Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 41 7: Stepping on Eggplant, Stepping on Toad

Returning to the courtyard house, he saw Kou Zhong and Bugunatai were discussing their strategy by laying down rocks on the grassy land next to the hot spring pool; they were talking happily and excitedly.

Xu Ziling found it difficult to get into their mood, because this moment his heart was filled to the brim with the touching feeling of love.

Shi Feixuan finally admitted with her own mouth that he, Xu Ziling was the only man who could make her fall in love, the only flaw in her Jian Xin Tong Ming.

Toward Shi Feixuan, he had always felt that he could not match her.

She belonged to the world of the immortals, any common people did not have the qualifications to match this fairy.

At this moment, Shi Qingxuan became distant and fuzzy. She was the only other woman who could move his real feeling.

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Ling Shao came back just in time. Not speaking in Tujue language with Old Ba for one day, indeed instead of making progress, I am getting worse, when I started speaking again, it is so hard.”

And then, with sighing voice, wailing breath, he said, “Enemies on a narrow road; not only I came across Du Xing and Xu Kaishan, those two fellows, I also saw Ke Dazhi, that kid at the same time; he was staring blankly, looking distracted on the street … ay!”

Shaken, Xu Ziling said, “You finally met Shang Xiufang?”

Kou Zhong signaled Bugunatai to please bear with me for a moment, and continued talking to Xu Ziling with a bitter smile, “You don’t need to worry that I would mess things up with Shang Xiufang. Ke Dazhi and I could only stare blankly as Liexia came to rob us of something that we cherish, by presenting his mother’s something like mystical secret score. Her granny’s! Come! Let’s hear our brilliant scheme to destroy Da Ming Zun Jiao first.”

The last sentence was spoken in Tujue.

Bugunatai’s pig or horse’s mane like iron head was swaying, he excitedly said, “The most advantageous point for us is that this mansion is located outside the village. If we lay out hidden troops in the valley and on the hill, we can seal off the entire mansion, and then when you release the signal, we can immediately attack using fast horse, killing the other side until not a single one remain.”

“Did you scout the road?” Xu Ziling asked, “What kind of people live in the mansion?”

Kou Zhong replied, “Under the sunlight during the day, it was very difficult to mix in and enter to go see the bottom of it, in order to avoid beating the grass to scare the snake. I was only watching from the top of a hill in the distance. Although the mansion is big, the people are not many.”

Turning to Bugunatai, Xu Ziling asked, “About the search for Shen Mohuan, husband and wife, is there any progress?”

“They should be in the city,” Bugunatai replied.

Pointing to the small stone surrounded by three pieces of rocks representing the mansion’s three sides, Xu Ziling asked, “What is that?”

Kou Zhong replied, “It is not too high of a valley, but various trees are growing as a thicket on the hilltop, this is just an entrance.”

Bugunatai explained, “The mansion is located inside a valley, extremely hidden, a place that is easy to guard, but hard to attack.”

Frowning, Xu Ziling said, “In this area where there are plains, rivers and lakes all around, don’t you think that such terrain is very unusual?”

Emotionally moved, Kou Zhong said, “You make a good point; if I were Bai Ziting, I would definitely not allow any outsiders to occupy such a place to establish a high-walled deep courtyard with military defense capability. My Niang! I was nearly swindled by the fake Laotan.”

Bugunatai nodded in agreement, he said, “In that case, the mansion ought to belong to Bai Ziting, or perhaps someone with close relationship to him. The strange thing is that Shuwen has been rolling about in Longquan for a long time, yet he did not know about the mansion’s existence.”

Kou Zhong hatefully said, “Fake Laotan clearly wants to carryout the killing by borrowed knife move, but by doing so, wouldn’t he expose his own identity?”

Xu Ziling said, “This is not only killing by borrowed knife, but also luring the tiger from its domain in the mountains. That way, they could concentrate their strength to deal with Shi Feixuan. The master of Da Ming Zun Jiao is more despicable and crafty than we imagine. What they are using is an entirely fanning-the-wind-to-light-a-fire evil plan to show dissension, acting like the more chaotic the better. It would be best if the Central Plains’ orthodox path and the demonic school are massacring each other, then they would seize the opportunity to mingle in the water imitating the fish, to obtain the advantage from within.”

Kou Zhong hated it so much that his teeth were itching, “How can we ruthlessly teach them a lesson?”

Bugunatai proposed, “How about we attack the Xiao Hui Yuan [Little Hui Garden], going in to kill and burn, to give them a bit of color for them to see?”

Xu Ziling said, “Creating disturbance in the city, the consequences are difficult to predict. We must wait for Old Ba’s return before we can discuss everything, otherwise we would just make a mess of everything [orig. the whole country in rebellion], to find Shen Mohuan, husband and wife, will be even more difficult.”

Bugunatai cheerfully said, “Dage [big brother] told me to listen to your instruction; whatever you say, I will do it accordingly.”

Kou Zhong wrapped his arm around his broad shoulders and said with a laugh, “We are all brothers, what do you mean who should listen to whom? Tonight we will make the fake Laotan clutching to his life first, your ambushing troops will be at the ready without making any move, wait for our good news as we will enter one step ahead.”

After the three discussed the details of their operation, Bugunatai left.

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Bai Ziting sent a female warrior, who is nearly as tall as you and me to stay close to and protect Shang Xiufang. This woman’s beauty is very special, extremely attractive. When you see her, I guarantee that you won’t forget.”

Laughing and cursing, Xu Ziling said, “Your lecherous heart is on the rise again!”

Kou Zhong shook his head and swayed his noggin, reciting, “Appetite and lust are only natural [Mencius]; this is human nature. Ay! Quickly give me an ultimate plan to put Liexia, that kid in order.”

He was just blurting out without thinking, he was not serious at all. And then he said, “How come Old Ba is not back yet? If he could give us good news before seeing Bai Ziting tomorrow night, we could immediately have Gunatai brothers rob his wealth for us, so that tomorrow night we could bargain splendidly with Bai Ziting.”

Seeing Xu Ziling was muttering to himself irresolutely without speaking, he asked, “What new development you have with our Xianzi? Have you touched her fragrant hand yet?”

Smiling ruefully, Xu Ziling said, “I really shouldn’t tell you anything about this aspect, it would only fill your brains with dirty things.”

Kou Zhong suddenly cried out to Heaven for the injustice he suffered; he said, “What’s so dirty about touching someone’s hand? Unless you have not washed your hand for more than ten days.”

Xu Ziling spoke in displeasure, “I won’t talk nonsense with you. Have you been to the south gate?”

Kou Zhong’s countenance sank, he said, “Where do I have the free time?”

Xu Ziling knew that he was upset with Duan Yucheng, suspecting that he forgot sentiment and turned his back on righteousness. Pulling Kou Zhong toward the main gate, he said, “While we still have a bit of time, let’s go around the south gate one more time, and then we’ll look for Yuekepeng to eat some Xiangshui rice. Come on!”

The two left the south gate with nothing to gain. Duan Yucheng still has not left any secret markings.

Seeing Kou Zhong’s ill countenance, Xu Ziling tried to ease his anxiety, saying, “At least he did not betray us. Otherwise he could cooperate with Da Ming Zun Jiao people to lay a trap to secretly harm us, or perhaps supplying us with some false information to lure us, or some shady business like that.”

“That’s exactly the problem,” Kou Zhong said, “If he really left a secret mark, telling us to meet somewhere, how would we know that it’s not a trap?”

“Let’s talk about it when the time comes,” Xu Ziling replied.

The two strolled along the Vermillion Bird Boulevard in the direction of the foreign guesthouse. The colored lanterns had just been lit, the big street was as bright as daytime. People and vehicles strived for the road, bustling with noise and excitement and flourishing. From time to time there were people staring at them, pointing at them and talking; obviously they knew who they were.

Suddenly a man blocked their path; saluting, he said, “Shaoshuai, Xu Ye, my humble master is asking two gentlemen for a meeting.”

The man was wearing Han attire, he spoke Han language, but with strong foreign tribe accent. His outward appearance did not have the Sumo Mohe people’s fine dexterity; strictly speaking, he looked like a straightforward man with a bit of craftiness.

Astonished, Kou Zhong asked, “Who is your honorable master?”

The man lowered his voice and replied, “My humble master is Tiefuyou. This time asking to meet, definitely it is without malice.”

Hearing that, the two boys looked at each other.

Tiefuyou was a big tribal chief of powerful tribe Heshui [black river] Mohe, another branch of Mohe division which had enough strength to be a competitor to Bai Ziting, in control over Tong Wan, and was in support of Tuli. Outside Hualin, together with Shen Mohuan and Kunzhihuang of Qidan, they joined hands to ambush them, and now suddenly he acted so polite by sending someone to invite them for a meeting. Naturally there was a conspiracy somewhere.

Using his eyes, Kou Zhong signaled Xu Ziling, asking for his opinion; seeing Xu Ziling slightly tightening his jaw, he said, “Please lead the way!”

The man led them into an ironware shop on the left. The shop had already closed, but two big men opened the door for them, and invited them to go straight inside.

Passing through a big atrium, they saw Tiefuyou came out from the rear hall alone to meet them. This short and stout, tyrannical Heshui big tribal chief was still wearing feathered crown and colorful clothes, carrying quite a kingly air around him; laughing aloud, he said, “If Xiaodi has done anything offensive, I am asking two Daren to be magnanimous, to grant a lot of forgiveness.”

He spoke a very good Han language; the two boys already knew that all the leaders or royal figures of the various tribes beyond the Great Wall were proficient in Han language, hence they kept their calm in the face of the unexpected.

Noticing that he dared to come out single-handedly to express his sincerity, Kou Zhong praised inwardly. He laughed and said, “That was just a misunderstanding, we were only receiving someone else’s trust as well, there is no intention whatsoever to support Old Bai in founding his country.”

Tiefuyou cheerfully said, “Let’s come inside and sit down first before talking further.”

The inner hall’s arrangement was simple; they sat down on a large round table in the middle of the hall, and the servants immediately served them goat milk tea.

Tiefuyou said, “Two gentlemen must have not had dinner yet!”

Xu Ziling said, “Da Wang [great king], no need to stand on ceremony, we still have to hurry to meet an appointment.”

Tiefuyou’s subordinates retreated out of the hall completely, leaving only the three of them.

Tiefuyou said, “In that case, let Xiaodi will make a long story short. If two gentlemen are willing to give the Five-Colored Stone to Xiaodi, Xiaodi can guarantee that within one month I will deliver eighty-thousand sheets of sheepskin to Shanhai Pass for the two gentlemen to check and accept.”

Frowning, Kou Zhong said, “Da Wang could hear the guilt on the jade annulus of your bosom. If the Five-Colored Stone is in Da Wang’s possession, while admittedly you could have your prestige greatly rising among the eight divisions of Mohe, but you would also become the target of a multitude of arrows from the outside tribes, reaping disaster from obtaining a blessing. Have Da Wang considered this situation?”

Tiefuyou smiled and said, “I have reached an agreement with your brother, Tuli Khan; he will fully support me in obtaining the Five-Colored Stone.”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “If Tuli and Xieli become reconciled, what will the situation be?”

Tiefuyou’s countenance changed slightly, he said, “Did you obtain news about it? According to reason, Tuli and Xieli have reached the incompatible-as-fire-and-water situation, there is no possibility for reconciliation.”

Kou Zhong calmly said, “We have not received either rumors or news, it was purely speculation. Although Tuli is a good man, he has no choice but to consider the huge tribe’s future prospect and interest. The internal strife between him and Xieli has changed the unstable situation in the northeast prairie, each division begins to stir, Bai Ziting founding a country is the most obvious example. Within this, there is still Yiwu’s Meiyan Furen and Huihe’s Da Ming Zun Jiao fanning the flame, for fear than the world is not chaotic enough. In such fragile situation, if Bi Xuan is willing to take the initiative to mediate, what do you think the consequences will be? If when the time comes Tuli advises you, Da Wang to return the Five-Colored Stone to Qidan’s Abaojia, you, Da Wang, will fall into no-room-to-advance-or-to-retreat position. Either Xieli or Tuli, they will do whatever it takes to prevent anybody from unifying the eight divisions of Mohe by relying on the Five-Colored Stone.”

It was not false intimidation from Kou Zhong at all, because he had seen with his own eyes how after Tuli found out about the Five-Colored Stone, he immediately abandoned his plan to attack Xieli. Clearly he absolutely would not allow the unification of the eight divisions of Mohe to happen.

Tiefuyou stared blankly for half a day. He was, after all, an astute leader with outstanding ability and wisdom. Only because the temptation of Mohe unification was too great that it clouded his judgment, that he did not consider it thoroughly enough. Half a day later he spoke in heavy voice, “How do you intend to dispose of the Five-Colored Stone?”

Kou Zhong said, “I want to ask Da Wang something: I wonder if Da Wang wishes to see Bai Ziting being destroyed?”

Tiefuyou was staring blankly for a moment, and then he shook his head and said, “That would be an extremely serious blow to our Mohe, it would make it even more difficult for us to resist the Tujue people’s invasion, and would force us to see Xieli’s face before we could do anything.”

Kou Zhong cheerfully said, “That will do then! Frankly speaking, until this moment, we still don’t know what to do with the Five-Colored Stone. Bai Ziting and us are enemies and not friends at all, but we do not wish the people of Longquan City to be destroyed indiscriminately under the Tujue’s iron hoof; without any better option, we have to change accordingly to the situation, to see if there is any way to satisfy rival demands.”

The divine light in Tiefuyou’s pair of eyes flaring greatly, he fixed his gaze on Kou Zhong and slowly said, “Two gentlemen and Ba Fenghan fought Xieli’s Golden Wolf Big Amy at Helian Fort outside the city of Tong Wan. I thought it was because of personal glory. But now I begin to understand that two gentlemen are indeed true heroes who abandon self for others [idiom from Analects]. Hereby Tiefuyou wishes to make friends with two gentlemen.”

Patting his chest, he said, “That eighty-thousand sheets of sheepskin, leave it on to me, Tiefuyou.”

“I wonder if Da Wang must pay ransom for those sheepskins?” Xu Ziling asked.

Kou Zhong added, “Is it Huyan Jin, or Ma Ji?”

Tiefuyou hesitated slightly; rolling his eyes, he said, “Huyan Jin and Ma Ji and I don’t have any friendly relations, but the negotiation was through the Qidan’s Abaojia. Everything was done according to the rules.”

The two boys were men with copious Jianghu experience; just by looking at his eyebrows, eyes and forehead, they knew that he was lying. All those ‘wish to make friends with you, two gentlemen’ were entirely a ruse to build friendly relations; there was not the least bit of sincerity in it.

Because in the Central Earth Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were rebuking-Heaven-and-Earth figures [fig. all-powerful], and beyond the Great Wall they also had Tuli and Bielegunatai brothers, two big powers’ support behind them, while they themselves were top martial art masters, since they were unable to put them in order, naturally they must try to win the two boys’ favor.

Kou Zhong no longer forced him. He did not pursue why Tiefuyou formed an alliance with Shen Mohuan and Abaojia to ambush them. To avoid Tiefuyou kept beating around the bush, he said, “Da Wang does not need to intervene in this matter, because we will definitely not going to follow the rules of the prairie’s thieves’ dirty business deal. Not only we want them to vomit out the sheepskins that they robbed, we also want to kill them to pay for lost lives.”

The two bade farewell and left, to return to the crowded-to-the-bursting-point Vermillion Bird Boulevard.

Just by looking at the situation before their eyes, they immediately understood why Tuli could not allow Bai Ziting founding his kingdom to be successful; even more, they understood why Bai Ziting took the risk to found his kingdom.

Longquan itself was blessed by heaven [idiom: enjoying exceptional advantages]; the climate was pleasant, the water and soil superior. If the founding of the kingdom was successful, it could create an extremely attractive environment for people from various regions who wanted to get rich to come here one after another to open a business or to engage in business. Under this kind of circumstances, in terms of population, revenue and national power, the Bohai Kingdom would continue to grow, and might become the biggest power of the northeast.

Kou Zhong leaned over to Xu Ziling’s ear and said, “If I am guessing correctly, there is a very high possibility that Tiefuyou knew where Shen Mohuan, husband and wife, are hiding.”

Xu Ziling nodded in agreement; he said, “Han Chao’an, Huyan Jin, and Shen Mohuan are the three horse thieves with the most power in the prairie. This is called if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves [idiom: to have sympathy with a like-minded person in distress]; let alone they all are fellow travelers. You think they might shield each other?”

Kou Zhong replied, “That possibility, if we say it’s big, it’s not big, but if we say it’s small, it’s not small either. In Longquan, how many places are there? If nobody’s sheltering Shen Mohuan, how could he dare to come here? My guess earlier was Bai Ziting, but now thinking about it, Han Chao’an is not without any possibility at all.”

“We are here!” Xu Ziling said.

Building after building of foreign guesthouse stood in great number on either side of the street, all were high-walled courtyards, each one occupying a wide area, enough to house a foreign delegation with one hundred and up members.

All the main gates of the foreign guesthouses were open, people were coming in and out; it was very lively.

The two boys searched from building to building. Suddenly with the corner of their eyes they caught a flash of white shadow; startled, they looked, and surprisingly saw the beautiful young martial aunt Fu Junqiang and the former chief of Gaoli king’s imperial bodyguard Jin Zhengzong walking out of a foreign guesthouse to their left. The two sides came upon each other head-on.

This time Fu Junqiang did not wear the hat to conceal her jade countenance. Seeing the two boys, immediately her apricot eyes grew big, she scolded tenderly, “Stop!”

The two looked at each other with a wry smile on their faces; without any choice, they came to a stand.

Jin Zhengzong sized Xu Ziling up, “Is it Xu Xiong?” he asked in heavy voice.

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “It is indeed Xiaodi.” And then, turning to Fu Junqiang, he said, “Xiao Shiyi, how are you?”

Fu Junqiang furiously stomped her feet; feigning anger coquettishly, she said, “Still calling me that? Da Shijie [first martial sister] did not have you, two forgetting-sentiment-and-turning-your-back-on-justice beasts as sons.”

Kou Zhong mused that it was precisely because we are not forgetting-sentiment-and-turning-our-back-on-justice persons that we offended you, our Niang’s little martial sister. He laughed and said, “Xiao Shiyi does not want to recognize us, it’s all right; but there is a saying being a Niang for one day means being the Niang for a lifetime. There is an order in seniority, in our hearts and on our mouths, we always respect you by considering you our Xiao Shiyi.”

It was obvious that Fu Junqiang did not know what to do to him; she was so angry that her pretty face turned deathly pale, yet she was fully aware that relying on her and Jin Zhengzong’s power, they were unable to put these two boys in order. Stomping her feet, she angrily said, “Right now this Guniang does not have time to bicker with you blindly, I will settle the account with you later.”

Jin Zhengzong laughed and said, “When there is a chance, I will definitely ask to experience Shaoshuai’s brilliance again.”

Fu Junqiang snorted, brushed her sleeves, and left. Jin Zhengzong hastily followed behind her.

Watching the two disappeared in the stream of people, Kou Zhong smiled bitterly and said, “This misunderstanding will only deepen, it won’t lessen. I only hope that Shi Gong [martial grandpa] won’t personally come to the Central Plains like she said, otherwise we would have to pack our food and leave before finish easting. I would rather face Bi Xuan’s ‘Chi Yan Da Fa’ [great method of naked flame] that have to face Shi Gong’s ‘Yijian Technique’.”

Pretty much Xu Ziling had the same sentiment. Against Bi Xuan, they could still stake it all, but against their Niang’s Shifu, how could they fight a desperate life and death battle?

The two were about to leave, a familiar and warm voice came from the guesthouse, calling out, “It is really you!”

Stunned, the two looked back.

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