King Of Chaos

Chapter 137 Ch 137: A Few More Mysteries

From the moment Ye Xiao had seen that group of people, a hint of disgust appeared in his heart that originated from his Heavenly Demon Bloodline.

And even though he had killed them all, that disgusting feeling was still there.

Why is that?

Ye Xiao has no idea. But he wanted to know. Thus he slowly walked toward one of the dead people.

As he closed the distance, the feeling of disgust was constantly increasing in his heart. And when he completely arrived in front of the corpse, he was shocked to discover that his bloodline had started going on a rampage. His eyes turned scarlet and if not for his incredibly firm will, he would have already transformed into a Heavenly Demon.

"Why is this happening?"

Ye Xiao frowned and placed his hand on the corpse.

As soon as he placed his hand, his mind buzzed a little and then a memory that seems to be coming from the very bloodline appeared in his mind.

He saw a grey space where a single being mightier than anyone, grander than anything, and domineering as if he was a despotic regime.

Below this being, countless Heavenly Demons were kneeling. Every Heavenly Demon was more powerful than the other, and every one of them was capable of easily destroying the Land of Morning Stars. This was the feeling Ye Xiao had from the aura originating from all those Heavenly Demons.

Looking at the majestic figure of that single entity of unknown level of strength, even Ye Xiao had the urge to kneel. But Ye Xiao refused to comply with the very feeling his body was giving. He solely relied on his firm will to keep position static, touching the body of the corpse while going through the memory he just obtained from the Heavenly Demon Bloodline.

Suddenly, Ye Xiao's point of view changed and he seemed to have become one of those Heavenly Demons who were witnessing an event transpiring.

He saw that single entity grander than anything, mightier than anyone, looking at all its subjects. Then it spoke, "The time has come."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and a small pool of blood appeared.


As he spoke, twelve Heavenly Demons far surpassing the strength Ye Xiao was familiar with, stepped forward.

That being waved his hand again and the small pool of blood was divided into twelve equal sections.

"Divide the blood among your subordinates and send them to attack Lands of Chaos. The people of those Lands will definitely retaliate, and a war will soon be fought. During the war, throw the blood on those Lands. A few low-leveled worms will be born from every drop of blood touching the ground over a long course of years."

"Slowly but surely, those low-leveled worms will act like parasites that will soon spread throughout those Lands. And when that will happen, I will control those worms to take control of the Lands, wiping out the consciousness of those Lands. This way, I would be able to easily steal the Origin and Fate of those Lands, adding to my own strength."

The twelve Heavenly Demons took a section of blood and divided it equally among their subordinate Heavenly Demons.

Ye Xiao, as a Heavenly Demon, also took a portion of blood. The moment he came in contact with the blood, the feeling of disgust was born in his heart. It was as if the blood had the capability to corrode his very existence. He was disgusted by the sight of the blood.

Then he was led by the leaders to spread into the Void and attack any land that appears in sight.

After a few hundred years of wandering in Chaos, the Land of Morning Stars was discovered and a group of Heavenly Demons descended in this world to attack.

Ye Xiao saw how Heavenly Demons rained the blood in their possession on the ground of Morning Stars during the battle.

After a while, the memory ended.

"So, this memory belonged to the Heavenly Demon that my bloodline just devoured." Ye Xiao muttered in a low voice and took a deep look at the corpses in front of him.

"So these peoples are the "Worms" in the words of that being."

Ye Xiao sighed because these people, although completely different from their origin, looked exactly like humans.

Now, Ye Xiao has a few more questions.

Why was that being?

What is he planning exactly?

What will he gain by stealing the origin and fate of the Lands of Chaos?

Is he doing this just to increase his strength?

Why were the Heavenly Demons listening to that being?

Are all the Heavenly Demons subjects to that being?

There were many more questions but Ye Xiao knew only time will answer his questions. So, he once again focused on the corpses and did not know what to do.

He had already killed all the "worms" present inside this relic. And it seems there are already countless "worms" throughout the entire Land of Morning Stars.

"Tsk, since that's the case, I'll kill every single worm and destroy your plan!"

Ye Xiao sneered in his heart and a look of determination appeared in his eyes.

He did not know of this series of events before so it didn't matter. Now that he knows of worms and their purpose of existence, how could he let them control the Land of Morning Stars and wipe out the consciousness of the Morning Stars?

Suddenly, he felt a consciousness trying to contact him.

Ye Xiao frowned. He has no idea who this consciousness belonged to or why it was trying to contact him. But after hesitating for a moment, he let this consciousness connect to his mind.

"I think you've discovered something very important regarding these disgusting things. Do you know what they are and what is their purpose?"

This was the voice that appeared in Ye Xiao's mind after he let the consciousness connect to his mind.

Ye Xiao frowned. Instead of answering, he asked, "Who are you?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the Morning Stars!"


Ye Xiao widens his eyes in shock. He did not expect the Morning Stars to directly contact him.

But he soon seemed to have understood everything.

It seems that the Morning Stars was already aware of these Worms' existence, it is just that it was unaware of their purpose.

Then again, it was normal.

Since all Lands have their own consciousness and have the ability to think and take action, how could they be unaware of what is happening in their body?

When the war against the Heavenly Demons was fought and Heavenly Demons rained blood on the ground, the Morning Stars must have sensed something is wrong at that very moment. It is just that the Morning Stars was completely unaware of their purpose so it never took action.

But there was still something that puzzled Ye Xiao.

"How did you know I have gained something about these Worms?" Ye Xiao asked in confusion.

"I guessed it since you originally don't belong to this Land. When you were born, the Lotus of Chaos bloomed in the sky outside my Land and entered your body. I witnessed everything. I know the Lotus of Chaos is still inside your body."

"From the moment you were born till now, I've been keeping my eye on you and have watched every second you spend your time here. Of course, I was unable to observe you when you were sent to other Lands by those three existences."

"I even told Mother Chaos about you, but Mother Chaos comes to know that you the Lotus of Chaos has chosen you, she told me to never interfere in your matter and even help you in secret if you encounter a situation where you could lose your life."

"I did not intend to contact you first, but I had no choice this time. Although that disgusting blood was thrown on me millions of years ago, these disgusting things have been born only ten thousand years ago. But in such a short period of time, their numbers have already grown to half the numbers of humans. I think there is some conspiracy here, I had to know what it is. So I had no choice but to contact you now that you have come in contact with these disgusting things as well."

Now, another shocking piece of information was given to Ye Xiao. He was stunned at first. He did not know what to say.

Only later did he ask in an unsure voice, "Wait wait wait... Do you mean that Chaos... I mean the CHAOS itself... Knows about me and that I have the Lotus of Chaos?"

"What do you mean you have the Lotus of Chaos? It is you who have been chosen by the Lotus of Chaos."

The consciousness of Morning Stars retorted like a child. From its voice, Ye Xiao could tell that it did not like him saying that he has the Lotus of Chaos instead of the Lotus of Chaos choosing him.

Ye Xiao was again puzzled.

What does it mean actually?

The Lotus of Chaos has chosen me?

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