Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 74: Checking On Home

Chapter 74: Checking On Home

"How do we do it?" I asked once I was standing inside the small room with the girls.

"You don't need to do anything but be near the stone" Called the familiar voice of Healia.

I was surprised, I thought that I would have had to do something like touch the stone and say some words.

"How is everything back there?" I asked, a bit worried about what I might get back for a replay.

"Things are good, but your brother Mort died, so there is that," Healia said casually, but that made me rush up to the stone.

"What? How? Wait, did the tree work? Is he alive?" I asked into the stone like it would help if it said the words closer to the stone.

"Yes, he is fine, mostly, but he has to stay in for the week with a third arm attached to his forehead. It's quite the comical sight, and your brother keeps trying to think up different handshakes. So, it's not all bad, and now Mort is helping your father with making things to sell," Healia explained and the tension left me.

The witch did that on purpose, she knew that it would get me worked up! I took a deep breath in and started to explain everything that happened.

Healia stayed quiet the entire time until I got to the part about the Ground Pounders and what I did to them.

"Good girl, men like that don't deserve to continue breathing, but what does this mean for you in the city? Dyster won't like that you hurt his prized guild."

"Jester has people watching them, for now, we just need to get stronger, but I wanted to ask you something. Is it okay for me to start a fight with Giyadel? He is killing human women by turning them into his bed with promises of riches and lives of luxury."

"You do what you want, but just know that Giyadel will bring the fight to us if you start interfering in his business. Still, I agree that the monster needs to be stopped, just use your discretion. You are still weak in the eyes of the gods, so I suggest you work on your own power before hopping into bed with a lion," Healia explained to me.

"I know that, but it is hard to sit by ideally when I know this is happening!"

"But going and getting yourself or the girls killed because you can't control yourself is not the answer to this problem. From what I have heard so far, this Jester is the real deal. So, try and work with him and get stronger. You need power first before you can challenge others," Healia told me, and I stepped back from the rock.

She was right and getting the girls hurt or worse was not my plan. I would just need to get stronger so I could protect everyone, but I would also need to help the girls get stronger.

"Thank you, I hope I can be finished here so I can get back home. I already miss my father, and even my brothers a little bit," I said straightening back up, and Lesha came and slipped her hand into mine.

"Don't rush K, this is your first time being outside in the world, you need to explore and try new things! There is no rush right now, your brothers are doing good, and once you get a Waystone, you can start to send the new member back."

"When I get the stone, can't I just come back and Visit with it?" I asked.

"No, the Waystones are from returning only. If you come back you would have to make the same trip all over again. Like I said, K, take your time, explore the world. The more you learn now the more you will prepare for the things that will come later. Learn how other people live their lives and see the different ways that people do things. Use this trip to expand your understanding of the world, and when it comes a time, you will be able to help people better."

Then she was gone, not even a goodbye, but this woman wasn't my mother. Still, I was glad to hear her voice and to hear her reassurances.

I turned back to Lesha who was still holding my hand.

"Okay, let's go and see these Gem Hearts. Hopefully, I can get Gobby to go in the water and get them," I said kissing her cheek and following the girls back down the stairs.

"I will teach you, don't worry. It's not that big of a deal, you never needed to swim so why would you have learned? We all will show you how," Lesha said kissing my shoulder and rubbing my arm.

I would need to learn, but I didn't want to look like an idiot in front of them.

'Don't worry about it too much, I think you will be fine.' Drania.

'Hey! You! Why did you tell me that Lishtani was some wild bloodthirsty beast?'

[She is just jealous that she has to stay inside of your head and has freedom. Unlike me, I get to come and take control of your body. Isn't that right, snookums?]

'Huh? What? Drania? Are me? Do you like girls as well?'

[Oh, she likes girls, but something is wrong with her. She normally wouldn't talk about me so meanly, but I suspect it is just another part.]

'I can't control everything that I say, but Lishtani is not an angel! Yes, I like her, but that doesn't change how reckless she can be...can't tell you what no, it's useless for me to even try. Whatever has been done to me is still there from before, but now I know that it's there, I just can't do anything about it. You need to get stronger, but until then, heed my words, but know that not everything I say can't always be trusted.' -Drania.

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