Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 175 Killing The Abomination

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Tank blocks the numerous attacks from the abomination, its strength had gone down by a bit because of its smaller body, but its improved speed more than made up for it. It ignored the attacks that were sent its way as it simply attacked anyone that was close by with aggression. After seeing that it couldn't deal with Tank quickly the abomination decided to stop attacking him and went after Beast who was shooting his arrows at it.

Beast was looking at the abomination carefully and the second that he saw that it was actually targeting him he swiftly started going backward while his three summoned beasts stayed in front of him, ready to defend him against the abomination.

The four figures quickly start fighting, the abomination was stronger than Beast's three monsters, even the lion had difficulties when fighting it. Its powerful body and great strength coupled with the increased speed it now had made it hard for the three to deal any significant damage while also needing to take care of themselves as the fierce attacks of the abomination could deal big damage if they connected.

Wolf joined the fight soon, his attacks were able to deal great damage to the abomination now as it had discarded a big part of its defense. Each time Wolf slashed the abomination would do its best to block the attack with its claws, the tough scales it had provided it great defense from Wolf's flames and that was the greatest reason it decided to keep them.

The abomination tried to slip through the four a couple of times and attack Beast who was relentlessly shooting it with his arrows but it was for naught as Tank had joined the battle as well. It knew it had to act quickly, Reign and the others were almost done with their battle and its fate would be sealed once they joined. Suddenly the abomination notices something, there were only four enemies around it, looking around it was able to spot the lion standing next to Beast, with a fierce glint in its eyes it decided to act.

It didn't know why the lion decided to stop attacking it, it was the one that dealt the most damage out of the three beasts around it and it was truly a bother for the abomination. Seeing the chance the abomination quickly charges at Blackie and Fluffy and sends them flying back with its powerful charge before charging at Beast.

It knew that the human was weak in close-combat as it was continuously attacking it from afar, once it came close only one thing would happen. It would kill and consume the human before attacking the others. Looking at the meal in front of it, the abomination sped up as saliva was falling from its mouth, it couldn't wait to consume Beast.

Had it been a bit more intelligent it would notice that Fluffy and Blackie didn't really try to block its charge, nor did Wolf and Tank try to stop it from leaving its position. Alas, the intelligence of an abomination in its current stage was the same as a 3-year-old kid.

​ Beast looks at the abomination and touches the lion as he mutters, "Fuse."

Beast and the lion suddenly fuse into a big ball of light that slowly scatters when the abomination got in front of it, it didn't know what was happening, but it didn't care. With a fierce shout, the abomination attacks the ball of light and destroys it, only to be confused by the fact that nothing was there.

"Below, you idiot." A whisper was heard from below the abomination as it slowly looks down before it could even see its opponent properly it was attacked, its brown fur offered barely any defense, and the skin on its upper body was quickly pierced through. Before the abomination could relent to the attack Beast had already retreated to the side.

A long, blonde hair could be seen swaying in the wind as the muscular figure looked at the abomination. His armor was stretched greatly as his bulging muscles were trying to break free of it. His chest was protected by yellow fur, as were his arms and legs.

Beast was now almost 2 meters tall, his once slim body was now packed with muscles that made him look like a bodybuilder. His armor was too small to cover him and many parts of his body were laid bare to the surroundings, if the armor pieces weren't rank B they would have probably either snapped or dug deep into his skin, luckily because of their rank they were able to change its size and slowly the armor pieces were stretching and covering his whole body.

A thick beard decorated Beast's face as he smiled at the abomination before attacking it. His powerful claws had no problem piercing through the monster, only being stopped by the abomination's own claws. The monster was confused, what had happened to the human and his lion, why was this new enemy in front of it?

Tank and Wolf attacked it from behind, not letting it even think. Beast's new form gave him great physical strength and he was able to fight the monster with them with no problems, his raw strength was almost at Wolf's level.

"Let's see how you will deal with this, you foul thing," Beast says as his arms suddenly get coated by gold-colored mana.

Strength of the King

Beast's strength suddenly increased as he punched the monster's abdomen with fierce power, the abomination was actually forced to slide back a full meter from the powerful blow as blood suddenly came out of its mouth. Before it could do anything Wolf was already attacking it from the side, his sword was shining with a brilliant gold color similar to Beast's. Flames erupt and create a huge sword, the plants around Wolf suddenly start turning into a deep brown color while some combust.

With a loud shout, Wolf swings his sword towards the abomination that tries to dodge by jumping backward. Unfortunately, it was a bit too slow as Wolf's sword managed to cut through its left leg, severing it from the knee. There was no blood coming out of the wound as the flames had cauterized the wound immediately.

The abomination lets out a painful scream as it gets down on its arms that suddenly change. The arms elongate and become slightly bigger, its claws suddenly fall off as they change shape. The abomination's upper body also goes through a slight change as it was now quadruped. The leg that Wolf severed was not regenerated however, it seemed that the wound was truly a big one, was it because the abomination needed to spend a lot of energy to regenerate a lost limb, or did it have to do with the wound being cauterized already, nobody knew.

Beast was in front of the abomination in a second, his body had grown even larger as he was now 2.5 meters tall. His muscles were even bigger while his hair and beard grew longer.

King's Might!

By using this skill Beast was able to attain great power and endurance for a short period of time, it was the same skill that the lion used back when they attacked it. With this new power Beast was able to hold the abomination down by himself while Wolf and the others attacked it without a need for defense.

Unfortunately, the time limit for the skill was 1 minute, while Beast only had 30 seconds left in his new form. During the 30 seconds however they had managed to inflict numerous wounds on the abomination, its right front leg was crushed by the combined attacks of Wolf and Beast while its body was full of wounds that Blackie and Fluffy managed to inflict.

Beast suddenly punches the abomination on the head before pushing it back. Right after that Tank positioned himself in front of him while Beast was covered by a ball of light that splits in two. The lion and Beast get out of the balls, they were panting as they had truly spent a lot of energy during the battle with the abomination that was now looking at them with shock in its eyes.

It finally realized what happened, there was no new enemy that showed up, but two of its enemies actually fused together!

Looking around the abomination could see that its chances of winning were incredibly slim, its body was heavily wounded and it couldn't even run away because of its two legs being useless.

Suddenly the body of the abomination starts falling apart, its legs, its head, all of them suddenly fall off from the body before it explodes in a gory fashion. Blood and flesh fly off everywhere as they paint the gray forest black and red.

Wolf was looking around and he suddenly charged towards one specific lump of flesh that was flying off in a direction far away from anyone else. It was the true body of the abomination, the abomination looked similar to slime, only much grosser.

"Shit, it's too fast!" Wolf curses as he stops, the abomination was truly too fast for him to catch up, unfortunately, even though they had fought for so long, the enemy was going to escape.


Lightning flashes as Reign appears in front of the abomination while Shadow was below it. They both attack it simultaneously as Reign's swords actually manage to pin it down on the ground before he used his lightning to its fullest to fry it dead. The smell of burnt meat was suddenly present in the forest as Wolf looked behind him, the giant snake was dead and Laura and Greenie were walking towards them.

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