King Of Chaos

Chapter 232 Ch 232: Killing The Worm

"Huff!" "Huff!"

A few meters away from the oasis, Han Xiang could be seen gasping for breaths. He was already exhausted, now that he had to hurriedly circulate energy to escape, he felt his body breaking. This came from the pain caused by his tired body suddenly getting into action.

The oasis that had initially offered respite had now become a scene of a narrow escape, a reminder that even moments of tranquility could swiftly transform into moments of peril.

Breathing heavily, Han Xiang cast a wary gaze around him, his senses were on high alert. The encounter served as a vivid reminder that in this colorless world, danger could manifest itself at any moment, and survival depended on quick thinking and decisive action.

As Han Xiang stood before the sudden and terrifying appearance of the creature, his heart raced with a mixture of fear and cautiousness. He was well aware that his life hung in the balance, and he needed to find a way to escape the clutches of this scaled worm.


"F*cking beast!"

Desperation fueled his instincts, and without a moment's hesitation, Han Xiang let out a powerful roar. The sound echoed through the air, a raw expression of his will to survive. It was a primal cry, as if a declaration that he would not go down without a fight.


But as Han Xiang's roar reverberated, a chilling response filled the air. The creature before him emitted an agonizing screech, a sound so piercing that it seemed to pierce through his very being.

Han Xiang's hands instinctively shot to his ears, attempting to block out the ear-shattering noise. Yet, even as he did so, a searing pain shot through his ears, and he felt warmth trickling down the sides of his head. His ears were bleeding.

In a moment of agonizing realization, Han Xiang understood the true nature of the creature's attack. It was a devastating soundwave assault that had left him wounded and vulnerable. The realization hit him like a physical blow, his senses reeling from the onslaught.

He gritted his teeth, pushing through the pain and dizziness. His mind raced, searching for a way to turn the tide of the battle. With his ears still ringing and blood staining his fingers, Han Xiang knew that he couldn't afford to back down.

At this moment, the worm once again pounced toward Han Xiang.

Summoning every ounce of his strength, Han Xiang focused his energy and channeled it into his limbs. He moved with a speed and agility born of desperation, darting to the side as the worm lunged toward him.

"Bang!" "BOOM!"

The worm's massive form crashed into the ground where he had been standing just moments before.

But the battle was far from over. The worm's screech had not only wounded Han Xiang's ears but had also disoriented him. He struggled to regain his bearings. He also felt his vision swimming as he fought to remain upright and in his sense. His every movement felt like a monumental effort, his body protesting against the pain and fatigue.

Han Xiang knew that he needed to act swiftly. With a surge of determination, he focused his energy once more, drawing upon his inner reserves of strength. Ignoring the ringing in his ears and the throbbing pain, he decided to retaliate against the worm with his own attack.

A burst of energy erupted from Han Xiang's being, a shockwave of force aimed directly at the worm. The force of his attack collided with the scaled worm, creating a powerful impact that sent the creature reeling back. The ground trembled beneath their clash, the very air crackling with the intensity of the battle.

As the dust settled, Han Xiang stood while panting heavily, his chest heaving with exertion. The worm before him showed signs of damage, its once-menacing form now visibly weakened. Yet, Han Xiang was far from unscathed. His ears still bled, and his body ached from the strain of the encounter.

But he refused to yield. With a fierce glint in his eyes, Han Xiang prepared for another round. The battle raged on like a clash of wills and strength in the heart of the black and white desert. Han Xiang's survival hung in the balance, and he was prepared to fight with every ounce of his being to ensure that he emerged victorious.

"No matter what I have to face, I'm getting out of this damn world alive. I don't care what I have to do, I will get out. And whoever tries to become a rock in my path, I shall erase their existence!"

Han Xiang's determination burned bright, his resolve unwavering even in the face of adversity. He couldn't afford to falter now, not when his survival hung in the balance. The worm before him may have unleashed a devastating soundwave attack, but Han Xiang was determined to turn the tide in his favor.

Gritting his teeth against the pain and ringing in his ears, Han Xiang focused his thoughts. He needed to anticipate the worm's moves to find a way to counter its relentless assault. He took a stance as prepared for the battle. It was as if every cell of his body was dedicated to this fight, and he refused to let fear dictate his actions.

As the scaled worm lunged once again, Han Xiang's instincts kicked in. He dove to the side, narrowly evading the creature's snapping jaws. With a surge of energy, he channeled his strength into a series of swift and calculated strikes. His fists connected with the worm's scales, each blow aimed at weakening its defenses.

"Bang!" "Boom!" "Bang!"

The battle continued, and from afar, it seemed like a dance of agility and brute force.

Han Xiang's movements became a blur as he weaved around the creature, striking with precision and skill. He could feel the strain on his body, the toll of the encounter wearing him down. But he couldn't afford to stop, not now.

The worm fought back with renewed vigor, its screeches reverberating through the air. Han Xiang clenched his teeth against the pain, his determination and will to live were driving him forward.

"I have to end this battle, I have to find a way to kill this damn worm!" Han Xiang muttered while dodging and started focusing more on more in thinking of a way to kill this damn worm or at least get away from it.

And then, a plan formed in Han Xiang's mind.

Drawing upon his knowledge and instincts, he shifted his strategy. Instead of a head-on assault, he focused on targeting the worm's vulnerable spots. His fist glowed with dreamy silver light and his strikes became more precise. Each blow of his now seemed to be calculated to exploit weaknesses in the worm's scaled armor.


Han Xiang appeared right above the worm's head and a sword appeared in his hand.

"Although I am a grave robber, it doesn't mean I can not fight. Although I am exhausted, I can still kill you!"

As Han Xiang muttered, he pierced out with his sword. The sword in his hand also glowed silver and suddenly, eight more swords appeared in the air beside him.

"One Strike Equals Nine, Heaven Piercer!"

As the nine swords glowed with silver light, they pierced into the huge body of the worm, causing the worm to screech in pain. It twisted its body, trying to endure the pain. However, the pain was too much for it to endure in a short period of time.

This attack by Han Xiang pierced into the worm's body from nine different locations, each location a weakness. This caused the worm to be unable to continue attacking. And this also gave Han Xiang to land a final blow.

Han Xiang gathered every bit of chaos energy in his hand, forming a fist. Golden energy appeared in the air surrounding his fist, creating a marvelous sight to behold. Very soon, the golden energy was completely absorbed inside his fist, causing Han Xiang's fist to turn golden.

"Golden Fist!"

With a powerful blow that was also his final attack, Han Xiang delivered a decisive strike to the scaled worm's underbelly.


Han Xiang's punch landed on the worm's weakest point, causing a banging sound to echo in the air.


The worm let out a final, piercing screech before collapsing to the ground. It was finally defeated. It was finally killed.

"Huff!" "Huff!" "Huff!"

Han Xiang stood panting on top of the worm's body, his chest heaving with exhaustion and triumph.

But there was no time for celebration. The toll of the battle had taken its toll on Han Xiang. His body ached and his ears continued to bleed. During the battle, he had to endure too many soundwaves created by the worm, and this dealt a hideous injury to not only Han Xiang's ears but also his internal organs.

Han Xiang knew he needed to find a safe place to rest and recover before he could continue his journey.

As he surveyed the black and white desert, Han Xiang's determination remained unshaken. He had overcome yet another unexpected danger, emerging victorious through sheer will and strategic thinking. But he has no idea if he could do the same with the upcoming danger, if there are any.

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