Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 996  What is Your Choice?

Chapter 996  What is Your Choice?

Wang Wei opened his eyes in the Heavenly Court,

"The first step of the alliance has been established. Next, people like Shi Qian and Xi Shangyan should be excellent allies," he muttered to himself before waving his hand, and a screen appeared before him.

The screen was dark for a few seconds before a young man manifested above.

"I thought you had forgotten about our deal."

"I am a man of my word. Since I said I would help, then I won't go back on my mind."

Wang Wei glanced at Liang Shixian opposite him. The latter appeared not to have changed since their last encounter during Gu Xuan's Deception Trial. However, he could see signs of tiredness and worries hidden behind the latter's body language and microexpressions.

"So, have you created the new path?" he asked excitedly.

"No, I've only set up the first stage."

"Oh, I thought it was finally completed."

"No, I just wanted to reassure you that I wouldn't break my words."

"It's okay. Remember to contact me when you're finished."

Wang Wei nodded before closing the communication.

'Trouble amongst the Divine Race?'

After thinking about it for a while, he realized such a situation was inevitable. After Feng Heng removed the Absolute Beginning Magic that targeted faith and the Divine Race, their next step should be to return to the world.

However, they've been isolated for so long that they no longer have a homeland. Scattering themselves to multiple world communities will drastically weaken their power, and Wang Wei guessed some elders or people in power do not want this to happen.

'If remember correctly, there was internal fighting amongst them between the younger and older generation. Things should have escalated by now.'

He shook his head as he did not care about the trouble of their race. Wang Wei waved his hand to send multiple talismans that rushed to different corners of the world.

He walked out of his room, looking at the mostly empty court. He raised his eyes to glance at the universe above. After his visit to the Star Beast World, he created a Starry Sky Universe as a decoration for the Heavenly Court, making it more beautiful than it used to be. As such, the stars are extremely elegant at night.

He soon arrived at a pool in the court and began fishing. A few minutes later, six people showed up: Lin Fan, Jian Wushuang, Zhen Biyu, Jingwu Hua, Yang Guowei, and Yin Gen. Everyone looked at each other and guessed the criteria for being summoned.

Wang Wei raised his head to look at these people across the pond. With a glance, he could feel the myriad of emotions they were experiencing: awe, respect, fear, regret, and shame.

"Wait a while since not everyone is here yet," commanded Wang Wei before a portal appeared before him, floating above the lake.

"Where is Xiao Songxi's body?"

Ao Shen was shocked at first before swiftly composing himself. Without hesitation, he took out a decrepit body that was on the verge of collapsing.

"The Baishe Clan did not want anything to do with him, so I had to keep him alive in this state."

Wang Wei did not comment on Ao Shen's words; with the latter's strength, it should not be a problem to heal Xiao Songxi. However, since his command was only to keep the latter alive, he had technically fulfilled his promise.

Xiao Songxi's body flew out of the portal before closing. Wang Wei pointed at him, and the Dao of Life and Death began to work its magic. In a few seconds, his body returned to its peak state, including his damaged Bloodline Source.

Xiao Songxi was groggy and disoriented, not knowing his surroundings. However, before he could have time to acclimate, a large amount of information about the world's changes appeared in his mind.

Wang Wei left everybody's side while still in a daze as he continued his work. He pointed forward, and a projection manifested as the eight individuals appeared.

However, he soon sensed a terrifying killing intent and looked at the source. Lin Fan–who was the weakest here with his Divine Altar Cultivation–looked at Su Ya with a passion that could burn the world.

"Where am I?" asked Su Ya, looking at her surroundings as her natural black hair floated with the wind.

"You're still sealed, but I've summoned your consciousness."

She looked at him, perplexed for a moment.

"So, you were the final winner."

"Yes, but a lot more has happened since then," explained Wang Wei before transmitting a lot of information about recent events in her mind.

"So, that's how it is," she muttered as her hair turned into a beautiful rainbow. She glanced at Lin Fan, her eyes calm and composed, almost indifferent. Finally, her gaze shifted back to Wang Wei, waiting for him to continue.

"I've summoned all of you to give you an opportunity. Well, it should be described more as a choice."

He paused as he felt these people's bodies tense. He knew some of them probably thought he summoned them here to eliminate future competitors for the Dao Opening Sect.

"I will give you a chance to prove the Dao in this generation."

Everyone quieted down, not knowing whether this was a joke or not. Logically speaking, someone of the Heavenly Emperor's standing should not make such a joke, but they could not feel this was true.

"Your majesty, is this true?" asked Jian Wushuang, the first to respond. He remembered the words of his ancestors that he might have a chance in this generation. He finally knew what the latter meant.


"But you said this was a choice. What do you mean?" asked Lin Fan.

"There is no free launch in this world. You must pay a price if you want to use my method."

Everyone's guard that was lowered immediately reached the highest point; such a word was ominous, especially coming from him.

"Can you not act like these old people and tell us things directly," said Su Ya, almost rolling his eyes. Wang Wei smiled in return; it was rare to see someone not care about his status and speak to him like this. She seems to have not accepted his status yet, so her mind is still young and reckless.

"What do you know about the upper dimension?"

No one said anything. Although they knew some information, it was not nearly enough to be considered knowledgeable.

"As you can imagine, it's a vast world where the limit of cultivation is not the Emperor Realm. However, nine people have usurped control of everything, going as far as preventing others from reaching higher realms."

Some people frowned as this was bad news for them. In the stage of their cultivation journey, they also began to look at higher realms and greater accomplishments.

"The situation is complex, but you have to know that seven of them are the main antagonists–they are the main ones responsible for blocking everybody's path."

"Excuse me, Your…Majesty," said Lin Fan. "Honestly, your information does not add up. Where are our ancestors who ascended? They just allowed these people to usurp the entire world?"

"Unfortunately, a prior massive event killed all of them or forced them to stay in Limbo, unable to revive themselves."

Their faces changed. The upper dimension ancestors should be their backers for when they ascend. They know very well the importance of a powerful background in the cultivation world.

"Like I said, the situation is complicated, and I don't know much," explained Wang Wei, a mediocre attempt at reassuring them.

"So, do we come into this equation?" asked Zhen Buyi.

"Based on my few words, you can tell the complexity of the upper dimension. So, how could the people allow themselves to be oppressed without fighting back."

"There is a rebellion?" asked Su Ya.

"Yes, and I have come to an agreement with them. You will ascend, and they will provide you with a Heaven Will. In return, you have to fight and support their cause."

No one said anything, as this news required time to process and analyze. More than five minutes later, Zhen Biyu asked the first question:

"Does the upper dimension have Heaven Will that can be exchanged like a commodity?"

"Yes. It's much easier to prove the Dao there than here."

"What about our factions? What should we do about them?" asked Lin Fan.

"Do you mean the one here or up there?"


"These people fear the revival of our ancestors, so the situation of our factions up there is not the best, so it's best to avoid them or only contact them secretly," explained Wang Wei. "As for the one in the lower dimension, I have made a deal with True Heavenly Dao. You can descend briefly to preach and leave an Emperor Artifact and Array for your respective faction.

"As for things like Immortal Mansion and Grand Dao Source Seed, you can send them later, but there will be a limit."

Everyone had different thoughts once they understood the situation. The majority favored this outcome. Only they know how painful it is to see their peers rise to such a level of strength and status, and the worst part is they cannot show any dissatisfaction and accept their failures and weaknesses.

"I want to know what's on it for you?" asked Su Ya.

"These people are blocking my path to pursue the Dao. I'm sending you early to pave the way for when I ascend. With your talents, once given the opportunity to shine, it should not cause them major problems. Then, when I arrive, I can use the building blocks you've established to end their reign."

Su Ya did not entirely believe these words; he guessed these guys must have received some benefits. Most likely, he was the one who sold them in the first place.

She rolled her eyes, "So, we are just the opening, and you're the main show." "Hey, if you can deal with them and ensure I don't have to do anything, I would be more than happy.

No one said anything. Despite their defeat and accepting they were inferior to the current Wang Wei, that was only because of the missed opportunity. If they were allowed to stand on the same level as him, none would readily admit they were inferior.

After all, they had long understood that one defeat did not mean everything, and being ahead in the game did not indicate that it was over.

Wang Wei secretly smiled when he saw their reactions. Geniuses were naturally prideful, so how could they readily admit defeat?

'With such a mindset and me not being present to breathe above their heads, they should work hard to change the situation of the upper dimension.'

He did not believe these people would remain loyal to the Revolution. However, his goal will be achieved as long as they see the parasites as the enemy.

"So, what's your choice?"

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