Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 7

7 | Wrap

In my eyes, youre the female lead.

When she saw Song Nanchuans message, Pei Yings heart started pounding again.

The invitation was very enticing, and she even started thinking about what she would wear to the meeting. However, after a moment, her mouth droppedas she replied, Im sorry. Filming wraps for me today, so the crew invited me out for dinner.

Pei Ying felt it was such a pity. Why didnt he invite her earlier? She wouldve turned down the crews offer and gone out with him

Although that thought made her a bit apologetic to the drama crew.

[Chuan Chuan] Youre done filming already?

[Pei Ying] Mm I was originally just a walk-on, so my part was very small. orz

Seeing the text she sent, Song Nanchuan laughed. Thats okay, in my eyes, youre the female lead.

Sitting in the corner, holding her phone, Pei Yings face instantly went red.

A wave of chaos burst out in her heart, and she was uncertain how to answer. She suddenly felt that Ren Shanshan was right. Song Nanchuan was an expert.

Thank goodness that Song Nanchuan sent another message. Who are you eating dinner with tonight?

[Pei Ying] Yu Kaize and Tao Tao.

When he saw Yu Kaizes name, Song Nanchuans brows twitched. He thought for a moment, and then responded, Where are you eating?

Were having Japanese food at Ying Ting, she answered honestly.

Okay, have a good meal. Ill invite you out again next time.

Awhile after Song Nanchuans message, Pei Ying started to wonder why he asked for such a detail.

She looked over their messages again. When she saw that line, in my eyes, youre the female lead, her face turned red again.

After the drama team wrapped up for the day, Pei Ying, Yu Kaize, and Tao Tao headed over to Ying Ting. Yu Kaize always drove his car to the filming site. Between riding his Porcheand Tao Taos company van, she chose the latter.

The whole way, Tao Tao wrapped her arm around Pei Yings and chatted. Yu Kaize ah, hes Universe Pictures prince. His tempers usually really big, but hes also pretty generous and often invites the crew out to eat. Of course, 90% of the time, its thepretty girls.

Pei Ying laughed. Tao Tao blinked her big eyes at Pei Ying again. Youre so hot, no wonder hes trying so hard.

Pei Ying responded, Maybe hes interested in you. After all, youve been filming together for quite awhile. Who knows, the acting might have turned real.

Because Light Shines on Raiment of Rainbows was really popular recently, the production and the leads companies were actively trying to ship the two of them together. Yu Kaize and Tao Tao often interacted on their Weibos, and they really gave off a couple feel.

After she heard Pei Yings words, Tao Tao laughed. Youve got to know its all a marketing ploy, right? Yu Kaize and I are just putting on appearances. Were not each others types.

Pei Ying nodded lightly, but didnt continue the topic.

Not long after, the car arrived at the restaurant. Yu Kaize had already reserved a private room, so the three of them headed directly inside. The place had comparatively higher quality Japanese food, so celebrities often visited. The staff at the restaurant should have been accustomed to seeing stars, but when they saw Yu Kaize, their eyes still shined.

Pei Ying could feel that Yu Kaize was really popular now.

They didnt wait very long in the room before the food they ordered started arriving, plate after plate. Because Yu Kaize drove, they didnt order any alcohol. Instead, there was just juice and tea at the table.

According to convention, before they started eating, they had to take photos first.

Yu Kaize took a photo of the table full of food and then posted it to his Weibo. Tao Tao only took a photo of one of the dishes and then also posted it onto her Weibo.

Pei Ying blinked. She trusted that very soon, there would be some astute fan who would realize that the two actors photos were of the same table, and then they would conclude that they were eating together. She looked on in slight admiration. Tao Tao really understoodthis kind of stuff.

She watched the two of them taking photos, but Pei Ying didnt take any herself. She just quietly sat down and started to eat.

Tao Tao was probably the dieting variety of female celebrities. She only tasted the dishes at the table and ate very little. Yu Kaize didnt mind her, and instead, kept recommending dishes for Pei Ying to eat. After more than an hour of dinner, the table of food was nearly finished, so Yu Kaize got up to pay the bill.

Sitting in the room, Tao Tao asked Pei Ying, How are you planning on getting back? Do you need me to send you back?

Pei Ying said, No, were not even going the same way. Ill just get a taxi back. The company helped Tao Tao find the house she was currently living in, and it was in a different direction from where Pei Ying lived.

Tao Tao nodded and didnt say any more.

After Yu Kaize finished paying the bill, he and Tao Tao headed to the parking garage. Pei Ying didnt follow them. She headed out the front door by herself, about to hail down a taxi on the street.


Before she even got to the street, a car horn sounded behind her. Pei Ying turned and saw Yu Kaizes eye-catching red Porsche.

Beautiful, Ill send you home. Yu Kaize sat in the drivers seat, still wearing his beloved sunglasses.

In her private life, Pei Ying rarely went anywhere with male celebrities. For one thing, she didnt have many interactions with them in the first place. But also, going anywhere with a male celebrity would inevitably result in gossip. And she hated gossip. So towards a big scandal maker like Yu Kaize, she could only politely smile and turn down his offer. Its late, so if were seen together, others will easily misunderstand. Ill just get a taxi, but thank you for your kind intentions.

Yu Kaize turned his head to look at her. Those reporters love making headlines about things like this. Why bother worrying about them?

Pei Ying smiled. He was Universe Pictures prince, so of course he wasnt afraid of it, but she didnt have as many fans as him. Her haters on Weibo had started settling and quieting down. She didnt want another wave of that.

Its really okay. My place isnt that far away Before she finished speaking, another car stopped on the street.

Pei Yings eyes widened. Wasnt this Song Nanchuans car?

And indeed, the door to the car quickly opened. Song Nanchuan, dressed in a suit, stepped out. What a coincidence, Pei Ying.

Pei Ying couldnt help staring at him blankly. It really was quite the coincidence.

Yu Kaize also saw Song Nanchuan, and he laughed. CEO Song, youre eating here too?

Song Nanchuan turned to him and his lips curved up in a smile. I was having dinner here with a friend. If I knew that Young Master Yu was also here, Id have invited you to join us.

Yu Kaize scoffed but didnt otherwise respond.

Oh my god, its Yu Kaize!

A sudden turn of events took them by surprise. Before Yu Kaize could react, several shouts floated over, Its really Yu Kaize! Its him! Hes so handsome!

In the blink of an eye, Yu Kaizes high-profile Porche was suddenly surrounded by a crowd of female fans. Yu Kaize sat inside his car, finding the situation an utter pain in the ass, but he smiled especially patiently at the crowd.

Ze Ze, can you give me your autograph?!

Ze Ze, can we take a picture together?!


Pei Yings wrist was suddenly pulled away while she stood among the gasping crowd. When she raised her head, her eyes met Song Nanchuans.

He smiled at her and mouthed, Get in.

In two seconds, Song Nanchuan pulled her into his Maybach, leaving Yu Kaize behind in the storm.

Pei Ying looked out the window at the growing crowd of fans. She couldnt help laughing, Arent we being a bit inconsiderate?

Song Nanchuan responded, unconcerned, Hell take care of it himself.

Pei Ying was still smiling. She thought to herself that there really was an advantage to being less popular. In such a situation, no one would have recognized or noticed her.

She pulled her gaze back from the window and looked over at Song Nanchuan. CEO Song, its such a coincidence that you were eating here as well.

Song Nanchuans expression remained the same. I heard you mention that it was good, and I kind of wanted to eat Japanese food, so I decided to meet my friend here.

Oh, so it was like that. Pei Ying nodded, a light smile on her lips.


Song Nanchuan regained his initiative and asked her, What were you doing on the street with Yu Kaize?

Oh, he said he would send me home.

Send you home? Song Nanchuan raised his brow. In the past, all the girls he sent home ended up on the front page of the news the next day.

Pei Ying suddenly wanted to laugh. Her lips twitched, but she didnt let her smile show. CEO Song, you concern yourself over such gossip?

The point is that Yu Kaizes very famous on this front.

Pei Ying lowered her head and chuckled. The car fell into silence for a few seconds, and then a rustling came as Song Nanchuan bent over to pick up something.

Pei Ying glanced over curiously and saw Song Nanchuan handing over a paper bag. This is for you.

Pei Ying was startled and forgot to extend her hands to accept it. What is it?

Song Nanchuan smiled at her. Its nothing much. Do you still remember the breakfast recipe I had Xiao Zhang look up? He thought it was because I wanted it, so he went out and bought all the ingredients. I wont use this, so I thought Id give it to you. Remember to eat breakfast in the mornings.

Pei Ying still hadnt quite returned to her senses. She just unconsciously accepted the paper bag and looked inside. Yogurt, cereal, bread, and fruit.

Since theyre perishable, he didnt buy a lot, Song Nanchuan explained to her.

Th-thank you Pei Ying finally came to her senses, but her thumping heart seemed to want to knock that bit of sanity away.

Youre welcome. Song Nanchuans lips curved nicely and he looked at her with his pretty eyes. Im going on a business trip tomorrow, and I probably wont be back for five or six days. Ill treat you to a meal when I get back.


Pei Yings soul floated off on a trip for the rest of the ride back to her apartment. When she saw the familiar building through the window, she finally realized that she ought to get out of the car.

CEO Song, thank you for the ride. Pei Ying lifted up the bag of food and added, And thanks for the breakfast.

Song Nanchuan laughed. No need to be so courteous with me.

Of course I should be. Pei Ying gave a nervous laugh and got out of the car. When she turned back to close the door, Song Nanchuan had already moved over to the window. He looked up at her, and the entire sky of stars seemed to reflect in his eyes. I saw your picture. It was very pretty, but dont post pictures like that to your feed anymore.

Just send them to me.

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