Infinite Mana in the Mage Academy

Chapter 73 Quest Completed

I was staring at my notification screen until it disappeared. I didn't know what to do.

"I should just finish the quest." I decided that and again went back to the teleportation circle. I again got teleported to the grassland and I killed the wolves that came at me.

And after 20 minutes, I reached the boss's room. Unlike last time, I was fully prepared. I entered the room and quickly activated my skills.

"Quick speed... Charge... Rage...Magic Barrier...Guard."

My whole body got covered with different layers. It was like a rainbow covered my body. My defense with the defensive suit become too much that I didn't even fear about the boss.

The boss charged at me the moment it saw me, but i didn't move. I stayed at the same place and raised my arm.

"Wind Slash...Fireball...Pillar of swords."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

I continuously used my skill. The boss didn't even get to reach my barrier.

Howl! Its death cry echoed at the empty room. I quickly went near its body and found 2 cores, 1 vitality, and another strength. There was no skill book this time. I was a little disappointed.

I quickly took 2 mana potions from my bag and drank them. My body filled with energy and I again walked towards the teleportation circle and got transported outside.

The moment I got outside, I heard many voices.

"Hey hey, look at the screen." One young guy said to the girl next to him.

"What what?" She looked in the direction where the guy was pointing.

"The Lino's record got broken." Another guy exclaimed.

"What?" Everyone around the area got surprised and they also looked at the screen.

Following their gazes, I also looked at the screen. I saw many names written with a specific time right next to their names.

'Unknown' name was first with the time 22:12 minutes and 'Lino' name was second with the time 25:12.

This was the dungeon clear time. I was at the first, my name didn't get displayed because I used the temporary card which hasn't got registered with my name.

While many people were talking with each other, I again went inside the dungeon and clear it. And after 3 hours, I successfully beat the dungeon 10 times. I have to use extra 5 mana potions and I gained 30+ monster cores and 2 skills.

<Congraultation... You have leveled up to 10.>

<Congrulation... You have completed the quest.>

<Reward received: 1 quest box.>

<Congraulation... You have received 'Weak Dungeon Beater' Achievement.>

<Congrulation... You have reached the required level to unlock the 'Dungeon' function. You have also unlocked the 'Auto G-coins' function.>

I again became confused. But this time, I didn't care much.


[Level: 10]

[Exp: 250/1000]


[Strength: 10 (+120)]

[Vitality: 10]

[Magic: 8 (+80)]

<Skills: G-coin storage, F-Fireball (12%), F-Pillar of Swords (11%), F-Wind Slash (15%), E-Charge (7%), F-Quick Speed (6%), F-Magic Barrier (4%), F-Guard (5%), E-Rage (2%), E-Vision (0%), E-Minor Heal (0%), C-Tornado (0%) >


<Weapons: Fury Staff, Dragon Sword, Bow of Wind>

<Equipment: S-Defensive Armor, Wind boots, Gloves of Magician, Ring of Strength, Ring of Magic, Ring of Wizards, Mana Ring>

<Items: Auto Storage Bag, Storage ring, Hollow Watch, 90 mana potions, 100 health potions, x1Lv 5. Gift Box, x1Quest Box>

<Amulet: Dragon Amulet>

<Quest: 0 remaining, 1 complete>

<Achievements: Weak Dungeon Beater>

<Dungeon Function... Tap here to enter the dungeon interface.>

<Auto G-coins Function... Tap here to enter the Auto G-coins interface.>

I ignored other functions and clicked on the item 'Lv.5 Gift box.'

<Do you want to use Lv.5 Gift box [Yes] / [No]>



<Successfully used the item.>

<Received: x1 random skill, x1 C-rank equipment set, x1 C-rank weapon set, x1 Exp card, x1 skill card, x1 Lv.10 gift box>

My eyes got wide when I saw the reward. My hands were shaking in excitement. My list curved a smile. Without further ado, I opened the quest box.

<Successfully used the item.>

<Recevied: x1 random quest, x1 random stats, x1 random profession, x1 experience card.>

I again opened another gift box.

<Successfully opened the item.>

<Received: x2 random skill, x2 random equipment set, x2 random weapon set, x1 random profession, x1 divine ability, x1 Lv.20 gift box.>

"Oh!" My eyes got full of excitement. I couldn't hold it any longer.

"Yeahhhh!" I shouted at the middle of the dungeon entrance. Many peoples were staring at me but I didn't care and quickly cast my speed spells and quickly reached my hotel.

I immediately enter my room and checked all of the rewards.

I returned to my room and immediately checked my rewards. The rewards are in the system storage. I don't know how but I got that information.

"System Storage!"

I called for the system storage. But it was loading or something like that, so I thought about other things.

The cores and skills dropped from monster are in my storage ring and I don't know why, but they don't get displayed in the items list.

As I was thinking, the window suddenly popped in front of me and startled me.

<System Storage>

<*x3 random skill

*x1 C-rank equipment set

*x1 C-rank weapon set

*x1 Exp card

*x1 skill card

*x1 random quest

*x1 random stat

*x2 random profession

*x1 experience card

*x2 random equipment set

*x2 random weapon set

*x1 divine ability>

The long list of items filled my entire vision. I clicked on all of the lists and used them.

[Congrulations... You have used the items.]

[You received: 3 skills (1 F-rank and 2 E-rank), 5 C-rank equipment, 2 C-rank weapons, 1 E-rank quest, +10 magic stats, Alchemist profession, Blacksmith profession, 5 B-rank equipment, 5 A-rank equipment, 2 B-rank weapons, 2 A-rank weapons, Apprasila Divine Ability.]

[The other items can't be used in this area.]

The whole list of notifications covered my vision as I deleted them all. I grinned. But I wasn't that happy.

"I have already an S-rank equipment set and 3 S-rank weapons that I don't want to use now. Other things are good. I will check them later."

I laid on the bed and only checked some things that caught my interest.

<Auto G-coins Function>

[Use auto mana refill (Uses 1 G-coin per second)]

[Auto magic enhance (Use 2 G-coins per second)]


(The host needs to level up more to unlock more functions.)

"What?" I jumped out from my bed to see these. It was out of my calculations.

I can refill my mana using G-coins then I don't have to use any mana potions and it will make my battle easier as I don't have to worry about losing mana.

I was happy as I used another function.

<Dungeon Function>

[F-rank Dungeon... Click here to enter.]


(Defeat previous dungeon to unlock more dungeon.)

I sighed. I have received so many good things that I could already be invincible.


Overpowered? No, I am still far from it.

"I could easily be defeated by experienced A-rank player and S-rank players."

I need to work hard. I can't only rely on money nor the system. If I don't have any experience in battle then how much powerful I became, someone could still defeat me.

"Now, I could use C-rank skill. I should buy tomorrow."

And with that, I made a plan to beat every dungeon of this city. And after beating A-rank dungeon, I shall go to the lab to get my revenge.

"No, not only the lab."

The lab is only the puppet. The real opponent of mine is the government.

"I shall defeat the government." And after defeating it, I could finally say, I get my revenge.

I became angry at my weakness. Even if I have many advantages, I am still far from the real A-rank strength.

I am not overpowered. I am just over blessed. Overblessed by the god.

"I will use everything to become powerful and I shall become the strongest in the world."

I made a vow to myself. To become strongest, to become invincible.


At the headquarter of the government, a young man carrying a document was running towards a room. He opened the room door and shouted.

"Commander... I have a got a report."

A middle-aged man who have a scar on his eye was sitting in an expensive chair looking at a document. He heard the man's voice and looked at him with cold eyes.

"What report?"

"I have got 2 news. First, we have got some lead on the disappearance of the two S-rank players!!"

"Hmm!!" The man raise his brow and asked. "The disappearance of Albert and Ella?"

"Yes. They suddenly got disappeared in the hidden dungeon."

"Hidden Dungeon?" The man stood up and reach towards the guy and grabbed the documents.

"Yes, the dungeon which power couldn't be measured, the scientist named it the hidden dungeon." The guy pointed at a line of the document. "This dungeon power couldn't be measured even with our current technology. The scientist has made the assumption that this dungeon would be an SSS-rank or even stronger dungeon."

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