Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 621 The last summoning

Chapter 621 The last summoning

[Rein's POV: ]

"I still do not understand everything but you simply mean you can help me with the summoning, is that correct?"

She asked with a doubtful face while looking between the vice headmaster and Eon who were arguing about this whole shit… why don't they just finish things up with a few words so that everyone happily goes home?!

Ughhhhhh! All of them are unbelievable!

"Yes, that is correct. So, let's get going with this thing. Or this partner of mine will explode like a volcano if we delay any longer."

He held my hand to calm my anger a little bit, and thankfully it worked… I really am bored at this point, people!

"Alright then… let's start it right away."

The headmaster's voice was shaky since he could see the anger hidden beneath my calm and 'smiling' face.

The others though were confused since I was so good of an actor. They didn't even catch that I was bored or angry or anything like that. Huuuu, why am I so talented?

"Ok… I will be back in a minute."

He released my hand and went toward the now empty stage with a very dull but not invisible summoning circle. I had no doubt this basted could do what none could with that abundant knowledge of his, like, he and his ability to edit the existing magic circles was unbelievably incredible.

He was the reason I had Clover with me as well so, yeah. He better finish this super quick way and get it over with. I had better things to do with him than watch him being thanked by the same person who had tried kissing me the moment we stepped foot into this academy… not that I was angry at Cradle for that but this whole thing itself was frustrating for me, ugh!

Anyway, he claimed the stage, and the headmaster, as a safety precaution, covered the area around us in a powerful illusion spell and a barrier that I don't think any student or teacher will be able to break or bypass.

"Woah… what is-"

"His partner weapon."

"He had one?"


Some of the others here didn't know about Asta, not that they needed to know anyway. And, Eon had already turned Asta into the form of a normal thin sword that looked as attractive as the original Asta so, those who didn't know about it, were just as astonished as I was when I first saw her.

"But what is he-"

"Just watch everyone."

It was better to just watch what this bastard was doing right now. There were only trustworthy people here anyway so showing them his magical side was no problem at all. So, if everyone was going to ask questions one after another and stretch this thing even more, imma gonna beat the hell outta them.



Thankfully though, after that stern warning of mine, everyone just quieted down and looked as Eon released the stored magic power inside Asta to cover the magic circle beneath him.

He was going to do something similar to what he did when we summoned Clover in my house by using some Acts and Paragraphs of Asta now, but, he will do the edit himself with the Solnova so it's obviously going to be just as eye-catching as it was all those years ago, as well as a month back when we summoned 'that thing'.


"Pretty and amazing right?"

"Yes… it's amazing. Brother Lucifer is even more amazing than I knew."

"Hehe. You haven't seen anything yet Quin. Stay with us forever and you will see even cooler things~."

"Will I see those cool things if I stay with you as well?"

The one that asked was Cradle. And it was a genuine question, though she was asking 'me' and not 'us', but, it was a genuine question. She deserved a genuine answer at the very least.

"You can, but, we can't have what he and I have. Ever. So, I apologize. Being friends is all I can offer, Cradle."

"It's heart-raising when you call me by my name Uriel… but what a pity. I wouldn't have minded being the third wheel if you were going to be there but, welp, being rejected outright once again shatters my heart."

"Haaaa… focus on the stage miss vice president. He's doing that for you. At least be considerate and stop flirting with his wife."

"But you two aren't married yet though, hehe."

"We aren't anything less than a married couple as well miss. It's just that we are planning to do the official marriage ceremony after we graduate from the academy. You will have to be there even if you don't want to, ok? Promise me this in exchange for the help he's offering."

She looked at me with her pretty green eyes that saw deep within mine, the eyes that had seen my true self, and the same eyes that showed her unique lineage and perhaps the reason this whole thing was happening in the first place.

"Hmmmm. Alright, I promise. I will be there, but not for you two, but for you dear. I still wanna be with you, dear. Just don't forget to send me the invitation."

"Ah, of course~."

Quin beside me was blushing while thinking about the things we were talking about and what they actually meant.

She was cute and wasn't that familiar with love and date and partner and stuff, but, she already had a partner she was close with, and though we knew it would take time, those two would be together. I just know they will.

"Something's happening-"

"He's finally starting."

The golden light from Asta had covered the circle and the magic circle that had been mostly a metallic green color in its deactivated state until now was now glowing in gold.

"Perhaps prettier than last time, right?"

[[ Yes master. This one looks even prettier than the summoning circle he edited during the 'request' from the emperor. ]]


The magic circle of the academy, the familiar summoning circle that was one of a kind and a world-level secret that was only passed down to the headmasters of the academy, was now being activated by a student of the first year who had only been a part of the academy for a week.

And, that was just the start.

He activated the magic circle and maintained it with Asta, after that, he called out a large amount of Solnova that only Zoe could actually perceive aside from him and, mixed it with some Mana to give it a visible form that we could perceive.

'And then, he started the magic.'

Like a musician of an orchestra playing the 'Summer' or middle parts of 'Winter', he frantically began to draw lines with his visible energy on top of the already present golden magic circle with such finesse that, just like his every other performance, this one also mesmerized all the audience present in the vicinity.


We couldn't take our eyes away from this mad art. He was just, amazing.

He was tracing the entire magic circle with his own energy while editing the parts that he wanted to edit midway and he was already in a deeper part of the [ZONE] so, I was sure there was nothing other than this whole of the 'process' present for him in this place.

There was only him, his energy, this magic circle of summoning series that had fascinated him to no end, and, the 'tunes'.

'When one enters into the deeper parts of their [ZONE] they start to perceive more than what was present in the surrounding or in this realm.

They start resonating with everything there is around them while at the same time maintaining their own existence in the present realm where they actually exist.

There, things that are unprecedented happen with us as we stay there or go deeper and one of the things that happen while performing whatever task we are performing is the perceiving of the strange frequencies of sounds that come from abstract things like Mana, magic, Aura, steel, swing, grip, or even someone as basic as the 'reality' that we are in.'

[ZONE] is a much deeper concept and I, no, we all who learned alongside him had ever known. And, when it comes to that strange and unknown realm of consciousness, he had achieved far more than even I currently know of.

'Some of those things are 'top secrets' that even I am not allowed to know yet. But, he said he will tell me when the time comes so, until then, I am waiting for that day.'

Right now though, he was in the end stages of his performance and the magic circle that looked beautiful but complex the last time we saw it, was now still beautiful but, far more simpler than what was present right beneath it.

His Solnova covering was white while the golden magic circle underneath it was gold. And, this white-over-gold was looking prettier than the original.

However, the white vanished as soon as he stopped his performance, and right after that, the gold beneath it glowed even more brightly, almost blinding most of us in the process.


But I was fine, and I saw what happened there.

I saw how that magic circle lifted up before eating up the original magic circle beneath it and, when it did, something flew out of it and went directly inside his head.

However, he was fine even after that happened. He looked the same and felt the same as well. I asked Celes and even she said nothing had happened to him so I didn't worry about this… at least until this bastard coughed up a mouthful of blood out of nowhere!


"H-hey! What just-"

"It's fine everyone, he's alright. That happens with him occasionally."

I couldn't help but shake my head with a bitter sigh. This basted pushed himself beyond what we needed in this school. Again. Haaa… fucking bastard.

"At least he finished it. Go Cradle. Go summon something cute."

She was shocked at how he coughed up blood and still was standing and was giving us a thumbs up.

She still didn't know this crazy bastard yet, but I did. And he is a bastard. Perhaps forever will be.


At least though, he was done with his part.

All that was left now, was the summoning of the familiar of a half-blooded being and a strange crossbreed of a race that lived on the blood of other creatures, and a race that was the embodiment of nature and forests themselves.

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