King of succubus

Chapter 170 First Session With His New Teacher.

While Narak was planning the annihilation of all other civilizations on his creator's planet, Alvine was in the dimension with Dalvine while his clone accompanied Sylvia on the planet of Kelspies without her realizing that the person who accompanied her was the copy and not the original. To be more explicit, it was Alvine's body that was with Sylvia but as a result, the soul that possessed his body was his artificial soul and not his real soul.

Stubborn as he was, he had not abandoned his idea of testing the exchange of the body with his artificial body. But to his astonishment, the test was beyond his expectations. The fact of moving from one body to another was so natural for him that he felt like he was born with this skill. It was also an opportunity for him to test one of Dalvine's theories.

'I would never have thought that this technique could be so practical. I can exchange my soul with the soul of my clone. At this point, if I'm not careful, I might forget who I am! Is that what Dalvine meant from the beginning when he told me that he was a part of my soul? Sigh, As I do not have answers to my questions, it is better to remain cautious with the practices of this technique.' He said to Himself while observing his fives shadow soldiers who had just completed their evolutions. Also, two other shadow soldiers were in black cocoons to carry out their evolutions in turn after their battles against the beasts.

The five shadow soldiers who had just completed the awakening processes were nothing extraordinary.

'I hope at least that the fierce girl will evolve into something better.' He said to himself by caressing the black egg in front of him. 'But among the others, why does it have to be this problematic mage that evolving? This psychopath caused me much more problems with his strange orb. Maybe I should pay attention to him in the future. In oppositely case, I would have more problems to manage in the future if I invoke it like the others!' He said to Himself by looking at the other black egg with a frown. Differently, The other shadow soldier who was undergoing his evolution was the mage who had managed to cast his most devastating spell when he was only a novice mage.

"Why did you modify my parchment?" Alvine asked Dalvine.

"Kuku, so you knew from the beginning that I had modified the content of your parchment? So why were you pretending in front of the little girl?" Dalvine asked him this question while he was sitting on the stairs that led to the second floor of the castle.

"These are not your problems. Instead, take care of what concerns you." He did not give an explanation for Dalvine's question.

"Hmm, you're really vicious, aren't you? Apart from the fact that you deceived him with this skill by transferring your soul to this clone, you also deceived him by pretending not to know anything about the origin of this technique. Pretending to be an idiot even though you knew, Kuku, aren't you tired of using this vicious trick?" He asked with a subtle smile on his lips.

But Alvine did not give him the slightest answer concerning his question.

Seeing him silent, Dalvine continued with his puns as natural as they may be. "See this as a test on my part. The technique you use so skillfully is a technique that even this little girl is not able to use; be proud of your success."

Seeing him play with his patience, Alvine asked him another question that concerned him the most when he saw that he did not answer correctly to his first question. "The soldiers on the first floor are low-level soldiers, aren't you? So how is it that this mage was able to use one of my most powerful spells when he is only in novice rank?"

"Sigh, as I had already explained to you, the rank of spells means nothing to you. Shadow soldiers are only limited by your convictions. They can be more powerful and weak depending on your limits. This shadow mage appeared here the moment you used this spell for the first time." He gave him this confusing explanation that once again disoriented Alvine.

"I can't better understand what you mean. In your opinion, the shadow soldiers, their creation processes, and their powers are linked to my powers and skills? In this case, why haven't I yet seen a shadow soldier with the soul capacity I had just learned?" When he said that he did not understand Dalvine's explanations, he also wanted to ask him for confirmation of his suppositions.

Given that currently, according to their previous agreements, Dalvine was now like his teacher who taught new magic that was different from anything he had learned previously.

"You must have already noticed this detail during the last battle of your shadow soldiers. The assassin girl who is evolving embodies the assassination skills that you used during your first duel against Ashia and also your blood skills. The user of the scythe is, of course, the embodiment of your scythe skills. Darka, on the other hand, uses your shadow affinities and is also the only one to be a shadow knight among your shadows. The affinity of lightning, water, earth, and even light can are learned by your shadow soldiers." He continued his similar speech by giving more details than before with nonchalance.

"Is this valid for all those in the other universe?" Alvine asked him with this off-topic.

Dalvine frowned when he heard his question but nonchalantly shook his head. "The hierarchies between nobles and commoners is not a question of status, but power. Just as noble vampires who are different from the other lambda vampires, we are also different from others. But I'm not going to tell you what our status is, nor overload you with information that does not need to be mentioned at the moment. Just focus on what you need to do to assimilate the knowledge I have just revealed to you." He said, getting up while instinctively dusting the buttocks of his trouser even if they were not dirty.

Alvine could guess that he was trying to circumvent his question, but he did not dwell on it either. His priority was to become strong. For the rest, he will see later.

"Well, that's all for today, you'd better go home before your maid suspects anything strange with your clone. Even if we only spent about thirty minutes here, twelve hours have already passed on the planet you reside. And also, you don't need to be so suspicious of me in the future. We already have our agreement, and just like you, I always stick to my words." He continued while patting Alvine's shoulder before disappearing into the palace leaving Alvine behind.

"Sigh, he knew I was on my guard since the beginning of our conversation, but he doesn't seem to want to hurt me; at least, for now." He said to himself with a sigh of relief while finally relaxing.

Without waiting for another second, a dark portal emerged in front of him and he crossed it after taking a last look behind him. Since Dalvine's monstrous power could not even be managed by Sylvia, it was the only antidote Alvine had found to put a leash on his neck. In this way, he will not only benefit from his knowledge, but at the same time, he will stifle the dragon in his egg to prevent him from wreaking havoc. Like what, even the most formidable enemies could be managed, as long as they give time for negotiations.

Even if he knew that this strategy could not last for the long term, it still gave him time to better prepare if he ever had to face Dalvine in the future.


"Urgh, I think this body has reached its limits." He says to Himself after crossing the gate. From the moment he set foot outside the dimension, the walls of his room turned around him because of the dizziness that had welcomed him with open arms. Fortunately for him, he had asked Sylvia not to disturb him while he was cultivating.

He Stumbled towards the bed with difficulty orientation. But after several efforts, he regained his body as natural as it was.


'As this body is made of energy, it only has flows of mana and no blood circulating in its veins. Therefore, my vitality and endurance are drained in the absence of my vital organs that are both fed by blood and supported by my magical flows.' He concludes while lying lazily on the bed out of breath.

After a few seconds of panting, his breathing gradually became natural and his vision became clearer as the seconds flew into minutes.

After two minutes of rest, He could finally see clearly around him. But what attracted his attention at first glance were the familiar notifications of his system in his field of view. 'Sigh, has this thing resumed service? Hmm, apparently, the other clone has fulfilled his task well. The system has blocked skills again for three weeks... what?! Three weeks?! This bastard! Sigh, I did well to learn this skill. But for now, I have to find a way to perfect this technique.' He said in his thoughts as he looked at the ceiling while lying on his back.

'First, I have to find a solution to move my soul to a clone that does not need to depend only on magical energy to exist. A clone made of pulpit, blood, and organs; that way, I wouldn't have to worry about losing my skills and I wouldn't have to worry about Helen's well-being. But the only problem is it's something that only primordial beings are capable of. Can I do such things? Huff, According to this psychopath, my powers are limited only by my convictions. Even if I refuse to admit it, he has solid arguments that force me to gradually believe what he tells me in the thread of our conversations. But, for now, I'd better rest a little before others bother me.'

These were his last conclusions about his current personal situation.

"What has bothered you since just now? Is it related to your meditation or is it related to previous events?" Alvine who until now believed to be alone in his room suddenly heard a familiar voice next to him.

As he had not paid attention to his entourage from the beginning, Liliana's voice had obviously panicked him. "Hm? Is it now that you notice me?" She asked calmly while she was lying on Alvine's bed next to the wall.

"Hehe, it's normal to be surprised when you go home and find your future wife else in your room. I don't know what you are thinking but you'd better not make these like that scenes before the marriage. Otherwise, I wouldn't care about your mores anymore." He asked her with strange feelings when he saw her dressed in white silk pajamas, her long scarlet hair tied with a black barrette and she was half covered by the blanket up to her waist on his bed.

"It's impossible."

"Ho? Do you want to put me to the test?" He asked with a mysterious smile While caressing her sculpted face that made him want to devour her in the next few seconds.

Liliana blush instinctively by understanding the meanings of his words. "Hm? According to Miss Sylvia, I'm not the only one in your life, is that true?" She asked in a low voice.

Alvine slightly raised his eyebrows when he heard her words. This situation he had never faced before was a little complicated for him to manage; especially knowing Liliana's possessive personality. "Well, are vampires monogamous?" He pretended to have his head on his shoulders by diverting Liliana's question.

"Sigh, I think I already have my answer." She said with a slight growl and looking away at Alvine’s

'Hm? Is it jealousy? Well, I didn't expect that at all. I who thought that our relationship was purely professional and based solely on mutual interests?' He says to Himself with a confused look while continuing to gaze at her with strange feelings.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

"Umm, I don't know, maybe I'm trying to see through the mysteriously sealed box that is housed in the heart of a certain girl."

"The heart is at the level of the chest, not on the face." She in turn reorganized Alvine's incomprehensible words.

Alvine shook his head. "I do not agree with this, according to some old beliefs, the soul resides in the brain; and if I rely on this and my personal judgment, I am convinced that to see the contents of the said box, I must look inside the soul. Reciprocally, what will my wife think of me if I firmly stare at her chest? How will you see me?" For some reason, he felt mentally soothed by having this little conversation with Liliana that showed him funny and cute expressions at a time after each teasing on his part.

"Sigh, no wonder you can stand up to Miss Sylvia. Should I also consider her as a rival?" She asked with a mysteriously threatening smile that made cold in alvine's back.

"Ahem, what brings you here?" He said, feeling the danger coming miles away.

Hearing Alvine's question, a sublime smile illuminated her overwhelming beauty as she supported her head with her hand.

'Ugh, why do I have a bad presentiment?'

"Sigh, I came here to talk about a worrying and personal problem with you but, as you seem busy with your practice. So... I think I'll wait for you to finish what you have to do first." She announced to him while his scarlet eyes were pointed at Alvine's neck.

'This girl, how does she think she is convincing when her eyes don't leave my neck? Sigh, She just wants to drink my blood! But she can't only say that.' Alvine concludes with these thoughts by instinctively guessing the cause of Lilliana's presence in his room.

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