Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 285 Fighting The Giant Ape ( Part 2 )

The changed ape was now even more dangerous than before, not only has dodging his attacks become more difficult but the frequency of his attacks and the sheer unexpectedness of them became higher as well. Jumping around, swinging its fists, using its legs in order to kick them, the ape did all kinds of weird but somehow effective attacks that the party had problems dealing with.

The ape was furious at Reign, not to the point of going berserk or anything of course but it was still furious as the small creature had managed to injure it. Sensing the pain from its back made it remember the most dangerous day of its life, the worst memory it had. It was of course the memory of it charging at a building in Doncaster while a group of the same small creatures were there, the ape had been the most powerful creature in the town for a while and it never sensed any danger from any being inside of it.

After Eldar moved however the creature could feel the gaze of death on it, one attack was all that was needed for Eldar to cut open its tough fur and gravely injure it, it was something that the giant ape hadn't forgotten even after 2 months had passed. Remembering that made the ape angry and in turn, it used one of its skills, in total the ape had only 2 skills that it could use and this was one of them. The skill was a simple one, its body would get compressed which would increase its speed while not sacrificing any defense or attack power, the ape could make its body become even smaller but 18 meters was the limit before the defense and power got affected.

Tank was not able to block all of the attacks now, not only did it become more difficult thanks to the ape's now improved speed, but the way the ape attacked was simply not possible to block each time, for example, if Tank tried to block the ape while the latter delivered an attack from above he would probably get flattened by the ape after the latter hit the ground. The reddish fur of the ape seemingly did nothing as there was no noticeable difference when it came to its defense, thanks to that the party had to resort to using their more powerful skills in order to wound the monster.

​ Laura had used her blood pentagram and sent a blast towards the ape while an enormous wind arrow was right next to the boss, courtesy of Beast who had used the skill hidden inside his new bow. Reign used his [ Severing Light and Darkness ] as it was the most powerful skill he could use right now, the [ Etherial Truth ] might be more effective against the ape, but it was simply impossible to use it right now as the time needed to charge it would be more than enough for the ape to attack him and interrupt it. Tank immediately used his axe's skill and delivered a fearsome slash that cut open the soil in front of it while speeding toward the ape.

Tank was actually a bit confused by the axe, the description clearly stated that the essence of the emperor that once wielded it was still in it, but even after two weeks had passed and Tank had used the axe and skill multiple times nothing had happened yet, there was no test that he needed to pass as stated. He and the others thought that maybe the essence wasn't there anymore, but that made no sense as the system would have notified him about something like that. For now, however, there was nothing that Tank could do but simply continue using the axe and waiting.

Wolf's giant flaming sword came down on the boss with incredible power as he used his [Fire style, Sun Striker ] while Shadow used his [ Darkness Implosion ] right at the left foot of the boss. Greenie was the last one to attack, wielding the giant hammer he simply jumped in the air before slamming it down on the boss from a distance, an enormous hammer made of gold-red mana suddenly appeared above the boss and mimicked the movement of the hammer in Greenie's hand as it slammed down on the ape.




Multiple explosions shook the forest as the attacks landed on the boss, each of the attacks was amongst the most powerful skills that the party possessed right now, and even when they fought the field bosses they were able to deal some solid damage to them after using them. A huge cloud of dust had formed around the boss as the monster was hidden inside of it, Reign and the others didn't wait however as they all launched their long-range attacks at the cloud in order to get some more hits on the boss.

They knew that the boss was still alive as there was no chance a powerful area boss would get defeated as easily as this, there was even the chance that the boss might not even be seriously injured after all of this. Before they could attack however a figure suddenly charged out of the dust cloud, the giant ape was bleeding in multiple places on its body but it was clear that he was still relatively fine as none of the injuries had managed to deal any serious damage to its giant body.

The ape's eyes were filled with hate as it charged at the party, the injuries it had received so far were actually not that bad, but simply getting injured by the small creatures was enough to anger it. The ape was actually not from Earth, it and all of the other apes had been living on a different planet before. Truthfully the ape hadn't even realized that they had all been teleported earlier as it was not only them but the entire jungle they had been living in that got teleported to Earth. After climbing the giant rock walls however the ape was shocked to find that there was nothing around them, it was only later when the ape managed to find the exit that it found itself in the town of Doncaster.

Even during its life on its home planet, there was nothing that had seriously injured the ape, ever since birth, it had been bigger and stronger compared to its peers and in the end, it managed to become the leader of the apes in the jungle with relative ease. After exploring the town the ape was able to confirm that the creatures inside of it were all much weaker compared to it so it simply returned back to the jungle.

It could feel that the mana that shielded the jungle was originating from the office building and as such, it sent all of the weaker apes there, it didn't care if they died or not but even with their meager strength they should be able to defend the area with relative ease.

Meeting Eldar was the first time the ape got injured and felt such pain, it was thanks to that that the black ape from earlier actually even started showing some displeasure with the way the apes were living right now. It wanted to go out and fight, explore the surrounding areas and kill all of the enemies, but the giant ape didn't care for such things, the only thing on its mind was fully recuperating. It didn't even think of setting a foot outside the jungle as it dreaded meeting Eldar again.

Thanks to that more and more apes started becoming restless, food was becoming harder to find and they wanted to go out. They had learned from the apes that went outside that there was a lot of pray in Doncaster and that they could do whatever they wanted to as they were more powerful compared to anything outside.

The situation had become such that the apes would have probably tried leaving the jungle in the following couple of days, the giant ape had become displeased with them and that was the reason why it allowed Reign and the others to kill them in front of it.

After seeing how long it took Reign and the others to kill the black ape the boss was certain that these creatures were no threat to it. Of course, it never realized that Reign and the others were holding back during the fight against the black ape and they managed to surprise the giant ape with how powerful they truly were.

Some parts of the ape's fur were blackened after getting hit by Wolf's flaming sword while at other parts the reddish fur was completely red as it was soaked by the blood flowing out from the wounds. Seeing as how their attacks didn't really do much to the powerful boss, everyone gulped before getting entangled in a fight with it again.

The two skills that managed to deal the most damage were of course Tank's and Beast's. The skills from their perspective weapons were incredibly powerful and were above any they themselves had. Beast's arrow managed to create a half a meter wide hole in the side of the ape's body while Tank's powerful axe slash cut open a 2-meter long wound on its body.

Everybody had their power-ups ready and they could use them at any time, but they truly wanted to try and defeat the boss without them as they wanted to know if they could defeat an area boss of a similar level as them without external factors.

Of course, the weapons skills they used previously didn't count. :P

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