King Of Chaos

Chapter 228 Ch 228: Clashes Of Light & Darkness

The battle between Ye Xiao and the red-robed man was not over yet. Despite facing defeat after defeat, Ye Xiao continued to fight with unwavering determination. The red-robed man's power far surpassed his own, and each confrontation seemed to highlight the gap between them.

However, with each loss, Ye Xiao took a brief moment to reflect. He analyzed his mistakes, his shortcomings, and the opportunities he missed during the battle. This introspection fueled his drive to improve. He possessed special abilities that could tip the scales in his favor but he was not prepared to use these abilities just yet.

Time and again, Ye Xiao faced the red-robed man. In every battle, he would apply what he learned previously. It could be said that each battle became a chance for Y Xiao to apply what he had learned.

The red-robed man was very powerful, but by now, he has became a mentor of sorts instead of an opponent. He often offered guidance and advice during their clashes.

"Focus on your stance," he advised, his voice a steady presence in the heat of battle. "Use your surroundings to your advantage."

Ye Xiao absorbed these words, adjusting his approach with each new confrontation. The battle continued and just like that, one year passed.

The battle continued. Ye Xiao could be seen losing his battle again and again, but the timing of battle continued to increase. Very soon, Ye Xiao could confront the red-robed man for more than two days straight before losing. Just like that, two years passed.

The struggle continued. Now, Ye Xiao could struggle more, he could take the beatings more. Three years passed them battling. Experiencing countless failures, something finally began to shift.

Ye Xiao's movements became more calculated, his attacks more precise. He started to incorporate his understandings of battle well, using them strategically to gain an edge. The red-robed man observed this growth, his occasional words of advice helping shape Ye Xiao's evolving strategy. "Timing is crucial," he remarked.

"Anticipate your opponent's moves, means my moves."

As the battles raged on, a transformation occurred. Ye Xiao's determination and persistence began to bridge the gap between their strengths. He no longer faced defeat as swiftly as before. Instead, he held his ground, countering the red-robed man's attacks with his own.

Their conversations during battle reflected this change.

"You're adapting well," the red-robed man acknowledged Ye Xiao's growth and effort he had put during these years. His tone was a mixture of challenge and encouragement for Ye Xiao.

"I'm learning from every encounter," Ye Xiao replied with a smile. His voice was brimming with determination.

The battles became a dance of strategy and skill. Ye Xiao's ability to anticipate his opponent's moves grew, and his execution of attacks became more fluid. The red-robed man's presence loomed over the battlefield, a constant reminder of the trials that pushed Ye Xiao beyond his limits.

Time became a blur as the years passed, their clashes marking the progress Ye Xiao had made. And then, one day, it happened – a battle where Ye Xiao held his ground, his strength finally on par with the red-robed man.

Their clash ended in a moment of stillness, both Ye Xiao and the red-robed man gasped for their breath.

"You've come a long way," the red-robed man remarked, his gaze meeting Ye Xiao's.

A sense of accomplishment surged within Ye Xiao as he nodded. A mix of exhaustion and triumph washed over him. He said, "It's been a challenging journey these years."

The red-robed man's lips curved into a faint smile. "Indeed. You've proven your determination and resilience."

As the realization of his achievement settled in, Ye Xiao felt a surge of pride. The battles had been grueling, the defeats humbling, but he had emerged stronger and more skilled than ever before. With the red-robed man's guidance, he had transformed into a warrior capable of facing even the most formidable opponents.

"You've reached a point where our strengths are matched," the red-robed man stated, a smile playing on his lips as he addressed Ye Xiao. His words carried a sense of acknowledgment, as if he was pleased with Ye Xiao's progress.

"However, I have yet to use mastery of the Rules of Chaos."

Ye Xiao was alerted when he heard this. The red-robed man was indeed right. During previous battles, neither the red-robed man nor Ye Xiao used their understanding of the Rules of Chaos. Previously, both of them were fighting with their raw strength, using combat skills to battle. Their previous battles could even be said as a kind of guidance for Ye Xiao instead of a test where Ye Xiao need to defeat the red-robed man in order to advance to the next phase.

"Because you are only a Major Saint, you could only use Forces of Rules of Chaos. I will also not use the Profound Truth of those Rules to be more fair. You should use your Dark Force during the battle this time." The red-robed man said.

Ye Xiao took a deep breath and nodded his head in understanding.

With a measured tone, the red-robed man continued, "Now, Ye Xiao, the true battle begins. Do not underestimate me this time. I will draw upon more than what you have witnessed in our previous encounters."

Ye Xiao's expression shifted, a mixture of determination and anticipation filling his eyes. He understood the gravity of the red-robed man's words. This was not just a test of strength and skill; it was also a test of how well they both understands the Rules of Chaos.

The red-robed man's form seemed to shimmer, his energy shifting in a way that transcended the boundaries of the physical world.

"Prepare yourself," he advised, his voice a calm yet resolute command.

Ye Xiao nodded, saying, "I'm ready. Show me what you can do."

And so, the battle once again begin, but this time, there was a palpable shift in the air. The red-robed man's movements were fluid and unpredictable. Ye Xiao found himself tested in ways he had never imagined, his instincts and adaptability pushed to their limits.

The red-robed man's voice cut through the intensity of the battle. "Rules of Chaos is a force that defies conventional understanding. It can be harnessed, molded, and wielded to reshape everything we know."

Ye Xiao's mind raced as he absorbed the red-robed man's words. He also knew that the Rules of Chaos are concepts beyond the boundaries of the ordinary, held within it a power that could reshape the very course of their battle.

The clash of energy continued, a dance of chaos energy and Rules of Chaos, of unpredictability and control.

Ye Xiao suffered heavily during the battle, but every loss burned his determination bright, his every move a calculated response to the red-robed man's shifting tactics.

As the battle raged on, Ye Xiao continued to loss and suffer. During the battle, the red-robed man's smile remained constant. Ye Xiao was using the Dark Force, while maybe in order to counter Ye Xiao, the red-robed man was using the Light Force.

"Never underestimate the potential of the unseen," he remarked, his voice a reminder of the depth of their confrontation.

Ye Xiao's breaths were labored, his muscles strained, but his spirit remained unyielding. He had come a long way, and this battle was a culmination of his growth and determination.

The red-robed man's energy surged, a manifestation of the chaotic forces at his command. "This is the essence of a Rule, Ling Xiaolong. Although we are using different Forces, if you could embrace a Rule to the degree of unpredictability, you will find a path to victory."

Ye Xiao's eyes narrowed, his focus intensifying. He was no longer simply battling an opponent, he was also learning the essence of a Rule.

Suddenly, a radiant light began to emanate from the red-robed man, its brilliance was so intense that Ye Xiao had no choice but to shield his eyes with his hands.

As the light enveloped the battlefield, the red-robed man's voice cut through the brilliance. "This is the essence of Light Force, the Rule of Light. Although opposite forces, Light Force and Dark Force are the same in essence. Listen with all your heart. Make the predictable unpredictable, go beyond the limit, and understand its profoundness."

Ye Xiao strained to hear the words amidst the luminous attack.

With a deep breath, Ye Xiao steadied himself. He was now confronting the brilliance of light with darkness.

As the red-robed man launched his attack using the power of Light Force, Ye Xiao's body became surrounded by a powerful dark energy. This energy surged within him, and suddenly, his body vanished from sight as the dark force burst forth like a powerful flood.

The impact of this eruption was astonishing, as the entire battlefield was engulfed in darkness. Even the radiant light emitted by the red-robed man was influenced by Ye Xiao's dark energy. The clash between Light and Dark created a mesmerizing yet eerie spectacle, marking a pivotal moment in their battle.

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