Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 187 Training And Magokur's Report

"Pull your spear back, the second your arm extends to its utmost is when you need to pull it back, your strength lies in the range of your attacks, don't give your opponent time to shorten the distance," Reign says as he pulls Adam up from the floor.

"Too wide, those kinds of attacks are only a viable option if your enemy is completely open or if you are attacking from a blind spot, during a frontal engagement use fast attacks that don't leave an opening, otherwise this will happen," Wolf says as he was holding a sword against a players neck, the player's hands were high in the air as he held his sword with both hands, his intent was to deliver a powerful downward slash in hopes of breaking through Wolf's guard, all that he managed to do however was leave himself wide open for Wolf to step in and attack.

"Yes sir!" The player shouts as he goes back into position.

The same was happening all over the training field that was built underneath the building, the training field was the size of a football stadium, the same size as the building was.

It has been 2 days since the players had joined Reign and the others and started living there, they all had training in the evening and they were free to do whatever they wanted for the whole day before that. Adam and the other players would usually spend their day in the forest before coming back to train, sometimes they would come back exhausted and wounded, but that didn't matter as they still had to train, Laura would heal them up before they would be trained by Reign and the others.

One had to know that Laura and Beast were also training close-range combat with them, Beast would spend half of the training with 3 of the players that used long-range weapons such as the bow and crossbow while the other half would be spent with Reign and the others in close-quarters combat, the long-range players were also not exempted from the training as everybody believed that it would only be beneficial if they could protect themselves in close-quarters, something that Beast had already demonstrated back when he had fought against the possessed Laura in the warehouse.

The training would go anywhere from 1 to 2 hours, during that time the players would barely get any rest and they would fight against Reign and the others while simultaneously doing some basic training such as swinging their swords 200 times in succession and stuff like that.

Even though the training was rough none of them uttered a single word of complaint, how could they, even though it has only been 2 days the results of the training were already visible. During the day they would fight against monsters and they were already seeing results, monsters that were hard to deal with in the past were seemingly a bit weaker now as they had more experience with fighting against different kinds of enemies, not to mention that their fighting styles were also getting more complete after the grueling training.

As expected, Adam was currently the one at the top, the young boy did incredibly well during the training sessions and he was seemingly able to absorb everything like a sponge. Reign and the others were very satisfied with how he was progressing, of course, the others were doing well too and it would only be a matter of time before their weapon proficiencies would rise to a respectable level, after that they would have to progress by themselves as there was only so much that Reign and the others could teach them, everyone had their own fighting style and it was not always a good idea to teach someone everything you knew as that could perhaps limit them from achieving their full potential.

The people in the underground city had already started behaving a bit differently towards Adam and the others, it wasn't to the point where they were bootlicking and prostrating themselves in front of them of course, it was simply a matter of people always smiling at them and always greeting them on the streets. Everyone knew that they were currently residing at the main building and that they were being trained by Reign and the others, as such everyone held them in higher regard as they knew that they would become respectable figures in the future if nothing unexpected happened.

After training everyone went to take a shower and to rest, Reign and the others had all gathered in the living room at the highest floor as Magokur had called Reign.

"So you're saying that there will be no chance to kill the commander soon?" Reign asks Magokur while sitting on the sofa. They weren't bothered very much by what Magokur had said, right now they were all level 37 and they were certain that they would be able to kill the commander without much difficulty.

"Yes, right now most of the orcs have been recalled, it seems that the chief is planning something big soon, I know you guys are strong but, if you were to attack the main base right now you would need to fight over a thousand orcs together with the chief and commander, even if it's you guys it would be almost impossible."

Everyone nods in agreement after listening to Magokur's words, it was true that they were powerful but fighting against so many was still something that wasn't easy, after all, Magokur had already told them that the chief was level 40, his strength was definitely not to be underestimated.

The orcs would be a problem too as there were orcs that had levels ranging from 30 to higher, especially the personal guards of the chief and the commander, those guys were level 35 at the lowest and there were a good amount of elites mixed in them.

"Do you have any idea what they might be planning?" Wolf suddenly asks from the side with a dark face, he didn't like being passive while allowing the enemy to take the first move, luckily they had Magokur who was able to give them inside info.

"Well, judging by how they are all behaving I guess that the chief will either try to attack you guys with everything he has, or he will go after the giant ape, that guy has been quiet ever since you guys took the anchor point, a couple of our orc scouts had also told the chief that they had seen the ape running towards his territory that day while being seriously wounded, the chief didn't want to risk anything back then, but you guys had grown powerful in the last month and he has been growing quite impatient and angry."

"It makes sense, the ape has been wounded back then, your scouts are right about that, I just don't know how much he has recovered since then," Wolf says before leaning against the sofa and closing his eyes.

"Anyway, I don't think that we will be making a move for at least two weeks, I will make sure to give you a heads up if anything changes."

"Got it, just make sure that they don't suspect anything."

"Don't worry, after seeing my wounds after our battle everyone was certain that I and you guys fought with everything we had," Magokur says confidently before ending the call, everyone was left with a serious face afterward.

"What do you think?" Wolf asks Reign with a calm voice.

"It is true that there hasn't been a lot of activity from the orcs in a while, even the players that hunt in the city have said that they hadn't come across orcs recently." Reign puts his hands together in front of him as he puts his head down.

"It could be a ploy you know." Wolf answer while the others all look at the two while keeping quiet.

"I know, but if it is true then we need to be alert, if those guys use the same tactic as before and travel underground before attacking us, the results could be catastrophic."

"We should probably increase our defenses, try to see if there is anything in the territory menu that we can buy or build to protect against underground attacks."

Reign nods at Wolf before checking the territory menu, in it he was able to find a couple of things that could prove useful against such tactics.

Mines that would explode when they would feel foreign mana about 1m close to them.

Mines that would explode after feeling vibrations about 1m away from them.

Detectors that would notify Reign and the others that there were intruders moving underground and more.

They decided to put a couple of the detectors around the building and some mines, the mines would be able to kill a good number of orcs if they were lucky which would, in turn, make it easier for the players.

There was also a speaker that Reign bought, the speaker would sound an alarm when the detectors detect anything moving close to them, the players would be able to respond quickly that way and the casualty rate would be lower in turn.

For now, however, everyone was going to sleep, they had been doing things around the territory and helping the players so they hadn't had the time to hunt for the last 2 days, of course since their levels were quite high right now they didn't think much of it, only the orc chief and the ape were able to pressure them right now and they were still certain that they would be able to kill the chief if they went all out.

Tomorrow was a new day, they were looking forward to going out to the grassland again, or perhaps they would visit the Ironbark Woods and see the elves.

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