Infinite Mana in the Mage Academy

Chapter 64 Conquered The Dungeon




As Roel cast telekinesis, an invisible force hit the creature making them fly and hit the wall. The creature hit the wall and broke down into pieces, dispersing into the surrounding.

As one creature dispersed, another appeared at the gate again walking toward Roel.

The process was like a water cycle. Roel couldn't help but let out a small breath.

He ignored those sports and looked at the gate.

Should I destroy that? Or, should I destroy that big thing?

He looked at the boss, watching the battle as if it was some kind of show. Roel changed his target and raised his hand at the boss.

An invisible force trapped the boss, but the force shattered as it moved. Roel felt the aftershock of his skill forcefully canceling, and got pushed ten steps back.

But he didn't stop. He used super strength and used wind control. Super strength to fight the boss, and wind control to make a force that pushed him from behind increasing his speed.

In some seconds, Roel decreased the distance between him and the boss. With the skill super strength, Roel formed a fist. The fist is directed at the boss with the intention to shatter him into pieces.

Of course, the boss wasn't fully materialized like the minions. So, physical attacks were futile. Roel's fist pierced the boss's body but couldn't give it damage.

Roel glanced at the boss's body. He searched for the brightest source of light inside its body. The source that gives the brightest light would be its core in which the boss can maintain its form and is alive in a sense.

But no matter how much he searched, he couldn't find the core.

The boss also didn't stay idle and let Roel search for its core. The boss scattered its body and appeared behind Roel.

The body was transparent and also could be clipped in. The body was going to consume Roel, drowning him in the invisible energy.

Just as Roel's body filled with the energy that not only pressed him down but also made him suffocate.

Roel's eyes were opened and could look outside. The minion spirit also known as the skull spirits were staring at him with joy on their face.

On the other hand, Roel who was going to die didn't panic. He was calm as a turtle. He looked up and down searching for the core.

After searching for 10 seconds, he found a source where the light shone more brightly than the rest. It was the place where the core was resting.

The size of the core was so small and the light it produce only affect an extremely small place, it was hard to find.

Now that Roel found it, he immediately used wind control. The fast-moving skill blew the energy from Roel's face giving him a breath. He again used wind control and blew the energy from his hand.

Since his hands were free, he didn't waste a second grasping the core.

The boss's face changed. His expression turned grim and he roared. He tried to hit Roel with its energy, but Roel just used wind control to control the air around him.

Energy also flows in the air, so it wasn't that hard to blow the energy away. The boss's face sloemned.

Roel crushed the core.


The boss's body exploded. The energy scattered and the gate located at the corner of the room stopped glowing.

The remaining energy in the room was mixed up. A transparent blue door formed near the door. The shut door opened and the scenery of the forest flashed.

Roel sighed. He was disappointed. He couldn't help but walk outside the dungeon arriving at the forest empty-handed.

Yeah. He didn't get anything from the dungeon.

That's why these dungeons are abandoned since they can't provide resources.

But there was something he gained from this battle. He gained experience.

[Ding! Congratulation on defeating your first monster]

[Ding! Congratulation on killing Skull Spirts]

[Ding! Congratulations on killing your first boss monster]

[Ding! Congratulation on conquering your first dungeon]

[Calculation of total experience from these trips: *****]




[Ding! Total 1112 experiences obtained]


[Level: 1 (⇡) ]

(Copied skill will have 1/3 of the original power)

[Skills: (Telekinesis - F), (Wind Control - F). (Fire Master - E), (Heal - F), (Super Strength - D)]

[Copied Skills: None]

[Blessing: Copied skill's power may surpass original.

(x1, x10, x50, x100) (Due to low level, it is extremely rare)

[Copy Condition: As long as you make skin contact with the user for some time.]

(Depends on the skill level, minimum 2 min)

An up arrow symbol was on the level. It sure meant to make him level up.

Roel didn't think much and touched the up arrow.

[Ding! Congratulation on leveling up for the first time]

[Ding! You have leveled up to 2]

[Calculation rewards: ****]


[Instant Copy Card]

(A card that can allow you to copy any rank of skill instant. Advice: Use it on high-rank skills)


[Level: 2 (⇡)]

(Copied skill will have 1/3 of the original power)

[Experince; 1012/1000]

[Skills: (Telekinesis - F), (Wind Control - F). (Fire Master - E), (Heal - F), (Super Strength - D)]

[Copied Skills: None]

[Blessing: Copied skill's power may surpass original.

(x1, x10, x50, x100) (Due to low level, it is extremely rare)

[Copy Condition: As long as you make skin contact with the user for some time.]

(Depends on the skill level, minimum 2 min)

"I could level up again."

[Ding! You have leveled up to 3]

[Calculating Reward: ****]


[Copy Time Decrease]

(Your skill copying time has decreased by 1 second)

One second...

It looks little, but Roel accepted it. It's not like he can do anything else.

He drank water from a water bottle and ate his lunch that was put inside the bag.

The bag wasn't used that much, and all the equipment inside was unused.

He thought it would take some hours to defeat the dungeon, but he didn't expect it to end in 2 hours.

The sun was dimly shining. He looked at the watch on the mobile.

[5: 04 PM]

It was evening, and if he hurried up, he would catch the last bus that would leave the station at 5: 10.

He used wind control to speed up and arrived at the bus station in 5 minutes. His mana was 89% used.

Tiredness filled his body. He only wanted one thing, that is to go home and sleep peacefully.

And, so he catch the bus, returned home, and slept.

Before sleeping, he checked the date of the superhero academy admission time.

1 week was left.

One week went by in a flash. Roel practiced his powers and earned some experience and the day went by like that.


[Level: 4]

(Copied skill will have 1/3 of the original power)

[Experince; 2490/5000]

[Skills: (Telekinesis - F), (Wind Control - F). (Fire Master - E), (Heal - F), (Super Strength - D)]

[Copied Skills: None]

[Skill Control: D]

[Blessing: Copied skill's power may surpass original.

(x1, x10, x50, x100) (Due to its low level, it is scarce)

[Copy Condition: As long as you make skin contact with the user for some time.]

(Depends on the skill level, minimum 2 min)


Wearing a black jacket and black jeans pant, he exited the building.

A gust of wind passed by his cheeks, the blazing sun shone above the sky, the hustling and bustling of people in the street, and sounds of chiles passing by. Roel passed by the everyday lives of the people.

He arrived at the bridge. The bridge was pretty high and the water below flowed rapidly without thinking of stopping.

A girl sat on the edge of the bridge swaying her feet in the air. She was pouting while murmuring something to herself.

Her clothes were pretty ordinary. She was wearing a blue skirt with a white t-shit. Her hair was left open that floated with the air.

Roel's eyes fell on her, but he ignored her since he didn't have time for her. He pretty much passed by her. Just as he moved a little further away, an angry voice sounded from behind.

"Hey, you!"

Roel didn't stop.

"Hey, you black jacket!"

Her voice became louder. As the word black jacket flung on Roel, he stopped and looked behind.


He pointed at himself with a confused face telling what the hell does this girl want in his heart.

"Yes! You!"

Her voice was filled with anger.

'Did I kill her family or something? Why is she mad at me?'

Roel thought but walked toward her.

"Yes? What do you want?"

Roel's voice was cold and emotionless.

"What do I want? Didn't you see a pretty girl like myself sitting on the edge of the bridge going to commit suicide?"

"Pretty girl? Going to commit suicide? Where is she? I didn't see her."

Roel looked here and there searching for that girl.

"You!" Her cheeks puffed like a puff fish.

"Yes." Roel ignored her puffing cheeks and asked with a tilted head.

"I am that girl. A pretty girl troubled by the world going to commit suicide. Don't you have a heart? Can't you just comfort me?"

"... Why do I have to comfort you?"

"What if I commit suicide? Won't it be a waste for a beautiful girl like me to die?"

"I don't think so. There are many beautiful girls like you. So, it won't be a waste. Go and jump from the bridge. You have my luck."

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