Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 643 Useless piece of…!

Chapter 643 Useless piece of…!

[Rein's POV: ]

'Uum-hmm. This much is taking us nowhere…'

In our house room, we were doing the trials for the selection of the people that wanted to participate in the alchemy competition from our hose. And, we were approaching the predicament of having the strong enough team with only having the best people or those with best potential in the team.

'Since I can't do something as absurd as training useless people from the ground up as my bastard Eon does, or have some magical book that encodes knowladge into the minds of others, the only way to get any fucking change to have a good score in this competition was by choosing the best people with the best shot at the different aspects of the things that I will later teach them so that they could have even a spark of them chance to comepetation against those old masters and people who god jknows how proficient were in crushing their opponents.'

I was there the last time and I had seen the oldies who created things that were unpresidented from things that were so simple that we grew them in our gardens.

Like… they created hol;y water level healing potions, or higher than the highest grade Mana potions and, these were just the basi things that I was talking about.

Those old bastards, as well as some super genius younger ones created things that were just too absurd to understand in that competitions…

'Chimeras, homonculous, Golders, creations of alchemy that defined logic, such as the spirit solders, weapons that could destroy nations if it falls into the wrong hands, things that were even more unfathomable than those things, like special magic circles that could turn soil into gold, summon creatures of the world beyond this one, creatures that none had seen before, or take an alredy existing 'thing' back in time or, as they called it, reverse the process of creation through a complex alchemical magic circle.'

That was the level we were talking about when we talked about the annual Alchemy comepetation of the Princepality, and my damned fiancé bastard calm,ed they were going to go for the win? In those kind of circumstances?

What, was he going to create some portion that could bring someone or something back to life? Like, that's the only way i see they could win this comepetation… but then again, it's something practically impossible, and also something that even headmaster found crazy when he proposed the possibility of something like that.

'I know we are working on that thing but, it;'s not something we could possibility show in the alchemy cometation even if we are successful in making it. It's practically impossible to create in a normal informant according to our currnt speculations.'

It would require some special conditions and a special place so, we aren't creating some true resurrection potion anytime soon.

So, it made me doubt just what kind of absurd thing he was going to go for to get the victory. 

'I would belive it if he was also part of the team that was going to particopate from his house, but, with us attending the competition officially, his particiapation was out of the question.'

So, he was training his house members for the cvisctory, which was an absurd thing all in itself even with all his resources and knowladge.

'I don't know how he will pull this out but, if he said there is a chance they might win, I can't just sit around and just watch him take the first spot.

'We also had to get at least a sport in the top rankings and something that would certainly be above the other houses. Only then we would have a chance to have a higher house score and the second spot on the house scoreboard.'

I was aiming for that… but, this is fucked up.

"None of you are taking the alchemy courses? Really?"

I selected twelve people out of thousands of my house member that my eyes considered the best, aside from the six others who were the most proficient in the alchemy compared to the others of my house.

But, the fucked up problem was none, and i mean none of the twelve that I selected based on my judgement and their potential, were in any way related to the alchemy subject… at all!

"Answer me, you idiots. Just say something instead of standing there blankly."

All twelve of them were taking some kind of practical courses and even though three of them were mages, these bastards were taking the classes totally unrelated to magic.

"Captain… we… I don't know why you chose me, but, I have never had anything to do with alchemy in my life. I grew up in the family of blacksmiths and that's all I have learned through my life."

There was this dwarf boy, of of the smart Ione's among these bunch of idiots, but he also didn't know about his skills and abilities. Just like all the other bunch of idiots.

"Don't you know you have a skill called [Fusion]? Like, the name is so straightforward dude. Where have you been using that 'alchemy' attributed skill until now?"

All twelve of them… all of them I say, every single one of them, were useless.

They had skills that could be used to do so much in a specific field but some didn't even knew that skill could be used in the way I was thinking or were totally unaware of the fact that the skills that possessed were something that could be used in a certain field in a better way than they were currently using it as.

This entire bunch…

"Haaaaa… speak up NÏoB."

"Yes maam! I had been using this skill to properly fuse the metals like my dad taught me! He said this was the perfect skill any dwarf could wish to have when it came to fusing different metals!"

He was using this skill to fuse metals? 

'Well… his dad taught him to use it that way so, I don't blame him.'

He was pretty good when it came to the metalworks, that much I had heard from Zoe, but, if he was using that skill just for the metals, then, he was certainly missing out on the wider range of the functions this skill was able to possess.

"Look, boy… I won't say what your dad taught you was wrong, but, now listen here. Not just him but all of you.

You have skills that could be used in the alchemy and when we use those skills during some specific processes, we will have greater chances to win at least a spot in the competation.

I'm not saying what you were doing with those skills was wrong, but, what you will do from now on with those skills of yours, will be as I guide you all."

It willl be difficult, it will certainly be difficult, I know. 

All of them are just a bunch of kids and dumb ones at that, there were some that didn't even knew they could use their skills in a way they were intended to be used. 

They were miserable ones, and their house captain, it was my responsibility to bring that back top the right path so that they could-

"Tsk. What do you know about our skills?"

"Hmm? What was that?"

"How can you know more about our skills when you haven't even seen us use it even once? In the first place, it's unethical to look at someone else's skill and tell them they had been using it the wrong way all this time.

Do you know just how much difficulties we have gone through to get that skill?

Do you know just how much pain we have suffered in the process?

Do you know just how difficult it was for us to learn the proper use of the skills that we had or had gained along the way in our life?

Who are you to tell us how to use our skills? I don't even want to participate in this fucking competation or this whole house shit drama.

Why force someone to do something against their will?"

"Because I have the authority to do so you fucking bastard."

His name was Polin, a commoner of the northern continent's one of the small free cities. And, I was looking at him with, a genuinely angry expression right now.

"What did you just say, difficulties? Pain? Learn skills on the process? Do you even know if I know it or not? Fucking bastard. 

Of course I know all there is to know about you you bastard. 

I know even the things that you don't know about yourself. Things that you will never know if I don't tell you. 

Things that are hidden from you, things that the world will deny even if you try to know them.

You wanna test me, then do it. I'm right here to accespt any quest or challange you have. But if you want to question my authority, remember that you won't be getting out of it unhurt.

And what was all that about pain? You fucking piece of shit. If you don't want to participate then just go. Did I ever say you can't do the things i ask you to.

Did you ever argue or express your disagreement? 

You bloody fucking trash.

I'm helping you by going out of my way to pick you out of the crowd of thousand people and you are curing me? Fucking ungrateful bitch.

You want to see what i know about you? Just ask. You want to know how I know more about your skills? Just asking will be enough. 

You don't want to do things that I tell you? Just don't do it. I never forced any one of you.

You consented to do the things I ask of you, and that just shows that I have the authority in this place I need. 

You not having done anything to be against my words just shows you have accepted that authority. You have consented to do the things I ask or you even without me actually using force.

And belive me when I say this, dear… I haven't even started with what I can do with you little bunch.

You don't want to do the things I tell you? Walk away. The doors opens up on its own so it's convenient but as long as you are here… don't you ever fucking question my authority, or knowladge, or decisions as a matter of fact.

Following them will be helpful to you, and not doing it will make you regret it for the rest of your life.

It all up to you at the end."

Fucking trash.

My house was full of useless trashes. Fucking bastards.

This one that said all that just now was one of the biggest trashes I had.

He had a skill that was comparable to Chry's unique skills that might bloom out to be something extraordinary but he didnt give a shit about it at all? 

This fucking bastard really just wanted to life his life as a back alley thug hun? 

He was an ungrateful bastard.

For real, fuck.

He didn't even give a shit about the one who pointed him towards this school, who saw his talent and guided him towards the right path.

'He carried the potential to become a grandmaster… but he wanted to just live off stealing little things, it seems.'

It's fine with me, fuck!

What do I care?!

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