It Starts With The Confession To The Beautiful Master

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

No! Yaoer got into trouble because of me, if I leave now, would I still be considered a man?

Zhang Yi gritted his teeth and made up his mind silently, standing next to Yue Yao.

Its really unlucky. Just when things were starting to look up in this world, this damn vision had to happen and cause so much trouble.

Zhang Yi cursed inwardly. What a mess. There was no peace even for a moment.

When Yue Yao saw that Zhang Yi not only did not leave but also stood by her side resolutely, she was a little stunned. Her heart rippled, but she quickly frowned and scolded, What are you still doing here? Get out of here!

Im not leaving! Where you stay, I stay.

Zhang Yi said firmly.

This was probably the most romantic thing Yue Yao had ever heard in her life, but she had no time to be moved now. She looked up and shouted, Elders, take Zhang Yi away from the Dao Sect!

As she spoke, the nine elders of the Dao Sect appeared, but Qinglian and the others also appeared at the same time, creating a triangular formation and tightly surrounding the two of them, not giving Zhang Yi a chance to escape.

Do you think you three can be my opponents in the Dao Sect?

Yue Yao pointed her sword at Daoist Qinglian, and a cold light burst forth, the atmosphere became tense.

Yue Yao, you call yourself the Heartless Fairy. Is it necessary to make enemies with the entire Wuling for the sake of Zhang Yi?

We three may not be your opponents, but are you the opponent of the entire Wuling Continent?

We have no intention of being your enemy. As long as you hand over Zhang Yi, we can let you be the first to ascend the immortal path when it opens!

The strength of the Dao sect cannot be underestimated, so Daoist Qinglian had to advise her with kind words.

Ive already protected Zhang Yi. Today, either you leave, or you die!

Yue Yao didnt back down and protected Zhang Yi firmly.

Yue Yao, are you trying to drag the entire Dao sect down with you? Have you consulted with the nine elders?

Heavenly Sects emperor glanced at the nine elders and smiled ominously, Im sure the nine elders have heard the legend of Supremacy emerges, Wuling in chaos, the immortal path destroyed. Now that Zhang Yi has caused the Supremes Vision, he is a disaster for the continent of Wuling, and his existence will destroy the immortal path!

He didnt believe that the nine elders of the Dao sect wouldnt waver, as this involved the interests of everyone.

However, the Dao sect, known for its ruthlessness, surprised him. The nine elders didnt hesitate and solemnly said, We swear to follow the sect leaders footsteps to the death!


Daoist Qinglian and the others looked at each other in confusion. Isnt the Dao sect known for being ruthless? Why are they not playing by the rules?

This made them a bit embarrassed and looking at the murderous Yue Yao, it seemed like it wouldnt be easy to leave today.


Yue Yao had already made up her mind to fight them, and with a command, the nine elders and she swung their swords at the three invaders, and a battle was about to begin.

However, just then, a phenomenon erupted in the sky, a pair of huge eyes shrouded in the void, and more importantly, these eyes were also the Heavenly pupil, with no less momentum than the Supremes Vision caused by Zhang Yi.

Everyone was attracted by the phenomenon in the sky and stopped their actions.

Is that the direction of our Heavenly Sect? The co-appearance of the Heavenly Pupil and the Supremes Vision, is a great sign of the grand era, the best opportunity to ascend the immortal path!

The Sect Master of the Heavenly Sect looked excitedly at the heavenly pupil phenomenon in the sky.

There has always been a famous prophecy in the Wuling continent: Supreme emerges, Wuling in chaos, the immortal path destroyed; Heavenly Pupil and Supremacy appearing at the same time, a great struggle in the grand era, and the immortal path flourishing!

Zhang Yi only confirmed the first half of the rumor, while the appearance of the Heavenly Pupil confirmed the second half, which could be considered as invisibly solving the crisis.

Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, There is always a way out. The timing of the appearance of this heavenly pupil is perfect. It seems we have overcome this disaster.

Even Yue Yao relaxed as she watched the strange phenomenon of the heavenly pupil. It wasnt time to turn against them yet, and the killing intent on her body gradually dissipated.

Yue Yao, now that the heavenly pupil has appeared in the world, it is a sign of the great era. We should leave first.

Daoist Qinglian changed her attitude and said in a charming manner.

Now that the strange phenomenon of the Heavenly Pupil has appeared, the crisis of the Supreme naturally no longer exists.

I will remember what happened today. Take care, everyone!

Yue Yao coldly said, and the threat in her words was self-evident.

Qinglian Daoist and the others shook their heads with bitter smiles, bid farewell, and left quietly.

Great Elder, go and see who caused the strange phenomenon of the Heavenly Pupil

Yue Yao gave the order and then returned to the Moon Shadow Peak with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi! Why didnt you listen to me? Didnt I tell you to leave? Do you know that if Heavenly Pupil didnt appear today, you would have become an enemy of the world?

Yue Yao scolded Zhang Yi, and although it was blaming, her words also revealed a hint of concern.

Yaoer, if you are willing to put the Dao Sect on the line for me, I am willing to face this tribulation with you alone.

Zhang Yi spoke passionately. The previous events had indeed touched him deeply, and he sincerely wanted to say this.

What is love in this world? It teaches us to pledge ourselves until death do us part

Yue Yao suddenly remembered what Zhang Yi had said before and was moved. Her gaze toward Zhang Yi gradually changed, becoming even gentler than before.

Dont do this again in the future!

Alsoyou must call me Master in front of the others!

At first, Yue Yao spoke with a commanding and overbearing tone, but in the end, her voice became quieter and there was no longer a trace of the Heartless Fairy in her demeanor.


Zhang Yi was pleasantly surprised, his smile becoming even brighter.

Did their relationship just become even closer? Theres no heartless fairy in this world, only someone who hasnt made her heart flutter.

Yaoer my back still hurts a little. How about some compensation?

After applying the medicine, his back injury had already healed. He just wanted some compensation.

Dont go too far!

Yue Yao frowned, surprisingly not repulsed by Zhang Yis request, and even somewhat expecting it.

Dont worry, I just want something simple. Just give me a kiss!

Zhang Yi pointed to his cheek and leaned in, closing his eyes in anticipation.


A cold slap pushed his face away. Zhang Yi! Dont push your luck!

How come I didnt realize he was so bold before? Yue Yao blushed, not understanding why Zhang Yi would say such things so casually.

Zhang Yi wasnt discouraged, his smile disappeared from his face. He didnt expect Yue Yao to agree to his request. His earlier request was just a prelude to helping Yue Yao agree to his real request.

Then how about a hug?

After saying that, Zhang Yi rushed toward Yue Yao, and the two collided with each other. Zhang Yi tightly embraced Yue Yaos soft body, and a unique fragrance swept over him, making him intoxicated.

Yue Yaos arms and legs were at a loss, and she was stunned for a moment. She had never been so intimate with anyone before, never! Zhang Yi was the first person!

So soft! So heavenly!

Zhang Yi carefully savored this moment of peace.

The two embraced each other, under the moonlight, like a fairy tale painting!

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