes, their posture and walking gait did not reveal the slightest flaw either.

When he was still a few steps away from his target, the main gate of the foreign guesthouse, suddenly the alarm went off in his heart; he sensed a pair of sharp eyes was watching him from across the street.

He could not help feeling greatly astounded, musing inwardly whether he had become as keen as Xu Ziling, able to generate reaction to something that was hidden from sight.

He was about to turn his head to look, but promptly suppress this urge, while crying ‘How dangerous!’ inwardly.

This must be the surveillance agent’s crafty scheme. It’s not that he suddenly acquired Xu Ziling’s style of spirited senses; rather, the enemy was deliberately applying his power into his pair of eyes to gaze onto Kou Zhong’s face, so that he would generate proper reaction as a martial art master. If he fell into the trap and looked, then it would show that he was indeed a martial art master, thereby they would guess that he might be Kou Zhong or Xu Ziling in disguise.

He could not help shivering inwardly.

First of all, the surveillance agent was greatly not simple, he was able to test the authenticity of his identity in such an ingenious way. Secondly, it was extremely likely that Du Xing and Huyan Jin were in collusion, hence the reason they sent someone to watch whether the two boys would contact Yuekepeng or not.

If the other side was really certain that he was Kou Zhong or Xu Ziling, perhaps when he left the foreign guesthouse, he would encounter a ten-thousand-jun-thunderbolt surprise attack, because the opponent did have enough time to gather manpower to strike and kill him.

The moment he was in Longquan, certainly danger lurked on every side.

Hardening his heart, Kou Zhong walked past the door without entering, changing his direction toward the foreign guesthouse where the Gaoli people stayed, because he did not have qualifications to take this risk. The biggest problem was that if he sneakily lowering his voice on purpose to talk with the Jushi warrior guarding the door, he would only raise the enemy’s suspicion.

When the foreign guesthouse where the Jushi delegation stayed was behind him, the gaze focused on him immediately disappeared, so that he knew that he had guessed correctly.

Ay! It had never occurred to him that such a simple thing as meeting Yuekepeng would unexpectedly have so many twists and turns that he could not succeed.

Now the entire building of Yuekepeng’s foreign guesthouse was under the enemy’s strict surveillance, whether in the open or in the dark, he could not hide from the enemy.

Looking for Song Shidao did not seem to be advisable as well. Thinking to this point, Kou Zhong sighed inwardly. He crossed the vehicle and horse’s lane to walk along the pedestrian path on the other side of the street.

He wanted to find out which formidable figure was watching the main gate of the foreign guesthouse.

Heavy rain was still falling incessantly. Any shop with canopy on the outside was full of people standing under it to take shelter from the rain. To find the surveillance agent was really not an easy matter, but Kou Zhong had his own way.

In this section of the big street so close to the King City, one side were more than a dozen foreign guesthouses standing in great numbers, on the other side were all kinds of shops.

The pedestrian path on the foreign guesthouse’s side did not have any place to avoid the rain, hence there were not many pedestrians. If there was a man with body shape similar to either his or Xu Ziling’s walking past the foreign guesthouse, the martial art master doing the surveillance would repeat the technique he used earlier, and then he would certainly be unable to hide from Kou Zhong’s senses.

By the time Xu Ziling returned to the courtyard house, the heavy rain finally stopped.

Kou Zhong was soaking inside the hot spring pool. Seeing Xu Ziling returned, he cheerfully said, “I did not look for Yuekepeng, nor did I look for Song Shidao, but there is an interesting discovery. What’s your story?”

Xu Ziling sat down by the pool and said with a laugh, “Speak up! Do you have to waste time by keeping the listeners in suspense?”

Kou Zhong spoke in astonishment, “Your countenance has greatly improved; did Xianzi, using some immortal technique, personally treat her sweetheart’s injury?”

Xu Ziling crossly said, “We are about to set off to enter the Palace, you still want to talk more nonsense?”

Kou Zhong’s countenance tuned grave, he spoke heavily, “I may have just seen Cui Wang.”

Stunned, Xu Ziling said, “What? You can identify who Cui Wang is?”

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