King Of Chaos

Chapter 234 Ch 234: Mysterious Hall

Just after killing all the Illusory Chaos Beasts, Ye Xiao's gaze fell upon a mesmerizing sight - an oasis, a lake filled with crystal-clear water.

The oasis seemed to shimmer like a mirage, its vibrant hues standing out starkly against the backdrop of black and white. The bluish water sparkled like a precious gem, reflecting the pale golden sands beneath. Ye Xiao's eyes widened in wonder as he beheld this unexpected oasis in the colorless world.

"An Oasis? A colorful one?"

Ye Xiao raised his brows in surprise. He did not expect to suddenly come across something that was colorful, unlike the entire black-and-white desert.

He had been in this desert for more than two years now. He has already been used to the black and white. His eyes had adapted to this colorless world. However, now that he was looking at a lake filled with vibrant colors, he felt dizzy for a moment.

His exhaustion was momentarily forgotten. Ye Xiao took cautious steps toward the oasis. He marveled at the lush grasses that lined the water's edge. Their vivid green scenery was a stark contrast to the surrounding desolation and colorless atmosphere.

Colorful fishes could be seen darting beneath the water's surface, their movements graceful and mesmerizing.

As he reached the edge of the oasis, Ye Xiao took a deep breath and a very comfortable breath surged through his body.

Ye Xiao then knelt down and dipped his fingers into the cool water. It felt refreshing against his skin. He scooped up a handful of water and brought it to his lips, savoring its purity.

His curiosity was piqued. He could not understand what is so special about this place that made it quite opposite to the entire world of black and white. Ye Xiao glanced around the oasis, taking in every detail. He noticed the delicate ripples that danced across the water's surface, their gentle movement creating a soothing melody. The oasis seemed like a haven of life and vibrancy amidst the monochromatic world.

Unbeknownst to Ye Xiao, this very oasis held significance beyond his understanding. It was the same oasis that Han Xiang had encountered earlier. But their paths had yet to cross, and Ye Xiao remained unaware of Han Xiang's presence in this mysterious world of black and white.

As he continued to gaze at the oasis, Ye Xiao's thoughts raced. In a world devoid of color, this oasis stood as a witness to the unexpected wonders that could emerge from the unknown. It was a reminder that even in the face of challenges and dangers, there was always the possibility of finding beauty and solace.

With a contented sigh, Ye Xiao rose to his feet, a sense of rejuvenation coursing through him. He knew that he couldn't linger too long, that there were more trials awaiting him in this enigmatic desert. But for now, he allowed himself a moment of respite, basking in the presence of the oasis and the fleeting sense of tranquility it brought.

The oasis seemed to radiate strange energy, one that invigorated both body and spirit. Ye Xiao could feel his strength returning, his weariness replaced by a newfound vitality. He marveled at the contrast between the vibrant oasis and the black-and-white landscape.

His mind buzzed with questions. How could such a vivid oasis exist in this black-and-white realm? Was it a mere illusion, a trick of the eye? Or did it hold a deeper significance, a clue to the mysteries of this place?

Ye Xiao's gaze lingered on the oasis, his thoughts a whirlwind of contemplation. He felt a sense of gratitude for this unexpected respite, a moment of reprieve from the relentless challenges he had faced.


As Ye Xiao stared at the oasis, lost in thought, a sudden glimmer crossing his field of vision caught his attention. This glimmer came from the depth of the lake. It was there only for a second.

In that fleeting moment, Ye Xiao sensed a faint aura emanating from the depths of the lake. It was a minuscule presence, almost imperceptible, yet it stirred something within him.

Before he could fully grasp what had happened, the sensation vanished as quickly as it had come. It was as if the aura had melted away into the air, leaving no trace behind. Ye Xiao blinked, his mind racing to comprehend the inexplicable occurrence.

Ye Xiao even thought that he was hallucinating. But then he shook his head, raising doubts.

A sense of certainty settled over him, dispelling any doubts. He knew that what he had felt was not a mere figment of his imagination. It was a real and tangible connection, however brief. With conviction in his heart, he murmured to himself, "I felt it, I'm sure of it. There's something in the depth of the lake."

Driven by curiosity, Ye Xiao made up his mind. He had to explore the depths of the lake, to uncover the source of that mysterious aura. With a resolute expression, he took a step closer to the water's edge. His gaze fixed on the bluish expanse, he muttered, "Time to dive in and see what's there."

Summoning his courage, Ye Xiao leaped into the water, his body slicing through the surface with a splash. The cool water enveloped him, and he began to swim downwards, propelled by a mixture of anticipation and excitement.

As he descended, the water closed in around him, muffling the outside world.

Ye Xiao's heart pounded in his chest as he delved deeper into the lake. The bluish hues of the water surrounded him, creating an otherworldly ambiance. He could feel the pressure increasing, a reminder of the depths he was venturing into.

With each stroke of his arms, he drew closer to the source of the aura. The seconds stretched into minutes as he swam downwards.

As he swam deeper, Ye Xiao's lungs began to ache for air. The pressure intensified, and he could feel the water pressing against him from all sides. Panic threatened to rise within him, but he pushed it aside, focusing on his goal. His vision blurred slightly, and his chest tightened.

The world around him seemed to blur and distort, the water becoming a swirling tapestry of blue. Just as he felt his strength waning, a glimmer of light caught his eye. It was a faint glow emanating from a point below him. Ye Xiao's heart surged with renewed energy, and he propelled himself toward the source.

Finally, he reached the spot where the aura had been strongest. There, amidst the dim underwater light, he saw a small, glowing object nestled in the sands. It emanated a gentle radiance, casting an ethereal glow in the water.

With his heart pounding, Ye Xiao extended his hand, his fingers brushing against the object. As his hand closed around it, a surge of energy coursed through him, a connection forged between him and the mysterious object. He couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected discovery, his mind racing with questions and possibilities.

Hovering in the depths of the lake, Ye Xiao held the glowing object in his palm.

"This is...?"

Ye Xiao suddenly frowned because he felt something was amiss. Clutching the mysterious object in his hand, Ye Xiao's senses suddenly tingled with alertness.

Before he could fully comprehend the situation, his surroundings blurred and shifted. It was as if he had been pulled into an invisible force, a whirlpool of energy that transported him to a completely different space.

As his mind gradually cleared from the disorienting experience, Ye Xiao found himself standing in a vast and magnificent hall. The grandeur of the scene before him left him awestruck. Stretching out in every direction were hundreds of towering pillars, their surfaces adorned with intricate designs and engravings.

The hall exuded an air of majesty and timelessness, its architecture and scale beyond anything he had ever encountered. The pillars soared upwards, disappearing into heights that seemed to touch the sky. The sheer scope of the hall was enough to make Ye Xiao feel small in comparison.

"What is this place?"

With curiosity, Ye Xiao took a cautious step forward, his footsteps echoing against the polished floor.

The space seemed to stretch on endlessly, the pillars forming a labyrinthine maze that beckoned him to explore. The engravings on the pillars depicted scenes of battles, landscapes, and celestial beings, each one telling a story that was both captivating and mystifying.

As Ye Xiao continued to move deeper into the hall, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had stumbled upon something extraordinary. The air itself seemed charged with energy, an undercurrent of ancient power that pulsed through the very walls of the hall. He marveled at the craftsmanship that had gone into creating this awe-inspiring place.

His gaze wandered upwards, following the elegant curvature of the pillars as they reached towards the ceiling. The ceiling itself was a masterpiece, adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to shift and dance in the dim light. The hall exuded a sense of timelessness, as if it existed outside the bounds of ordinary reality.

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