Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 623 Unique Way Of Communication

[Eon's POV: ]

She hugged me, not out of the but she certainly hugged me and it was the last thing I was expecting from her. 

She was the first person who touched Rein on this island, and that too in the astral realm when we had just landed in the academy.

I was angry at her, very angry. And she certainly got what she deserved for what she had done to her.

She suffered, perhaps a little too much, but she received what she deserved. That doesn't mean I have forgiven her for that though. I still didn't like her much.

I know she still had eyes for her and that she still flirted with her but… she was also a normal person with normal emotions and feelings. She also felt the same things that we normal people did. 

She was a unique being but she was still a normal person. A talented normal person at that.

She could do many things and she was good at many things as well. She was a good person who cherished those close to her and the ones she had the duty to look after.

She had her pride as the vice headmaster, as the one who was certainly better than many other students of the academy.

I could understand very well how bad and bitter she must have felt after endangering all those students and creatures back then and even today, if she had been careless, many more could have been endangered. 

Thankfully though, nothing happened. She took care of the things and nothing happened. But something could have happened. Undoubtedly.

She was the reason those dangerous creatures were summoned on this ground, it was because of her that the people and creatures' lives were put into jeopardy. 

She blamed herself and she must have been in constant doubt over the things that were happening around her. I knew it must have been very difficult for her to deal with it all by herself, and since she was a prideful person, I knew she would have tried dealing with all of it by herself. 

She was that kind of person.

That's why…

Being told that the thing she believed wasn't her fault with that doubtful heart, helping her with the summoning once again when she had lost all hope to ever perform this summoning, and, ultimately helping her meet her soulmate were things she would have never asked form anyone had she known the things would turn out this way, but, even without asking, she received 'our' help, and she knew if it wasn't for me activating the summoning circle once again with those improvement that not even the headmaster was aware of, she might never have met Mirror. 

That's why, she was grateful to me.

She didn't like me much either since the things that had happened between us, but, after all of this, she couldn't hate me either. 

Hugging her enemy was a big blow to her own pride in a way but, she didn't care about that at this moment. She was just thankful for what had happened right now. That was all.


And her saying thanks was something… yeah. President Zodiac had a very subtle change in his expression so I knew what was going on inside his mind now after hearing her say thanks to the one she didn't like much.

"Would you share-"


This is right here. That's why I couldn't get too good with her. 

'She really is into Rein, hunhhh…'

It was more than just the attraction this time. She had seen her in her astral form so the attraction was more than to her physical body.

She was practically attracted to her soul itself, perhaps the same way that others get attracted to others' bodies but, in some off chance she actually had feelings for her, then there would be more pain in this whole thing for her.

Some others were already enduring and living with the pain of not being able to have her and I really didn't want her to be an addition to that whole list. It wasn't a good place for someone like her.

'She's better off without that pain.'

I respected her talents and abilities. She certainly was a great person who had and will achieve even greater things in this world. She was amazing, and, seeing the person I respected suffer because of something like this… I didn't want this.

"Alright then. My work here's done."

I hugged her back and after a moment, we separated, nodded at each other, and, with a smile on her face, she returned back to Mirror.

'She's fascinating…'

This was my first time seeing a unique bloodline creature, one such as her especially. 

She was a fascinating creature with great intelligence and there were many things about her that I didn't know yet.

She relieved the great pressure on my body with her mere voice, she possessed physical features that were hard to define with normal logic, she was a creature with the ability to command not just the elemental attributes but the natural factors themselves. 

She was much more than that, and, she was her familiar now. 

They were together. And, as their helper, I had every right to study her up close and be friends with her. Perhaps.



Wait. What was this?

"Special, right? She speaks with emotions and memories instead of language. I was surprised at first as well, but after bonding with her and seeing the kind of life she had lived until now, I understood her reason to prefer the emotions over language."

When Mirror looked at me with that happy look, for some strange reason, I remembered an old memory of my mom thanking me.

It was perhaps the same kind of emotion she wanted to convey at the moment and this way of communication… was new.

It wasn't a language. She wasn't speaking the words. She was using her voice to produce the emotions and memory that she wanted to convey. 

Perhaps she could share her own memory in this process for an even clearer understanding, which practically removed the whole 'language' factor from the communication. 

We understand each other with not words as a medium but with the even more abstract thing called feelings.



But this method of communication… 

"Muuuuaaao? Muuuu! Muaaao!"

"Ah, don't apologize. I understand you didn't do it intentionally."

My eyes were tearful and red. One teardrop had also managed to escape my left eye all of a sudden...

She was thanking me sincerely for my help but she unintentionally brought up the memories of my master, the ones that I avoided remembering. 

It caused a burst of emotion that though positive individually, their combination turned those sweet memories into the ones that would break down even the tough ones.

Drops of elixir, when combined, become poison.

'Haaaaa… this method of communication won't go well with the people like me. People who had good memories and a strong desire to erase many of them at any cost.

She might unintentionally cause similar outbursts of emotions that might cause not-so-good memories to surface, and, Cradle will have the most problems dealing with it.

"Come here. Don't worry. I'm alright."

I hugged the tall creature gently since it looked like she was also going to burst out in tears now. 

She didn't mean to hurt me. I had helped her, and her master. Hurting me must be the last thing on her mind but she ended up making me cry… something that happened first time after that incident with her master.

But in this case, she didn't do it intentionally. So I wasn't angry at her at all. 

I hugged her, calmed her down, and used some Solnova to do it. And strangely, she actually perceived the Solnova!

'She's more special than I thought…'

Few beings in this world could perceive Solnova and those are mostly with a close relationship with Sun. 

She, on the other hand, didn't seem to have that close of relation with one particular element of nature, which meant she was a creature with a natural affinity to not just Solnova but many other energies of nature.

'Looks like Cradle and I will have much more to talk about from now on.'

This was a big news. 

If Mirror could actually perceive and control energies of a higher nature similar to Solnova then she might be able to grow beyond what a 'creature' of this nature could.

She was already a humanoid and perhaps in the future, she might just evolve into a complete, unique humanoid being.

'But, it's just a possibility.'

When it came to energies, there were many positive as well as negative ones present in this nature.

We didn't know which one suited her the most yet, but, if she is more comparable with negative and darker energies, then there will be a lot more problems for her and her master going forward.

They will have to face the world and make them understand how she was not some evil creature but instead, one that only looked like one and had abilities similar to ones.

'And, making others believe a creature that looked demonic, and could use powers of the negative spectrum wasn't anything like that actually, would be a far more difficult task than making them understand how one plus one doesn't always equal two.'

Anyway, that was between them. And, we will have fun helping them.

"Take care of her. She's a clumsy one. And you too vice president. Take good care of this pretty one."

"Of course. And I'm not clumsy!"

She certainly was, but I didn't argue with her much. 

The last summoning was done. I don't want to talk about the things that happened afterward since they were a little chaotic, but all in all, we were finished with the first event of our school life. 

Which meant we could now go back and rest for the night and come back tomorrow to start the actual academic lives and, the competition.

'We can go back now, but looking at the smile of my dear fiancée… we certainly aren't sleeping tonight.'

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