King of succubus

Chapter 148 The New Approaches.

Alvine briefly explained the reason for his presence and that of Sylvia on the planet and Garyth's goal when he created this planet and the people who live there. But on the other hand, he did not talk about the existence of the Punishers and the Leaders or Reha either. He did not go into detail about the origin of vampires either.

"For now, all you need to know is that we are only here to divert his plans to annihilate the planet he himself created. To achieve this, we need to help you win this war against magic beasts. According to our conclusions, when he realizes that his subordinates are unable to win the war and carry out the mission, he will show himself to accomplish the task himself and it is at this moment that an ally who has not yet come here will continue the task for us." He ended his briefing with these last words.

Since the beginning of his speech, he had locked Liliana and himself in a shield of darkness made solely from his dark energy so that the System could not hear what he had just announced to Liliana about their plans.

After reassuring himself once again that the barrier is still in place, he sighed with relief by still sitting on his chair nonchalantly.

After finishing listening to what Alvine had just said to her, Liliana, who had always remained silent, burst out laughing as if she had just lost her spirits.

"You really take me for an idiot, don't you?! Do you mean that the cause of the creation of this planet and all those who live there are only cattle for him?! I knew it! You're completely crazy if you think I'm going to believe in such lies!" She thundered in an angry tone by stubbornly refusing to believe in Alvine's revelations.

'I understand her, it's also a path to choose from among others. By refusing to believe in the truth, she will force herself not to believe in my words. Finally, I think it was I who overestimated her.' He says to himself when he sees her with an expression he had never seen on her face. Her eyes were a mixture of despair, fear, and anger making her expression impossible to describe with correct words.

"Sigh, I would ask Sylvia to erase your memory. But in the meantime, stay wisely here, and try nothing regrettable if you do not want to live with this burden. You said you were ready for anything and be able to live by being prepared to die at any time. But now you understand that what is more frightening in this world is not death, but things that are beyond our understanding. To say that you who are not one of those people react this way, I now understand why we must never reveal certain truths of the world. I suppose you must now understand the meaning of the saying that [ignorance is also a form of freedom.]. Sigh, It's disappointing to see a person who thought he was endowed with an iron will." Alvine spit these words out of his face without the chews.

He got up and walked calmly towards her and pushed her onto the bed while sitting on her while he whispered in her ear: "You now understand why I said you were weak? I was not talking about your strength, dear little queen of vampires, the so-called blood sovereign. But when I said you were weak, I was talking about your will!"

"Let me go!" She struggled with all her strength to free herself from Alvine's demonic grip but to her surprise, she could not move Alvine's slightest fingers!

This achievement made her even more desperate when she realized that she was not even able to get rid of the physical grip of a holy magus.

"You see? You are weak, Liliana. I'm sure you realize that you are no longer able to use your physical strength or deep energy at the moment. That's what I wanted to talk about. Physical energy and magical energy are intimately linked to the will and heart of the user; without these two factors, you remain no less than a simple mortal!" He stopped in his rides after making her understand these words, then he got up on the bed while leaving her behind and went to the door.

Before going out, he looked at her once again trembling with horror like a leaf on the bed with bitterness, and snap one's his finger by breaking his shield of darkness before going out into the room by slamming the door behind him.

But he gave her a final order before going out; it was to not set foot outside or to let another person join her and see her lamentable state that was not worthy of a sovereign.

'You are lucky compared to me who had learned this information while being sure I was part of the livestock.' He says to himself on his way to the exit.

Unlike Liliana who was not part of the creations of one of the leaders, Alvine did not have this information when he learned the truth about the existence of the leaders and the Punishers. And unlike him, Liliana lost her will by simply realizing that she was waging a war against a being who was capable of creating lives and a planet! Just thinking about the frightening powers that this being possessed, she found herself in this state.

'I'm sure she will lose her head when she realizes that Garyth is one of the beings capable of doing such things, but also one of the weakest! Sigh, maybe, in the end, it's me who's strange to have kept calm despite this news. Seeing her reaction, I now understand why Sabrina did not want to reveal this information to me. Not to mention that neither I nor Sabrina was sure whether or not I was a creation of one of the leaders. It was only after we realized that I was not part of it. It is a relief but also a heavy burden, with the information that came with this confirmation.' He says to himself by being immersed in his thoughts.

But suddenly, two familiar silhouettes hit his visual fields, Noddra was still waiting at the end of the corridor with Sylvia standing next to him.

"Lord, her Highness...

"Don't worry, Noddra. She is fine." Alvine interrupts him after guessing the rest of his question. Then he turned his attention to Sylvia with a frown.

"Sylvia, follow me. I have two or three words to tell you." He said, pulling her hand towards the Queen's room without allowing her to answer whether or not she agreed with her request.

" lord...

"Ah it's true, Noddra, wait for me here for a moment, I have to clarify some details with the queen. I would talk the rest with you and take my word for it, you'd better stop addressing me with this honorary title; the rather will be best for you." He declares, taking him a last glance before continuing his way as if nothing had happened.

"Master, what happened with her?' Did anything happen to him?!" She asked nervously when she saw the undecided state of her master.

"We will talk about it once therein. For now, rest silent and just follow me." He says in a frustrating tone. He knew it was part of his fault if all these events followed one another, but what annoyed him was the unilateral decision Sylvia had made in his absence.

But what he didn't know was that another surprise was waiting for him behind the door as soon as he opened it.

"..." Alvine remained speechless when he saw the scene in front of him.

Liliana who had an indescribable expression of fear when he left her alone in the room not even a minute ago had regained her confident and glorious expression. She was calmly sitting on Alvine's chair and facing the entrance door with a false smile that adorned the beautiful contours of her angelic face.

Alvine frowned when he saw her with this suspicious placidity. 'What could she do in that short moment?' He wondered with a hint of curiosity.

"Master, for the love of the goddess Reha, explain to me what happened!" Sylvia asked once again when she realized that her concerns were unfounded about the Queen's state of health. But it made her even more curious to want to know the cause of her master's irritation.

"Sigh, it doesn't matter." He inadvertently murmured his thoughts aloud and once again set up his shadow barrier to prevent the system from accessing information. He walked towards Liliana and stared at her with his golden eyes for a while before speaking impassibility. "Sylvia, can you do me a little favor, I would like you to make her forget what she had just learned in the last thirty minutes." He calmly pronounced these words after confirming that Liliana had nothing strange.

'Even if she seems to have digested better the information I had just provided her, it may be embarrassing for her in the future. Not that I care about her well-being, but Sylvia and Sabrina seem to appreciate their races. So it would be unfortunate to leave her with this fear that could turn into trauma in the future.' He concludes with his thoughts after a brief reflection.

*Master, is that what I believe?! * Sylvia suddenly asked when she heard Alvine's request.

*How am I supposed to know what's going on in your little head? I have not yet reached the level that allows me to read the thoughts of normal people without talking about beings like you!* Alvine replied with these words without giving her a look. Then he continued, always out of telepathy. *In any case, it seems that your decision was not the right one. She doesn't have enough willpower to join us. I just told her Garyth's identity and goal so that she finds herself on the verge of madness and loses all her means. Can you imagine what will happen when she learns that Garyth is not the only one? Or that you who stood in front of her is actually...

"By the kindness of the goddess! What have you just said?!" Her voice suddenly resounded in the room and she disappeared the next moment before appearing directly in front of Liliana by placing her palm directly on her forehead and letting her divine energy flow into her!

Alvine remained nonchalant as if he were in no way affected by Sylvia's behavior who seemed to worry about the queen. 'What does she have with this flower so that she swears on her name on every occasion?'

"Sigh, fortunately, her condition is stable." She says after a few seconds of physical contact to check the queen's state of health.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, Sylvia. Thank you for your concern, unlike the other heartless one!" These were Liliana's first words since Alvine and Sylvia crossed the thresholds of her room with her hostile look fixed at Alvine.

'No matter how I look at her, she seems to be doing well. What exactly is the problem? How can she suddenly regain her calm from one minute to the next?! It's even more incredible than seeing her make a friend-friend with Sylvia. These two girls who were like dog and cat can now get along as if nothing had happened? I'm starting to suspect that I didn't make the wrong decision by letting Sylvia watch her before my little solo trip into the dimension.' He said to himself by leaning against the wall and giving them time to finish their unfounded worries.

"Fortunately I had protected your mind with a self-defense spell otherwise... it will be too late for you." She announced it before turning her attention to His master who was near the entrance door.

'I now understand why she was able to regain her calm as if nothing had happened. If the other Punishers and Leaders are at the same level as Sylvia and Sabrina, then I don't know how long it will take me the catch up. Hmm? Is she seems dissatisfied with me?' He wondered when he noticed Sylvia's hostile look that seemed enigmatic to him.

But the answer came back soon when Sylvia said her following words. "You could have warned me before trying to talk about these things with her. The reason for her actual state was because of the primordial laws that govern the entire universe. Regardless of the will of a divine being, as long as she is not one of us or their (Leaders), it would be impossible for her to learn the truth about us while remaining sane. You must surely know when Lady Rina revealed the existence of the Valskars when you were on Alzania? You had clearly seen him influence others with his magic before revealing details about valskars, right?! Even if you're angry against her, it would be too cruel to kill her like that, don't you think?!" Sylvia thundered while frowning with discontent thinking she had guessed her master's sinister intentions.

Unlike Sabrina and the other maids, she was not polite when Alvine made a mistake while knowing the consequences. It was also thanks to this personality that she alone possessed among the other maids which helped Alvine appreciate her more. Because he could talk with her without social barriers.

Hearing her unfounded accusations, Alvine raised his eyebrows of misunderstanding. "To kill her will not benefit us. Do you really think that if I wanted her death, I would use such a twisted method? I don't even know what you mean by Sabrina having used her magic to prevent Alzania's leaders from being fooled by the curse. I proceeded in the same way by making her swear not to reveal anything just as Sabrina had done with the rulers of Alzania in the past. So I have only one question for you, Sylvia. When did Sabrina influence them by her magic?" He asked in a placid but imposing tone as if He did not allow her to leave his question unanswered.

"It was just at the moment she asked them to swear not to reveal anything. These were not simple oaths. You know just like me how good she is with the magic of words. She can kill in simple words when obviously her words were not simple words of oaths. You had to guess that, didn't you?!" She continued to defend her arguments even though after seeing Alvine's confusion, she was not too sure if she has whether or no right.

During all their debates, Liliana had the impression that these two did not speak the same dialect as her. She couldn't understand anything in their words. But she had learned information that went beyond her reasoning. 'Kill a person with simple words?! Who are these people in the end?!'

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