King Of Chaos

Chapter 237 Ch 237: Phoenix Bloodpetal

Ye Xiao still had many questions in his mind, however, before he could ask anything, Ren Yunfeng spoke, "Since you are not going to absorb the memories from one of these ancient runic pillars, let's move to the next stage."

The next stage?

Ye Xiao was immediately alerted and looked at the blurry figure curiously.

Ren Yunfeng, the previous King of Chaos, continued, "I'll send you somewhere. Search for the Phoenix Bloodpetal. As long as you could bring me the Phoenix Bloodpetal, you could be considered to pass my second test."

"Phoenix Bloodpetal? What is this?"

This was the first time Ye Xiao was hearing these two words. He wanted to know what this thing is before going to find it.

Ren Yunfeng explained in detail, "The Phoenix Bloodpetal is a rare and captivating herb that flourishes within the intense heat of the hot river of blood. You could say it is a kind of herb."

"It is said that a small reservoir of shimmering liquid is contained within the heart of each Phoenix Bloodpetal. Phoenix Bloodpetal is also symbolic of transformation, resilience, and transcending limitations. It reflects the phoenix's ability to rise from the ashes stronger than before, offering rejuvenation and profound strength."

"Adding to its mystique, the Phoenix Bloodpetal is known to emit a gentle, warm glow during the night, lighting up a certain area around it in the river with a mesmerizing ember-like radiance."

As Ye Xiao absorbed the profound words of the previous King of Chaos, the blurry figure raised a hand and a gesture that held immense power. In an instant, the surroundings seemed to shift and warp, and Ye Xiao found himself transported to a new spatial zone.

"This is... A new spatial zone!"

Looking around, this place was unlike anything he had seen before. Everywhere he could see was only one sight. It was a river of blood, stretching out in every direction.

The river of blood flowed with an eerie intensity, its red surface reflecting an otherworldly glow. The air was heavy with a sense of foreboding, and the atmosphere seemed to hum with dark energy.

Ye Xiao was actually standing atop a small rock floating above the surface of this river of blood, his senses tingling with an unsettling mixture of curiosity and unease.

The river of blood was a surreal sight to behold. Its currents moved with an unnatural fluidity, as if guided by a force beyond the natural rule of Chaos.

The shades of red danced and shifted, creating an almost hypnotic effect. Ye Xiao could hardly believe his eyes; he was now a witness to a landscape that defied all his understanding.

"What kind of spatial zone is this? How could a place like this exist?"

Ye Xiao could not help but mutter.

As he surveyed the scene before him, he couldn't help but wonder about the significance of this river of blood.

Was it a representation of some deeper meaning? A reflection of the challenges he must face in order to obtain the Phoenix Bloodpetal?

The answers remained unknown, but one thing was certain: he has to look for the Phoenix Bloodpetal if he wants to get away from this place.

In this strange and unsettling environment, Ye Xiao felt a sense of urgency.

Feeling the urgency of the situation, Ye Xiao took off in the air, hovering above the surface of the blood river. His goal was to find the Phoenix Bloodpetal.

However, as he looked around, a sense of horror washed over him. The river of blood stretched endlessly in all directions, emitting a foul odor and emanating a sinister aura that seemed to penetrate his very being.

The demonic aura of the blood river surrounded him, trying to infiltrate his body and disrupt his equilibrium. It was an unsettling sensation, like an invisible force attempting to unravel his senses.

In response, Ye Xiao halted his flight and instinctively started circulating the Absolute Darkness Emperor Sutra.

To his astonishment, as the Absolute Darkness Emperor Sutra circulated within him, he seemed to have found a hidden attribute of this technique. The Absolute Darkness Emperor Sutra seemed to act as a shield, easing his mood and causing him to absorb the demonic aura of the blood river.

Most importantly, this absorption was amplifying the power of his Heavenly Demon Bloodline. It was something Ye Xiao had not anticipated even in his wildest dream.

The cultivation technique was like a guide that assisted him in transforming the negative energy of the surroundings into a source of strength.

This unexpected revelation filled Ye Xiao with energy.

As he continued to float above the river of blood, he focused on absorbing the demonic aura and strengthening his Heavenly Demon Bloodline. The air seemed to vibrate with an eerie energy, but now Ye Xiao felt a sense of control that he hadn't before. The daunting atmosphere became less intimidating, and now, he could press forward with ease.

As Ye Xiao continued to navigate the blood river, he noticed subtle changes within himself. The once unsettling aura of the river became less overwhelming, and his connection to the demonic energy in this spatial zone actually grew stronger. And this happened not only because of the Absolute Darkness Emperor Sutra but also because of the Heavenly Demon Bloodline.

With each breath he took, Ye Xiao could feel the Absolute Darkness Emperor Sutra working its magic.

After a short period of time, Ye Xiao stopped circulating the Absolute Darkness Emperor Sutra and started flying. He could have continued to absorb the demonic aura of the blood river, however, he did not do so because he knew he will have this opportunity in the future.

For now, his priority was to find the location of Phoenix Bloodpetal.

He also knew that finding the Phoenix Bloodpetal will not be easy. After all, this is a task given to him by the previous King of Chaos. How could it be an easy task?

Not long after, a strange sensation crept over him. It was a feeling that he was being watched by something or someone. This realization made him pause in mid-air, his senses on high alert.

He scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of the observer, but the source of the gaze remained unknown. It was as if someone was hidden in the shadows. He could feel their presence but could not locate them.

Ye Xiao's heart raced, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was not alone in this eerie environment.

With caution, he hovered in place, his gaze flickering from one direction to another. Every rustle of the blood river and every flicker of movement caught his attention.

The tension in the air was palpable as Ye Xiao waited. His instincts were telling him that he was on the verge of discovering something or someone. The river of blood seemed to hold its breath along with him, the crimson currents reflecting the uncertainty of the moment.

Despite his efforts, Ye Xiao's search yielded no visible results. The observer remained hidden, their intentions were still a mystery. It was a frustrating realization, and Ye Xiao felt a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

"Who could be watching me, and what could their purpose be?"

As the moments stretched on, Ye Xiao had a decision to make. He immediately released his Divine Sense, enveloping a very large area. Even with his strong Divine Sense, he was actually unable to cover the entire Blood River, and more so, he was unable to locate the person watching him from the shadows.

Ye Xiao's mind was abuzz with questions as he pondered the mysterious observer.

"Who could be watching me?" he murmured aloud, his voice echoing in the eerie surroundings. The sense of being watched had stirred his curiosity, and he couldn't shake off the desire to uncover the truth behind it.

"Why are they keeping an eye on me?" he mused, his brows furrowing in contemplation.

The unknown observer's intentions remained a puzzle. Despite his best efforts, his searches had yielded no result, leaving him with a growing sense of intrigue.

Frustration and curiosity intermingled within him, and finally, he made a decision. His eyes lit up with a soft white glow, and he muttered a phrase under his breath, "Eyes of Illusion."

It was the second time Ye Xiao was using his Eyes of Illusion after his rebirth in Chaos. He wanted to use his Eyes of Illusion to bait the enemy hidden in darkness.

As he used the Eyes of Illusion, he moved away from his place.

Even though he moved away, a person who looked exactly like Ye Xiao could still be seen floating at his previous place, looking around curiously, as if he was trying to find someone.

This second Ye Xiao was, of course, an illusion.

As for the real, he became invisible in the eyes of everyone present in this spatial zone filled with the river of blood.

This was how Ye Xiao planned to fish out the enemy.

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