Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 41 3: Intentionally Playing With Fire


Kou Zhong followed the Sumo warriors galloping toward the Five Cities, and entered the town via the Vermillion Bird Gate. He nearly thought that he was back at the Central Earth’s Chang’an; to his left and right government office buildings stood in great numbers. Were it not for the warriors coming in contact with him were different from the Tang Army, it might make people doubt the fantasy, suspect the truth.

Coming to the Palace City entrance, the Cheng Tian Gate, a forty-something civil officer came out the door to welcome him. After saluting, he introduced himself, “Bohai Kingdom Right Deputy Kesubie respectfully welcome Shaoshuai’s good self.”

Kou Zhong jumped down the horse and returned the salute.

Although Kesubie was wearing civil officer’s attire, but looking at his build and bearing, the Taiyang acupoint on his temples were high and bulging, he must be a top quality martial art master. This man had regular features, his profile was quite impressive.

Apologetic, Kesubie said, “This is really an infortune time; a little while ago Da Wang [great king] heard that Xiufang Dajia [great expert] arrived outside the city, he could not help going out of the city immediately to welcome her, hence he is unable to wait respectfully for Shaoshuai in here, thereupon he ordered Xia Guan [lower government officer] to express his heartfelt apology to Shaoshuai, while wondering if he could meet with you another time?”

In his heart, Kou Zhong was shocked, crying inwardly that Shang Xiufang has finally arrived! This moment, he was not in the mood to blame Bai Ziting for favoring that one and belittling this one, not to mention that before he was able to ascertain the location of the bows and arrows that Ma Ji raised for Bai Ziting, he practically had no interest to meet with Bai Ziting. Thereupon he hastily agreed, “How about tomorrow?”

Kesubie cheerfully said, “Da Wang already commanded that everything ought to be done according to Shaoshuai’s wish; tomorrow at You hour [5-7pm] then. Da Wang might arrange a banquet to wash the dust from Shaoshuai’s feet. As for accommodation, Xia Guan already made proper arrangement for Shaoshuai.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Xiaodi will enter the palace on time to pay my respect to Da Wang. As for accommodation, there is no need to trouble Ke Xiang [government minister].”

After a couple more pleasantries, he bade farewell and left.

Xu Ziling stared blankly at Shi Feixuan, but in the ocean of his mind he was thinking about Shi Qingxuan, while a feeling of tenderness toward her welled up in his heart.

He had never put himself in someone else’s shoes by considering that due to the love and enmity between her parents Shi Qingxuan had suffered profound trauma! Until now, where Shi Feixuan personally revealed this cruel possibility. He could not help making up his mind that even if he had to die, he simply had to prevent this matter from happening. This was indeed the tragedy of human relationship. He would absolutely not allow this touching beauty to lose her life under her father’s demonic hands.

Shi Feixuan sighed and said, “Feixuan has asked Qingxuan to stay at Jingzhai for a little while, or perhaps for her to seek another place to live, but she refused on both accounts. Perhaps Ziling can persuade her.”

Smiling bitterly, Xu Ziling said, “Her personality is very strong. I am afraid whatever I say will not enter her ears.”

Shi Feixuan spoke softly, “Does Ziling know that you are the first man ever invited to visit her at the little hut in the secluded forest?”

A feeling of pain and self-pity rose up in Xu Ziling’s heart, he suddenly said, “Her invitation was not due to the feelings between men and women at all, but because she wants to solve the mystery of ‘Bu Si Yin Juan’ [Immortal Image Scroll] in her hands; once the main problem is solved, all troubles are solved, afterwards she could peacefully live in seclusion.”

With a bit of playfulness Shi Feixuan said, “How can you be so sure? The load in girls’ mind, how much can you understand? Have you ever throw yourself into pondering it in earnestness?”

A bit cross, Xu Ziling stared at her and said, “Feixuan seems to spare no pains or effort in playing matchmaker between me and Shi Qingxuan; aren’t Buddhist supposed to follow karma? I wonder what it is that you are really thinking in your heart?”

A blush flitted across Shi Feixuan’s pretty face, her beautiful pupils were still as limpid as the water, she sighed lightly and said, “Feixuan was wrong; I put forward an advice that could raise misunderstanding in Ziling’s heart in the inappropriate time. Can Ziling forgive Feixuan’s slip of the tongue?”

“No!” Xu Ziling blurted out without thinking.

It was after the words came out of his mouth that he realized that he had the audacity to speak such a disrespectful word toward this fairy. Yet once the word was out, he could not pull it back.

Was it because he had suddenly heard that she was about to go far away from the mundane world, or perhaps because of her touching demeanor as she beseeched him in soft voice? Xu Ziling himself was unclear.

Unable to parry his verbal assault, Shi Feixuan revealed a little girl’s shyness; lowering her head to avert his burning gaze, she spoke with slight displeasure in her voice, “How could Ziling be this kind of person, saying such rude words to Feixuan?”

Xu Ziling recalled the heartless manner in which she was seeing him while wearing Buddhist robe in Chang’an, unexpectedly there was pleasure in his heart that he could not explain, so much so that it even shocked him. Hardening his heart, he lowered his voice and said, “Xiaodi has a proposal that will satisfy rival demands.”

Recovering her serenity, Shi Feixuan met his gaze. Deeply guarded, she replied, “Let me hear it first.”

Laughing calmly, Xu Ziling said, “I am not going to. Otherwise, Feixuan won’t want to see me later.”

Shi Feixuan faintly rolled her eyes at him, and then said, “If you won’t tell me, I may really not going to see you again.”

However, Xu Ziling’s heart was moved. These last two sentences were obviously filled with friendly regard.

He had a feeling that he was playing with fire.

But even if he was playing with fire, could it be that Shi Feixuan was not?

At the beginning it was just a little spark, but by the time the intensity of the fire was expanding, it would be difficult to hold back. It might burn the entire prairie into ashes, destroying any defense that any man could make.

Lowering his voice, Xu Ziling said, “In here, are we still comrade-in-arms fighting side by side?”

Nodding her head, Shi Feixuan replied, “You could say that, yes.”

Xu Ziling nearly wanted to shrink back as the time for battle approaches. After taking a deep breath, he went on, “Before Feixuan returns to Jingzhai, would you dare to taste the romantic love on purely spiritual level?”

Extraordinarily, Shi Feixuan’s pretty face did not reveal any rose-tinted clouds, her jade countenance remained as calm as still water, as she gazed at him for half a day without showing any emotional fluctuation. And then she smiled and said, “Since ancient times, the barrier of love has always been difficult to pass; Ziling has the heart to let Feixuan fall into this danger?”

Xu Ziling laughed without restraint and said, “I just wanted to vent my feeling! Xiaojie need not be overly concerned.”

Shi Feixuan fiercely rolled her eyes at him again, but a hint of pained smile escaped from her fragrant lips. She spoke gently, “My problem is that I do not have the heart to deceive you; furthermore, I cannot harden my heart to speak heartless words to you. Xu Ziling, you make Feixuan fall into a dilemma!”

Xu Ziling spoke apologetically, “Xiaojie is willing to say this, Zaixia is extremely grateful. I have offended you, I am asking for Xiaojie’s forgiveness. Ay! Revealing true feeling can be this meddlesome, right?”

Shi Feixuan laughed indifferently. Glaring at him, she said, “Although you blame yourself for the indiscretion, even apologizing and asking for forgiveness, the fact is that in your heart you still don’t feel relieved. However, Feixuan does not have the slightest thought of blame on you. Let me go back to think about it first?”

“Thinking about what?” Xu Ziling blurted out asking.

As if nothing had happened, Shi Feixuan replied, “Naturally thinking about your, Xu Gongzi’s proposal; don’t tell me that there is something else?”

When Kou Zhong returned to the courtyard house, Xu Ziling was sitting by the hot spring pool, staring blankly. He had released the three horses from the stable and let them leisurely eat the fodder inside the corral.

Kou Zhong was showing his affection to the horses by nuzzling on their necks first before coming to sit down by Xu Ziling’s side, saying, “Can you guess whom did I meet?”

Following which he explained a bit, and then asked in wonder, “What are you thinking? You look so weird, did you talk to Yucheng?”

Xu Ziling shook his head, “No,” he replied, “But I know where Yucheng is staying; Zhu Yuyan told me.” And then he recounted his conversation with Zhu Yuyan.

Shaken, Kou Zhong said, “Unexpectedly Shi Zhixuan came to Longquan, wouldn’t it mean he is stupidly walking straight into the trap?”

Xu Ziling acted as if he did not hear him at all, he spoke indifferently, “I also saw Shi Feixuan.”

Kou Zhong was greatly astonished; he leaned closely to look at his expression, and probed, “She could not help coming here to look for you, could she?”

Xu Ziling replied in displeasure, “She came across Zhou Laotan, who escaped from Da Ming Zun Jiao people’s hands, and then in order to rescue Jin Huanzhen, who are still in Da Ming Zun Jiao people’s hands, she pursued straight to here.”

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Kou Zhong said, “I wonder if she learned from Xiao Jun’s mouth about those two impostors’ dead bodies? In that case she should have found Old Zhou at Shanhai Pass. Did you ask her who are the Da Ming Zun Jiao people in Shanhai Pass?”

Embarrassed, Xu Ziling said, “Next time I have the opportunity I will ask.”

Kou Zhong roared in laughter; pulling his shoulders close, he said cheerfully, “That is not a problem, we are all brothers, how can I blame you? Ha! Don’t hide it from me! Have you and Shi Feixuan already promised each other for eternity? Ha! No wonder your expression looks so weird.”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “Promising each other for eternity? Don’t make a joke at my personal affair! She told me that after all these are over, she would immediately return to Jingzhai and will not come out anymore; she will not interfere with your great undertaking of contending over the world even more.”

Releasing his embrace, Kou Zhong blurted out, “What?”

Looking up at the darkening sky, Xu Ziling breathed out a mouthful of air and said, “Am I really the kind of person who keep everything tightly closed at the bottom of my heart?”

Thinking deeply, Kou Zhong replied, “I don’t have that impression, perhaps because you have never concealed your discontentment toward me.”

And then he excitedly put his hand on his shoulder and curiously asked, “Why do you suddenly have that thought? Did Shi Xianzi tell you that?”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling said, “I am now revealing my thought and looking for someone to relieve my melancholy. Do you have any interest in listening?”

Patting his chest to give his pledge, Kou Zhong said, “One lifetime, two brothers. If you don’t tell me, whom are you going to tell?”

Lowering his voice, Xu Ziling said, “I want to pursue Shi Feixuan with all my strength, to enjoy the feeling of love, which, within ten or so days can’t possibly have any outcome, but I am also afraid of messing up her clear cultivation. The contradiction in my heart is agonizing.”

Hearing that, Kou Zhong was wide-eyed and tongue-tied, because not even in is dream he ever thought that Xu Ziling would be this brave and fearless, explosive, intense, and impassioned.

Xu Ziling doubtfully said, “Am I very foolish?”

Putting up the haughty manner of an expert, Kou Zhong analyzed, “Did Shi Feixuan accept it? If she forcefully refused, the severity of the blow you received might be hard to estimate. Don’t forget that emotionally you are very vulnerable.”

Just like helpless child, Xu Ziling blankly said, “She said she is going to think it over carefully.”

“What?” Kou Zhong blurted out, “Unexpectedly you already talked to her. Isn’t this the kind of thing that can be done but cannot be talked about? My granny’s bear, what is she thinking over for?”

Xu Ziling laughed aloud and said, “Was that absurd enough for you? But now I am really happy. In fact, my expectation on her is very low, I only hope that she won’t blame me or just give me some face. I don’t know whether it was because I am in a foreign country, all kinds of depressing apprehension in the Central Plains before, in here, everything lost its constrain and effectiveness, so that I want to do some exciting and interesting things. I am a little not normal, but she does not seem to be any better than me.”

Kou Zhong vigorously slapped him on the shoulder and said, “Good kid! Before, you were the sage presents as an ordinary person, you even made me worry that you go through big things in your life blindly, so that I was afraid that after we part ways, you would stealthily slip away to become a monk. Who knew that unexpectedly you are a general charging through the barrier of love? In my opinion, you either give up, or go through to the end [orig. one don’t do, two don’t rest]; you might as well go all-out to pursue Xianzi, and in the future become married couple very much in love. I see a picture of a pair of you roaming everywhere to the ends of the earth. When your life reaches that point, what else is there to regret?”

Xu Ziling spoke in displeasure, “Asking for advice to a man like you who only see utilization of achievement is like asking a blind man to lead the way. Let’s stop idle gossip, the top priority job before our eyes is to understand clearly what happened to Yucheng? And then we’ll see whether we could find out Jin Huanzhen’s whereabouts from him, afterwards we will undertake the task to rescue her.”

“That is as it should be,” Kou Zhong began, “But about what we were talking just now, I am not done yet …”

Xu Ziling cut him off, “You can always say some constructive words, save a bit of time!”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “I only want to show my support to you. Love without any result may be more moving than love with some result. If you don’t believe me, just look at Shi Zhixuan and Bi Xiuxin, Yue Shan and Zhu Yuyan. Ha! Aren’t Shang Xiufang and me also having bitter love without any result?”

Xu Ziling laughed and cursed, “Go to your granny’s bear. If you have a change of affection, a shift of love, you disregard Song Yuzhi, not only it won’t be moving at all, it will be forgetting love, turning your back to righteousness. I advise you to behave.”

Kou Zhong dejectedly said, “You scolded me right. But my situation is very different from yours. Ay! My heart is suddenly in a great mess, the situation here is too complicated! Unlike in the real Chang’an where it was so simple, as long as we found the Duke Yang’s Treasure then we would successfully accomplish our goal.”

“It’s not that complicated,” Xu Ziling replied, “The most important thing is to retrieve the eighty-thousand sheets of sheepskin for Da Xiaojie, and then help Pingyao merchants to get back their wealth and loan, and then get rid of Shi Zhixuan, and then help Yuekepeng to assassinate the ‘Tianzhu Kuang Seng’ Funantuo, and then … My Niang, it is indeed complicated.”

“Exactly my point!” Kou Zhong proudly said, “The worst thing is that enemy and us are difficult to tell apart. Merely beautiful Xiao Shiyi is enough to give us headache. Yucheng seems to be bewitched by the Da Ming Zun Jiao’s yaonu [female demon]. Hey, let’s put everything else aside, we must find Yucheng first to ask clearly, and then we can talk about other matters.”

Rising to his full height, Xu Ziling said, “If Yucheng really betrayed you, how would you handle him?”

Scratching his head, Kou Zhong said, “Are you saying that I should make my move to kill him? Without any better option, I would persuade him to go a bit far away, so that I won’t momentarily have a slip of hand to injure him. Ha! That can’t be true. Yucheng is not that kind of person. There must be something in it that we cannot guess yet.”

He sprang up suddenly and put his hand on Xu Ziling’s shoulder again. Walking toward the main gate, he sighed and said, “Maybe I am too optimistic. First of all, it’s hard to fathom a person’s mind. Secondly, it involves women’s magical power. It does not matter whether it is a female demon or a saint, they are all the same thing. The proverbs say something like one smile overturning the state, presently we have you, this good example.”

Amidst Xu Ziling laughing and cursing, the two, with their mind wandering all over the place – went out the door.

Of the places that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling have visited, Little Longquan was the city with most bridges. The city was surrounded by wetlands, the streets and alleys were adapted to this environment; the water, the streets, the bridges, the houses, everything was ingeniously integrated. Plus the water was hot spring water; steam rose up into the air, so that the scenery on both sides of the water seemed to be covered by a layer of hazy gauze, making people feel blurry and intoxicated.

The two boys were riding on a boat supplied by Shuwen. They wore bamboo rain hats on their head, gliding deftly on the small river interspersed among the buildings and the trees like a cobweb, one stone bridge after another passing overhead, just like one dreamland after another.

The farther south they were rowing, the fewer pedestrians they saw in the city, the quieter it felt. Since arriving at the famous Longquan Upper Capital of Little Chang’an, this was the first time that they had the chance to experience this exotic city on the northeast prairie, while also experiencing Bai Ziting’s ambition to contend for hegemony over the prairie.

Kou Zhong, who was responsible for sculling the boat, asked Xu Ziling, who was sitting in the middle of the boat, “Shall I go see Shang Xiufang?”

Xu Ziling responded indifferently, “You’d better not.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Not afraid of failing to show courtesy?”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “You are bringing trouble for yourself. In Leshou, in order to avoid Chuchu, we had to set out that very night without a good sleep, and now you want to walk right into the trap and surrender; it can be considered something that you don’t have any bargaining chips in.”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “I really am surrendering. But I surrender to you. You said don’t go, then I won’t go.”

Changing the subject, Xu Ziling said, “I wonder if Da Ming Zun Jiao is aware of our relationship with Yucheng?”

Shaken, Kou Zhong said, “I haven’t thought about that. Reasonably speaking, they are not. If they knew our relationship, yet still let Yucheng have the opportunity to meet us, that means Da Ming Zun Jiao people are confident that Yucheng won’t cast his lot with us again. My Niang! Does it mean that Yucheng has already become their people?”

Xu Ziling said, “Do you remember in Shanhai Pass Shi Feixuan told us that in Da Ming Zun Jiao, under the Da Zun and Shan Mu, there is still one Yuanzi [origin child], but Zhu Yuyan did not mention such a person.”

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Kou Zhong said, “Other than Yuanzi, there are also Five Kinds of Demons. I wonder if Zhu Yuyan really did not know, or she was deliberately concealing it?”

Xu Ziling analyzed, “According to reason, Zhu Yuyan should not harm us, just like she said, her biggest enemy is Shi Zhixuan; without us helping her, even if she wanted to fight Shi Zhixuan until both sides perish, she simply could not. Plus her relationship with Da Ming Zun Jiao has deteriorated from working together into hostility. I think it was because Da Ming Zun Jiao’s power is expanding continuously, and its influence has reached the Central Earth, hence she is apprehensive, afraid that one day they might replace her Yin Gui Pai. Under this kind of situation, there is no reason she is concealing the truth on behalf of Da Ming Zun Jiao.”

“Who is Da Ming Zun Jiao’s Yuanzi?” Kou Zhong wondered.

“There is someone who we can ask,” Xu Ziling replied.

“Shi Feixuan?” Kou Zhong guessed.

“Not Shi Feixuan, but Zhou Laotan,” Xu Ziling replied, “He is arranged to stay in a private residence at the east side of the city. After dealing with Yucheng, we’ll immediately look for him, and then we’ll see Yuekepeng.”

The small skiff passed another stone bridge, and rounded a bend on the river. Both banks of the river were lined with elm trees, which, shrouded by the steam rising from the water, appeared to be moist and dense dark blue, arousing people’s spirit. A stone bridge with three characters ‘Nan Quan Qiao’ [south spring bridge] engraved on it appeared ahead. To the left of the bridge there was a rather large mansion, surrounded by high walls all around. Hidden behind the emerald green forest tree, they saw pavilions and kiosks; the scenery was extremely beautiful.

The Xiao Hui Yuan [Little Hui Garden] and the stream of hot spring winding around the mansion were only separated by a road. The gate of the mansion had a pier, where several skiffs, big and small were moored. This segment of the waterway was particularly wide, its width reached three zhang.

A boat, which was about twice the size of their small skiff, was coming out of the pier, heading in their direction.

The two boys’ sharp eyes swept across; the person sculling the boat was a Huihe man, sitting on the boat were surprisingly Duan Yucheng and the water and fire, two female demons who were traveling with him a moment ago.

The boats on both sides quickly approached each other.

Duan Yucheng and the two women looked at them.

Kou Zhong raised his bamboo rain hat, exposing his face. His gaze swept across the three people.

Clearly Duan Yucheng’s body was trembling lightly, but he did not open his mouth to call. The two women’s beautiful eyes lit up at the same time; they were in awe of Kou Zhong’s appearance.

Kou Zhong pulled the bamboo rain hat down, the two boats passed each other, and quickly pulled away from each other.

The two women still constantly turned their heads around to look back, but Duan Yucheng suddenly became like a rock, he did not make any move.

Kou Zhong took a deep breath and said, “Whether it’s a dragon or a snake, it will be up to Yucheng to decide.”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “If he has not gone bad, he ought to leave secret mark at the south gate, to try to contact us.”

They had a complete set of technique to communicate secret information. If Duan Yucheng still considered them the Gang Leader of the Shuang Long Bang, he should contact them via the secret markings.

Kou Zhong steered the skiff toward the left side of the waterway, winding around the Xiao Hui Yuan, turning into the river course east side of the city. He said, “How about we look for Zhou Laotan to have a heart-to-heart chat over tea?”

Xu Ziling mused inwardly that he might see Shi Feixuan again; his heart was immediately burning.

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