King of succubus

Chapter 146 Everyone's Strangeness Towards Him.

It was already dark when Alvine had just gone out through a dark portal. In front of the entrance door of the dining room. 'I'll wait for this asshole to lower his guard afterward, I'll call on Darka to interrogate him.'

"We were looking forward to your return, my lord." From the moment Alvine went out through the portal, Noddra's monotonous voice resounded behind him.

Turning to him, he raised his eyebrows in the face of Noddra's strange behavior. "What is the problem? Where is Sy-Dylvia?" He asked in an impassive tone. Dalvine's actions were always fresh in his heart, hence the cause of the instability of his emotions.

"Lady Dylvia is with the queen in her room. Please hurry my lord, if you want your queen to survive!" He continued.

'...What's his problem? Did he hit his head so hard that he can no longer remember my status? Why would I take this naive woman like my wife?! Tsk, obviously, nothing is going well in this world.' He concludes with his thoughts. He didn't know what had happened to put Liliana's life in danger, he didn't care about her fate, by the way. But what made him perplexed is why Noddra, who always looked at him as prey, suddenly began to address him as his lord and called Liliana his wife? It was a mystery to him.

"Take me to Dylvia. You will explain the detail to me along the way." He says briefly while thinking about the possibility that Sylvia would attack this Liliana because he had disappeared without bringing her with him. 'This girl always has the bad habit of accusing others even if I am partly at fault. I hope she didn't do the same with her.' He said to himself by following Noddra who bowed respectfully before escorting him to the queen's room. The same room where his alleged guardian angel, Sylvia, was.

"Well, since your disappearance, the queen could no longer find anything to feed herself. She is really in bad shape. If you don't hurry to feed her, she will end up dying of anemia!" Noddra briefly explained the Queen's current situation.

"So that's it? She's not sick at all, she's just hungry!" He replied with a feeling of discomfort. The idea of losing his blood was not something that bothered him, but it was the idea of feeding a stranger with his blood that annoyed him more than anything.

"Uh, understand this, my lord, it is a miracle that she is alive despite the time she spent without drinking a single drop of blood. Normally, we vampires of the high nobility can live a year without consuming a single drop of blood provided we do not lose one, but the case of your queen is a little special. Not to mention that you were away for five days. Then I hope you will be understanding of his Highness, my lord." He continued with his strange new habits.

"Five days... huh."

As for Alvine, he did not care about Noddra or the queen, that's what worried him, it was the time lag that existed between the two worlds. 'It's like the last time with Sylvia when we were there. I remember that Sylvia once told me that what differentiates the grades from the original planets is the passage of time. The more powerful a planet is, the slower time passes. So if I consider this dimension as part of a planet, it means that its passage of time is as important as the planet of Punishers, or even more! Since I hadn't even spent an hour there, and yet five days passed here. While the planet of the Punishers is an hour that is the equivalent of a day here. It's too unrealistic.' He said to himself by looking at the guards who bowed when he passed by.

'I suppose they are now aware that the queen's life is connected to mine now. Otherwise, why will they show so much respect for me? Sigh, why do I always put myself in situations not possible?! It even becomes scary in the end. I feel like I am treated like a martyr who receives so much respect before his sacrifice...

"We are there!" These three words awakened Alvine from her state of confusion and brought them back to reality.

Just like the dining room door, Alvine could see a similar white door with patterns of brambles and scarlet roses. "Our Highness and Lady Dylvia is waiting for you inside. Please do not drop her Highness, without her, our kingdom will lose forever even if we win this war!" Noddra bowed deeply to Alvine by making this strange request.

Alvine's blood froze in his veins when he saw him in this state of agitation and fear. "Isn't she just supposed to drink my blood to live? Why do you act like that? Believe me, his death doesn't suit me either; at least for now." He continued by opening the door in front of him, without waiting for Noddra's answer who raised his head with a sigh of relief when he heard Alvine's promise.


Alvine half opened the door out of caution, but he did not have time to continue when an unknown force aspired him inward!

"Master, is it you?" Sabrina asked cautiously.

"If you want to be able to differentiate us, I advise you to always look at our eyes. The eyes of this bastard are always impregnated with an insatiable thirst for blood!" He announced to her with a sigh of relief when he realized that the force of attraction came from Sylvia's magic. "In short, can you tell me what's going on here brothel?! Why this madwoman is like that?" Alvine pointed his finger at the other end of the huge room, showing Liliana lying on the big bed as a person who was at the gates of death.

"Ahh! I almost forgot. Master, we had greatly underestimated the effects of your skill. It has not only made her dependent on your blood but also increased its blood digestion process! Normally, noble vampires do not have such dependence. But now, she who was able to stay more than a year without needing to consume blood suddenly found herself in this state as soon as you left! You must absolutely save her; that's what I wish I could have told you, but...

Alvine listened to Sylvia's briefing with placidity until she remained silent at the last minute. Alvine looked at her with confusion. "But?"

"Sigh, The decision is yours. But if you ever decide to give her your blood, the effects will be even worse than now!" She continued.

"It doesn't matter, I can feed it until the end of our mission. And then, we will decide for the future if she should stay here or were to come with us so that Sabrina can find a solution to break this problematic link." He said while folding the sleeve of his black shirt and advancing towards Liliana without hesitation.

"Master, it's a decision not to be taken lightly, you know. By making it so dependent on you in this way, you must take responsibility and follow their customs without fail!" Sylvia tried to convince him with a doubtful tone. She was not sure she wanted to prevent Alvine from not saving her, but on the other hand, she was a little agitated to see Alvine so decisive.

"Hm? Their customs? Sylvia, I'm not a vampire, so I don't care about these useless things. We are and will remain foreigners on this planet, after completing our mission, we will continue our journey. Is there anything else to add?" He asked eagerly, he had the impression that Liliana would die from one moment to another if she did not drink his blood. He could feel her critical state through the strange link that exists between them and that he had just discovered too.

", there is nothing more to add. Don't just do too much. It is in the blood that most of the vital energy contains so just gives what is necessary." She tells him before turning around to go out into the room while locking the door behind her.

"Well, both of us now. If I give her my finger, she is not likely to have access to more blood. So, you just have to drink my blood directly using my wrist. It's out of the question that I'll give her my neck!" He said to himself by stopping in front of Liliana who was peacefully lying on the bed as if she were sleeping. But she half opened her blood-red eyes when she smelled the smell of Alvine with her ultra-sensitive nose.

"" She whispered in a mosquito voice, exposing her little fangs with a barely visible smile on her dry red lips.

A small dagger appeared in Alvine's hand and he made a slightly deep gash on his wrist and placed it above Liliana's semi-open mouth and fixed his blood poured into her mouth with bitterness.

But it only took three seconds for Liliana, who could not better open her eyes without talking about moving her body, regains some of her strength. Her bestial instinct pushed her to cling to Alvine's arm by holding him with all her strength and sucking Alvine's blood with euphemism and exaltation.

Surprised by her sudden action, Alvine tried to tear off his arm just to realize that his strength was far less than the strength of an intermediate divine mage! "Tsk, do you plan to empty me of my blood or what? Let go of my hand, you crazy!" Alvine ordered with irritation by pressing Liliana's forehead with his right hand to free his left hand from her grip.

Hearing Alvine's orders, she stared at him with a begging look but ended up releasing his hand at the end.

'*Huff!!* vampires are scary!' He says to himself inwardly thinking instinctively of Sabrina who had forced him to drink her blood. Her words always resonated in Alvine's ears: [Consider yourself lucky to be able to drink my blood. Vampires kill themselves to have a drop of my blood so be grateful instead of complaining.]

'Sabrina, if I can't get rid of this girl, she will be in your care. You who are obsessed with giving your blood to anyone, you now have a fan!' He continued in his thoughts by watching his wrist regenerate at a faster speed than before.

"Why?" Liliana murmured under her tongue with her voice that had returned to normal: sweet and melodious.

"Why what?" Alvine asked with a frown, thinking that this girl was complaining that she could not have continued her feast. "Do you want to stop only when I become a dry mummy? I would like to point out that you owe me thanks instead of accusations."

"Precisely! Why did you decide to save my life?! Didn't you leave because you blamed me for trying to reduce yourself to slavery? Didn't you leave because you didn't want to save me?" She asked while sitting in the middle of the big bed. While Alvine was naturally sitting on the edge.

"Think what you want. Obviously, I have no interest in continuing this subject with you." He said, getting up from bed to leave.

"W-wait. Please wait!" This was the first time she had formulated words from politesse since Alvine had met her.

This is also the reason that pushed Alvine to stop in his steps.

"What else do you want." He asked, without turning around.

"Please, tell me. Tell me everything you have felt about me since the beginning of our first meeting so far, please." She asked in a slightly emotional voice.

'What exactly does this girl have? She has been too strange since she woke up. Moreover, she is not the only one. Apart from Noddra and the guards who take me for their lords, even Sylvia was also acting strangely when she left me alone here. Usually, she is always stuck to me as an annoying parasite, but she suddenly left me alone with her. Why?' Alvine frowned with suspicion but finally sighed with abandonment and sat on the chair that was next to the bed facing Liliana.

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