King of succubus

Chapter 196 Freyja's Planet.

-Koff, Koff~

Alvine coughed madly as if he was going to spit out his organs for a moment afterward.

He had neither the luxury nor the time to enjoy the dazzling and mystical view that was in front of him.

The planet of Freyja is a small first-tier planet that is in orbit hundreds of billions of kilometers from the planet of Alzania; behind the imposing sun.

In a universe where magic reigns supreme, the planets that are blessed with this magical energy did not need sunlight to harbor life in their breasts; but mana, the vital energy of any magical creature.

"Sigh, it was not for lack of having warned, master." Sabrina slowly retorted these words while soothing Alvine's dizziness with her energy.

"What did you just say?" Alvine frowned at Sabrina.

"It was not intentional, I apologize, if my words were offensive...

"No, I'm not talking about that." Even before she finished her sentence, Alvine cut her off with excuses and looked at the mysterious girl standing in front of him, always with her confused expression in her emerald eyes.

"I'm talking about this girl, what did you just call her?!" His expression was discontent anchored when Sabrina attributed Helene's name to this girl.


"You owe me some explanations, I'd rather hear them now than after!" He insisted when he saw Sabrina silent.

"... Helene?" She said, answering Alvine's question.

"Why?" Alvine asked.

Even if he had a familiar feeling about this girl, he had the impression that Sabrina was playing with the power of life attributed to her by Reha. But all these details were Sabrina's problems, she should not have involved him by trying such methods with him.

But contrary to what he imagined, Sabrina, who seemed to guess his thoughts as if she were reading them, shook her head.

Then, she calmly gave an explanation to Alvine who was more than surprised. - Master, I think you misunderstood what I meant, by Hélène. I wasn't talking about her name, but she is the Helene who had always been with you for the last four years." Sabrina explained briefly.

But Alvine obviously didn't believe her.


"It's impossible, Hélène is still with me, held prisoner in the system...!" But during his protest, he suddenly stopped in his sentence, noticing something he had not paid attention to until now since he woke up; the succession of epic events.

"Sigh, it's only now that you've noticed? Yes, you were not mistaken, the taupe that had been implanted through Randolph is no longer." Sabrina said by referring to Alvine’s system.


"How?" These were the words that Alvine was able to pronounce when his current surprise could not be described with simple words.

Sabrina put one of the strands of her snowy white hair behind her elfic ear while briefly explaining what she had understood.

-I don't know the extraction methods used by Dark Lord but, all he said before his departure was... that it was your reward for not only exceeding his expectations, but at the same time, having managed to learn for yourself what he wanted to advise you.

Alvine did not need to ask for the identity of the said Dark Lord, since Sabrina always spoke to Dalvine in this way.

But more importantly. -Is it because of Dalvine that this girl...

She had an ironic smile when she saw Alvine not believe her easily.

It was true, even if Alvine could no longer feel the presence of the system with him, he had no guarantee that he had gotten rid of this bomb that is the system. But he was ready to believe these words rather than believe in what Sabrina had just announced by saying that this girl was Helen.

After all, this girl had nothing to do with Hélène that he knew. Her body, race, and lineage were the opposite of Helene's. But what puzzled Alvine was the natural behavior of this girl who was familiar to her; but above all, her soul!

To answer Alvine's question, Sabrina gave a good explanation.

-As you can imagine, it was not going to be easy to snatch Helen's soul from the clutches of our enemies, but, Helen and her sisters are different from the other species of their races."

"..." Alvine listened to her patiently while she continued her explanations.

"Maybe you will understand more easily if I explain it to you through the concept of your shadow soldiers. Just like them, Ashia and her sisters ( Nicco and Hélène) benefitted part of my soul; this is what differentiates them from my other creations. No matter how much they die, they will always be alive as long as I am. But Helene's case was different from previous times, Helene's soul was imprisoned by Harold's spell; as a result, she couldn't come back to me. But what would happen if this mole is instantly wiped out?" She ended her explanation by asking her this question.


Alvine was still not convinced that it would be so simple. Otherwise, why would it take so long?

"The reason for my indecision was that I did not have the guarantee that she would escape unscathed. But even after succeeding, she still has a brain block, therefore, her memories will take a little time before they return to her." She says while guessing Alvine’s thoughts.

After a while, Alvine took a sigh. "I don't know if what you say is true or not, but we'll see with time." He said after listening to Sabrina's explanations.

"..." Sabrina says nothing more after seeing Alvine still undecided.

"Even if I still had this hypothesis from the moment I met this girl for the first time, I may not be able to differentiate currently whether her soul is a real or a column of Helene's soul but, I don't want to let this story drop like with the fanciful story that you told me last time; when u talked about my origins."


Alvine had an ironic smile when he saw Sabrina alert.

"But I don't care about this detail, from now on. No matter who I am, or what I have been, it no longer matters to me. But one thing is for sure, if I ever still discover this kind of joke with what you just told me, you will no longer have my confidence; Sabrina." Just after saying these last words, Alvine no longer insists on the subject.

He briefly gaze at (Hélène) before his attention was focused on the planet Freyja.

Even if she carries the same soul signature in her, this girl might not be Hélène. Since it was Sabrina who gave life to Hélène, it will not be complicated for her to create another person with the same soul signature as Helene

Alvine's pettiness was centered because of the previous story that Sabrina had mounted from scratch during their previous discussions.

Even if at that moment, Alvine had doubts about Sabrina's explanations, his doubts were confirmed after meeting Dalvine and the monarch himself whom Sabrina said he had acquired his powers thanks to his crystallized heart.

Finally, all she had done was help him awaken the powers that were in him from the beginning.

Alvine himself did not know where his shadow powers came from, but on the other hand, it was a detail that had little importance to him; now.

"Can we continue what we had planned to do?" He asked after clarifying things with Sabrina.

Although there were several thoughts that concerned him at the moment, he also knew that this was not the right time to clarify them.

Apart from its size, which seemed more impressive than he had imagined. The little planet was no different from what he had seen in Sabrina's hologram.

'Even if this planet seemed smaller than the others, it is even more impressive in real size and the magical energy it emits. Its size will probably compete with the blue planet I was coming from.- He whispered these words to himself looking at the solitary Freyja that was in orbit.

Even if they seemed close to the planet, a distance of more than a thousand kilometers separated them.

But for beings like Sabrina and her teammates, such a distance is nothing more than the distance from an alley at the end of the road

Sabrina and Alvine, accompanied by Helene, flew to the solitary planet like tiny meteorites without a problem.

Even if Alvine and Hélène could not breathe in space, they did not need to worry about this insignificant detail because of the golden barrier that surrounded them. As for Sabrina...let's say that she didn't feel the need to use a protective barrier around her.


Their short journey lasted for half an hour before Alvine, which seemed to be guided by the Freyja planet, had another sense of belonging stronger than before.

-Even if I don't know why I feel that way, I still have a nostalgic feeling as if I had just returned home after several years of absence.' He murmured to himself while looking at Sabrina who seemed in her thoughts.

Their journey took about thirty more minutes before they stopped ten kilometers from the planet after Sabrina's proposal.

At that moment, Alvine and Sabrina could see a white translucent barrier that was omnipresent around the planet.

Alvine did not need to ask questions about the said barrier, he could identify the nature of the barrier.

It was probably the seal Sabrina was talking about.

"Master, how are you feeling right now?" Sabrina asked in a curious but at the same time distant tone because of the multilayer barrier that covered Alvine and Hélène.

"I'm not too sure, but I still feel a certain attraction and familiarity to this planet. Can you give me more explanations about this planet, now that we are there? - He asked while watching Sabrina floating in front of him in the cosmos like a cosmos goddess


"In fact, this planet was created by a being of the same rank as the Punishers; as I explained to you earlier. But the reason for our presence here is that the former owner of this planet was also an incubus; the same lineage as one of your lineages!" Sabrina revealed this information in an indifferent tone as if nothing had happened.

"!" Alvine was obviously surprised to learn this information.

An incubus of the same lineage as him? Is it on this planet where the unreachable arrogant whore who had abandoned him when he was useless to her?

With this thought, Alvine tried to calm his emotions.

"Sabrina, when you said that this planet housed only one person, is this person a woman? More precisely a succubus?" He stammered this question while old memories emerged in his subconscious.

A glimmer of surprise crossed Sabrina's purple pupils when she heard her master's question.

"Have you ever met this man's daughter?" Sabrina asked while banging her eyebrows.

If her master knew the daughter of Galiel, did that mean that she had escaped from this planet?

It will be problematic. Galiel was an annoying enemy with his [concept of lust] that could not even be countered by me at that time. It was also because of this embarrassing concept that he was blessed that made him one of the fiercest enemies! If his daughter is released, it could only mean one thing, this ba*tard is still alive!- As soon as Sabrina had this thought,

Her eyes became cold as she strengthened the Alvine and Helene barrier.

But to her great surprise, Alvine shook her head. - I hadn't met her personally, but, I think she's in contact with Randolph." He says in a monotonous tone.

The person he thought was his ally is probably one of his enemies!

"Ho? I see. In this case, let's make sure to take advantage while there is still time." Sabrina proposed with a mocking smile.

She seemed to have guessed Randolph's initial plans.

Seeing Alvine nodding his head, she continued her explanation.

"All you have to do is place your palm on the barrier; I believe that it will react with your lineage." She Says.

"Now, I'm sure that the planet will not reject you. Otherwise, the seal barrier will not be as calm despite we are at such a distance." She continued.


Alvine nodded with imperturbable air and flew closer to the fence.

'Assi, or rather, Assiaphir Gleph'nir, I pray with all my heart that you will be inside this planet.' He said to be with a mocking smile.


Assiaphir Gleph'nir : the queen of the succubus who was in contact with the mc through the old system.

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